[This analysis was written for the Unz Review]
Last week saw what was supposed to be a hyperpower point fingers for its embarrassing defeat not only at Venezuela, which successfully defeated Uncle Shmuel’s coup plans, but also at a list of other countries including Cuba, Russia, China and Iran. It’s is rather pathetic and, frankly, bordering on the comically ridiculous.
Uncle Shmuel clearly did not appreciate being the laughingstock of the planet.

Eviction notice of the USSS
And as Uncle Shmuel always does, he decided to flex some muscle and show the world “who is boss” by…
… blockading the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, DC.
But even that was too much for the MAGA Admin, so they also denied doing so (how lame is that!?)
Which did not prevent US activists of entering the embassy (legally, they were invited in and confirm it all).
Now the US Secret Service wants to evict the people inside the building.
So much for the CIA’s beloved “plausible deniability” which now has morphed into “comical deniability”.
If you think that all this sounds incredibly amateurish and stupid – you are 100% correct.
In the wonderful words of Sergei Lavrov, the US diplomats have “lost the taste for diplomacy“.
But that was not all.
In an act of incredible courage the USA, which was told (by the Israelis, of course!), that the Iranians were about to attack “somewhere”, so Uncle Shmuel sent two aircraft carrier strike groups to the Middle-East. In a “daring” operation, the brilliant USAF pilots B-52 bombers over the Persian Gulf to “send a message” to the “Mollahs”: don’t f*ck with us or else…
The “Mollahs” apparently were unimpressed as they simply declared that “the US carriers were not a threat, only a target“.
The AngloZionists apparently have also executed a false flag operation to get a pretext to strike Iran, but so far this seems to have gotten rather little traction in the region (so far – this might change).

Lavrov reacting to the latest US threats
Now let’s leave this “Kindergarten level of operations” and try to make some sense from this nonsense.
First, while the American can pour scorn on the Iranians, call them ragheads, terrorists, Mollahs, sand-niggers or confuse them with Iraqis or even think that Iranian are Arabs (as, apparently, are the Turks, at least by the US common standard of ignorance), but the truth is that the Iranians are world-class and most sophisticated players, especially their superb analytical community. They fully understand that a B-52 anywhere near the Iranian airspace is a sitting duck and that if the Americans were planning to strike Iran, they would pull their aircraft carrier far away from any possible Iranian strikes. As for the B-52, they have long range cruise missiles and they don’t need to get near Iran to deliver their payloads.
In fact, I think that the proper way to really make the Iranians believe that Uncle Shmuel means business would be to flush any and all US ships out of the Persian Gulf, to position the B-52s in Diego Garcia and to place the carriers as far away as possible to still be able to support a missile/bomb attack on Iranian targets. And you can bet that the Iranians keep very close tabs on exactly what CENTCOM aircraft are deployed and where. To attack Iran the US would need to achieve a specific concentration of forces and support elements which are all trackable by the Iranians. My guess is that the Iranians already have a full list of all CENTCOM officers down to the colonel level (and possibly even lower for airmen) and that they already know exactly which individual USAF/USN aircraft are ready to strike. One could be excused to think that this is difficult to do, but in reality it is not. I have personally seen it done.
Second, the Americans know that the Iranians know that (well, maybe not Mr MAGA, but folks at the DIA, ONI, NSA, etc. do know that). So all this sabre-rattling is designed to show that Mr MAGA has tons of hair on his chest, it’s all for internal US consumption. As for the Iranians, they have already heard any and all imaginable US threats, they have been attacked many times by both the USA and Israel (directly or by proxy), and they have been preparing for a US attack ever since the glorious days of Operation Eagle Claw: they are as ready as they can be, you can take that to the bank. Finally, the terrorist attack by the USN on a civilian Iranian airliner certainly convinced the Iranians that the leaders of the AngloZionist Empire lack even basic decency, nevermind honor. Nevermind the use of chemical warfare by Iraq against Iran with chemicals helpfully provided by various US and EU companies (with the full blessing of their governments). No – the Iranians truly have no illusions whatsoever about what the Shaytân-e Bozorg is capable of in his rage.
Third, “attacking embassies” is a glaring admission of terminal weakness. That was true for the seizure of Russian consular buildings, and this is true for the Venezuelan embassy. In the real (supra-Kindergarten) world when country A has a beef with country B, it does not vent its frustration against its embassy. Such actions are not only an admission of weakness, but also a sign of a fundamental lack of civilization.
[Sidebar: this issue is crucial to the understanding of the United States. The US is an extremely developed country, but not a civilized one. Oscar Wilde (and George Clemanceau) had it right: “America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between“. There are signs of that everywhere in the USA: from the feudal labor laws, to the lack of universal healthcare, to absolutely ridiculous mandatory criminal sentences (the Soviet Penal Code under Stalin was MUCH more reasonable and civilized than the current US laws!), to the death penalty, to the socially accepted torture in GITMO and elsewhere, to racial tensions, the disgusting “food” constituting the typical “SAD” diet, to the completely barbaric “war on drugs”, to the world record of incarcerations, to an immense epidemic of sexual assaults and rapes (1/5 of all women in the USA!), homosexuality accepted as a “normal and positive variation of human sexuality“, 98 percent of men reported internet porn use in the last six months, … – you can continue that list ad nauseam. Please don’t misunderstand me – there are as many kind, intelligent, decent, honorable, educated, compassionate people in the USA as anywhere else. This is not about the people living in the USA: it is about the kind of society these people are living in. In fact, I would argue the truism that US Americans are the first victims of the lack of civilization of their own society! Finally, a lack of civilization is not always a bad thing, and sometimes it can make a society much more dynamic, more flexible, more innovative too. But yeah, mostly it sucks…]
By the way, the USA is hardly unique in having had degenerate imbeciles in power. Does anybody remember what Chernenko looked like when he became the Secretary General of the CPSU? What about folks like Jean-Bédel Bokassa or Mikheil Saakashvili (this latter case is especially distressing since it happened in a country with a truly ancient and extremely rich culture!). And while we can dislike folks like George Bush Senior or James Baker – these were superbly educated and extremely intelligent people. Compare them to such psychopathic ignoramuses like Pompeo, Bolton or Trump himself!
So this latest US “attack” on the Venezuela is truly a most telling symptom of the wholesale collapse of US power and of the moral and intellectual bankruptcy and lack of civilization of the Neocon ruling elites.
The big question is obvious: will they attack Venezuela or Iran next?

NYT’s so-called “anti-Semitic” cartoon. Pretty accurate if you ask me!
In the very first article I ever wrote for my blog, as far back as 2007, I predicted that the US would attack Iran. I still believe that the Israelis will never cease to try to get the US to do their dirty work for them (and let the goyim pay the price!). What I am not sure about is whether the Israelis truly will have the power to push the USA into such a suicidal war (remember, if Iran cannot “win” against the USA, neither can the USA “win” against Iran – thus Iran will win simply by surviving and not caving in – which they will and they won’t). The good news is that US power has been in sharp (and accelerating!) decline at least since Clinton and his gang. I would even add that the last two idiots (Obama and Trump) did more damage to the US power than all their predecessors combined. The bad news is that the collective IQ of US leaders has been falling even faster than US power. We can hope that the first will hit zero long before the second, but there is no guarantee.
Truly, nobody knows if the US will or will not attack Iran and/or Venezuela next. The Neocons sure want that, but whether they will make it happen this time around or not depends on so many variables that even the folks in the White House and the Pentagon probably don’t really know what will happen next.
What is certain is that the US reputation worldwide is basically roadkill. The fact that most folks inside the USA are never told about that does not make it less real. The Obama-Trump tag team has truly inflicted irreparable damage on the reputation of the USA (in both cases because they were hopelessly infected and corrupted by the Neocons). The current US leaders appear to understand that, at least to some degree, this is why they are mostly lashing out at “easy” targets like free speech (on the Internet and elsewhere), Assange, the Venezuelan Embassy, etc. The real danger comes from either one of two factors:
- The Neocons will feel humiliated by the fact that all their threats are only met with indifference, disgust or laughter
- The Neocons will feel buoyed by the fact that nothing terrible happened (so far) when they attacked a defenseless target
Either way, in both cases the outcome is the same: each “click!” brings us closer to the inevitable “bang!”.
By the way, I think I should also mention here that the current state of advanced paranoia in which the likes of Pompeo point their fingers left and right are also signs of terminal weakness: these are not so much ways to credibly explain the constant and systematic failures of the Israelis and the Americans to get anything actually done as they are a way to distract away from the real reasons for the current extreme weakness of the AngloZionists.

2006: The people of Lebanon celebrate the victory which turned the tide of AngloZionist imperialism
I concluded my last article by speaking of the terrified Venezuelans who refused to be afraid. I will conclude this one by pointing at the first instance when a (comparatively) small adversary completely refused to be frightened even while it was the object of a truly terrifying attack: Hezbollah in 2006. Even though they were outnumbered, outgunned and surrounded by the Israelis, the members of the Resistance in Lebanon simply refused to be afraid and, having lost the fear too which so many Arabs did succumb to before 2006, they proceeded to give the Israelis (fully backed by the USA) the worst and most humiliating thrashing in their country’s (admittedly short) history.
I urge you to read al-Sayyid Hassan’s famous “Divine Victory” speech (you can still find the English language transcript here and here) – it is one of the most important speeches of the 20th century! – and pay attention to these words (emphasis added):
We feel that we won; Lebanon won; Palestine won; the Arab nation won, and every oppressed, aggrieved person in this world also won. Our victory is not the victory of a party. I repeat what I said in Bint Jubayl on 25 May 2000: It is not the victory of a party or a community; rather it is a victory for true Lebanon, the true Lebanese people, and every free person in the world. Don’t distort this big historic victory. Do not contain it in party, sectarian, communal, or regional cans. This victory is too big to be comprehended by us. The next weeks, months, and years will confirm this.
And, indeed, the next weeks, months and years have very much confirmed that!
Any US attack on Iran will have pretty similar results, but on a much, much bigger scale.
And the Iranians know that. As do many in the Pentagon (the CIA and the White House are probably beyond hopeless by now).
Conclusion: good news and bad news

Finally some meaningful discussions between the two nuclear superpowers!
The good news first: Pompeo and Lavrov had what seems to be a meaningful dialog. That is very, very good, even if totally insufficient. They have also announced that they want to create study groups to improve the (currently dismal) relations between the two countries. That is even better news (if that really happens). Listening to Pompeo and Lavrov, I got a feeling that the Americans are slowly coming to the realization that they have an overwhelming need to re-establish a meaningful dialog with the other nuclear superpower. Good. But there is also bad news.
The rumor that the strategic geniuses surrounding Trump are now considering sending 120,000 troops to the Middle-East is really very bad news. If this just stays a rumor, then it will be the usual hot air out of DC, along the lines of Trump’s “very powerful armada” sent to scare the DPRK (it failed). The difference here is simple: sending carriers to the Middle-East is pure PR. But sending carriers AND 120,000 troops completely changes that and now this threat, if executed, will become very real. No, I don’t think that the US will attempt to invade Iran, but 120,000 is pretty close to what would be needed to try to re-open the Strait of Hormuz (assuming the Iranians close it) while protecting all the (pretty much defenseless) CENTCOM facilities and forces in the region. Under this scenario, the trip of Pompeo to Russia might have a much more ominous reason: to explain to the Russians what the US is up to and to provide security guarantees that this entire operation is not aimed at Russian forces. IF the US really plans to attack Iran, then it would make perfect sense for Pompeo to talk to Lavrov and open channels of communications between the two militaries to agree on “deconfliction” procedures. Regardless of whether the Russians accept such deconfliction measures or not (my guess is that they definitely would), such a trip is a “must” when deploying large forces so near to Russian military forces.
So far Trump has denied this report – but we all know that he suffers from the “John Kerry syndrome”: he wants better relations with Russia only until the Neocons tell him not to. Then he makes a 180 and declares the polar opposite of what he just said.
Still, there are now rumors that Trump is getting fed up with Bolton (who, truth be told, totally FUBARed the Venezuelan situation!).
As for the Iraqis, they have already told the US to forget using Iraqi territory for any attack. This reminds me of how the Brazilians told the US that Brazil would not allow its territory to be used for any attacks. This is becoming a pattern. Good.
Frankly, while an AngloZionist attack on Iran is always and by definition possible, I can’t imagine the folks at the Pentagon having the stomach for that. In a recent article Eric Margolis outlined what the rationale for such an attack might be (check out his full article here). Notice this sentence: “The Pentagon’s original plan to punish Iran called for some 2,300 air strikes on Day 1 alone“. Can they really do that? Yes, absolutely. But imagine the consequences! Margolis speaks of “punishing” Iran. 2,300 Air strikes in one day is not something I would call a “punishment”. That is a full scale attack on Iran which, in turns, means that the Iranians will have exactly *ZERO* reasons to hold back in any way. If the AngloZionists attack Iran with 2,300 air strikes on Day 1, then you can be sure that on Day2 all hell will break loose all over the Middle-East and the AngloZionists will have absolutely *NO* means of stopping it.
This will be a real bloodbath and nobody will have any idea as to how to stop it.
And you can be darn sure that the Iranians will show much more staying power than the imperialists, if only because they will be fighting in defense of their country, their faith, their liberty, their friends and their families. To expect the Iranians to cave in or surrender in any way would be the most stupid notion anybody could entertain.
Could they really be THAT stupid in Washington DC?
I don’t know.
But what I do know is this: any such attack will be extremely costly and very, very dangerous. Obviously, the Neocons don’t give a rats ass about costs, financial or human. They just want war, war, war and more war (remember McCain’s “bomb, bomb, bomb – bomb, bomb Iran“?). But the Neocons are only a tiny fraction of the US ruling elites (even if the most powerful one) and my hope is that the sane elements will prevail (which, indeed, they have so far).
As for right now, we are still okay. But if the US actually start sending large forces to the Middle-East, then all bets are off.
The Saker
is seems: the stronger the grip of Zionism on US Government, the lower the collective IQ of that government and greater dependence on bluster, direct threats and blatant thuggery (as opposed to the traditional surreptitious threats and thuggery).
When you go for too long when the adoption and evangelical preaching of an ideology overpowers such traits like ability and judgement when it comes to promotion, reward and advancement, then you can expect traits like ability and judgement to disappear from the top levels in favor of those who’ve adopted and preached the ideology.
After all, its been spouting the correct ideology that has gotten these people their promotions ever since their parents first bribed their way into an elite college.
This is what happens when you try to build a society based on the principle of every man for himself, and every migrant that came to these shores (save the slaves and the aboriginals) was on the make from day one. They were generally the most ambitious, acquisitive and aggressive individuals already in their home countries, sometimes with power and fortune but more often without these things, before they made the long sea journey to these shores. They were like the Crusaders of earlier centuries who nominally invaded the “Holy Land” to save it from “infidels” but planned to get rich along the way and made sure they pillaged and looted the Byzantine Empire before arriving on the arid plains where Jesus walked. To the warmongers back then and the neocon warmongers today, “freedom” means the right and the opportunity to con or extort some other guy for all he’s got. “Democracy” is the fictional societal structure under which the victimizing is licensed. The Vikings, Huns and Mongols did no different, they were just more candid about their chosen occupation: they were “raiders” and proud of it.
Any system/institution need a certain amount of capable staff in it. If you staffed it with right/politically correct people over the certain threshold then the degradation starts.
What we are seeing now in the west and in the vassal states is the consequence of primacy of right people over capable ones. That makes job of those who struggle to keep things afloat much harder.
But being capable still does not make u good. If an institution is guided by the principles of barbarism and you work to uphold it, it still makes you and the ensuing results barbaric.
It boils down to cultural and educational level. Second one is obvious but the cultural one is not so. If your culture only accept destruction or total submission of the others you are a barbarian not a civilized people/society and propagate a might makes right attitude. When the wheel of history turns and you are not so mighty any longer, expect vengeance to be exacted upon you from those who you destroyed,tortured,… If those who you destroyed,tortured,raped,… can muster the heroic strength to try to break the wheel,setting aside their vengeance, how can you be so blind not to see it and accept it? How can you not understand that these people hold back the tide of vengeance at bay? Has it ever occurred to you that they try to save the multitudes from the wave of retribution that is inevitable in the might makes right world? How can you be so blind not to see that these people work to usher a new era? One more beneficial than this cyclical bloodbath.
If you seek shelter from vengeance in arrogance, you will not find it there. If you seek it in supremacy,you will not find it there. Things that can shelter you from vengeance is humility from yourself and forgiveness from us.
We are so tired of collateral damage caused by retribution used as a pretext to start a cycle anew, how can you not see it?
The Saker mentions:
If you think that all this sounds incredibly amateurish and stupid – you are 100% correct.
It seems that the US elite is smart enough to calculate the risks of attacking Iran. However, the questions is, what happens when the US elite becomes even more stupid and corrupt in the coming period or years?
The stupidity, arrogance and corruption in the US on all levels is only snowballing and increasing ever more. All this while they have the keys to a whole bunch of nukes……
There is one attribute that overpowers all others in selection for and promotion in the US ruling class-total loyalty and subservience to Israel and the ever-demanding Israel First Lobby in the US. The same pertains in all other Western states, with increasing ferocity, and it is ALL due to straight money power.
during my 8 or so years spent in LA – I met and befriended several of such members of the ruling class (friends of Hilary,Jane Harman – the congresswoman … sons and daughters of former Attorney Generals, wealthiest US families etc).
I was quite surprised to see how little they know, how uneducated, lacking confidence etc …I unintentionally exposed one such billionaire heiress – the fake degree she has from USA’s top uni (when I introduced her to another friend – one of America’s best and most famous architects – it turned out that they studied there at the same time they enrolled the same year and are same age – he then told me he never saw her before not even once = therefore she got her degree there because her family paid for it (there is a library with their name at the campus etc). She then stopped telling everyone she was an architect (probably due to embarrassment) . I did this completely by accident and unintentionally – imagine how many others have also bought their degrees.
No wonder they have no idea what they are doing. And no wonder they are so insecure, often addicted to drugs etc …alcoholics…
I met a few others whose parents were the most senior people of some of world’s most famous companies – they also overdose – one of them died from too many drugs (I inherited his dog – we were neighbors – while he was alive everyone was kissing his ass yet when he died – nobody wanted his little Norwich Terrier – I was happy to adopt him he is still with me). Nobody even mentions him now that he is dead – I noticed that in the US – everyone kisses your ass if you are wealthy and famous – as they try to get as many things from you as possible. Then when you die – nobody will ever mention you – as if you never lived. There is very little honor and loyalty in the US.
All this so called ruling class knows is how to kiss ass to their insecure, uneducated parents (who did the same with their parents previously – so to inherit their money)…
This was a big surprise for me among many (i.e. the biggest one was realizing that most Americans are cowards – I don’t think I have ever met anyone brave while i lived there)…
I live here and I’m from LA 1%. Sounds about right.
I don’t think that the Zionist grip on the US Government can be any stronger than it is now. Don’t forget that the US is a Zionist creation. George Washington was a free mason under Rothschild’s control. The US Fed is a Rothschild’s institution, which controls the US dollar. Both Hussein and Gadaffy wanted to discard the use of the dollar. The US, under Zionist control, removes both. Also, both Iraq and Libya are rich in oil. This leaves Iran, rich in oil and gas. It has announced it’s intention of joining the Euro-Asian Economic Union, which no doubt would strengthen the Union immensly. The US fleet now appears close to Iranian waters.
Will the US attack Iran ? Remains to be seen, as it will depend if rational people in the Pentagon prevent this. However, The Saker is correct. To the Zionists US losses mean nothing, as the servicemen in the US military are expendable.
If the US does attack, what kind of an attack will it be ? A conventional attack, the intent being to invade Iran ? Impossible, as the US at the moment does not have the troops for such an operation. A surgical attack, Iran being attacked by cruise missiles and perhaps combat planes, the intent being to destroy strategic targets ? Very much possible. However, Iran can do the same thing. It will all depend which forces inside the Pentagon have their way, rational or irrational. We shall see.
I am not to believe one bit Israel controlls America, it is the other way around. Why has Britain and America been so successful in their foreign policy and unjust wars? They are far from their enemies. Are we to believe the route of the rot is surrounded by its enemy the remedy in the middle east? We are being led to belive it is all coming from Israel so that when nukes are fired in retaliation it hits tel aviv first not London, not Washington. Thus you can effectively sustain little damage and fire your nukes into their headquarters while they nuke the headquarters toilet. We all know without London and Washington Israel is nothing how we are to belive without tel aviv London and Washington is nothing is astonishing.
The argument that you use, has been part of a standard inventory with regards to different subjects including 911. The fact of the matter is, that one does not need to control every single aspect of life within usa to be in control. One could also simply ask the queston, what the usa gets in return for its, as they like to declare it at AIPAC, eternal and undying political, military and economical support for israhell. The fact of the matter is, that to deny the israhelli power in usa, is to deny the sun. One has to be deaf and blind not to see the israhelli control of the usa foreign policy. Nowhere else in the world politicians stand in line to kiss the behind of israhell, when there is an election to be held. It is becoming farcical.
There have been written enough books even by jews with regards to the israhelli lobby in the usa, so much so, that it is ridiculous to even try to argue for its existance. The jewish strategy has always been to migrate to the ruling superpower of any time in human hsitory and repeat their purim. It is the story of the cuckoo´s nest over and over again. How else will you have jewish blood in the royal families of Europe?
Whether or not they are authentic, The Report From Iron Mountain and The Protocols, is of no consequence, our lives are a living proof of their influence.
If I may suggest you read the mentioned and The jewish revolutionary spirit by E. Michael Jones.
Your argument regarding the relation between britain and usa on one hand and the israhelli on the other side is self explanatory. It is like asking why you need air to breath! That is why it is called influence!
The fact that usa also needs israhell as its destablizing force and a fortress in western asia, does not make the usa and israhelli relation two sided or symbiotic.
If I may suggest you take a look at this too:
thanks Minute by Minute – I appreciate your comments and your links – the Norman Dodd link is wonderful – Edward Griffin is the guy that wrote the book about the Creature of Jekyll Island
If you haven´t read it, it is worth your time. It is huge though.
With regards
As you say, whether or not they are authentic, is irrelevant.
1984 and brave new world are officially fiction, yet, they are being used as manuals for a long time now.
The same happens with the protocols (I’m not familiar, with the iron mountain, will read it soon), it does not matter if it was fiction or hoax or predictive programming. The true is that each and every single protocol is being used, and everyone can see the results.
If you don’t think Israel controls the Yew Ess Ayy, just watch all the 30 Shekel Whores in Congress jumping up and down like trained seals to give Nuttyyahoo thirty standing ovations every time he breaks wind. The Yew Ess Ayy is Israel’s bitch. End of story.
I should apologise to the seals. I used to work at a zoo and they are charming creatures, totally unlike the critters in Congress.
Bibi to congress : “You work for me …. ” — https://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/03/21/bibi-to-congress-you-work-for-me-and-dont-you-forget-it/
The other way around? That’s laughably absurd. But, thank you for indicating to us where your true allegiances lie… I’ll be sure to disregard anything else you post here in the future.
I sincerely doubt there is anything truly Moroccan about you, either. You “perception management” types are a tiresome lot… and not nearly as opaque as you think you are.
Daniel 8…
Trump is the king of the south
Russia is the descendent of the greek shaggy goat
War comes for eschatologiical purposes
The red calf
So you think Russia would stay on the sidelines while Iran got blasted?
I think Russia would work assiduously to stop the US massive attack. Not intervene, but take every step it could possibly do to prevent this war.
The US buildup would become the largest global topic, and protests would appear everywhere. It would be bigger than the protests pre-Iraq II.
Russia and China and the non-vassal states would cooperate to offset the US military.
I believe they would fly in to Iran massive defense weapons and material. Experts would be there to assist.
During the buildup, Israel would become a certain target for rockets and missiles promised by Iran and Hezbollah to be launched when the US launches its attack.
The penalty for the US will be loss of several cities in Israel; Haifa and Tel Aviv will be badly impacted.
No proudful country, strong or weak, will just absorb another criminally insane American attack.
America can light the fuse, but the explosions will be everywhere the Hegemon has planted its fascistic flag of war.
I think many in the US fascist government understand that “nationalism, sovereignty and resistance” are fuel for counterstrikes to its hegemonic war-making. They are trying to control the billions of people who refuse to kneel before American-made chaos and dominance.
Russia and China will make the most of the opportunity.
The war the US gets is not the war it is planning for.
This is why they are very tentative toward Venezuela, paralyzed by North Korea, spastic about China, and convulsive over Russia. They know they will be dealt a ruinous outcome if they attempt to fight these nations.
All the while the dumb American citizens think they are number one, exceptional and deserving of unipolar hegemonic rule of the planet. The few that know otherwise are timid to explain the truth to their family, friends and neighbors.
Have to agree I read where there was a high level meeting between Russia,China and Iran on that issue, and I can’t see Russia wasting all the treasure they have spent in the Mid-East,not to count all the good will they have created going clear into Africa and throw away on any agreement that they know will never be kept.Np Putin is waaay to smart to fall for anything coming out of Washington.!
You say: ” The few that know otherwise are timid to explain the truth to their family, friends and neighbors.”
I would say that the situation is rather thus: ” The few that know otherwise are truly tired of repeatedly trying to explain the truth to their willfully uncomprehending, deeply propagandized family, friends and neighbors.”
And then there are those who simply walk away from the red-white-and-blue insanity and leave the USSA to live elsewhere.
The brainwashing is a major factor. We have somewhere between one and two generations in the West of totally brainwashed and globalized zombies. Just the other day I was watching a video of a political lecture given by Greek Political Science professor, who, while being in London, said to his audience: “imagine my thoughts when I get asked by young Greeks “what does Ethnicity mean?”, and I ask myself what country am I in? Am I in Greece?”
This basically sums up your comment.
Richard is right!
I have told so many of my friends and family about the hegemony and no one believes. Friends I have on the left and right are clueless.
What is my recourse. I am seriously considering permanently leaving the USA in the next 5 to 10 years, and moving elsewhere.
Another great article by Saker! Much love to you my friend and glad you are doing better.
probably wise if you reconsider your moving date from 5 to 10 years to yesterday…….!!!
Richard , in from Brazil and here it is the very same.
Except for a few friends working for the “Hegemon “, no ones knows nothing and I’m the crazy guy that read crazy stuff over the internet.
They fell safe by the TV.
Lets see how #1 they are once they begin to get drafted, if like rats deserting a sinking ship turns into violence on the streets, there wont be enough force to collect up the draft evaders.
The other option is too simply walk the plank like a good sheep and defend your failed beliefs. With today’s mentality, i’m not certain which road they will choose if it comes to that.
Actually a draft would be the greatest option we have to bring the chicken hawk public out of their stupified state. It is one thing to blab the obligatory “thank you for your service” excretement I hear all the time, it is quite another thing to be faced with the possibility that their own precious, spoiled rotten, Iphone zombified offspring might have to be put in a position to have their own blood spilled. I know it is a war dependent economy but things would start to change dramatically as there would be open rebellion otherwise. Israel and the Elites may think they own Congress(and everything else), but those maggots would make the biggest turnaround in history when it dawned on them that their own children and grandchildren could actually be at risk. I believe the American people could still stop this insanity if they cared to, and they don’t even have to understand what all is going on, but of course they don’t, and won’t unless it starts to pinch their own arses or those of their progeny. At this late hour, it is probably too late, but wow, to think of a draft and the absolute pandemonium that it would cause. I can but dream.
“The few that know otherwise are timid to explain the truth to their family, friends and neighbors.”
This is because the fuquing “free press” invariably portrays them as feeble-minded commie-loving traitors. This is because both major parties have made warmongering the central dogma of their political ideology and the duty of every loyal American. The neocons have not been the first to play the patriotism card to gin up their wars, but having personally lived through the history of every bloody conflagration America has perpetrated since World War II, I can say that the current day psychotics have most perfectly succeeded in forcing virtually every citizen into a consummately synchronized goosestep. Our goosestep is perhaps even more lockstep than that of the Aryan high-steppers of 1939. Our hegemonic ambitions are much greater than those of der Fuehrer himself.
Larchmonter445…. Your comments are always deeply knowledgeable and insightful, but regards your last paragraph, I have tried waking up friends, family & acquaintances many times, and have been looked at like I’m nuts, asked if I’m ‘okay’, been called a Putin lover, an Assad lover, been called a Russian troll (online) been called an anti semitic and a ‘jew hater’ on and on. I’ve even directed them to sites like here, Moon Of Alabama, The Greanville Post, Information Clearing House, Strategic Culture, etc. I’ve even handed over printed articles about the Empire. Nothing. Zero. Its all basically ignored. They don’t want to know, and they don’t care. Anything to protect their middle class creature comforts and shopping binge and overseas holidays. Its a really screwed up World Larchmonter. At least we here know the truth.
I think is some evolutionary form of cognitive dissonance.
Clearly, to accept such a contrasting (to their former beliefs) view, would require to accept they where duped before hand. And, internal guilt feelings prevent them on doing so.
” At least we here know the truth.”
You are being spoon fed lie, after lie, after lie.
The Russians are supplying the Saudis (allegedly Iranian foe and certainly one to the Houthis) with S400 and thermobaric MLRS.
There is no multi-polar world but, on the slim chance there is, it’s no better than the one ran by the “Anglo-Zionist” empire.
No worries, these “Saudi” deals are merely Yemen supply deal, with a little maskirovska ;)))
Anonymous: “The Russians are supplying the Saudi’s with S400 and thermobaric MLRS”. First I’ve heard of this, can you verify this? Also, regards being “spoonfed lie after lie after lie” I regard this site along with Moon Of Alabama, The Greanville Post and few others as being completely trustworthy, honest, and calling it like it really is. Also another word I’d use is ‘integrity’. Unlike the mainstream media. Why do you come here then Anonymous?
Regarding the serious possibility of Russia supplying Saudi with S-400’s, one must bear in mind that they are strictly a defensive weapon against air attack. Insiders are saying that the Saudis have been selling crude in RMB for months now, and least one forget, the petrodollar was built on the back of Saudi sales solely in dollars. It is considered a fact the when Kissinger set up the petrodollar, he gave them the choice of accepting it or being invaded by and then occupied by the marines and then accepting it. I think that if the Russians choose to sell them to the Saudis, it will be as a defense against US threats of air attacks as Saudi leaves the dollar. As with Turkey, Putin is always thinking 5 moves ahead.
Gezzah, I’ve noted for decades the refusal to face facts. Colleagues of my father, journalists dedicated, ostensibly, to ‘the Truth’, losing all composure when the reality of Israel is described, and particularly when that ‘self-hating Jew’ Chomsky is mentioned. Reflexive, racist, condescension and contempt for China, the world’s dominant civilization, one way or another, for most of the past three thousand years. Dumb incomprehension when the inevitable outcomes of ‘neo-liberal’ capitalism ie increasing inequality, burgeoning debt, the rise of the ‘working poor’, utterly unpayable mountains of debt and ecological carnage are outlined etc. Particularly when quoting old Marxian economists who were 100% correct in their predictions, while the neo-liberals were almost universally wrong, a fact they still deny, even as they go to their graves.
That last, the ecological destruction, is the killer, of course. I sort of understood that we were going to destroy ourselves by devastating Life on Earth at high school, but always refused to acknowledge human auto-genocide as a reality, and clung to the good old magical thinking that we would ‘muddle through’ somehow. However the sudden appearance of the anthropogenic climate destabilisation denial industry, and its ferocious advocacy by the Right and cancers of disinformation like the Murdoch soul and mind infestation, destroyed that dream world. The triumph of the Right, the destruction of socialism, the treachery of scum like Hawke, Keating, Blair etc, and the maniacal drive to destroy all Nature and turn it into dead, dull, dreary ‘wealth’, sealed our fate, most certainly twenty years ago (the Millennium seems an appropriate time for the End of the World, a somewhat drawn-out process in human terms, to commence), although one could argue that the Industrial Revolution of 200 years ago and even the Agricultural Revolution were also sign-posts to our ineluctable fate as well. IF ONLY we had not been beguiled by the liars, hypocrites and greed-mongers with their Siren songs of ‘prosperity’ and ‘freedom’. But that is all moot now-the hour is getting late and we must cease talking falsely and face our Fate with stoicism and acceptance.
Mulga…. Thank you for your words, and the truth of the World, and the truth about Neoliberalism and the truth about slime like Hawke, Blair, Keating, the lot of them… All slobbering apparatchiks for the Anglo Zionist Empire. Siren songs of ‘wealth and prosperity’ pretty much sums it up. There’s no massive uprising coming to save our skins. The vast majority in the West are too brainwashed, too busy shopping, and don’t give a toss about anyone but themselves. Appreciate what you say.
I seem to remember that one of Hawke’s first actions, when elected in 1983, was to cut Austfailian contributions to UNRWA, the relief agency assisting the villainously oppressed Palestinians. Hawke was a typical ‘philosemitic’ Sabbat Goy, but his immense ego seemed to make him actually believe that his ‘friends’ saw him as a fellow being. The very definition of a ‘useful idiot’, he was an anti-racist in most places, but not when his precious ‘friends’, like the crook Abeles were concerned. One of the compensations for yesterday’s predictable triumph of lies, greed, stupidity, viciousness and hatred in yet another election farce cum debacle, is the removal of that US ‘confidential source’ and prime Sabbat Goy stooge, Shorten, from the Labor leadership. Worse, inevitably, will follow.
I totally agree. An American attack on Iran would provide an opportunity for it’s chosen adversaries and victems that they could not afford to ignore. So while I agree that Russia would provide Trump plausible deniability, they’d be all doing the maximum to exploit the opportunity. And as an int’l logistics specialist I can provide some fact that’s not typically discussed. Because of the current systems in place in the Western world, namely JIT or just in time logistics, just a little destruction of infrastruture would bring society to a screeching halt. Especially in Saudi-Israhell. Countries like Iran and NK that have perfected a Siege Mentality over decades know this quite well. Many thanks to you and the Saker for these insights.
Rule #1. Trump is bluffing. He always is. This is standard Trump real-estate bully negotiating tactics.
Thus, the answer to whether Trump will attack Venezuela or Iran is neither. Trump is bluffing. In both cases. Trump thinks that having a loud, aggressive neocon foreign policy appeals to his republican voters. In the case of Iran, it is also acting in favor of his partners in crime in theocratic states of Israel and Saudi Arabia. But Trump has no intention of launching an attack.
We’ve already seen this with the freak show in Venezuela. I think the Bard wrote a line once about great sound and fury signifying nothing.
And interestingly, if the target was really Iran, then they wouldn’t want the Venezuela freak show as it would be a distraction from their run-up to a war against Iran. If they were really wanting a long build-up to a war and the associated propaganda, they wouldn’t suddenly switch attention to the other side of the world. That only confuses the brainwashing. And in terms of military capability, the very first message Trump would get from the Pentagon is “Pick one operation, because you can’t do both.”
And consider, military action against either Venezuela or Iran would leave the US military so overstretched that the other would be off the table. And consider that both cases are likely to see any case where the Americans temporarily declare Mission Accomplished turn into long occupation and counter-insurgency wars that would likely last a decade, then if the Americans choose one, the other is off the table. Thus, when Trump suddenly veered from Iran to Venezuela, it showed both to be pure bluff.
Rule #1 … Trump is bluffing.
Or in this case, he’s making a big noise about Iran at this very moment to avoid the massive embarrassment that should follow Trump and Bolton’s Venezuelan Adventure.
We can hope you are correct. After all, he did pull his punches in Syria, suggesting he really did not want an all-out war there. In the case of Iran, I don’t think he can even risk posturing with a token salvo of cruise missiles as he delivered to Damascus. The Iranians, though not suicidal and ready to shoot first, are probably on hair trigger and even an American feint would light the powder keg. Trump may not want such an outcome, but how to prevent some loose cannon in his administration, like Bolton or some vainglorious general, from precipitating it?
More likely, in my opinion, is a Zionazi false-flag attack, like 9/11, their greatest triumph so far in their drive to obliterate all their ‘enemies’ (that’s all of us goyim, in the end, I’m afraid). You have to always recall that inside Satan-yahoo’s twisted psyche their dwells a golem composed entirely of hatred and the lust for blood. Satan-yahoo is not interested in ‘protecting Jews’- he lives to kill and destroy. Any interruption to his life’s work only produces great psychic tension and the craving to sate his diabolical impulses. He is the Ted Bundy of geopolitics.
It is a comforting thought that ‘Trump is bluffing’. If only he didn’t show so many indications of having neocon tendencies. We see this in his great love for Israel and the military and military industrial complex. We see it in his remark “what happened to “to the victor go the spoils””. Or his reported statement that they should go to war with Venezuela who is in their back yard and has all that oil. This is the guy who said the troops are all coming home from Syria and coming home quickly because the only reason we were there was to defeat ISIS and now we have. And then in the next breath, we find that, no, the troops will be staying. This is the man who, when asked about deploying 120,000 troops said he would do it but it would be a much larger number.
You are forgetting an important element in all this. The plan, revealed by General Wesley Clarke to overthrow 7 countries in 5 years. Clearly, we have been in the midst of this ‘plan’ for quite a number of years. The plan itself goes back to at least the early ’90s and was supposed to have been all wrapped up long ago. They did not expect any interference from Russia. Clearly, the ‘plan’ is still active and Iran is the next big target on the list. It should be obvious that these war criminals have not worked on this for so many years, having instituted or got away with a good percentage of it, to now just walk away or not try to push through to completion. They do prefer to use proxies and the power of laying siege or embargo to bring countries to their knees. They are doing that with Venezuela and Cuba and Iran. But they won’t wait forever, and laying siege has its own risks of leading to the final stage of open conflict with the hegemon. If it comes down to countries having to give a naval escort for their tankers and cargo ships to protect them from the empire of pirates, there will be a confrontation at some point. It is what pirates do.
Mr Trump has a Christian soul.
So far we have seen him appease his Jewish sponsors while rearranging the chessboard.
He does not want to be responsible for war.
He wants to save the soul of his country.
His war mongering predecessors are about to be arrested.
The wrath of God.
If Trump is a ‘Christian’ then what was the Nazarene? I rather think that neither Trump, nor Pompeo nor Pence represents a true follower of that fellow.
Rule # Zero-Trump is a puppet of the Zionazis, and will do as he is told by Kushner, Netanyahu, Adelson or one of their Sabbat Goy hench-things like Bolton, Pompeo and Pence.
As the USSA collapses, and the collapse is visible on many fronts, the question is whether the Pentagon will decide to lash out with massive military force while it still can, on a use it or lose it basis; or will it forego a last spasm of military excess and let its vast arsenal rust in peace?
Remember, back in the early Trump days, the Pentagon generals came out and very clearly said that they would make up their own minds as to whether an order from Trump was ‘legal’ and stated clearly that if they thought so then they would refuse to carry out the order. The issue of the day was over an order to launch nuclear weapons as the Blue Team was claiming Trump was crazy and might send a missile instead of a tweet at 3 am.
But it is wise to remember what the military said at that time, and the principle could easily be extended to starting what the military feels to be a hopeless war. They’d certainly have a basis that they could get a lawyer to sign onto as it would be just as illegal as every other US war since the war the Russians call the Great Patriotic War. The US constitution clearly says that it takes a formal declaration of war by the Congress to get America into a war. Of course, the US military doesn’t really care about that, but I it is there for a Pentagon lawyer to put as the reason as to why the military just told Trump where he could stuff that order.
Well, it seems we have a British General partly reprising the role that Admiral Fallon played in stopping the previous serious attempt to initiate war on Iran. Hopefully there will also be others who grow some balls.
How good is Iranian air defence? Have they finally received S-300s & integrated them? Does anybody have any accurate information about Iran’s fighters?
Iran received the S-300s and they are integrated with their other systems. They were offered the S-400 too, but decided to develop “their own”. I know they want to develop their own weapons industry, but this system could provide them high level integration with “other nations”. Turkey, Syria/Russia, and soon, Iraq will join the club, as is India, and China has theirs and tested it with a spectacular result.
The potential for a very wide network of S-400s, S-300s, the end of this year’s S-500s and scores of Pantsir-1Ms and Pantsir-2s as well as EW systems is soon approaching for most of Eurasia-ME-NE Asia.
It would not be shocking if Russia “provided” S-400s and hardened all the Iranian systems, especially the EW and Communications systems. Iran is part of the “soft underbelly” of Russia. It’s the strategic geography that must be protected.
Hezbollah only had MANPADs in 2006.
If the US attacks Iran, it will be very similar to the Israeli attack on Lebanon.
But at a much, much bigger scale.
Iran has air defenses. But they won’t be crucial to the outcome.
The Saker
Iran does have an integrated air defense for decades. The work on the system began way back during the war with Saddam. The iranian counterpart to the S-300 called Bavar has already been tested in Syria. Iran is producing a variety of air defense system. Even the iranian S-200 systems are completely modefied and digitized. The only thing left from the original Soviet S-200 is the exterior. Iran also produces its own copy of other western and eastern systems including a lot of Manpads. What I would like to see Iran produce, is our own version of the Pantsir.
Iran boast of 5 different battleproven layers of communication, which was used during the 2006 war with Hezbollah. And as the israhelli themselves have admitted, they could not affect the system.
With regards to the airforce Iran lags behind. Our best planes are F-14 and Mig 29. We have highly opgraded F-4 and F-5. All are armed with indiginous weaponry and upgraded radars. Our biggest problem in the past has been jet engines and we are now capable of producing it too, as shown with the Kowsar jet, which looks on the outside like the american F-5 but is fitted with up to date electronics and radars. I am sure you can still find american pilots praise the f-5 capabilities on the net. There is a reason why many nations have produced some sort of F-5 inspired planes. Kowsar is a trainer and close combat ground support plane.
It may sound as outdated technology, but the fact of the matter is, that we have been forced to do, what it has taken the west almost 300 years, in just 40 years. We have shown during the war with Iraq, that we are capable of using what we have to the outmost efficiency and even hold some world records in areal combat against some of the most advanced planes of the time.
Our Ghaher 313 which is doing tests is a very low flying ground and anti ship plane. It has been ridiculed on the net, because of its small intakes and small size, while it is know, that no nation builds the 1:1 sized from the scrach. Last I heard Ghaher will begin flight tests in a year time.
We have though compensate for our lack of planes by using missiles and drones and we have a collection of captured american drones to prove it too. But we do need fighters and there have been rumors of purchase of Su-30 as some kind of multirole plane from Russia.
Thank you all for your responses.
This link basically claims that nothing productive ever gets done, because there is too much rivalry between IRGC and regular military:
Is it true that Russia offered the Su-30 to Iran, but the Iranian government could not get their act together?
I also read many years ago from Western press (unfortunately) that Russia was suing China for copyright infringement on Su-27/J-11. Are the J-11s compatible enough with Russian systems, such that China could give them to Iran via Russia in the event the USA attacks Iran?
China has managed to copy a few russian planes. They have been given the planes with a chinese promise of big purchase in return, which the chinese have negated using the planes they had recieved for their own production. That is why the russians said, that they would sue China. I am sure, that the chinese are more willing, when it comes to sales of military equipment to us than russians. No need to go through russia.
Iran does not wish to be dependent of any country and they have insisted on the production of the SU-30 in Iran. There is also the economic problems, that Iran is facing, which makes it hard for Iran to purchase expensive equipment form other countries. As far as I know Iran already has chinese built Mig-21s.
When it comes to rivalry between The IRGC and the regular military it has been a blessing for Iranian armed forces.It has forced them to prove themselves and better themselves. They not only work together but also produce equipment for each other. Naturally we see from time to time, that there are disagreements, which usually are initiated outside of the armed forces. For example there are a lot of traitors in the iranian parlament and funny enough these socalled representatives of the prople set thing off between the two.
But both the regular military and the IRGC are today ideological institutions and the iranian army truely shinned during the Saddam war. You would have a hard time believing the things they did during the war. You would think, that I am making it up!
Our beautiful leader, whom I truely love, and our military commanders have always said, that our greates strength is neither our missiles, planes nor our subs. They keep telling the west, that our soldiers are our greatest weapon, but people in the west do not understand the magnetude of it.
I was trying to find a video of an iranian general sitting on a tank and crying and asking God to let him die on the battlefield. I am sorry, but I couldnt find it. It is really touching. He got his wish fighting against ISIS. Our soldiers courage is unmatched in the world. How can the americans possibly win agains people like that! Believe me when I tell you, that if my Imam tells me to climb Everes barefoot, I will do it. And if I reach the top of the mountain alive and he asks me to jump to my death, I will do it. Because I believe in the purity of his heart. We are Shia, death to us is what water is to its inhabitants!
With regards
Rightly or wrongly China always tries to be everybody’s friend, and would thus want the option of selling its Su-27s/J-11s to Iran via Russia. If J-11s are compatible with Russian subsystems, this would simplify training & logistics. By going through Russia enroute to Iran and crediting the sale to Russia, it would allow China to transfer its old Su-27s & J-11s to Iran without “offending” the Anglo-Zionist empire. (Not that I agree with this approach.)
Be that as it may, I think Russia & China should accelerate production of Su-57 & J-20s, and transfer their respective Su-27s to Iran. This would help bolster Iran’s defences, while buying time for the Iranian government to reconfigure its economy towards Eurasian Economic Union & New Silk Roads.
Wow….. what courage the Persians have!!
I have no doubt they would kill the LGBTQxxx+ queer soldiers fighting them
Minute By Minute’s discussion of the jet combat aircrat in Iran’s inventory made me curious to see some of them in Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) colour schemes. You may be interested, too.
Grumman F-14 Tomcat
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG29 Fulcrum
Northrop F-4 Phantom II
Northrop F-5E Tiger II
Daussault Mirage F1BQ
HESA Sa’eqeh (Thunderbolt) – second generation of the Iranian Azarakhsh fighter
Larchmonter, your response gives me some hope that Iran would have meaningful assistance. I know Israel and the US intend to destroy the Iranian government, infrastructure and culture. They are demonic.
Please know that I am not timid in defending the countries that we are going after. In fact I am the opposite now, as I have no friends left to deliver the truth too, very few family members care and my neighbors drive trucks with the USA flag in the back. No one listens, very few care. I can only live with the knowledge, in this country it seems futile to spread the words of truth. It will change only when war comes here. Real war.
Your not alone!!! None of my friends and family care, we were having wings last April and they were happy about the trump cruise missile strikes!!It’s hard to help someone that doesn’t want to be helped.
But your are not alone. Let’s just put the “tinfoil” hat on and enjoy the ride.
The 4 remaining guests in the Venezuela embassy that were arrested today were not charged with trespassing; they were charged with “interference with certain protective functions”. The US is lawless, adolescent and insane.
Thank you for the great article, so full of useful analysis in deciphering the emerging Kafkaesque degraded empire.
We must acknowledge that the ‘leadership‘ of the empire is ever increasingly decision-incapable, thus any ostensible co-operation must be considered in the context of this measurable decline during the current era.
In the context of the dissonance between the ‘leadership‘s words, and the ‘leadership‘s actions, the only thing that we know for sure is that… we don’t know.
But as indicated in the article, Iran, and quite likely the senior players in the axis of resistance, are making logical and pragmatic preparations for a broad range of alternative scenarios.
One can expect that if the empire attacks Iran (in particular), then the imminent collapse of the empire, and the massive power-vacuum that it will certainly create, will certainly be of considerable concern to the resistance planners.
After containment of course, which, combined, Russia and China can do (as much as a psychotic executive command structure of the most nuclear-armed nation-state on the planet can be contained); but one would speculate a series of maneuverable hyper-sonic missiles and the equivalent economic weaponry will be ready, as it needs to be*.
* see definition for ‘pragmatism‘
Best wishes to the empire’s ‘serfs’, it would be easier to form large popular, politically-able organizations to try to … change the course, now, but people are too stressed out and the present and immediate threat of imperial retribution is an understandable deterrent.
Talk talk talk and no walk. Forgotten is the overall picture.
Washingtons and Trumps agenda (the Bankers) strategy is global energy dominance.
Third nations to be bombed and US occupied to the stone age, and Pentagon controle all energy and energy transport to the rich world.
In this context it doesn’t matter whether Venezuela give up sooner or later. The most important for now is for US to sabotage and controle Venezuelas energy&oil export.
The same for Iran. The sanctions, the sabotage, false flags are to exhaust the entire Iranian population. The Air/Carrier Group are to further contain, obstruct and controle Irans oil export.
Economic strangulation as seen during centuries, and strategic containment and controle of the global energy transport and consumption (Smart Grid, Electr cars, AI, robots, Internet of things, m.m.).
As Khamenei says, “there will be no war”!
Seems no one expects the US to attack Iran which is great for sure that people want to think that but what about the ‘deal of a century’ coming to a screen near every one of you in the next few weeks…with Macron’s l version arriving on the scene shortly thereafter.? Deal of the century equals carrier strike groups surely.? Deal of the century equals turmoil on would think.
Marginalisation of Iran and the abondonment of the Iran nuclear agreement is about trying to force Iran to accept the deal of the century. The deal will include eschatological waypoints and triggers embedded within it resulting in holy war.
No doubt that sakers analysis is correct, but there is one important aspect of any usa conflict, that is missing.
The americans have been destroying nation after nation, killing millions upon millions, destroying lives of billions of people all of the world without suffering any consequenses. They destroy entire nations while they themselves go on living, going to work, drinking their coffe at their favorite caffe or watching their destructive power on tv as if it was a pc game, cheering for their soldiers. That is if not using death and destruction as a means of making a name for themselves or putting one more star on their shoulders. Why not?! After all what have they to fear except being invited to more parties, more champagne or a clap on the shoulder for a job well done and more power!
When I was 15 years old I went outside of our house and made a promise, that if they dig up my bones a 1000 years from now, they will scream, that I will never forgive the americans. I said these words loud, so that I could hear myself saying them! What punishment can possibly be fitting all the death and destructions they have brought upon this world. That punishment is yet to be concieved by mankind! I dream of the their cities burning to ashes and I hope to be alive to see them suffer and find no mercy, as they have done to the poor people of this world. Only when they suffer the same pain and misery, only when see their own homes destroyed, only when their loved ones are blown to pieces, only when they have to find pieces of their children from the rubble, only then, maybe then they perhaps be able to find some humanity and stop. The fact of the matter is, that if it was an eye for an eye, they would all go blind!
As it is now it is their way of living!
Karma will be visiting soon, this year hurricane season is meant to be the worst ever, the San Andreas fault lines are ticking daily at the ages, this is a 100 year cycle and is due to wake up.
Well….. I’m glad there’s some good news here. Sort of. Thanks Saker for your detailed and nuanced analysis. Much appreciate coz where else are we going to get this? I’m still puzzled why the Oil Tankers false flag in the U.A.E went so quiet? Why weren’t they screaming to the heavens? Cooler heads prevailed in Washington? Its completely nuts what is going on. From Venezuela one week to Iran the next. I feel like I’m on a Ferris Wheel, and the engine broke down and I’m stuck at the top. And the Operator went home. And yeah, I feel fearful about this situation. The Anglo Zionist Empire is lashing out willy nilly. Obviously Bolt and Netanyahu want Iran destroyed. At what cost? As you pointed out, it will be an absolute bloodbath, and no one will know how to stop it. And if Shaytan e Borzorg does start sending 120000 troops towards Iran, we can do nothing but pray. It’ll bring us almost to the End. Very scary.
Another factor is this third temple business. Remember Pompeo being shown the model of the third temple they hope to build on the Temple Mount site? I think that this Sanhedrin temple is located underground near or below the site where they want to build their third temple, so really pushing relations with muslims.
These are potentially explosive issues that may be triggers for larger conflicts.
If the Talmudist Zionazis were sane they would work out some way to have a new Temple built near the al-Aqsa Mosque, so Jerusalem could indeed be the Holy City of all three Abrahamic religions. But that is not how they are built, is it? Theirs is a cult of hate, just like its cousin Wahhabism.
thanks Saker – great article – greatly reassuring actually…my respect for Iran grows everyday
Tulsi Gabbard send strong message to Donald Trump — The US must not go to war with Iran
She is CFR member. I wonder if anyone here can explain why this ‘anti-war’ posing but also CFR membership…
I agree with homosexuality being a normal and positive variation on human sexuality, but I agree with you about everything else.
Thanks for this great piece Saker.
The truth is the US and Israelis are in a bind. If they go to war with Iran right now, they will fall into a catastrophe, and if they don’t go to war, the catastrophe will catch up to them. The 2nd option buys time, but the unknown is, the defeat can be even more comprehensive then if they were to attack right now. Everything has an expiration date, no matter how invincible it seems to the spectating eye. Iran cant be attacked right now, because the US stands to lose everything in the middle east. But if the US waits, the Iranians, along with the rest of the resistance axis, could possibly continue to gain strength. Putting both the US’s strategic interest, and the Zionists at even a greater risk. Which means the clash just comes at a later point in time. A tough but deserving predicament for any hyper warmonger like the US and Israel. The Israelis are in a really tough spot. Iran is a roadblock to their ambitions. So they need them out of the way, but the outcome would be the same. If the US touches Iran, Israel will have incoming missiles by the tens of thousands. During the recent bluster by the US, you saw some Israeli sources speak out about the dangers this potential war will put them in. The Israelis might still dream about a “Greater Israel” but they cant even take a single step past their stolen northern borders. Hizbulla is sitting around their throat. They cant go east past the West Bank, because the Jordanians are already their puppets. In this volatile time, they cant take out a puppet, because then all the other puppets would start reconsidering their relationship with Israel. On the West you have Egypt, another country that you have a peace treaty with, so the same situation applies here. People still mention this greater Israel thing, but the Zionists are building walls on every border. A literal coffin, for a movement that should have been dead and buried long ago. For the US and Israel, the world was dangled before their eyes and for a “long” period they saw no obstruction to getting it. Their avarice got the better of them. They wanted everything, but they will end up with nothing.
“… they may plot therein; and they do not plot but against their own souls, and they do not perceive.” (Sura 6: Verse 123)
“… and the evil plan does not beset any save the authors of it …” (Sura 35: Verse 43)
Or do they who work evil think that they will escape Us? Evil is it that they judge [Sura 29: Verse 4]
“… We draw them near (to destruction) by degrees from whence they know not. And I grant them respite; surely My scheme is effective” [Sura 7: Verse 182 — 183]
people become impatient and always want to see results right away. It may be that certain wrong choices and actions, might take decades, or even centuries to manifest in reality.
Thanks for reminding me of the memories of 2006. It was the summer right before my first semester of college, at that time I began thinking Israel was invincible, and then out of no where came a paradigm shift.
Yes certainly, the victory of 2006 as al sayyed hassan Nasrallah says cant be confined to a small group. Its for any person in the world who sees this matter for what it is, and lent their support through their thoughts and hearts, but especially to those who gave their blood and life. The truth is if a person understands the Implications of having faith in God(swt), the only choice he has is between the right one and the wrong one. Make enough wrong choices and you become like the people who run the US and Israel. The right choice is a blessing in itself, and only God(swt) deserves the praise for any blessing. Thanks for this great piece.
A very useful addtion to the Saker’s speculations Ahmed, and concurs with the feeling I’ve heard expressed in the region that one way or another there will be war, and the Resistance will prevail. It’s hard to see that the US understands this in general, though some may do, as although in a sense the US and Israel have lost their wars, they still remain superficially able to control much of the world, even if the result is only in sustaining their arms industry.
What strikes me about the current move towards Iran is that it is not some sudden impulse, but the result of a long accumulating operation, starting with the occupation of the Caliphate by “ISIL” back in 2014. More recently specific actions have all led inexorably to this crisis, with the terrorist listing of Hezbollah by the US last year, followed by the IRGC more recently, and incidental anti-Iranian moves in Yemen and Palestine, Syria and Iraq. And while Trump echoes the nonsense about Iran spouted by much of Washington, unlike Bolton and Pompeo he would likely do a 180 after a chat with Zarif, or another intermediary.
@David Macilwain
Thanks my friend. Glad you enjoyed it. I cant see how you can dodge a war between the US and the Resistance axis. The US is what the US is, they will never change they are simple to read, simple to figure out their footsteps. Israel is the same way. A country built on stolen land, and unjust spilling of blood of the native inhabitants. Quick tangent, I even here Zionists say that all the Palestinians are “Arabs” in the sense that they only came to this area from the Arabian peninsula proper, and only after the rise of Islam. Which is just pure garbage. Do they really expect the world to believe that the people in the middle east outside of the Arabian peninsula all got there after the advent of Islam? This is a massive lie, its akin to saying that just because Rome once controlled a large piece of territory all those people currently that are still living in those lands are of Roman descent. Which is obviously preposterous. They say this to break the connection between the people of Palestine and their land. lol imagine a bunch of European zionists converts explaining the history of the middle east? The Zionists have a very weird view on history. Contending with all the lies of the Zionists takes up way to much time.
Back to the main point. As long as Iran has good leaders like the current Supreme leader al sayyed ali khamenei, they will be okay. Islam is an ideology, that makes it clear oppression cannot be tolerated in anyway. If you have the ability to help the oppressed, it is a duty that you cannot run from. The US and the Zionists cant live with this, they were built on oppressing others. They support other countries that are tyrannical in nature. Like the despotic saud clan in Arabia. The US and Israel, need Iran to break this commitment, so they can impose their will on the people of the region without obstruction. Iran cant do this. this is why I say that a clash is all but inevitable.
The US set up the grounds to attack Iran back in the mid 2000’s. I don’t know if you remember all the media build up. A war looked guaranteed. This attack would not be possible without first taking care of hizbulla in southern Lebanon. So the zios in the US, made the zios in Israel test out the capabilities of hizbulla. That didn’t work out, and pushed their plans back in the middle east. If they realized that war on Iran was foolish back in the 2000,s, what is right now? Things again picked back up at 2011 when daesh ran around Syria and Iraq causing mass havoc. One of the major points of this was cutting the land line from Iran to hizbulla. Because as long as the hizbulla menace exists in the northern borders of Israel, and attack on Iran is suicide. They employed their various Wahhabi links to try to get the job done. With the help of Russia, this plot looks to be foiled. So now they just returned back to the usual. You can also look at the Iraq and afghan wars as the US attempting to surround Iran.
“The truth is the US and Israelis are in a bind. If they go to war with Iran right now, they will fall into a catastrophe, and if they don’t go to war, the catastrophe will catch up to them. ”
Very good point, Machiavelli even argues that war is necessary to maintain power.
“Over 400 years ago, the Florentine statesman Niccolo Machiavelli engaged in a profound study of methods used by various rulers to attain power…he was able to evaluate the methods of those who succeeded and to observe the mistakes of those who failed. In “The Prince” he reduces his conclusions to definite rules or doctrines…
The findings of Machiavelli and other students of power decree that to obtain power it is essential to ignore the moral laws of man and of God; that promises must be made only with the intention to deceive and to mislead others to sacrifice their own interests; that the most brutal atrocity must be committed as a matter of mere convenience; that friends or allies must be betrayed as matter of course as soon as they have served their purpose. But,it is also decreed that these atrocities must be kept hidden from the common people except only where they are of use to strike terror to the hearts of opponents; that there must be kept up a spurious aspect of benevolence and benefit for the greater number of the people, and even an aspect of humility to gain as much help as possible…
War, according to Machiavelli, must be applied at almost regular intervals to maintain power. It is held that it is not an unforeseeable accident and that it is not a passing madness, but that it is a normal and indispensable tool of power. It must be applied promptly and ruthlessly to be effective in its function of maintaining and extending power.” Hence the endless wars of the US.
So the US has to go to war soon again, its doing everything else Machiavelli recommended, but to maintain power there has to be war; threats / bluffs are not enough, there must be war. Else the US is out of power.
I agree with you gT. We also have to understand the effect of arrogance. When Machiavelli said in order to maintain power you have to throw all morals out the window, what he did, possibly without understanding, is open the doors to chaos. Now your telling leaders their is no right or wrong, and all is okay as long you maintain and project power. This is opening pandora’s box. As the only thing that’s holding the ruler from causing chaos in the land is his own imagination.
Can the US handle not having its way? that’s not how arrogance works. This exceptional attitude they have cant take no for an answer. That’s why they are maddened by the Islamic republic. It was even hard for them to hear no from countries like Russia and China. These are countries that can destroy the continental US, and even in these cases it was a bitter pill to hear no from them. They cant understand how a country like Iran is saying no to them. So they would have to go to war. They bet the survivability of their empire on having their way in the middle east. I hope It doesn’t happen, but just from looking at the many different factors, everything points to an eventual clash.
Garland Nixon of Fault Lines (Sputnik Radio) has a great analysis on the Iran situation. He said Iran will not simply retaliate against US forces, it will attack the Saudis and the Israelis. In addition to closing the Strait of Hormuz, Saudi oil fields would be a likely target, which could send the entire Western financial system into a freefall, triggering a crisis and complete collapse of the US dollar and the empire along with it. If the US truly does attack Iran, Israel, which, strengthened by the US empire and free from any consequences, committed so many atrocities against the arab and Muslim world, they have no hope of negotiating any staying right in the middle east if war breaks out, they will be kicked out or killed, as they did to the Palestinians.
Attacking Iran would be the final mistake and nail in the US empires coffin. Iran is not just way stronger militarily, they have way more control than any other middle eastern country over what goes on in the middle east, they are the local super power, not to mention actually competent, unlike the oil-drunk sheikhs of KSA, UAE and all the rest of the dimwitted idiots who can’t even score in Yemen.
As mentioned already somewhere on this foruns, the main target will be port loading facilities, not the oil fields themselves.
A lot more complex equipment, very hard to engineer and build, is just sitting on the loading facilities. killing the capability of exporting the oil. It does not matter how much oil is produced if it cannot be shipped out of the country.
The fly in that tragic ointment is the Zionazi Samson Doctrine. The Zionazis have often pledged to ‘…take the world down with us’, through a nuclear winter (or bio-warfare, methinks)if they felt sufficiently threatened. And Netanyahu, the Talmudist religious lunatics and Lieberman, Bennet, Shaked etc are all the type to fulfill that promise. Israel can only be tamed and restrained and house-trained, not destroyed, because it is controlled by genocidal thugs happy with the prospect of universal destruction. The same psychopathy infects the ‘Christians’ Pompeo, Pence etc.
Sakar you make many good comments in your article
“In fact, I think that the proper way to really make the Iranians believe that Uncle Shmuel means business would be to flush any and all US ships out of the Persian Gulf, to position the B-52s in Diego Garcia and to place the carriers as far away as possible to still be able to support a missile/bomb attack on Iranian targets.”
This is so true, that it is obvious that the US is not going to attack Iran tomorrow or any time in the near future.
The attack on Iran will only come if Iran makes a significant advance in developing nuclear weapons and that would take some time. With all Trumps big talk I dont think he could end his Presidency having allowed Iran to have the bomb.
So if Iran start to enrich weapons grade plutonium then the US would have to start a massive defense buildup on all of the US bases in the Persian Gulf. A few Patriot batteries will not do it.
Once all is in place and the ships moved to safety. the attack would come from a massive wave of F35s from Saudi airspace with standoff missiles and Tomahawks fired from subs in the Arabian sea. The first targets will be the air defense radars and suppression of the SS missiles.
Maybe the US could get away with this. If I was Iran I would get in some serious practice in Syria with the Israelis and the Golan Heights, so far it seems a missed opportunity.
Isnt “start to enrich plutonium” subjectively interpretative since no one is allowed to check and verify such operations? So simple speculation is enough to deter and send troops and carriers which is currently being done.
The ground work for an attack has been layed, the Iranians are preparing a defensive counter operation, the odds of your offensive scenario occurring successfully w/o destroying the US(or even global) economy are approaching zero.
Believe me when I tell you, that if Iran wanted a nuclear bomb, we would have it yesterday. Personally I believe, that Iran is making a mistake not building the bomb. The iranian analysis is outdated. Today usa is openly advocating using nuclear bombs in an otherwise conventional battlefield, and according to VT usa has used tactical nuclear bombs in both Iraq and Syria. We have to have the bomb and if innocent civilian casualites are the concern, we should decide not to use them on cities. But we must have it for the sake our 80 000 000 people.
The story is, that iranian scientists corrected the blueprints and sent them back to the cia.
I am not saying it is likely… but lets say USA will attack Iran (airstrikes).
Again, I am not military expert and dont know if it is likely or not (but considering also Iran statement that carrier group is not threat but target)… so let’s imagine Iran would have big damage and casualties (due to plane and missile strikes) but would manage to destroy US carrier (or even whole group of vessels)…
What would USA do next? Would not that be so big humiliation for USA that despite whole international consequences their would consider/proceed with nuclear attack against Iran?
Thank you Saker! Thank you brother.
If hit by US air strikes, Iran must aim the jugular: ISRAEL. As Bibi the Terror and his gang are pushing the US to wage war on Iran and as they’ can’t suffer any casualty in their supremacist ranks, that war will end in a snap.
Could it just be some bluff like Bolton and his 5,000 troop memo to Venezuela?
I suppose that this is just more of the same and doesn’t change anything, but for what it is worth;
Two Navy destroyers have entered the Persian Gulf as the American military continues to add to its assets in the region to head off any planned ‘aggression’, USNI reports.
The Prime Directive of the USA is war, it was founded in war, it expanded by war, and it used war to enrich itself for centuries. Two short books say it all: Smedley Butler’s War is a Racket, and the illustrative history, Addicted To War,: Why the US can’t kick militarism.
It is very difficult to believe that fanatic Pompeo–of all people– met Lavrov and Putin, and had his “Come to Jesus” moment, the Prince of Peace, who threw the money changers out of the Temple.
Certainly, the rest of the world that is still sane, namely countries like Iran, China and Russia who have all suffered terribly from both war and from imperialism, are doing everything they can to avoid what would be catastrophic. As Lavrov himself recently reiterated.
But the whole DNA of the USA is war. The leaders push for it, and the public goes either kicking and screaming against it, or more commonly, for it. I once went to a book reading of a long time peace activist at the National Endowment of the Arts. His presentation was preceded by……………….a Military “Honor Guard” playing patriotic songs….a total insult to what this man stands for. He probably didn’t know he was being set up.
But that is just one example of the militarization of American society and the glamorization of ‘our beautiful weapons’.
We’ll be extremely lucky if the warmongers can be sufficiently convinced of their doom that they will back off. But that is like hoping that a heroin addict or dead drunk alcoholic will hit near bottom without actual ODing and dying, and finally realizing that he has to give up his addiction.
Anyone at the Saker want to make bets on this outcome?
What does the advent of Macron mean in the scheme of things.? France is a nuclear power. With the US in decline France is going to spring back into some kind of prominence.
If it is true that Notre-Dame was torched by Macron what can such an event tell us about the future of Europe when Macron is in his second term.? Impossible you think.? The yellow vests you say.! Macron is not going anywhere. To many he seems a small thing of little consequence but don’t fall for lines like that. Macron is the seed now of tomorrows monster.
It struck me to read the saker saying that the fu*/#ing neocons is only a tiny fraction of US elites. I had no such even approximate notion and I confess I must think further and further about it.
It changes the way how things might play out. I thank U, Saker.
Mr. Trump called Mr. Putin before Mr. Pompeo went to Sochi. IMO, Mr. Trump told Mr. Pompeo to go to Sochi. As I remember, Mr. Pompeo was late for this meeting. It is amazing to me that Mr. Trump appointed these two chooches – but he can also un-appoint them. They have displayed their ignorance, belligerence and inability to either conduct diplomacy on the one hand and give rational security advice on the other; IMO, it is time to say, “You’re fired!”. I hope.
The analysis looks different to me when I think of a battle ship or aircraft carrier as the World Trade towers in a different form. Losing these ships would be an acceptable loss if it helped stampede the serfs into another ruinous war.
Yes, an interesting third scenario!
US ships are not sent in not to attack but to create a naval blockade of Hormuz. It’s only Iranian oil that will be affected as Saudi Arabia has the pipeline & port in the Red Sea. This explains the droning the Saudi pipeline..Iran and/or proxies got wind of the plan and decided to even the playing field.
If the US enacts a naval blockade, this will inevitably provoke a response from Iran. Bombing of US ships will create a wide consensus for an attack on Iran, a sort of Pearl Harbour bis. As a bonus: high oil prices for Saudi Arabia & the frackers in Texas who desperately them.
A naval blockade would be an act of aggressive war, the Supreme Crime under International Law. Just another day in the Exceptionalist Empire.
”America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between”
Couldn’t have said it better myself. Maybe the most accurate description of contemporary US society and contemporary US Americans would be ”Barbarism and decadence”. The Exceptionals and Indispensables are totally rotten and reactionary, with the Euro-trash not far behind. If Western imperialism looks unbelievably silly and detached from reality, it’s because it is. The Venezuelan fiasco proves the point superbly.
Vigorous barbarism to decadent barbarism-you have it precisely!
No amount of “Jew-jit-su” will stop Hezbollah from destroying Tel Aviv with a massive ground-to-ground missile barrage; the single most important economic center of the State of Israel.
Each U.S. aircraft carrier has a ship’s complement of over 5,000 sailors including its air group. If Iranian anti-ship missiles hit the forward bow area of the vessel, it will destroy the catapult systems that launch naval aircraft. Effectively a successful attack relegates the carrier to a recovery platform at best for returning aircraft. The carrier support ships will have to go into a coordinated and immense damage control effort to get those sailors off the carrier as it starts to list and fill with sea water. They will be sitting ducks as a swarm of Iranian fast attack boats launch their torpedoes at the destroyers and cruisers that surround the “mother ship.” How would the American press deal with the carnage? They can lie but Iranian drones with cameras will show the world as the battle unfolds in the Persian Gulf.
The Iranian military must remind the American Navy of what happened to the U.S.S. Stark in 1987 when an Iraqi jet fired two French made Exocet anti-ship missiles from just 35 kilometers hitting the vessel near its bridge and port side and almost sunk it. That was over 30 years ago and today Iranian drones carry a more deadly version of sea-skimming death and can launch them from a greater distance.
Dear Pentagon armchair admirals, remember your naval history or you and President Trump will suffer and ignominious condemnation while the great Muslim Ummah will cheer in righteousness as Tel Aviv burns..
I rather think that targeting Israeli air bases would be a better tactic. No great civilian death toll, immediately establishing Hezbollah’s moral superiority to the Gods Upon the Earth, and the effective end of Zionazi military power. And sinking a nuclear US carrier, a real risk, would just pollute the region irrevocably.
From time to time the israhelli tell the world, that they will go it alone and attack Iran. They say, that their pilots are training to attack Iran. Our commanders response has always been “where are they going to land after the attack?!”
Hopefully, if Iran takes such a step they have contingency plans to counter a second strike by Israel’s nuclear capable Dolphin class subs.
The problem is that the Talmudic psychopaths who rule in Israel from Satan-yahoo down, are simply slavering for a ‘New Purim’. The old Purim, which is celebrated ‘joyously’ every year, is the, thankfully mythical, genocide by the Jews in Persia of Haman, his numerous sons, and ‘75,000’ of his ‘followers’. Jewish casualties, as far as I know, are unreported.
This slaughter, celebrated ‘joyously’ by getting drunk, and ornery, and eating little hanging effigies of the victims and sweets called ‘Haman’s ears’, is of about six million, give or take, in proportion to today’s global population, a sad irony, no doubt. The cover story for this typical bloodbath, just so like that of the Passover, the Holy Genocides of the Midianites, Moabites, Jebusites and sundry other Canaanite untermenschen, not to forget the Kitos War with Rome where the Jews more or less depopulated Cyrenaica and Cyprus in their revolt, only to suffer more or less the same fate at the hands of the Romans, culminating in Hadrian’s proscription of Judaism throughout the Empire, is that the Jews were ‘threatened with genocide’. We have to take their word for it, of course, but it makes me wonder if, in 2000 years, if humans exist, what are the odds that some latter-day Nazi ‘religion’ will be celebrating Auschwitz, or the Einsatzgruppen, who saved the Germans from an imminent ‘genocide’. It was, after all, the ludicrous excuse that the German Nazis gave for their blood-bath. What a pity that such horrors and slaughters form an intrinsic part of a ‘religion’ to this day, and how wretched that today’s adherents are so plainly set on yet more, even greater, Holy blood-shed.
Saker has the blessed “feeling” to put his finger right there on a wound where very few did, opening the minds of many who adventure themselves to find a flame of truth, the logical probability of certain political and military steps and their consequences.
I find it useful to remember that one thing never changes : the geography. America (USA) is far enough to have not to fear of any retaliatory attack from Iran. (I don’t think that Us will attack Venezuela because it has nothing to fear directly or indirectly from a country which is absorbed within itself, with internal problems. The economic sanctions and political pressure is already having its effects on the population)
China or Russia are totally unrealistic to have war with them when they could have – beside disagreements – tangible contacts : with China on economic level and with Russia on political-strategic level. Whatever the Israelis may think on their leverage they have on US, the latter will have -as it had on the past – its own decision. This decision is related to mentain its status of world power, mainly in the economic sector (which means also as political powerhouse). In order to retain that status, they have to do a chess step as long as the window of opportunity is still there. This step has to be done in such a way, not to involve Russia and China directly in an open military confrontation (which would be a suicide step). The North Korea issue was a side step, being handed over to Russia and China. Iran could be a real target, the next chess step. In case of open hostilities (even with limited character – which probably is their first scope, to provoke Iran’s reaction against Israel, Strait of Hormuz or any US military facility in the area) Russia and China will not intervene openly because they don’t have any such bilateral agreements with Iran and both of them are – as we know – obey the International Law. If Iran and his partners in Lebanon, the Hesbollah, will react in a way as written above, then the next step will be the the condemnation at the UN security Council emergency meeting, where all European members will side with US. Russia will condemn, China probably in the same way (though an abstain cannot be ruled out). Europe will be put in a very hard position again, thereafter a NATO meeting will take place. Depending on the further developments, it is not clear what will happen next.
On L445 comment : “The few that know otherwise are timid to explain the truth to their family, friends and neighbors.” – guys, I don’t thing you get whet Larchmonter wanted to say : the few that know otherwise have no real incentives or power over their family, friends and neighbors to explain them what is all about. The majority are indeed afraid from start to do that and if they do it, they do it in a wrong manner, even if the best of good will is there. You have to know that those people – even they are members of your family – are part of the individualistic category or are part of the brainwashed ones – which represent the greatest ,mass. You cannot say to them bluntly the truth, of course they won’t believe you. This a step by step conditioning added in the same “quantity” and “quality” as the MSM did it with them, only from the opposite side.
Venezuela needs to stay in our focus…..as the US would not dare attempt an invasion of Iran without first and foremost establishing total control of all of the oil and it’s means of production/transport from Venezuela…..the moment anything happens to Iran is the moment the spigot is closed and all oil transport stopped……it also is the moment the entire MD erupts into insanity……that being said it is imperative that the US first secures a new source of oil not in the MD…..but right here in it’s own backyard…..good luck on that too…..and now it appears that Yemen is launching drones and destroying the SA pipeline to the Red Sea terminals…..interesting to say the least…..
Thank you. We can see that the Zionist empire for years now has destroyed all countries surrounding Iran. They are anticipating and setting up an ideal situation for a civil war amongst Muslim countries- Persian Iran vs Arab countries which will only benefit Israel. But something that many analyst don’t mention is Pakistan. Is not Pakistan the end game? Destroying or weakening Iran would be 1 step closer to Pakistan and they would have Pakistan surrounded- Zionist bases in Afghanistan, Zionist ally India, that leaves only the Iran border which zionists don’t control. And that border is key to CPEC and China. Pakistan is the main equation, the only Muslim nuclear country that Israel truly wants “wiped off the map.” What are your thoughts on the role of Pakistan?
Imagine for a moment, that Pakistan does not exist. What changes in the region?
A major nuclear power is no longer there.
Some astute scholars acknowledge that the entire premise and final goal for the 911 false flag was to build bases in Afghanistan to eventually denuclearize Pakistan as per Israel’s orders. And they weakened Pakistan quite a bit through their proxy TTP (Fake CIA created Taliban, not real Taliban in Afghanistan) which they created before ISIS, but the Pakistani army after many years defeated TTP by that afghan border. And now the zionists are moving ISIS from Syria into Afghanistan. Reports are that they already moved Baghdadi to Afghanistan.
If Pakistan didn’t exist, then the only Muslim country with nuclear weapons and a legitimate threat to oppressor Israel wouldn’t be there. I think without Pakistan, we would already have a Greater Israel from Nile to Euphrates and we would all be living under the rule of the Anti-Christ. Without a spiritual and religious component to the current politics, we cannot understand the world today.
All these moves in my opinion are to surround and denuclearize Pakistan on behalf of Israel so they can have an open path to Greater Israel with no Muslim country having any capability to stand in their way.
What do you think?
I think you are on to something important.
Question for my fellow strugglers: Do Muslims believe in an antichrist figure? What does Muslim eschatology say?
I am an Orthodox Christian and we believe before the return of Christ there will be a fake messiah who will rule the world and usher in the end.
But, if we resist God will help us! Also, God will send the glorious prophet Elijah and Enoch to us to oppose antiChrist and strengthen the true believers.
Love to all
If I may suggest this video it also answers a few other question for christians too:
with regards
Yes…..his name is Dajall…..
I reckon that ‘Baghdadi’ is safe and comfortable in Tel Aviv, enjoying Eurovision.
The empire is going to make war and fall.
It is all about the deal of the century and the muscle the Empire wants at hand to control the detonation effect its unvieling will have across the ME and Christendom. The last comment by the reincarnation of Cyrus the Great Orange Thing is telling…”Iran can have no idea”
Serbia a small nation absorbed 78 days of bombing at a tremendous cost, but Serbia showed all other nations they can stand up to the criminals in the West.
As devastating as it was it was an inspiration to all other countries that are in the crosshairs of the U.S and it’s vassals.
Apart from the obvious retaliation and return destruction Iran could and would inflict on the vassals in the middle ease, we would finally see the disintegration of the U.S economy, resulting in chaos inside the U.S itself.
The neo clowns have wet dreams about controlling and restricting China’s oil imports and thereby having a gun pointed at China’s head and economy
Think about the South China Sea issue. Think about Trump’s let’s be friends with Russia. Think about about the trade war with China issue. Think about Venezuala’s oil. Think about sanctions on Iranian oil and/or war on Iran.
Think about all these issues through the prism of how the US is trying to maintain it’s global hegemony over it’s greatest economic threat: China
I can’t see Russia or China being dumb enough to let the neo cons mentally or morally envelope/kettle them on the issue of Iran.
The last time the US restricted someone’s oil imports it was Japan in 1941…
The problem is not the Necons or Ziocons, as they are only a symptom of a diseased American nation and way of life.
As Nafeez Ahmed has documented, America’s rapacious behavior is fundamentally driven by the need “to enforce a global system in which the Western powers under American leadership would maintain global dominance. This essentially meant being in control of the world’s resources at the expense of non-Western nations.”
American State Terrorism
This was true throughout the Cold War and it continues to be true today, regardless of what American regime is power–Democrat or Republican, Neoconservative or Realist.
All are committed to what the Pentagon openly calls American Full Spectrum Dominance of the world. The only “differences” among the Americans are the *tactics* and *masks* adopted to advance this sick agenda.
I would also add that the American people are guilty as well, as they support America’s drive for world supremacy–as long as it doesn’t cost them too much in blood and treasure and they can get their economic “fair share” of the imperial loot.
To disguise their predatory nature, the Americans will–in Orwellian fashion–stand reality on its head and present themselves as an innocent victim being “threatened” by this or that “evil enemy.”
This is called Psychological Projection, which is one of the defining traits of the American national character.
Americans–and their allied crime partners, particularly the Western “democracies”–instinctively project their malign nature onto other nations that are seen as obstacles to the American world order.
In essence, the United States and its “democratic” allies have created a global dictatorship in all but name, as they have appointed themselves the moral judge, jury, and executioner of the fate of nations around the planet.
America believes it has a God-given right to politically regime change, economically sanction, and militarily bomb, destabilize, or invade sovereign nations throughout the world–in a manner more aggressive, more ambitious, and more deceptive that the German Third Reich.
Since the American Reichstag Fire event of 9-11, the United States has been more openly and brazenly advancing this agenda….
Manifesto for world dictatorship
That reminds me that even the 911 false flag Judeo Terrorism attack was about Pepe’s pipelineistan and about diverting Central Asian oil&gas pipelines south through a US occupied Afghanistan to India/Pakistan and west to Europe and away from China. 911 was also about the containment of China.
China’s Oil Security Pipe Dream
Hows that Judeo Global Dictatorship Pipe dream working out for the mental and moral dumb bells?
“…and away from China…”
When the Taliban refused to sign on for an AMBRO pipelines through Afghanistan, to move hydrocarbons from the Caspian Sea basin, this created a need to rally public support for invading Afghanistan. However the objective in building such a pipeline, with an Indian Ocean terminus near Karachi, Pakistan for transshipment to Europe, was to deprive Russia of the transit fees from gas/oil moving to Europe through Russian pipelines.
The geostrategic reason for targetting the Chechen Republic for Islamic terrorism was also about denying transshipment fees to Russia. The main pipelines for Baku oil and gas from Azerbaijan were channelled through the Chechen capital, Grozny. This economic warfare was made in conjunction with the other forms waged by the West against Russia.
The chessboard is bigger than this, though, and the intended disruption of Russia’s hard foreign currency earnings was a stealthier version of the economic sanctions now imposed so openly.
Very good and succinct, Anonymouse. They are a global clerico-fascistic Mafia, with a perverted religiosity driving extreme racism and cultural xenophobia, hnce the hysteria of hatred directed at the ‘Yellow Peril’ in China. They cannot be reformed and simply grow more deranged generation by generation. The ecological Holocaust will supervene, but otherwise war against China is INEVITABLE
“I will never apologize for the United States – I don’t care what the facts are… I’m not an apologize-for-America kind of guy.”-The “superbly educated and extremely intelligent” GHWBush
You see, Barbara wore the pants over there so be careful about the level of intelligence one aspires too. She carried George all those years.
Hi Saker, Thanks for your always thorough analysis & elucidation. Seems to me that when you said “I hope the first will hit zero before the last” (the first being the IQ & the last US power). It would be better IMHO if US power zeroed out before them reaching total imbecility mentally. Also, another – major reason – that Iran won’t fear a US attack is that they have S-300 air defense missiles (for 2+ years) and have themselves developed the Bavar 373 missile defense system circa@ 2017 AD. And, of course, the further reasons you gave also still apply! Best Wishes
LOVED this article like the rest you write .
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“Third, “attacking embassies” is a glaring admission of terminal weakness. That was true for the seizure of Russian consular buildings, and this is true for the Venezuelan embassy. In the real (supra-Kindergarten) world when country A has a beef with country B, it does not vent its frustration against its embassy. Such actions are not only an admission of weakness, but also a sign of a fundamental lack of civilization.”
I agree with you, and I hope you realize that your conclusions (weak and uncivilized) also apply to the Islamic Republic of Iran. How many embassies have they attacked, burned, and their staff taken hostage?
Actually, Iran, the Government of Iran, did NOT attack and burn any embasssies. Nor did the Government of Iran take any hostages. The irate and brutalized as well as victimized people of Iran however did respond to the covert and overt illegal acts of the Government of the US via CIA and their proxies and others, like the UK and the Mossad of Isreal; when those arrogant and lawless actors interfeared with the affairs of the otherwise sovereign peoples of Iran in compete violation of all intenational standards and conventions and treaties.
Myopea belongs to who here?
The story of how controls, who holds the iron grip on whom – about whether it is Israel who dominates the US or the other way round.
Seems really that old thing of the millenia old discussion of the egg and the hen.
I don t deny nor accept, I distinguish.
In the long run and on the most vital aspects of long term existence – the means of status quo and their maintenance – it is of course the US guarantee that gives the very existence to the jewish state. No question.
But in the short term, the grant or no grant, of the US media business, of US politicians and their next election prospects – this is the CONDITION of
political, economic and next months life – it is clearly the jewish lobby the
reason and law of the United states.
However, the empire is a capistalistic society to the core. Recalling that
capitalism and western democracy relies, and is ABSOLUTELY dependent on the SHORT TERMS for everything… then draw your onw conclusions.
Do Soviet SAM crews have the record for downing B-52s in Vietnam ?
They apparently lost 31. Still the SA-2 also brought Gary Powers down to earth
A note on Voltairenet well worth the read concerning the plan ongoing to destroy Russia.
Thank you for that link. So… the Rand Corporation developed the blueprint that the hegemon has been using to try and destroy Russia. The details in the Rand analysis come to appear as a series of dots that we can see, and connect. We can also put events, names and dates to some of those dots.
A fuller elucidation of the web of motives underlying the creation of the Rand report is still required. Why was it imperative that Russia be overextended and unbalanced? The history of political and financial thrusts against Russia is a long one, so those motives must be rooted in objectives formed long before the current era, even pre-Soviet.
One thread in the web could very well be an eternal thirst for vengence.
The aggressive kingdom of Khazaria developed first as a khanate and was located in a region north of the Caucasus mountains, then fanned out northwest of the Caspian Sea. Khazars were originally nomadic Turkic pagan peoples that settled in part of this area during the 1st century A.D. and began wars of acquisition that saw their khanate-come-empire become one of the largest of its time.
You can read one concise history of Khazaria and its subsequent conversion to Talmudism in the 7th century here: http://www.lostisrael.com/khazars.htm
The lands of the Slavic princes of Rus were also expanding during the 7th century. They moved southeast along the waterways bounding Khazaria: the Volga to the NE and the Don to the NW. The inevitable collison of these ethnically different groups then began in earnest.
The princes of Rus joined together under Vladimir I to form Kievan Rus in 882 A.D. Khazaria had long coexisted with Byzantium and the Eastern Roman Empire by being a buffer state, but when the Rus started conversion to Christianity in the 10th century then Byzantium changed its geopolitical preferences.
The balance of power started to swing heavily against Khazaria, and the Kieven Rus prevailed. Khazars fleeing the destruction of their empire went, in the majority, eastwards towards Poland and other parts of eastern Europe. The Khazars that stayed behind refused to accept conversion to Christianity and the Cyrillic alphabet. This became a long-standing and continuous inner conflict right though the later Russian Empire, and beyond.
As most peoples of Jewish faith in the modern world are descended from the Ashkenazi Jews that fled to eastern Europe, there could very well be a hatred of things Russian that is every bit as stong as their faith. Even the Sephardic Jews from Khazaria that fled to Spain, instead, would probably hold similar feelings.
I leave it to you to investigate more about these things to see if my hypothesis is valid in any way.
The emporer has nothing left except silly things…a fantasy hegemony…a fading fantasy hegemony
Yes is true Iran is read… and will route US if the try… it will be the US that goes down, and goes down FOR GOOD. Hope then the good people in what was USA will put together a better country from the pieces and rubble that is left.
Could they really be THAT stupid in Washington DC?
Yes, of course. After losing in Vietnam and getting basically defeated in Afghanistan they were stupid enough in invade Iraq with stellar results.
Martin van Creveld, the distinguished South African/Israeli war historian wrote in his blog that even when the US started to muster forces to invade Iraq he could not believe they could be that stupid. They were.
I really do not think that most of the neocons in Washington realize that Iran is not Grenada. Most of them probably would have a problem finding Iran on a map and probably think the country is another Arab country just like Iraq.
Not even the socalled iranians in usa can find Iran on the map. Some smart fellow did a video with a map in his hands asking where Iran was and by far the majority of these iranians didn´t know, where Iran was!
Sorry couldn´t find the video.
I would love to see the video if I can find it. Americans often seem a bit geographically challenged outside the USA.
I have tried to find the video on youtube with no luck. If I find it, I will put a link for it here at Saker for you.
Thanks, Saker. Your analyses is very eye-opening. I think the Neocons have lost so much face in the last two decades that they will go all in on this one, or else they are finished hing by the lamp post as George Bush Sr said, if American people ever find out what they did to them and their country. Get rady for 2nd American Civil War or WW III, or both.