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World SITREP October 2nd, 2016 by Baaz

World War III       The US will exploit non-diplomatic options in the war with Russia ‘Russia will continue to send troops home [from Syria] in body bags’ – US State Dept   Pentagon chief outlines preparations for nuclear war with Russia, by Bill Van Auken The thrust of Carter’s speech was a defense of the Pentagon’s proposed $348 billion plan to rebuild Washington’s so-called nuclear triad of strategic bombers, missiles

A Russian warning

We, the undersigned, are Russians living and working in the USA. We have been watching with increasing anxiety as the current US and NATO policies have set us on an extremely dangerous collision course with the Russian Federation, as well as with China. Many respected, patriotic Americans, such as Paul Craig Roberts, Stephen Cohen, Philip Giraldi, Ray McGovern and many others have been issuing warnings of a looming a Third

5 Reasons Washington Has Already Decided to Go to War with Russia

by Peter Lavelle for The Duran The writing would seem to be on the wall – Washington and its stenographers union (better known as the west’s mainstream media) are all fired-up and strategically positioned. The War Party has ascendancy and the window of opportunity is wide open, though slowly closing. The long desired wish to tame Russia is now in its final stage. “American Exceptionalism” must subdue any real or

As Our Past Wars Are Glorified This Memorial Day Weekend, Give Some Thought To Our Prospects Against The Russians And Chinese In World War III

by Paul Craig Roberts source: The Saker reports that Russia is preparing for World War III, not because Russia intends to initiate aggression but because Russia is alarmed by the hubris and arrogance of the West, by the demonization of Russia, by provocative military actions by the West, by American interference in the Russian province of Chechnya and in former Russian provinces of Ukraine and Georgia, and by the

“And then we have the third World War…“ -Former Commander of GDR Army warns of a military escalation in Europe

A Former Commander of GDR Army warns of a military escalation in Europa in the face of the crisis in Ukraine. A conversation with Horst Stechbarth, a former colonel general of NVA, the armed forces of GDR that were dissolved 25 years ago. From 1972 until 1989 he was deputy minister of defence and commander of the army. He celebrated his 90th birthday on April 13. Interview: Peter Wolter Translation:

Europe Beware! – WWIII could destroy Europe for the third time in a Century

by Peter Koenig Washington is hell-bent on a war with Russia. It is part of the PNAC (Plan for a New American Century) to take over the world. After Russia, China would follow. That’s the plan. China is being encircled as we speak. Never mind that Russia and China have recently concluded a pact, a close financial and military alliance – which to defeat will be next to impossible. Unless
