I just listened to Biden (here if you have the stomach). Oh he is pissed, badly. Putin totally and comprehensively ignored him or the USA (one sign of that is that Putin did warn Scholz and Macron but, apparently, nobody told the White House).
Scholz truly scared the Kremlin when he told that he pulled back the certification of NS2 “jetzt” that is “now”. Okay, he probably misspoke, he meant “no NS2 forever!”.
Scholz is one tough cookie!

After Hitler, Scholz? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!
I love it when petty flaccid Eurognomes try to scare Russia. With sanctions, of all things.
Of all people, the Germans ought to know better. I guess they don’t. Fine, I wish the Germans lots of fun!
Speaking of NS2, two small factoids:
- gas prices are already up by 10% in the spot markets.
- Thanks to the increase of the energy prices Gazprom has already paid for the construction of NS2 with that extra windfall (that according to a senior Duma member, Petr Tolstoy).
Where do you think this is headed?
Exactly, me too!
Biden also said something two really interesting in his otherwise totally vapid speed.
First, he asked who the hell Putin thought he was to recognize states in other sovereign nations?
Second, he warned Russia: we shall judge you by your actions.
I think I can help Biden and give him two very simple replies:
- Putin is the President of Russia and he does not ask for anybody’s approval, least of all – the USA’s.
- You don’t get to judge Russia. That ship has sailed. If anything, the day will come when Zone B will judge you on a 21st century version of the Nuremberg Tribunal. As Putin said “we have all their names”.
But I also know this: in the minds of the leaders of Zone A both of these replies are literally *unthinkable*. Ok.
Hence, they will have to be shown that which they currently cannot fathom.
Today the Russian Duma and Federation Council have ratified all the needed documents and given Putin the right to engage Russian forces abroad. Where exactly was not specified.
Putin was asked about where he would engage the Russian forces and he basically reply “wait and see, we will use them wherever needed and to comply with all our obligations”.
Putin loves to make the Western Tabaki-jackals guess his next move. He is now openly trolling them :-)

The modern Crusaders???
Western Crusaders attacking Russia is nothing new. But in the past, the Crusaders were at least a credible threat (at times, even a very credible one).
But the modern Crusaders are a joke. Their threats are a joke, their armed forces are a joke and their leaders are a joke. A good example is Biden sending more of this invincible military forces to the Baltic statelets.
I am sure the Russians are now truly terrified.
What we do know is the the good folks at Commentary Mag are bracing for impact.
Will the people of the USA find out, for the very first time, that the actions of their rulers can actually directly impact them personally?
God willing, they will learn fast and act accordingly.
What about the Ukros?
So far, they have mostly ignored Putin’s warnings to “immediately cease the attacks against the LDNR”.
I don’t know if they are amazingly courageous, very dumb or suicidal.
Either way, I would recommend they heed Putin’s warning, there shall be no more warnings.
True, they know that their Western masters don’t give a damn about Russian lives, mass graves, thousands of kidnapped “separatists”, numerous torture centers or open calls to murder. Fine. So for 8 years the Ukronazis have murdered the Russians by the tens of thousands.
But don’t they understand that their lives will be the next one?
Or do they really think that the Western “advisors” will protect them?
Oh well, I guest that, again, they will have to be shown that which they currently cannot fathom.
By the way,
From a legal point of view, until now Russia has insisted that this was an internal Ukrainian civil war and not an international conflict. Now this has changed.
Now, from the point of view of the Kremlin, this is now an international conflict directly involving Russia.

Hey wannabe Crusaders, enjoy the talk!
Here I want to use the occasion to congratulate the United West and, especially, the Ukronazis. For seven years you dreamed about a war involving Russia. BRAVO! Congrats – now you got what you fought so hard for: the Russian bear has *officially* placed a paw on the LDNR.
Now I want to see who you all will volunteer to make move first to make him remove that paw :-)
Maybe the US forces in the Baltics?
Or the Poles?
Maybe the Czechs or even the Brits?
Something tells me that “super-pooper sanctions from hell” and hurricanes of hot air are more likely.
Crusaders are not like they used to be.
Congratulations on the Defender of the (Russian) Fatherland Day!
You rightfully deserve it and deserve it…
does anyone anyone know what is going on here, why is the spy chief stuttering.
why is the one of the highest spy chief in russia, stuttering?
He was asked to give a straight yea or nay on the motion to recognize the independence of the donbass and lugansk.
He answered conditionally–“well, if the west refuse one more chance to get the ukies to abide by the minsk accords”
And then he tried to expand the motion to recognizing donbass and lugansk as parts of Russian Federation.
Putin corrected him on both points: more negotiations?—to what end? they aren’t interested; and the motion is about recognizing their independence, not incorporating them into Russia.
As to why he stuttered–maybe he was a little intimidated by Putin.
Interesting–his attempt to expand the motion to recognizing these regions as parts of Russia. Was he deliberately trying to make Putin look like a land grabber and thus confirm Western viewpoint, to give the west more incendiary matter for propaganda? Not that the west needs it.
At this point sanctions are mute. The bear is fighting for its life – you threaten to take away its candy :-) You don’t even get noticed. Sanctions are for internal consumption, the real message is: “We don’t know what to do, so lets be brave from afar”. At this point we wait to see where the bear stops. And then pray there’s no dragon coming behind her. No amount of money, luxury or status can substitute for raw basic power.
well, most entities sanctioned today were already sanctioned, several are Crimea based
But yes, the western Tabakis have awoken the Russian bear.
Those who think that this bear will now meekly crawl to the depth of his case don’t understand yet.
They soon will.
I have no doubt that with those sanctions or rather Nero Decree the German chancellor became at least as popular in Banderastan as one of his predecessors:
they are islamists? its confusing. Because this indexfinger thing they do is normally something done by islamists.
I was really hoping that Germany would grow a pair, but obviously it has been a loyal
stooge of Uncle $hmuel for far too long.
It sounds as if you might be referring to this splendid cartoon from three year ago:
The gloves have finally come off of the beautiful bear! If I were not so damn old I would join the Russian army right now and fight the US.
It is gratifying to hear – honey on the heart!
Do not be upset, you are already at war – you are participating in the “multi-sphere operation” of the Network-centric war in the “global theater of operations” in the most modern and massive domain / space / sphere – the Internet. Thank you for your devotion to the true ideals – for the Веру and the Отечество!
I also congratulate you on the Defender of the Отечества Day!
С праздником 23 февраля!
Well, it’s like Putin riding the bear and whipping him every inch of the way, maybe old flapper Joe better look in his rearview mirror and see what’s coming for that bear’s gaining every jump of the way.
Indeed, Putin is riding a bear, well, maybe he is also on the trail of a ghost rider on a mission to demand justice.
I too would happily stand with the Bear! I feel so ashamed to be part of the West. History will be kind to Russia, and a harsh mistress to the West. Bravo Mr Putin!
Да здравствует Путин!
Long live Putin
@Elderly Gent
If I and my husband were not so old, I think we too would join the Russians’ fight against the US! 😂
Both sets of grandparents left Russia during the Revolution/Civil War and although my parents wanted my grandmother to teach me Russia, I refused to learn as I absolutely hated the Bolsheviks/Soviets and what they did to my family!
All that changed when President Putin took the reins and Russia has gone from strength to strength – I actually asked my husband (a Pom but now an Aussie, like me) if we should emigrate to my parents’ country – but it didn’t work out as I’m not only old but am seriously doddery as well! 😋
Берегите себя и будьте здоровы!
Белая русская ❤
White Russian. My grandparents, along with other relatives, left Odessa in 1895 for this now shit hole of a country the USA. They settled in the US state of North Dakota as farmers and eked out a living. Of course the US “authorities” settled them along ethnic/national lines. There were German towns and Russian towns and so forth. There was no melting pot.
Some, like my aunts and uncles, very much wanted to return to Russia because they felt it was a better place to live. Dramatic and earth shaking events prevented them from doing so.
If President Putin made it possible I still might go but would likely be useless.
The spirit is wiling and the flesh has some fight left in it. My wife said she’ll have me arrested at the airport as senile if I try it.
Good sentiment,i am also older but if i was a resident of Donbass i would be using a gun against those Nazis.
In a galaxy far away a long time ago, I remember reading about an other heroic Statesman, who chose to defy the powers that be in order to secure the lives of his kin and chose to ignore some lines drawn on some or other coloured paper…
I am sure the comparisons will begin in earnest shortly – or maybe they wont…cos that may truly pull the wool off some eyes and hit a cognitive short circuit…
Dear Saker, I’m sorry that I don’t have time to thank you for that damage, which you inflict on the enemy in this Network-centric war.
I am sure you will soon bring the amount of damage to an unacceptable amount. )))
“Наше дело правое, враг будет разбит, победа будет за нами!”
No worries, I know that you (even a plural ‘you’) have my back as much as can be.
I also want to thank you for your comments, they are most useful!
Thank you
Kind regards
A present for you and all your forum users
– Map of targets for a nuclear strike on the United States (2017)))
Notation: dots – scenario for 2000 warheads; triangles – scenario for 500 warheads; square – city; the star is the capital of the county.
Who authored that map???
I found another one here:
But, remember that Russia has no need or reason to attack the USA, with or without nukes.
How many of the 150M Russians or so will survive such an exchange and what kind of “Russia” would they have to live in after that?
I think that even Biden understand that the nuclear option is not an option, even if US doctrine officially says otherwise.
You’re right, of course Saker; the difference being that Russia actually cares about it’s people being nuked whereas the yanks really don’t care about theirs (define theirs in the USA…). The criminal oligarch class (I refuse to call them elites because that suggests that they are somehow better than the rest of us) just think they can up sticks and go to New Zealand/Chile/Australia or wherever else they have their shelters in place.
IMHO the correct word is “clique”.
Eu também nunca uso a termo elite ao me referir a casta dominante. Faço exatamente como você. Elite para mim representa o que está no topo porque é o melhor e merece estar lá por ter mérito para tanto.
Ao me referir aos que controlam o poder no ocidente uso casta dominante ou mesmo corja, quadrilha e máfia, que é a forma como o poder de organiza no ocidente, particularmente nos eua.
A linguagem tem o seu poder de representação e devemos nos valer disso.
It is clear to anyone deeply reading the history of the early 60s that Gen. Curtis LeMay and the mad leaders of the Pentagon wanted a preemptive strike on the Soviet Union before it achieved nuclear parity. The U.S. had vastly superior nuclear forces. He was looking for a pretext in the Cuban Missile Crisis. If the heroic Capt. Vasily Arkhipov had not vetoed the fellow commanders of a sub which was being depth charged by a U.S. destroyer, who wanted to launch a nuclear torpedo, they might have had that pretext. As also might have been the case if the U.S. had invaded Cuba and tactical nuclear weapons were used by defenders, which McNamara only discovered they had in 1991. The U.S. might have lost 20-30 million, but the Soviets would have lost upwards of 150 million. It would have been a Pyrrhic victory, for that would have set off a nuclear winter wiping out most of the human race with famine. “Dr. Strangelove” was a documentary. Gen. Jack Ripper and Gen. Buck Turgidson we’re real. After Cuba JFK wanted to establish a modus vivendi with the Soviets. Nov, 22, 1963 was the answer to that. The same forces are still in control of the U.S.
You should research somewhat deeper – Operation Unthinkable 1945. – and then look at how many A-Bombs US military wanted by 1948 to destroy sites in USSR………there has NEVER been a period since 1914 where Russia/USSR was not faced with hostile stances from its western border
Just a step more into history – Operation Pike by the Brits who prepared to bomb the USSR oil fields around the Caspian sea from the South before WWII even started. Only logistic problems for refueling the bombers prevented the implemementation. Did they want to make sure that USSR will not cope with the Barbarossa onslaught? There might be quite a reason for locking away Hess until his death.
Biden clearly does not understand much and really shouldn’t be trusted near the nuclear button.
Hmm i wonder whats going on at the big black.blobs in wyoming,dakota and Montanna, wink wink.
– Time magazine reported that many of the sites in Montana. North Dakota and Wyoming had corroded hatch covers, meaning that if fired in anger, the missiles might stay in their silos and burn out of explode there.
– Then also, the staff were living in conditions that encouraged a high rate of suicides…
– Thirdly, the US Military made a report that there were silos that had been “neutralised by Alien Activity” (ie real Alien UFOs, NOT attributed to Russia)
– Fourth, the fissile material has run out of fizz and cant bang…
so make of these ‘parameters’ what you want, but it does not look to be a ‘useful’ resource…
The USN submarine fleet is another matter..thats a bit trickier…but im sure the Russians have that sorted…
I hate it when people in Russia post a wink wink and I have no idea what they are alluding to.
Who the hell does Putin think he is?
Doesn’t he realise that only the Exceptional And Indispensable Folk have the right to give away other people’s real estate?
Jerusalem, Golan Heights, West Bank, Kosovo, Kurdistan, South Sudan, Hong Kong, Tibet, Taiwan, Xinjiang.
This is scandalous.
What is allowed to the Master Race is strictly verboten to the Snow Niggers :-)
But what if the said Snow Niggers disagree?
I have to admire your strength, being able to listen to Biden. Он Крыса!!! The US has been 24/7 about Ukraine. I am sure each American feels like a Ukrainian citizen already since that’s the only thing that concerns the US government.
Enough is enough from the West.
The fools said it was a mild winter and therefore it isn’t a big deal about Nord Stream. Oh that’s short sighted and also stupid. It isn’t all just about heating homes. Industry needs it.
My family back home is worried about prices continuing to rise. I think that is global issue and hopefully gets better. Though, very happy for the people of Donbass.
Even National Propaganda Radio ran the story which was also in NYT about 16 people freezing to death in Eurotopia during the last storm. I don’t know why they allowed the story to run except to dishonor Russia. Nevertheless, I was surprised to see it published.
“Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi is a Latin phrase, literally “What is permissible for Jupiter may not be permissible for a bull”. … The phrase is often translated as “Gods may do what cattle may not”.”
Quod licet Jovi, non licensed bovi
Google translation,MOD:
Although Jupiter is not a licensed ox
I believe that these Anglo Zionists truly have an exceptional chosen people psychopathy and it is called White Slave Master Mentality and it has caused trouble for a long time.
I am familiar with the social construction of the term “black” in the Russian language is different than the Western European construction.
The dementia ongoing in the West must be curtailed and this moment is as good as any time for a beginning.
Don’t forget West Sahara, quite recently.
The US also invaded the Spanish airspace recently in the Canaries. But that’s ok because we’re just a vassal country, full of ignorants who dream of inhabiting netflix-depicted coastal US blue cities, not giving a damm that their monetary policy and their defense policy are snatched in Brussels (a proxy for London City and Washington).
Just wait till Morocco decides to take our land, NATO will rush to protect us [sarcasm; or even crush our resistance].
Saker, I went to see Biden in CNBC,ABCabd then CBS. To my surprise, most of the comment were incredibly against Biden, NATO and USA poor role in Ukraine conflict. For a moment I thought I was dreaming. I don’t know what to make of that. Are the zombies waking up?
But were they attacking him for not being “hard” enough. I hear a lot more of that in the media. There are only a handful of sane intelligent people calling for calm and peace.
There are hundreds of Government employees from the major Countries, paid to write comments and upvote, downvote as ordered in mass circulation media.
Upvoting and down voting is handled in the same Way as the last US election.
Look for common syntax, sudden changes in upvote counts, and large numbers of posts pushing the same narrative in the same style of writing., e.g.
I am a great fan of / voted for Boris, but—————- (as seen in their hundreds, produced by Labour volunteers at the last UK election).
My daughter informed me that she was a fan of Boris and I didn’t speak to her for 2 weeks . . . and no pancake days since.
Her excuse, not yet a teenager, even asking me if it’s true that Boris offered Putin £14 million not to start a war.
Perplexed I threatened to pull her from her cozy cost-an-arm-and-leg woke private school and stick her in the local meat waggon free state school of life’s hard knocks.
Do you see what we’re up against?
boris has “loaned” ukr 200 m recently….plus of course the building ships and rebuilding ukr naval military bases contract …that we know about so far…betchya we never see that money back. Plus of course hundreds + millions on whitehelmets. ….Foreign Office propaganda campaigns etc
Thank you. Pretty much agree with everything in your article. Have been working with Russia and russians since perestroika and I must say that i have constantly been demonised by my own fellow westerners for doing so. Even during the chaotic years mid-90s, pre-Putin.
The thing is that I have never ever been misstreated or disrespected by Russians…. sure, I have been involved in business conflicts that turned deadly, but even then….Well prepared, knowledgeable, even those high ranking political figures on regional and federal level. This has never ever been the case during my business dealings across Europe, UK or even US.
I must admit, and this is not to brag but to just make the crucial point, that I am a highly educated business individual, and besides cold war educated officer in marine special forces, with graduate degrees from top US and UK business schools (before wokism thank G), and i must say I learned shiieeet in the military or business school compared to lessons learned in Russia. What people across the western world learn today is merely a fraction of yesterday (I know this too, because I am upgrading my skills in big data analytics). Shallow, easily triggered, censorship, lowered standards etc. you name it. End of rant.
Happy birthday, Lugansk and Donetsk PRs. It bring tears of joy to my eyes
Nice to hear, thanks!
I think Russia’s first move should be at the UN. Russia should make the case to the UNSC that its hand was forced by Ukie genocide against their own Russian citizens. The case can be thoroughly documented and include everything the Chinese are accused of in Xinjiang but haven’t done. The Chinese will take great pleasure in backing the Russians at the UN (beautiful irony).
No one there, including the Secretary General, seems to care about actual events, just the American narrative.
The leaders of the Third Reich had a better chance of winning their trials in Nuremburg.
That would be like complaining to WADA of mistreatment of Russian athletes!
1/3 of America isn’t paying attention because they are too busy working to pay rent. 1/3 of America only want peace. 1/2.99 of America is brainwashed.
the rest are psychopaths. usually living around DC.
regular Americans are not enemies of the Russian people. It is our so-called leaders and federal government.
Yes, this is very true.
When this is all over and America finally returns to rational & sane leadership, and the empire ends, I fear it’s going to be difficult for us in the US to make amends with the rest of the world that our country has spent decades destroying.
Nobody will trust or want to be involved with us. The multi-polar world will chug along without us and leave us behind.
It will take decades to undo the damage that has been done to the world, and decades longer to undo the damage done to our reputation.
You are wrong. The world will embrace you renewed. Russia will be the first to reach out to you – we have a different essence, we forgive everyone without reminders.
Look at Germany and ex-Nazi Europe, we remember – but we do not take revenge. And in confirmation of my words, the Russian proverbs “a bad world is better than a good quarrel” and “whoever remembers the old, that’s out of sight.” )))
Alas, you are hostages of the American capitalist system, which will die without wars. So, until you reform, do not expect good from you.
And as you carry out reforms – welcome to the circle of peaceful countries.
…come to us! From the horrors of war
Come to peaceful embrace!
Before it’s too late – the old sword in the scabbard,
Comrades! We will become brothers!
And if not, we have nothing to lose,
And treachery is available to us!
Centuries, centuries – you will be cursed
Sick late offspring!
Alexander Blok, “Scythians”
> “a bad world is better than a good quarrel”
In this case мир would better be translated as “peace”.
(For those not knowing, in Russian language “world” and “peace” are both the same word)
….and the damage done to the US society? Irreversible?
I don’t think that’s true. If you look at how quickly Germany reintegrated into Europe after WWII, where they did indescribably awful things to various nations, there’s no reason why the USA can’t be reintegrated, as long as the rules for that reintegration are set by others and the USA understands that they have to behave properly in future.
Germany had an economic miracle by founding family businesses which created the incredible Mittelstand which underpinned its huge trade surpluses.
Think you mean 1/3.01 of America is brainwashed (sorry couldn’t resist).
lol, oops. my fault
True, also alot of people just don’t have the education and historical perspective to understand what is happening. Finding good info is almost impossible, it’s like looking at a needle in a haystack which is difficult for people with no time. Take me for example I’m very young, I don’t have alot of time. I have to go to work and school, so for me all this stuff is new and none of my friends talk about it. I’m happy I found this site even though I don’t agree with it about alot of stuff.
Let us not underestimate the Germans here. They have their own designs which too many folks don’t understand. Keep in mind the majority of them are Greenie-eco-nature loving planet saving types. Das Volk want gas prices to go up. That way they can get the gluttons of the world stop using gas to the detriment of the environment. Many Germans really don’t mind paying a little extra for the gas they do use if that is what it takes for the gluttons cut back on their consumption.
This little happening in the Ukraine just gave them the perfect cover to get prices twisted up. Don’t worry, once prices are high enough and this Ukraine thing blows over, they’ll quietly get NS2 flowing as need be. (To my understanding it is not technically certified anyway, so this is no real concession in the first place, but rather just some German grandstanding.) Notice they have not shut down NS1. As far as the Russians go, they will still get their money either way. So, in both Germany and Russia they’re a lot of people snickering.
You would know better than I, since I don’t follow German politics. But still,
Could Scholtz just be another “Ze”?
A weak, spineless petty servant who is morally afraid of extremists inside his own base or coalition?
Why does this idiot Baerbock even allowed a government building?
If Scholtz is surrounded by weak, mindless imbeciles, does he even matter?
The Kremlin sees him (and Macron and the rest of them) like they see Ze: as clowns.
Judging by the coalition which runs Germany, the German people are again on an ideological high.
How can Scholtz even remain in power after his “laughable genocide” words.
To be honest, I wonder
Are Germans trying their best to really piss off Russia?
The late legendary Major General Yuri Ivanovich Drozdov, head of the KGB illegal intelligence, personally told me twice that he himself not only saw, but held in his hands the so-called. Chancellor.
The truth is at the festive table, which does not change the essence. )))
It seems that today all US vassals have such Acts.
The title of clown should be reserved for mr Jens Stoltenberg. And him only, not to shame the profession of clovnery. Throwing the title of clown aroynd like nobodys business, is a offends towards clowns.
Call them pawns, marionettes or whstever, but the only deserving clown in town is Stoltenberg.
Jumped up Yes men like Stoltenberg are everything that’s wrong with the EU. I am yet to hear even one snippet of sense come from his dirty US c*ck-sucking mouth . . . . and yet, like the rest of this cabal, after spectacular underachievement in the military sphere (missing- in -inaction ) he’s about to swing through that Great Satanic Revolving Door into the financial sphere as the Head of Norway’s Central Bank (with some dissent/objection from the rank and file banking mercenaries).
God help those dozy Norwegians should they get their hands on their $Trillion Sovereign Wealth Fund, officially called The Government Pension Fund of Norway. Thing is, who Audits that shit? I bet like the gold in Fort Knox it’s imaginary, much like their Algo fed Stawk Meerkat.
Welcome to the imaginary future, but how long can we afford the new expensive normal
You are asking complicated questions here.
I have the impression that many Germans are disappointed by politics and don’t really know whom to vote for in the elections. The last time I sensed a positive mood of optimism (justified or not) was in the year Gerhard Schröder was elected (1998). Since then, all major parties disappointed the electorate and many people have become indifferent, almost apathic.
In 2014 something changed in the German main-stream media. Since then, the Germans have been fed with strong anti-Russian sentiments, news and clichés about every day. Before, I think, there were more different voices in the media and people to some extent were challenged and needed to form their own opinion. Since eight years the big media are frighteningly uniform. Russia is always depicted as bad, no matter what Russia does.
Did you get that Baerbock recently got a new State Secretary for her ministry, a citizen from the US, nationalized to work as a State Secretary of Foreign Affairs (Jennifer Morgan). It is said, that in Germany the State Secretaries can be more powerful than the ministers, because it is they who are doing the actual political work, whereas the ministers are more of a busy public face who are supposed to be present in the media. (The State Secretaries are deputys of the ministers).
> Jennifer Morgan
She was the co-CEO of SAP for less than a year before she lost that spot
Looks like this was in the works already
Sie haben vollkommen recht, Scholz ist ein kriecherischer Vasall, korrupt und hinterhältig. Und nein, er hat mit Sicherheit nicht die Masse der Bevölkerung hinter sich, auch kein anderer deutscher Politiker; leider werden in Deutschland die Staatsoberhäupter nicht direkt gewählt, sondern es werden Parteien gewählt, die dann wiederum den Kanzler wählen, wobei der mögliche Kandidat dafür meistens schon vorher ausgekungelt wird; die Partei von Scholz ist die SPD, im Volksmund auch Verräterpartei genannt, aber auch alle anderen Parteien und ihre Emporkömmlinge sind nicht besser, allesamt korrupt und machtgierig, und vor allem US- und Israellakaien
Keep in mind Germany is still an occupied country.
But where is the resistance?
In part totalitarian covid rules keep them i check and conditioned them to obey and accept oppression.
Concur one does not see it, but it’s there.
Germans have learned from WWII, not to solve problems by violence.
This NSII thing, and the raising of fuel oil prices may just be part of the resistance.
Germany in general can handle higher fuel prices. Now, whose economy will quickly trash when fuel prices go up?
There is no resitance! I tried to spoke with a good friend about the state of the world. The answer was “I don’t want to think about this it makes me queasy”. So are 95% of my follow germans – they are unwilling to see, to hear and to think and most of them accept the lies of the media and politicans. Sad but true!
The German resistance; I should say that is academically speaking within the 5% that does know and does see, and that is the 5% that does matter in that it is that 5% that runs the place (see my other comments on this thread). Reality is that Germany although occupied is faring quite well. The average German lives better than the average American, and may I dare say and bet with fair likelihood they also live better than the average Russian. Germany is a relatively small country with few natural resources wedged between two superpowers. To survive they need to play smartly between the two. There is no need to start an actual fight with the U.S.A. just to get them off some property. I never meant a physical resistance, but rather a resistance in terms of knowing where one stands, and playing the cards that one does have to one’s best benefit. There are some smart people in Germany that know that.
Looks like Ze’ is not playing his cards very well at the moment.
But also keep in mind what Anna wrote above: “Scholz’s party is the SPD, popularly known as the traitor’s party”
No, I expect this German NS2 call to be a completely false delay tactic and media event, only for the sake of cooling of tensions. I guarantee in the very near future, German politicians will slowly find loop holes and ways to bring NS2 back up. For instance once the initial tensions cool off, and rounds of talks and new Minsk-like agreements will begin making headway, NS2 might be dangled again by Germany as a bargaining chip. This is all temporary, we haven’t seen the last of NS2 not by a long shot, WAY too many German industrialists and German elite/parliament members support NS2 for it to go away that easily.
Minsk is dead and will never come back
Russia signed a complex 10 year contract with the 2 republics that will be prolonged if needed
The train has left
I like to add the purpose for NS2 is to offset the energy losses when Germany’s nuclear plants, and coal plants go offline. The neat thing about burning gas versus coal is that the carbon dioxide byproduct from burning gas is about half of what it is when burning coal for the same energy output. So, going to gas is a very easy way to quickly get one’s carbon footprint down. Gas from Russia for Germany is very much an Eco-planet saving move. I’m not sure why the Greens are against it (there are extremists that say people need to live in caves), but the pragmatic technocrats (that run Germany) understand this, and that is why NS2 is being implemented. It is not just the industrialists in Germany that are for NS2.
I believe in reasonable time NS2 will be up and running as it is simply too critical to not only Germany’s energy posture, but also is essential for achieving its environmental goals which are most important to the majority of Germans.
I also note a couple comments on this thread here. Although few like to acknowledge it, Germany does have a bit of a caste system; there is an educated “intellectual class” that runs everything, makes all the decisions, and who are the ones that politically matter, and then there is a “worker class” that follows regulations, and does what they are told. (I have family on both sides. What class one finds oneself in depends on the grades one got in primary school.) Views on the world vary widely between classes, but so long as the German intellectual class does not get greedy, and makes sure the German worker class stays reasonably well off this is not going to change.
Yes I agree with you
They are all clowns imbeciles and corrupt traitors
The Kanzler had to sign the Kanzlerakte
and Germany is not a souveraign country but occupied by the US for eternity it seams, 50 US military bases confirm that daily….
My German fellow citizens are spineless brainwashed sheeps and I don’t see any signs that this will change in the near and not so near future
Baerbock is the absolute Catastrophe
How can Clowns like this be in leading position of a country like Germany that was respected worldwide untill 10 years ago
Now they {the other countries} all scratch their heads and laugh and wonder about what’s left of GerMoney
It’s really sad and depressing
Like every other POS they’re groomed by the State. Baerbock spent time at finishing schools in the US. Let’s be charitable and call her a victim. lol
We Germans don’t get to vote for our leaders. We just get to vote for parties. And then we end up with people who don’t even represent the will of the party basis.
No, Scholz is not another “Ze”. He is definitely not a comedian. He is a banker’s creature. He is closely associated with the Cum Ex scandal where banks helped their customers get tax refunds for taxes they didn’t even pay, causing billions of damages. That started with his time as senator in charge of finances in the city of Hamburg (where his successor continued to look out for the Warburg bank, even deciding that the bank did not have to refund any money), it continued when he became minister of finance under Merkel. I don’t think it changed now that he is chancellor.
Baerbock was the candidate for the office of chancellor running for the Green party. The Greens wanted a female candidate to demonstrate that they stand for gender equality (don’t get me started on that). Her performance in the election campaign was abysmal, and probably explains the unexpectedly poor performance of her party in the election.
Merkel’s party CDU was headed by chancellor candidate Armin Laschet. His party would have been thrilled if he had been a comedian. Instead he turned out to be a clown.When more than a hundred drowned in the floods after heavy rains in the run-up to the elections, he was seen laughing and jesting in the background while Merkel was speaking to distraught people affected by the flood. When questioned about this, he didn’t apologize – just said the joke had been just to good not to laugh. That destroyed his party’s chances in the election.
Scholz Party SPD won the election because Scholz realized that he just had to keep a low profile with Baerbock and Laschet destroying their parties’ chances. But SPD didn’t win by a large margin. In order to make Scholz chancellor they had to make many concessions, and are now in a coalition with Greens, and FDP. Thus Baerbok, Habeck and even Özdemir (whose political career was saved by the U.S. when he lost his mandate some years ago after a scandal involving travel expenses).
Scholz will remain in power because of the weak mindless imbeciles around him, not despite them. They are to weak to challenge him.
In addition, Scholz is pissing off many German voters by keeping us in Corona lock downs, and trying to introduce mandatory vaccination. He is not strong enough to get this through parliament at the moment (and the minister for Health, Karl Lauterbach, is another horror clown in government). As for Russia, I guess he has decided to go the path of least resistance.
No, I don’t think us Germans are doing our best to piss Russia off. Our politicians do. But as long as the Russia haters manage to infiltrate any and all political parties, nothing will change. On the other hand, if the energy costs keep rising that might mean more pressure on our government to change track. So far, their repeated attempts to blame those costs on Russia don’t seem to work on the general populace.
There are a few sane voices left in Germany, unsurprisingly almost completely ignored by the German MSM. One of them is an „elder statesman“, Klaus von Dohnanyi (93), who served in the governments of Willy Brand and Helmut Schmidt and later as Head of the State of Hamburg. He wrote a remarkable book, published in German this January, „Nationale Interessen. Orientierung für deutsche und europäische Politk in Zeiten globalen Umbruchs“, (National Interests. Orientation for German and European Politics in Times of Global Upheavals). He reminds his readers: “Many Europeans are now realizing what would happen if the United States defended Europe on European soil: another total destruction of Europe, but a completely undamaged America.”, and concludes: „But in view of the real situation in Europe, we should be clear: Europe cannot really be saved by military power, be it that of the EU or that of NATO, which is dominated by the USA. Ultimately, Europe’s goal must be an alliance-neutral position.”
There is a review of this book (in German) I found most interesting, https://www.blog-der-republik.de/klaus-von-dohnanyi-nationale-interessen-orientierung-fuer-deutsche-und-europaeische-politik-in-zeiten-globaler-umbrueche-eine-kommentierte-besprechung/. Here is a Google translation:
Christoph Habermann / Politics / February 4, 2022
Klaus von Dohnanyi, former Federal Minister of Education and Science, Minister of State in the Foreign Office and Mayor of Hamburg from 1981 to 1988, wrote a book about “National Interests. Orientation for German and European Politics in Times of Global Upheaval”. This book, published by Siedler in mid-January, is a sensation.
Nothing he writes is really new. You learn a lot, but you don’t find anything that you don’t know. He brings to light what is concealed, repressed and concealed. Klaus von Dohnanyi, who has never been conspicuous as a “left wing” or “pacifist”, clears up a whole series of foreign and security policy lies that have been served up to the public, especially in Germany, for years and decades, both by the vast majority of the media as well as by the vast majority of those responsible for politics, above all from the “security policy community”.
In the political and media milieu of the Federal Republic of Germany, it is good manners never to talk about interests in foreign policy either, but to cultivate enemy images, to address allegiance to the big allies, and to show gratitude to the USA over and over again for the “candy bombers”. and to rave about the supposed “community of values” of the West in general and within NATO in particular.
Klaus von Dohnanyi counters these slogans in a matter-of-fact manner, with examples and good arguments.
Rest of long translation removed go to site provided … mod
I live in Germany.
The majority of Germans to not want to have higher prices for their daily living. There is a new feudal class in Germany consisting of high party officials, government clerks, people employed in state-tv, corporate media and in the entertainment biz who want higher prices especially in gas, fuel, food to have their green dreams become true, to save the climate and the universe. Politically the Germans are very conservative and have a devotion to their favourite political party and it takes a lot to have them change their voting. Only when it starts raining shit they will change their mind. Also the German political parties have formed a very big coalition of christian democrats, the Social Democrat, the Liberal Democrat and the Greens. They form coalitions according to their wishes/requirements, some playing government and some opposition. The only real opposition in the parliament is the AfD which is considered to be right wing and considered untouchable by the other parties. So to change something politically in Germany is very difficult. It will take some real economic problems and only when the normal German realises he will loose his job or he cannot make ends meet and has to cut back on his normal standarf of living he will start thinking abt alternatives not one second ealier.
The Germans will migrate toward Russia politically b/c they are attached economically, just a matter of time.
German business will move to Russia more.
The lady from Die Linke, though a lonely voice, speaks frankly and ardently. Example> “Diplomacy instead of further military escalation remains the right thing to do. In an interview with NDR Info, Sahra Wagenknecht explains why we need to establish a peace order in Europe in which every country sees its security guarantees safeguarded.” Sometimes I think she’s naive, sometimes I think she’s very clever.
I note that in time of sudden change the fates may bring real leadership and raise lonely voices to power…fickle…like a river.
Since 2014 or so I have intuitively felt that Germany was the key to change in Western Europe, and we’ll know that’s happened when, some dark night, the occupation flies away.
Anyway http://www.sahra-wagenknecht.de (in German)
Victor Grossmann and his Berlin Bulletin (in English) is an email letter that fine old fellow publishes from time to time.
US General Dissaray has been downgraded to Major Irritant and is well on his way to being demoted all the way to Private Squabbles, Moron First Class. It is hoped by many in patriotic circles that he will be stripped of rank altogether and assigned permanent KP peeling potatoes with a paper knife.
Fantastic time period to live in. Get to know VV Putin who single-handedly wrecks evil empires is gold :)
Colonel Cassad posted list on newest USA sanctiona against Russia. It is in Russian, and my Russian is good only to read, not good enough to translate to English, sorry :-( And I don’t know how to use Yandex or Google translator, too old for that.
Perhaps somebody will yandex this:
Байден огласил список санкций против РФ:
( Свернуть )
1. США введут санкции против суверенного долга РФ.
2. США введут санкции против Внешэкономбанка и Промсвязьбанка.
3. США продолжат переговоры с Германией, чтобы заблокировать “Северный Поток-2”.
4. США введут санкции против отдельных представителей российских элит.
5. США продолжат наращивать свои войска в Восточной Европе, если Россия не выведет войска из Белоруссии.
6. США будут защищать каждый дюйм территории НАТО. Но не Украины. Она лишь продолжит получать военную помощь.
7. США введут еще более мощные санкции, если Россия продолжит захватывать Украину.
8. США признают, что санкции против России ударят по американской экономике, но администрация Байдена будет ее поддерживать.
Зачитав список вялых санкций, Байден под недоуменные крики журналистов требовавших ответов скрылся за кулисами.
На этом фоне рубль сразу пошел вверх.
I am so scared, I dare not say more, lest CIA,BIA,DIA,SHT agencies track me down. :-)
Yandex translation. Mod:
Biden announced the list of sanctions against Russia:
( Collapse )
1. The United States will impose sanctions against the sovereign debt of the Russian Federation.
2. The United States will impose sanctions against Vnesheconombank and Promsvyazbank.
3. The United States will continue negotiations with Germany to block Nord Stream 2.
4. The United States will impose sanctions against certain representatives of Russian elites.
5. The United States will continue to build up its troops in Eastern Europe if Russia does not withdraw troops from Belarus.
6. The US will defend every inch of NATO territory. But not Ukraine. She will only continue to receive military assistance.
7. The United States will impose even more powerful sanctions if Russia continues to seize Ukraine.
8. The United States recognizes that sanctions against Russia will hit the American economy, but the Biden administration will support it.
After reading out a list of sluggish sanctions, Biden disappeared behind the scenes under the bewildered cries of journalists demanding answers.
Against this background, the ruble immediately went up.
Most people agree apparently think the German chancellor is not an outstanding figure and maybe that’s why foreigners have trouble writing his name correctly. His name is Scholz (not Schultz or Scholtz).
He has the problem that Sergeant Schultz is more famous.
I know nothing!
True, but that is actually Schulz. I wrote “Schultz” because the Saker yesterday wrote Schultz, today Scholtz. LOL I think it’s the only politician’s name he always gets wrong and maybe that’s telling.
Sorry, I didn’t know the fictive character Sergeant Schultz.
TV sitcomseries from the 60’s and early 70’s Hogan’s Heroes fat, lazy Nazi camp for POW’s guard: “I know nothing, I see nothing, I say nuh-thing!”
Strange that the murdering Nazis were considered funny in the 60’s. ;-)
“I know nothing, I see nothing, I say nuh-thing!”
seems that most germans are Sergeant Schultz descendants
Near the end while Schultz is sitting in the chair holding a machine gun on the prisoners the shot over his shoulders shows him holding an MP-40 but when the shot switches to show Schultz he is holding a Thompson and when the shot switches again to over his shoulder he is holding an MP-40 again.
I give you the great John Banner:
Camp Commander Colonel Klink and Sergeant Schultz were portrayed as stereotypical Germans whom the US POW’s ran circles around, much like Cleese, Basil Fawlty , in Fawlty Towers did with Manuel, the Spanish waiter.
Any questions? No! Ve haf vays of making you talk.
His physique indicates he knows his way around a strudel like our good Sargeant did.
Scholz (not Schultz or Scholtz).
Oh man, I have a hard time with this one for some reason…
will try to remember!
If Germany freezes for lack of natural gas then I suspect that you won’t have to worry about how to spell that bozo’s name. He will soon be yesterday’s hero.
After all, once he cans NS2 then as far as the Empire is concerned he will have passed his use-by date.
Scholz has that sneaky look of Donald Pleasence in Telefon (1977). A guy committing significant crimes with understated pleasure!
you should consider this photo as meme for the beginning of the New New Order (thanks Nightvison):
Unfortunately both Scholz and Lauterbach have the visual appearance and boorish demeanour that makes you see them dressed in black uniforms once fashionable in Germany
I guess he won’t be around for long enough to remember, except for being the chancellor that allowed Germany to be ruined.He certainly will not be fondly remembered by freezing Germans nor will his green colleague in the foreign ministry, the spelling of who’s name is even more of a head F∞¶§
Just call him Olaf 😁
I will :-)
The Saker
Calling Chancellor Scholz ‘Sergeant Scultz’ is more fun. Back in the 1960’s you had a TV serial called “Hogans Heroes”, which was a comedy serial about Allied POW’s in a German prisoner of war camp. The two chief German characters were Colonel Clink and Sergeant Shultz, famous for saying “I know nothing, I heard nothing”. He reminds people of Chancellor Scholz, who stated that it is laughable to state that you have genocide in the Donbass. Both Sholz and Scultz love to play dumb.
Scholz is a fifth-rate attorney. Look at the faces and facial expressions of the German leaders. They look like they came out of a Zen Buddhist school. Like Merkel, they show no emotion. He has the eyes of angels, of babies. After the second world war the Germans think they are at the forefront of humanity, but they are wrong. Germans envy American democracy and the “social modern” way. I personally have German friends who always go to Miami on vacation. Germany’s conservative Christian minority now wants to leave Germany. Germany’s defeat in World War II was an eternal defeat, forever. Putin lived in Germany for years and now he and the Russians must look only to China and Asia.
Ibn khaldun said, “the defeated always eager to imitate the victorious”. The Germans must be very bored with the Americans and want to try something new. Tomorrow the Germans and many Europeans will eagerly copy everything Russian.
Questions for the Saker, thanks in advance.
1.) How can Russia neutralize the threat from US/NATO forces and equipment in Lithuania, Latvia? I ask not in the military sense but in the political and international sense.
2.) The bigger threats are Poland and Rumania, with Poland being the bigger one. Question one applies with respect to these two also, please.
3.) Why on earth didn’t Russia create justification for its actions proactively, like the US was able to do at the time of Cuban missile crisis? The US sold the perception that Russian aggressive deployment of missiles next door posed an unacceptable threat and would not be permitted. (The full context was more nuanced – US missiles in Turkey was the first step -, but the US nevertheless was able to sell its propaganda)
4.) Russian official communiques are much too long-winded and obtuse. Why not simply say “You are placing your missiles at our doorstep. Remove them now in the interest of world peace. We will not permit any further dangerous equipment to be planted next door to us.” Why not no-fly zones and naval searches of ships carrying missiles next door to Russia?
5.) Why is Russia (and especially its media, which is pathetic IMHO) not screaming about violations of Russian-speakers’ human rights and their daily targeted killings?
Forgive me for the long list of questions and thanks in advance. I hope you feel a response would be of interest to many.
O boy, you have a lot of catch-ups to do. Just read through past articles and you shall be released.
Points (1) and (2) will solve themselves once the Russians manage to flip Germany into their orbit.
If (or should I say when) that happens then America’s vice-like grip on Europe’s squishy bits will be no more, and the US forces in Lithuania/Latvia/Poland/Rumania will have a definite use-by date.
Take those Americans away (and if Germany flips then they’ll be taken away) then none of those countries will be any threat at all. Not to Russia. Not to Germany. Not to anyone in Mackinder-Land. They’ll flip as well.
As for they final three points: the media that you read is not amenable to what you want Russia to do.
It is akin to complaining that during the Cold War the USA did a terrible job articulating its point of view in the pages of Pravda. Which, indeed, is what happened: the USA could not manage any effective messaging in the pages of that publication.
But that was Pravda’s doing, not Washington’s.
Drive all Russian Troops all the way the British Isles and conquer them all. The USA does not give a damn about the Europe! Euroasia is the way under Russian Leadership. Puny NATO is useless.
I know your smiling Andrei but save your cheers
for when we see the murdering Ukros turned into
piles of ash.
Justice can’t come quick enough !!
ps are you now convinced w/o doubt VVP is on the right path
I was when he saved Syria
I am surprised, you have neglected the most important American asset ….. Spider-man.
Spiderman, Spiderman, here comes SpiderMan.
Hey, we’ve already got The Comedian in Kiev, or is that Lviv, or is that Warsaw, or, rats, its hard to keep track, the Comedian appears to be moving westbound faster than a speeding bullet.
Spins a web of lies, indeed.
Cut from the same Rothschild tailor’s dummy as Macron.
I see Norway one step closer to be the stage for a possible logical and handsomly paid created conflict.
If Norway ends up being the only source for gas to Europe, it will be the last obstacle for the US to increase profiteering from delivering such them self, as possibly wished for.
If the US wants chaos and less competition on virtually all industrial fields from europe, then choking the gas supply is the way to go. A chaos, if not anarchy will kick off pretty fast.
I would not be the only obstacle between europe and the US, if the US finds that to be good business.
This winter has been mild as in temperature, and that did save Europe from running out of already low gas reserves. Pure luck.
Next winter might not be that lucky, and gas will be a matter of life and death.
Norway can not fullfill the european need for gas. So US have billions to gain on making sure Russia gets out of this business, while civilians and businesses are paying the price for sanctions.
Are the US willing to take out Norway as a supplier in order to sell gas them self?
I believe yes.
Or “hell yeah”.
The good news is that this will not play out before after oktober 2022, as mr Stoltenberg then is the new boss of the norwegian central bank. How come this, is your choice to guess.
Between now and oktober, the US will start up some new bullshit, probably in the balkans(MIC needs food), before turning the evil eye on norway the late authum of this very year(MIC hungry again/ US must sell gas, and a joker, later to be reveald)
Going from Taiwan, to Khazakstan and to “Ukraina War”, loosing its face in all three, makes the US desperate and DANGEROUS.
After all… Who needs the Norwegians anyway?
With climate change in full force now it’s cold winters which have been becoming a rarity. Just have a look at the data from the last 30 years. I am pretty sure that this is playing a role in the deliberations of European politicians concerning the potential decrease in Russian gas supplies.
MOD : understood if this isn’t allowed as heading off topic but it is another issue that needs a continuous reminder of the reality check vs narrative
Suggest you check out Cap Alan at https://electroverse.net/ for a reality check on global warming, or the lack thereof. The reason for extreme hot/cold northern hemisphere winters is due to the now wavy jet stream.
Valentina Zharkova has all but proven we are heading into a deep solar minimum(s) in the coming decades.
So no, if anything, Europe is going to be much more reliant on Russia’s gas moving forward, not less.
Of course you know the data is adjusted to fit the lie?
You may have noticed they are prone to telling the odd lie with ulterior motives.
This is a simple one but a big one.
While the German refusal to certify NS2 is a problem and may only be temporary if things cool down – well, that’s the problem. Who says things are going to cool down in Ukraine?
So far Ukraine has not stopped shelling and appeared to be moving heavy artillery toward Mariupol. Zelensky has asked for a clear timeline to NATO membership and refused to “accede” to Russia’s recognition of Donbass. In other words, on the Ukraine side – which means the US side – nothing has changed.
Russia for its part appears to be taking its time sending forces into Donbass. Some Russian reports say that troops will be deployed only as necessary and upon specific LDPR request. Russia has also made clear that currently it supports the Donbass borders as they are now, not the full Donbass borders prior to 2014. But how long will this last?
So what happens if Ukraine keeps shelling and intensifies the shelling? At some point, obviously, Donbass will request Russian assistance. Russia will respond. So what happens if Ukraine doesn’t stop shelling? Obviously Russia will have to stop them. This entails heavier fighting and possibly a Russian/Donbass advance of the contact line to insure a buffer between Ukraine and Donbass. if not a heavy Russian attack on the Ukrainian military to eliminate them. Then the question of whether the Kiev regime itself should be attacked raises itself.
So then what happens on in the international front? Obviously, heaver sanctions. This is likely to force Germany to stiffen the “no certification now” to “no certification forever”, as Andrei says.
I see all the celebrations at this point to be a bit premature. This conflict isn’t over. While I still expect Russia to come out on top, I would like more attention paid to what comes next. Granted, it’s likely to be all speculation, but I’d like some notion of what are the realistic expectations (as opposed to the sort of “Russia starts WWIII” comments people make, the jingoistic stuff which doesn’t interest me.)
>>Russia has also made clear that currently it supports the Donbass borders as they are now, not the full Donbass borders prior to 2014.
Wrong – this is straight from the horse’s mouth:
“With regard to the borders within which we will recognise these republics, we did recognise them, which means we recognised their foundational documents, including the Constitution, and the Constitution stipulates their borders within the Donetsk and Lugansk regions at the time when they were part of Ukraine.”
Here: http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/67838
and it should be mentioned that there must already be diplomatic and military agreement on this behind the scenes because today was published on various intel channels the flight patterns of U.S. intelligence gathering drones and planes and the aircrafts have stayed EXACTLY outside the borders of the newly recognized Donetsk republic, rather than encroaching right up to the line of contact. So this tells me either Russia already has a de facto no fly zone in place of some sort over the republic or these newly recognized borders have already been agreed upon behind the scenes by U.S. top brass.
What makes you think the Republics won’t fire back. Watch the Bently vid, it’s game on. Russia untied their hands. They’ll get the help they need, but it’s their pound of flesh.
Cheers M
News out of the US is saying there are tons of Deep Fake videos coming out of Russia and not to believe anything. They are using the FBI to deliver this message.
Well, not without it, but of course it cannot be compared with the production of a Western car.
Now I will write a banality for you – believe in deeds and facts.
By the way, you can trust Putin’s words, he never lies, he is silent – yes, sometimes he cites facts that are not entirely appropriate … but he does not lie! Like all VLOOKUP environments. This is a dangerous failure and is fraught with loss of authority, image.
In Russia, a lie, like a mortal sin – we hold in high esteem Pravda(truth), Chest'(honor) is a priority. And Sovest'(conscience), Spravedlivost'(justice), Dolg(duty to the Motherland, Family) … and most importantly, service to the Fatherland and Zhertvennost'(sacrifice) as a Podvig(feat) and the main value.
This is why the East wind will prevail over the West wind, as Mao Tse-tung famously said. Because in the East virtue is still a tradition, 2700 years after Solon praised moderation, after Plato praised duty, while in the nihilistic West, particularly in America, one believes in greed, confidence schemes, self-indulgence, turning the truth upside down, and fatally, deluding oneself about so-called exceptionalism, while at the same waging war and destroying other countries. I have never quite understood this, maybe in 100 years historians will know more.
They said Culture drives civilization. The Russian civilization is so old that every way of doing things is a page in Russian history. And the values promoted is family. Near the schools the signs read things like the Children are our Gold, our future. Contrast that with the Parent 1, Parent 2 society. So if Culture drives civilization who shall prevail. Second, like the message in the movie Брат 2, his brother said Money rules the world. And what? -You can buy everything. -And me? Also to the American, the message was money has power, he has TRUTH and that is power. Perfect example. MSM lies, meanwhile Donbass survived shelling non stop since 2014. US acts like they care about Ukraine. A blind man can see who is the one working from LOVE.
The next move will be for that big paw to take a swipe and it won’t be pretty.
Dear All,
Peace of Christ.
And as usual, very warm greetings from way down here in Nairobi Kenya, at good old Horn Of Africa. Once again, it’s awesome being here to partake of the heady updates of history as it happens; In real time. The posts and commentaries are excellent. It’s 2.32 AM down here and I still can’t get enough of flipping the TV channels and refreshing the Saker blog online. I wish someone in Moscow could get Madam Simonyan to restore the once free air-to-air TV that once used to be freely available throughout Nairobi so we can have more of the Russian take on today’s events. That channel disappeared for good after 2014.
I’m exhilarated, just like everyone else here. Congratulations once again, Saker, for straightening out so may facts
as things happen in such a stupefying speed.
Like I said in the other post, Shoigu, you have no choice but to be God’s General. I am the proud son of the ferocious Mau Mau War guerillas from Kikuyu ethnic tribes of Central Kenya who threw out the British colonialists out of here in the Great War of freedom of the 1950s, after they started raping our women and killing our grandmas; and our world was not ready to countenance even one more single sniper fire death of yet another innocent Babushka in the Donbas. It’s time for the men in the room, namely the Russian military to truly clean up Ukraine once and for all of all vermin, and make its entirety safe for women and children. What kind of world can men live in if old grandmas are forever running for their lives just because some fools are threatening sanctions? To paraphrase Robert Ludlum, the future of country is built by the blood of its sons: lucky is the nations whose sons have blood.
What President Putin has been forced to do in the Donbas was the only acceptable outcome.
Hey fellow Kenyan…
Thought I was the only Kenyan browsing this channel! :-)
Dear Andrei,
Congratulations for the superb job
I know things develop quickly, anyway I would like to ask you to bring us your thoughts on Putin’s speech from yesterday, which you have only briefly commented about:
(…) I want to mention four specific threats made by Putin today (note, since the PR folks at the Kremlin are still working at their usual snail’s pace, I will have to make them by memory, please keep that in mind):
– Those responsible for the massacre in Odessa will be punished by Russia.
– Putin is demanding an immediate cessation of the shelling and shooting along the LOC.
– Russia will physically prevent the Ukraine from US/NATO deploying offensive weapons to threaten Russia.
– Russia will show Banderastan how to organize a *real* “decommunization” (after indicating that the Ukraine was created by the CPSU).
Many thanks!
The US empire criticizing Russia for violating another nation’s sovereignty is like Jeffrey Dahmer criticizing someone else’s eating habits. (Cailin Johnstone)
Zels latest speech about unity economy building and diplomacy. What a shock. His iq just jumped up to reality. No more we gunna get some dirty nukes but lets negotiate. That was a refreshing plunge into ice lake .
Well Andrei, brave man that I am, I’ve just subjected myself to enduring 10 mins of pure, unadulterated nausea listening to this dreary, sad old fool living with the effects of the advanced stages of mental putrefaction spouting the same old rubbish. Sanctions, sanctions and more sanctions.
I’ve said in a comment on a previous thread that it is significant that in the face of a so-called Russian ‘military threat’ to its ‘freedom’, the West chooses to respond with economic measures. That alone gives Russia the edge. I say this because in a real confrontation, despite what economically-inclined analysts say, economic considerations — important though they may be in the conduct of war — takes a back seat. Survival trumps economic well-being any time; and every time. History is replete with countries going bankrupt or going heavily into debt fighting wars; their economic well-being suffer, but they do it anyway simply because if they don’t survive, there won’t be an economy worth talking about. Russia is ‘fighting’ to ensure nothing less than its security, and it can and will take extreme measures to achieve that. This is a simple fact that even an ordinary man on a bus can understand.
I’m delighted to see Russia retaining the initiative — the US is going helter-skelter in responding to Russian moves, hee-hawing here, hee-hawing there; to-ing and fro-ing between ‘allies’ and ‘partners.’
The present situation somehow reminds me of a couple of nursery rhymes I was taught in kindergarten: Nato now — ‘Oh the grand old duke of York, he had ten thousand men; he marched them up to the top of the hill and he marched them down again; And when they were up, they were up; And when they were down, they were down; And when they were only half way up, they were neither up nor down.’ Really, the collective West is now beginning to look like it’s going to suffer the same fate as Humpty Dumpty.
Will these financial sanctions become a problem for Russia?
‘Crusaders are not what they used to be’ ha ha
It has been pointed out that NS1 is fully operational and that NS2 has not started operation. Accordingly spikes in gas prices are purely speculative manipulation (pretty much how the entire market works). Meanwhile empire has been warned that an energy war with Russia would likely send oil over $100 a barrel and cause a recession.
RT reports that Zelensky is ready for bilateral negotiations, or any negotiations at all. His desperation is on par with empire’s.
I found the article on RT that discusses Zelensky’s willingness to negotiate.
I think this is an excellent idea but perhaps Ze should leave the US in Poland and come ready to negotiate on behalf of the Ukrainian people. As I understand it the majority of his ground forces are across the Dnieper and the supply lines look very fragile to me. Now is a good time to negotiate a withdrawal and save the Ukrainian army. Your “allies” have all but abandoned you Ukraine don’t let them push you to suicide as well. I am sure Russia will be magnanimous at this juncture but maybe not so much later.
Zelensky does not represent the Ukrainian people. He was a western puppet who is now trying to stay alive – between POed Ukies, neonazis, and former masters he is powerless and irrelevent. He can’t call off the attacks on Donbas because he’s not in charge of anything. Accordingly he is unable to negotiate anything other than trying to save his own skin.
All true but he is still in Kiev and he just might try to save his skin by trying to negotiate with Russia. He might also have uncomfortable documents. Honestly, if I were Ze I would stay out of small aircrafts. An idiot that is no longer useful tends to have a short life span.
If that’s how the market works then it may be called speculation or not, gas prices will stay at elevated levels. They have already gone up by 400% or so over the last several years. Stores of gas are presently running low, which means that have not quite run out yet. What will happen to prices once stores have run out is anyone’s guess, but it’s reasonable to assume that they are going to rise further still.
Germans are a little bit shell shocked, I believe, about the utter spinelessness the government has put on display when it stopped NS2. In typical Scholz fashion he has tried to mealy-mouth his way around declaring that NS2 has been cancelled for good, but who is to believe him given how the conflict has played out up until now? Will Scholz suddenly discover his willpower, standing up to the cancellation pressure from all sides? Hardly. He may also be vulnerable personally due to the corruption allegations against him. Who knows what the NSA knows about him. It may be similar with green party and its pedophilic elements. It may take some time, but some opposition to putting NS2 on hold is probably going to gel together. Having to pay much more for energy hurts people in their wallets – there is nothing more motivating than that.
Hello everyone,
I am from Germany and I just wanted to apologize for our government. For Baerbock und Scholz especially. I did not vote for any of them, but what can you do about it as an ordinary citizen?
About Scholz you should know, as Mayor of Hamburg he was involved in one of the biggest financial scandals in German history, CumEx, where banks made billions in illegal tax refunds. He personally helped the Hamburg centered Warburg Bank to avoid the repayment of these illegal profits, while being in office.
He was later questioned in an inquiring commitee on this matter and according to the German investigative journalist Oliver Schröm, who followed this CumEx story for eight years, Scholz answered fourty to fifty times “I don’t know” or “I can’t remember” and got away with it and still managed to become the running guy for the German Social Democratic Party SPD.
So his chancellory will basically be based on keeping the mainstream media happy, so that nobody starts asking inconvenient questions.
And that leads to the biggest problem in Germany… The media… It is an absolute horror for a sane person, to be fed with such garbage everyday.
It is unimaginable. Joe Biden could devour a puppy dog in front of a kindergarten class live on YouTube and German media would spin it with something like “It was for science, it was for the good of the children, they wanted it” and most people here would buy into it.
And I am not exaggerating. Although there are luckily many people around the German internet, who acknowledge the media for what it is and you have many alternative media outlets, but it is far from being some kind of critical mass.
So from my position, I can just hope that the Russians will have some mercy with us, but I won’t blame them if they don’t. And frankly, Germany and the Western world don’t deserve any mercy. Even being a Westerner myself I can’t take this shit anymore.
Whatever the multipolar world will bring to Europe, I don’t care anymore, I want to see the West fall for what they did to the world. At least I will be able to say, I knew it was coming and I also will know why it came.
No cause to apologize to an American. My own country’s leadership is the world’s largest, most murderous organized crime syndicate. During the Iran-Contra hearings Reagan bested Scholz’s “can’t recall” count by a wide margin. And Germany’s regime media can hardly sink below CNN & MSDNC. It’s quite disgusting, and meanwhile Julian Assange rots in Belmarsh.
More on Scholz. Andrei writes, tongue-in-cheek, that “Scholz truly scared the Kremlin” by pausing NS2. Riiiight! NS2 certification has languished for many months and no Russian gas is flowing now, so threatening to “pause” certification for some undefined period is absolutely meaningless. It has zero impact, zero leverage over Russia. Scholz is like a miniature Doberman yapping at a ferocious bear from the doubtful safety of his master’s lap. Funny and a bit pathetic.
I feel the same as a Spaniard. We allowed the Deep State to snatch all our sovereignity, sabotage our children’s education, and we keep feeling happy (if not ignorant) about that, absorbing all the bullshit from the media and being accomplices in all the greedy imperialist adventures of the Deep State.
Let’s hope for a “developing country” status sometime in the future, when the East is flourishing.
Btw the ultimate irony, when Yanukovich was forced to “flee” Kiev in 2014, his presidency was declared null and void by media and world governments, stating he can no longer be legitimate after having fled the country. Yet just yesterday/today the U.S. has been desperately trying to engineer for Zelensky to flee Kiev to a foreign country, if he does so, what are the chances that western media/governments will likewise declare his presidency to now be null and void, illegitimate?
Just another in the multitude of gross hypocrisies from the West
A Pole here. Just so that you know: while our pathetic puppet government is of course spitting on Russia there are quite a few Poles who don’t like the idea of US forces on our land, don’t like it that the US ambassador can shout at our ministers if they do something against the wishes of the empire. We also don’t like it that we are giving money and weapons to the Ukrs when the US tells our puppets in charge to do so, while Ukrainian government is openly hostile to us and elevates Bandera and other nazi war criminals to status of national heroes. We still quite well remember Wolyn and we can therefore imagine what people of Donbas went through or why they evacuate when given a chance to do so. And, to be honest, must of what Putin was saying about how the West looted and degenerated post-war Ukraine also applies to Poland, even though it wasn’t as harsh we nevertheless lost much of our industry become a country of foreign factories and outsourcing centers as well as prime provider of qualified labor for the rest of the EU. So, please, do not equate Poland’s current puppet government and presstiute media with Poles as a nation. Quite a few of us would like to have better relations with Russia, alas the stupidity of our puppet governments makes it more and more unlikely every day. I don’t hate Russians, but I am afraid Russians will hate me – and I don’t like that prospect.
I can speak the same for Ukrainians. Not all Ukrainians worship Bandera and not all Ukrainians hate Russians. There are few who see what is going on and do not like it. Michael Pogrebinsky comes to mind.
Pogrebinsky is an Ukr without remorse. He has repeatedly stated that no one has the right to judge the Ukrs’ worship of Bandera and other Ukronazi criminals and staunchly defended other utterly loathsome leanings of the Ukrojunta. According to him, no decent Ukrainian would ever consciously support the Russian vector in international politics, as opposed to the European one. If Pogrebinsky suddenly decided he isn’t liking what’s going on around him in the Ukraine, it’s because he’s scared, not because he’s a good man.
Zorard, thank you for posting this. I forget all countries are more or less controlled by their governments/media and that within the countries the people themselves do not necessarily agree. I genuinely thought (after speaking to my 93 year old mother) that the Poles had a right to hate the Russians and that ofcourse they feel animosity towards the Russians after what happened to them during the war. I have no idea what happened but I assumed it was awful. Your comment has made it so that I have more affinity and understanding for Polish people, and now also for other European countries. Really the media and the politicians have a lot to answer for. Thank GOODNESS we have places like the Saker where we kind of find each other again.
Be well. And thanks again!
I mentioned it before on this site and I say it again. The Germans will commission the NordStream 2 in max 2 years. For all the hot air and political posturing, there is no way on earth the German economy ( the engine of whole Europe) can remain competitive paying what is pays ( and likely more in the near future) for liquefied natural gas. It is way too expensive, which will be a huge drain the profit margins of virtually all German ( likely Czech and Austrian too) machine building companies, automotive industry and what not.
The politicians can huff and puff all they want however, when the CEOs and The Board of Directors of German blue chip companies will tell Herr Scholtz and Frau Baerbock they they have to fire thousands of employees, when food prices and heating pricing will go through the roof, what are the German politicians going to to? Closing the last nuclear power plants was meant to be coincide with the commissioning of the NS-2. I guess that will not happen, however the Eco terrorists ( Green party) will insist in their delusional and misguided environmental policy on closing the last nuclear and coal plants in Germany. I bet in 2 years max N2-2 will be commissioned even if Russians take half of Europe not just eastern or south Ukraine.
On the side, US can nor remain a producer or exporter of natural gas either due to their own Green New Deal which restricts and makes fracking for natural gas next to impossible under their infinite wisdom and quest to save the planet. So where from exactly will the German and central European get their natural gas, may I ask?
depends if any gas is available and if no long term contracts have been signed sending it Asian direction….so Russia says …sorry go to the back of the queue we will get back to you later. Perhaps. West just cannot contune their own self deception that what was before will continue. For just one example you might have to rebuild coal power stations and buy coal from the Donbass. oh the irony. Any essential precious metals and earths etc you currently buy from Russia?
Why should the Russians care who they sell their gas to? What they do care about is having reliable trading partners. If the Germans want to play hard to get it’s just too bad for them.
I read the Trump thing. He is not saying Russia did the right thing. In fact, he said it would not have happened on his watch. He merely used it as an illustration of how weak and hapless Biden is.
https://twitter.com/i/status/1495984717514133504 Now this is praise
Trump is just another empty suit as a President and human. Just like all the other “leaders”. Says one thing, does another, before and after his election. All lies,
Russia would have treated him just like the current failure (Biden). This is America the more things change the more they stay the same. As in Failed State.
If you read Putins address to his country you’d have an overwhelming feeling of shame for what the US is and what it has done to others in the name of God. Trump has been part of that,
“I don’t know if they are amazingly courageous, very dumb or suicidal.”
Non of the above. They are shameless.
Two must see videos! Biden praises Putin, compares him to Peter the Great
What is unfolding is great.
The neocons in Europe,Usa are going catatonic.
Most of Europe is now engaged in market gas spot pricing. A few countries are in long term contracts with Gasprom.
Thus when spot price goes up Here is a hint. Gasprom is not necessarily obliged to bid. Ergo the situation for Europe is much more problematic.
Nato is now a bleating leach that is being starved of its blood supply.
The Usa may think that it now has a free lunch on Europes behalf. But when money supply chain chaos, mineral, shortages, food supply constraints impact on both sides of the Atlantic.
Tic toc tic toc. New world order takes shape and emasculates the dying empire.
Yeah, read that article in Commentary – Israel is really scared. That was some of the most over the top breathless writing I have read in a long time; guess s9emone forgot to tell the author that more Russians died in WW2.
Woops! Turkey opposes Russian sanctions
Big Ze certainly is in between an Azov Battalion and a Pravi Sektor and the CIA these days. Gotta wonder when he will be Skripalled. Any bets?
Soon as he grows tired of beating the wardrums for his masters
Bongos On The Blacksea.
Trump just repreaents the other butt-cheek of the same criminal USA political sandwich.
“Exclusive: Documents Reveal Erik Prince’s $10 Billion Plan to Make Weapons and Create a Private Army in Ukraine” (JULY 7, 2021 )
“The audacity of the proposal fit with Prince’s record as a businessman. For nearly a quarter century, the former Navy SEAL has been a pioneer in the private military industry, raising armies in the Middle East and Africa, training commandos at his base in North Carolina and deploying security forces around the world for the State Department and the CIA. Under the Trump Administration, Prince’s family—a powerful clan of right-wing Republican donors from Michigan—saw their influence rise. Prince’s sister, Betsy DeVos, was appointed Secretary of Education, while Prince himself leveraged contacts in the White House to chase major deals around the world.
The ones he pursued in Ukraine were among the most ambitious of his long career. But with Trump out of office, the Ukrainian government has slowed the process and invited more competition for the assets Prince coveted. “Had it been another four years of Trump, Erik would probably be closing the deal,” says Novikov, one of its lead Ukrainian negotiators.”
@ Ghost of the South
Idiot Trump is trying to rub off himself on Putin’s glory. He’s a nobody, unable to grasp the meaning of this historical moment. A nincompoop.
Lone Wolf
No, he is not.
Trump, for all his failings, NEVER disrespected his opponents. This also means he never underestimated them. It was one of (few) of his strong points.
The Biden reaction was a clear case of underestimating an opponent and being caught with pants down.
And Trump rightly pointed it out.
That he /again/ showed respect for Putin actions, is part of the story. An integral part.
The problem with a lot of the “western” leaders is they systemartically conflate respect with support. Trump does not. Never did. Keep that in mind if you want to understand what he is saying..
Trumplethinskin is a streetwise upgrade on Boris, an opportunistic promoter of himself.
I’ll only remember him for his catchy jingles, Drain The Swamp and Lock Her Up. in between rounds of foursomes with Bill Clinton at Martha’s Vineyard Golf Club.
Get Real!
Again, you are doing the same mistake. Guess the cognitive dissonance in the West has reached such a level that even the folks who are generally disgusted by “West” actions are effected.
Guess it is true: That who lives with the wolves becomes one.
You are conflating (showing) respect and supporting. Trump never ever supported Russia or Putin. Nor China or DPRK.
All he ever did was show basic decency to get an edge/keep higher ground ahead of negotiations.
There were times where diplomacy was seen as one of the strong points of the western “civilized” countries. The British managed to become the rules of India by it without making a shot, for the most part. Guess that time has passed. Arrogance is the name of the game today. Same as it was for Rome for the last hundred years or so of its existence. All the way until the Barbars were in front of the walls.
Donald Trump is olygarch. He is a Trojan horse inserted into grassroot movement of “deplorables” to control and misguide their just anger. He will act as they do and say what they think, but in the end he will do nothing but waste their energy, resources and time.
The fact his powerfull enemies are even more “oligarchyc”, doesn’t change a thing. Enemy of my enemy is not my friend when Royalty quarrels.
Deplorables should follow leader who is one of them, and Trump is just the opposite of peoples champion.
Históric day, nothing about geopolítics… everybody here, Pepe, Orlov, Andrey. I pray for all of you and soon as possible i Will give my part.
Sorry about the copy and paste but things are really getting hot in the Donbass…
Following a short break in the shelling of the territories of the DPR and the LPR after the recognition of the republics’ independence by Russia on February 21, the UAF resumed their attacks in full force on the afternoon of February 22.
Shelling continues along the entire front line. Intense attacks targeted the cities of Lugansk and Gorlovka, as well as Donetsk suburbs. Dozens of civilian settlements have already been destroyed.
At 11.35 p.m. local time, the UAF violated hit the village of Berezovskoye from their positions near Zolotoe-4, using an ATGM. As a result of the Ukrainian aggression, a civilian car was hit by a direct fire. Two civilians were killed, according to the LPR representative office in the JCCC.
At least 5 civilians were killed in the Donbass region on February 23. 3 in an explosion in the DNR and 2 others were killed in the LNR. At least two soldiers were also killed. One in the DPR and another in the LNR. On the other side, the UAF reported that two Ukrainian soldiers were killed on the front lines.
For the first time since March 2018, the UAF used rocket artillery during the shelling of the Donetsk People’s Republic. According to the DPR officials, Ukrainian soldiers from the positions of the 56th Motorized Infantry Brigade opened fire from the BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launcher system on the Kievskiy district of the city of Donetsk, firing five missiles
Earlier on the same day, the DPR intelligence service reported the deployment of additional weapons by the UAF along the front lines. This included additional artillery, MLRS, as well as armored vehicles.
At the same time, more Russian military columns, consisting of T-72B1, TOS-1A, GMZ-Z, IMR-2, MTU-72, BMP-2, were spotted in the border areas.
At about midnight local time, a large explosion took place in the city of Donetsk.
An IED exploded on the territory of the Donetsk television center. No injuries were reported.
The DPR officials suppose that this explosion was carried out by the Ukrainian special services in order to intimidate local journalists.
On the same day, the former Minister of Defense of the DPR Vladimir Kononov survived an assassination attempt.
At 16.32 local time, an explosion took place in the area of the intersection of Lazarenko and Tsusimskaya Streets in Donetsk, targeting the former DPR Defense Minister. As a result, a local resident received a mine-explosive injury, but Mr. Kononov was not injured. It was established that the victim was on his way to a meeting with Vladimir Kononov.
A criminal case has been opened on the fact of the explosion, operational and investigative measures are being carried out.
On February 21, the Armed Forces of Ukraine attempted to break through the Russian border in several areas. One Ukrainian sabotage group that penetrated into Russian territory in the area of the settlement Mityakinskaya was destroyed by Russian forces.
Two other groups attempted to break through the Russian border in the Novoazovsky district of the DPR. According to the People’s Militia of the DPR, later the Ukrainian saboteurs were blocked on the territory of the republic.
Please give Russia a few days to settle in
Then these attacks will stop very fast
Ofcourse the ukies try now to quickly use their
shells as they know when Russia is settled in its game over and their brains will be flying and not their shells anymore
Red Army Choir – March of the Defenders of Moscow
I recommend “The Best Of The Red Army Choir, The definitive Collection”
Fantastic original recordings, digital remastered.
Its in my daily playlist.
“First, he asked who the hell Putin thought he was to recognize states in other sovereign nations?”
Yes, just imagine the nerve of anyone thinking that they could simply hive off parts of other sovereign nations for themselves — like Panama (Colombia) for example, or Texas (Mexico) for that matter. And neither of them was ever previously a part of the “exceptional” U.S. so far as I am aware.
Uma homenagem às novas Repúblicas!
Google translation,MOD:
A tribute to the new Republics!
His Royal Pedoness Biden may ask help from superpowers Slovenia, Croatia, Montenigeria, Kosovo* or North Macedonia for help. Or ever loyal Bulgarians or Romanians. Romanian section of the Stalingrad front was cracked first in Feb of 1943. The same may happen in Feb 2023.
I am wondering if the clock is officially ticking for the Ukrainian forces to pull back to the administrative borders of DNR/LNR. If they are not and will not by the deadline, they could be minced meat in no time.
It does not look at all that they are. If the retreat is cut off , the Uki force might look like “the highway of death” in Kuwait or the Syrian tanker convoy. We shall see.
The Romanians are not so much .. remaining removed … mod
note to WTFUD .. we strive to discuss the events and ideas of day … puerile sexual comments will not be approved … mod
Maybe Bidet is angry because he might be losing personally if Ukraine goes back into the Russian sphere?
Lamentably, it’s almost certain that Putin will break diplomatic relations with the U.S. as he told Biden he would if there were more sanctions. Putin said so when Biden told him (on the phone) there would be more sanctions if Russia invaded Ukraine, and since this situation is less grave than what Biden referred to, it took about 24 hours to decide more sanctions will be imposed. So, the scenario under which Putin gave his own warning is fulfilled today.
The Crusaders are very, very angry. Who cares?
One can gather you take a very, very long view of history Saker just from reading the title alone, and for that I can only show my appreciation, a kindred spirit, if I may say so.
One of the best accounts of the sack of Constantinople — and I don’t celebrate this event — is Steven Runciman’s. Barbarous assault of an inferior civilisation upon a far superior one, based on treachery, lies and greed. An essentially godless people from the West wreaking havoc on every land they step foot on. But I think, this time after the fall of the Second Rome (Byzantium), the Third (Moscow) will prevail.
The treacherous attack, conquest and looting of Byzantium by the European crusaders may have so weakened Byzantium that when the moslem Ottomans attacked later, Byzantium was unable to resist and fell.
‘The good folks at Commentary Mag’. Translation: The Zionist Nazi collaborators at Neocon News’.
That’s what really is crazy. How these people who lost millions of family members to the Nazis in WWII now act like their allies. They apparently believe their own brazen lies. At least now I know where Blinken and Nuland formed their blinkered world view.
I remember maybe 40 years ago I visited my relatives and saw a copy of Commentary in their living room and read some of it. Even then I thought it was obviously far right ideological propaganda. Yet it has the stature of a leading intellectual magazine. No wonder the world is so messed up.
Dear Andrei:
That was a masterpiece of snark, and brought a much needed smile as my day wraps up.
Go with god, my friend.
Scholz’s Stalingrad 2.0.
The collective Biden must be extra worried because Biden is clearly losing his senses. He can barely string a a few sentences together and can’t take any questions. Watch him shuffle away from the podium. If shit gets real, he’ll be even more of a disaster.
I like the idea that ” Odessa criminals” will be remembered. I have been waiting for this…
Biden’s statement was indeed a cringe-worthy word salad, despite the teleprompter. His speechwriters and handlers had to be groaning throughout. It’s actually scary, nuclear button-wise, especially when considering Kamala as his imminent successor. American leadership has visibly devolved in the shallows of the swamp. The comparison with intelligent, honorable leadership of Russia is quite stark. In that respect, the video is illuminating, worth the pain of watching.
The Biden admin has no access to the US Nuclear Arsenal, thankfully.
it’s heart wrenching watchin a Lavrov and a Blinken speaking, it’s like a worm that’s able to formulate words and a highly inteligent and prepared human being. It’s not even fair to compare them. Same goes for a Trump/Biden versus a Putin.
Not just Kosovo but Jerusalem as capital and West Bank and Golan Heights – US insults UN and international order. As in occupation of Syria and Iraq.
Russia is a Great Power and has to impose its wishes on US since US is infantile
Green Net Zero comes early to Europe and deindustrialisation follows
Russia should invite BASF to move to Russia
You are wrong here.
The US -eventually- started to support the state of Israel up to becoming its main supporter after the 6-day war of 1968.
Israel came to be entirely organically before that. Put credit where credit is due.
The jewish community was not moral in their quwst to create the state of Israel. But they were authentic and determined. Initially, they had pretty much zero international support as well. Israel came to be not because some external power established it. It came to be because the jewish community in Palestine, with support of the global Jewish diaspora, literally fought it out.
Absolutely no parallels with what happened in Yugoslavia nor the unfortunate situation in the Ukraine these days. The Russians in Donbas were not the ones to initiate hostilities. They acted in reaction of the (new) Kiev govenment sending elite paratroopers to “make order” shirtly after the 2014 events in Kiev.
/That those paratroopers refused to fight and handed over their weapons to the authorities of Donetsk instead is another matter. But that was the moment, and then confirmed by the bombardment of Slaviansk with heavy artillery, that the Donbas residents realised they better fight or be killed. No one thought of independence before that./
Six day war …June 1967….
thanks, you right of course!
The US had close relations with Israel from the beginning, the CIA was closely cooperating with Mossad from the 1950s. Mossad was set up with British MI6 guidance, more militarized than their Brit & Amero counterparts, with a 3 year intelligence officer training course rather than standard 2 years for MI6. Israel was created out of the British Palestine mandate, their is nothing at all “organic” about Israel, it is as an artificial creation as you can get. The British military covered for Hagganah & Stern gang, even the murder of one of their own officials, to carry favour with Arab Gulf monarchs – a typical Brit tactic, the entire time Jewish militant groups were being supported by the emerging NATO. Israel from the beginning has been financed by Western money, it has no resources of its own to be self-sufficient or viable as a state, to the present day, where it now has an impressive tech industry & world class agricltural industry, Israel still requires vast billion dollar subsidies to stay afloat.
Here is a beauty from Tucker Carlson.
Thank the Most High Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ!
True and good and strong human beings are finally doing what must be done to rid the world of evil. May the Lord give His blessing upon Russia (and her allies China, Iran, Syria, Venezuela) as she works to save the lives of so many souls, both in the Ukraine and around the world. President Putin, and the good people of Russia, you have my thanks (and admiration) as an American nearly helpless to stop the criminal authority of my country’s ruling elite. Thank God for prayer, as that is all I can do and will continue to do as things develop. I’d also like to thank the Saker and Dmitry Orlov (along with all of your guest contributors) for enlightening me to what is truly happening around the world and putting so much in perspective. I would definitely be lost in the endless propaganda if it were not for your efforts. I will do what I can to support it. I am American, and I love Russia and her Russian people. I’ve been rooting for you for a long time now, and it’s a blessing to see you stand firm against the west. I just wanted to say that for any Russians who read my comment (not all american citizens are under the “anti-Russian” spell). Godspeed.
Russia, under the leadership of President Putin and those in leadership positions, Shoigu, Lavrov, Gerasimov, etc. have just demonstrated what could or should be called political genius. Their decisions were unpredictable and yet when viewed ex post facto, reveal a logic of action which envelopes several spheres simultaneously: geostrategic, economic political, social and spiritual, the latter being beyond the ken of the West. This action also has an inevitability about it which is comparable to a mathematical discovery. It has been there all along, but the time was not yet ripe for it to occur.
It might have taken “too long” as President Putin suggested in his speech, but then again, Russia was not ready before. This decision reveals a synchronicity of developments which finally coalesced at this time and when they coalesced, decisions and actions were implemented with lightening speed,
Commentators have asked what will happen now? As if what will happen will follow chronologically. But I would venture to assert that Russia will not work chronologically but synchronically: it will act simultaneously in a number of spheres such that the pincers will be felt in many different places. And the beauty of such synchronicity is that it is unpredictable.
One thing that bothers me: how come Ukro SpecOps and saboteurs move so easily through territory of both republics, making assasination attempts and setting off explosive devices? I know they are capable, but it seems DPR and LPR security forces could improve performance.
Give Russia time to ‘arrive’ then you will see some real change… the old saying, Russians take their time to saddle their horses, but then just watch them ride !
Perhaps the Minsk agreement with the OSCE and foreign spies allowed to come in, made it much easier to do that. The info they collected would go to the U.S. puppets – Ukraine regime.
We, bulgarians, have a saying – Не викай “Мецо”, да не се обади. Roughly translated it means – Don’t call the bear, she may answer.
After years of lies, propaganda and provocations, the West finally got what it wanted – russian troops in Donbass. Well, they probably didn’t got it the way they wanted it – I’m pretty sure nobody anticipated that Vladimir Vladimirovitch would use American’s playbook against the west and would recognize Lugansk and Donetsk as independents BEFORE signing pacts with them and sending boots on the ground.
Motto : Shameful enemies of Donbass,… Ukraine, USA et al. ”
Brilliant move and a big relief and help for the people of Donbas ! Now,in an overt way Russia can provide state of the art weapons and training to the junior army. Also investments and more integration with the country that cares for them .The first countries to recognize the new states are Venezuela,Cuba and Nicaragua. Do they want Russian peacekeepers too ? Russia should have its own ” Open Door ” policy for sovereign countries !
I guess we won’t be seeing any “rights of navigation cruises” in the black sea for a while. Are there any vessels there right now, or have they skedaddled?
We care because there is an increasing pressure to side with EU and US and join the sanctions and we do not want that of course but they will keep pushing and, as you know, we are a small country completely surrounded by NATO. In some way, this is similar to 1941.
Hi to Everyone and my special thanks to The Saker for keeping us updated about the geopolitical situation.
I am writing from Iran and here it seems that our intellectuals haven’t really understood the importance of what happened in the last 72 hours regarding the geopolitical implications concerning the Donbass and other related issues , or may me I am wrong and officials and intellectuals prefer currently to keep silent , because we are under the enormous pressure from the evil forces and with the ongoing farce in Vienna , logic dictates not to provoke the disgusting crusaders and the zionist entity unnecessarily , although we are always good for a surprise to give the mad empire a bloody nose.
In any case I will add my 2 cents , when I see new developments here and will let our valued commentators know.
Cheers from Tehran
The only people who want war with Russia are lgbtqxxyz nutty leftards and nevertrumper Jeb! supporting imbeciles. If these people actually volunteer to go die for the US then it will save the US.
An interesting and very true comment on presstv.ir: https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2022/02/22/677330/Russia-faces-down-the-Empire,-with-China-s-backing
“Just say no to NATO: Russia faces down the Empire, with China’s backing”
I read Trump’s recent comments about Putin, how he outsmarted Biden and I found them really funny.
Украинский президент Владимир Зеленский выступает за признание ДНР и ЛНР Россией, поскольку, по его мнению, это позволит ему отказаться от выполнения Минских соглашений, сообщает «Страна.ua» со ссылкой на источники, близкие к офису украинского лидера.
По словам собеседников, украинские власти не собираются вести прямые переговоры с самопровозглашенными республиками, а также не хотят вносить изменения в конституцию об их особом статусе.
«Признание Россией республик на Банковой считают очень хорошим вариантом, так как это похоронит столь нелюбимые украинскими властями Минские соглашения. В том числе и поэтому у Зеленского нет желания как-то продвигаться по Минску-2. Наоборот, есть желание тянуть процесс до тех пор, пока Россия не признает ДНР и ЛНР и проблема, таким образом, решится сама собой», — следует из публикации.
Об этом сообщает “Рамблер”. Далее: https://news.rambler.ru/world/48172289/
Google Translate:
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky advocates the recognition of the DPR and LPR by Russia , because, in his opinion, this will allow him to refuse to implement the Minsk agreements, Strana.ua reports, citing sources close to the office of the Ukrainian leader.
According to the interlocutors, the Ukrainian authorities are not going to conduct direct negotiations with the self-proclaimed republics, and also do not want to amend the constitution on their special status.
“The recognition of the republics by Russia on Bankova is considered a very good option, since this will bury the Minsk agreements so unloved by the Ukrainian authorities. This is also why Zelensky has no desire to somehow move along Minsk-2. On the contrary, there is a desire to drag out the process until Russia recognizes the DPR and LPR and the problem will thus be solved by itself, ”the publication says.
Об этом сообщает “Рамблер”. Далее: https://news.rambler.ru/world/48172289/
The crusaders were surprised the bear swallowed the bait including the hook, the bear knew very well the crusaders set up a trap for him yet it couldn’t care less.
Wikileaks has just placed all its files online. Yes Everything from emails to Hillary Clinton, FBI sniper in Las Vegas, Steve Jobs’ letter about HIV, PedoPodesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA agents arrested for rape, WHO pandemic… Have fun coming! Please read and continue 👉 👉 https://file.wikileaks.org/file/