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Tag "US Imperialism"

Russian Foreign Ministry Is Concerned About Political Persecution in the United States

February 4, 2021 Moscow intends to hold a ‘serious conversation’ with Washington about the stars and stripes allegations of unauthorized actions in Russia. The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova spoke about this at a briefing. The American authorities, according to their words, will not be able to “divert public views, public opinion from their own problems” with their unbridled attacks on the Russian Federation: “We mean to

USA – Most Aggressive Military Power in the World. Those Who Have Friends Like That Don’t Need Enemies (Sahra Wagenknecht)

Translated by Dagmar and subtitled by Leo. Original German description in English: Trump had “threatened” for a long time and now actually wants to withdraw 10,000 US soldiers from Germany. German armaments spending is too low, the US president rumbles, the United States is no longer willing to “provide our security”. The German defense minister, Kramp-Karrenbauer, pleads guilty that it would be a lot of effort to upgrade. Unfortunately, that’s

American Mercenaries Soiled Themselves In Failed Venezuela Coup (Ruslan Ostashko)

Translated by Sasha and subtitled by Leo. For anybody wondering why there are two links, we are trying to get into the habit of posting videos on both YouTube and Dailymotion. Since the subtitle process is different on Dailymotion than on YouTube, it may take a while to perfect it. Over 1,200,000 infected, 70,000 dead by COVID-19, food shortage – the US has serious problems. But the democracy peddlers from

Letter to my American friends

Introduction by the Saker: During my recent hurricane-induced evacuation from Florida, I had the pleasure to see some good friends of mine (White Russian emigrés and American Jews who now consider themselves American and who fully buy into the official propaganda about the USA) who sincerely think of themselves as liberals, progressives and anti-imperialists. These are kind, decent and sincere people, but during our meeting they made a number of

The Empire Files: ‘This Ship is Sinking’ Says Former Bush Official

U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson (Ret.) is the perfect example of what I call the “Old Anglo Guard”, i.e. the product of the pre-Neocon US Anglo imperialist culture.  He completely fails to see how “his people” gave birth, so to speak, to the Neocon takeover of the USA.  Still, he clearly hurts at the sight of his country, which he also sees as an Empire, going on its last leg. 

The Obama’s decree: what’s behind it?

By Franco Vielma Source: Legal issues about Obama’s decree declaring Venezuela an “unusual and extraordinary threat” are expressions of purest imperial colonialism that has characterized the USA foreign policy. Following the usual practice of old (and decaying) empires, Barack Obama has sent for Congressional approval a legal decree – as if this were a matter of domestic policy – declaring Venezuela to be a threat to the internal security

Three fronts for Russia: How Washington will fan the flames of chaos in Central Asia

by Ivan Lizan for Odnako Source: Три фронта для России: как Вашингтон раздует пламя хаоса в Средней Азии Translated by Robin   U.S. Gen. “Ben” Hodges’ statement that within four or five years Russia could develop the capability to wage war simultaneously on three fronts is not only an acknowledgment of the Russian Federation’s growing military potential but also a promise that Washington will obligingly ensure that all three fronts

Saker interview with Nebojsa Malic aka “Grey Falcon”

Today I want to do something which I have not done in a long while: interview somebody by email and give that person the space to fully answer.  For those interested, in the past I did that with Mizgin (Kurdistan), Roger Tucker (One Democratic State), Taimur (Indian Kashmir), Gilad Atzmon (Palestine), Joel Bainerman (Israel), Uri Avnery (Israel), Jonathan Cook (Palestine), Joel S. Hirschhorn (USA), Anticapitalista (Greece) and Scott Horton (USA). 

The tip of the immense iceberg of US diplomatic stupidity now spotted off the Chinese Pacific coast

written specially for the Asia Times Do you remember President Clinton ordered two US aircraft carrier battle groups into the Strait of Taiwan in 1996 to “send a message” to China?  Well, it appears that Barak Obama, the lame duck spineless multi-humiliated and multi-defeated President of the US of A just had a surge of testosterone and decided to provoke China yet again by mocking its decision to extend its
