Dear friends,
For four weeks now we have been discussing the Russian special military operation in the Ukraine and most of what we looked at was happening either in the Ukraine proper or near it. I did mention plenty of time that “this is not about the Ukraine, this is about the future collective security arrangement of Europe“, which is true. But even that does not show the full picture. So today I propose to widen the scope further and look at some absolutely crucial developments inside Russia. Beginning with the most amazing result, at least in my opinion:
The total failure of US PSYOPs inside Russia
I wrote many times already that the Russians got their collective asses handed to them by the massive propaganda machine of the Empire of Lies. But when I wrote that, I should have been more accurate and write that this is true OUTSIDE Russia. Inside, almost the polar opposite happened.
First, let’s remember the various existing movements inside Russia:
- Putinists. My preferred term for them is Eurasian Sovereignists. These are the folks in/near power who see the future of Russia as a truly sovereign country fully integrated into the Eurasian landmass. They see the future of Russia in the South, East and North, and want nothing to do with the West anymore. They are opposed by those whom I call the
- Atlantic Integrationists. These are the folks in/near power who want Russia to be accepted as an equal partner into the world order favored by the ruling elites of the United States. According to some, this faction does not exist. Yet we can very clearly see their immense influence, especially on the Russian economic financial sector.
- The official, “systemic”, opposition. These are the parties which made it into the Duma and while they talk and protest a lot, they are a loyal opposition which supports the Kremlin every time that support is needed. I would call them all “uninspiringly acceptable”.
- The 5th columnists. These are the self-declared “creative class” and gender-fluid “liberals” who dream of the day Russia becomes the next Poland (they think that Guaido or Tikhanovskaia are heroes). These folks are totally sold out to the Empire of Lies and are the voice of that Empire in Russia. Their incomes almost always depend on maintaining the political system created during the Eltsin years and which now the Kremlin has (FINALLY!) began to shut down.
- The 6th columnists. Ruslan Ostashko calls them the “emo-Marxists”, which is a good expression which I shall adopt. These are also called “hurray patriots” or “turbo patriots”. They blame Putin for being weak, sold out to the West, corrupt and dishonest. They also oppose Putin’s ideology (patriotism instead of nationalism, and economic liberalism) and for decades now they are the ones who say 1) Putin has sold out or 2) Putin is about to sell out 3) all is lost. For them a “Putin victory” in the Ukraine would be way WORSE than the total defeat of Russia by the West. Thus they wrap themselves in the flag of patriotism, but in reality they are what Russians call “defeatists” (пораженцы).
Here is how the leaders of the Empire of Lies most likely relate to these groups:
Group | Relationship of the Empire to these groups |
Eurasian Sovereignists (aka Putinists) | Putin is basically the devil incarnate and removing him is the single most important goal upon which the West has already spent many BILLIONS of dollars on. Yes, this is a Crusade, an anti-Putin Crusade by the self-same folks who waged all the crusades… |
Atlantic Integrationists | They were extremely useful for decades (since the early 80s at least), but their shrinking influence makes them much less useful than in the past. Putin is responsible for that degradation of their influence. But they still have enough power to maintain agents of influence in the Russian ruling elites. |
The official, systemic, opposition | Useful poodles, they give Russia all the “democratic trappings” needed, but they don’t threaten the Kremlin in any real way. Besides, they often hate the West even more than the official party of the government (United Russia). |
5th columnists | They have become useless. They have zero traction and, at most, they can get less than 1000 people in the streets in multi-million cities. Also, their legal and IT “wings” have been clipped by various new laws. At best, they can now emigrate to the Zone A and pretend to be political refugees or “dissidents”. I recommend the UK or Israel. |
6th columnists | They were the last and biggest hope of the Western PSYOPs. Their mission: break the morale of the Russian society and, if at all possible, try to either overthrow Putin or force him to deal with mass protests. As we shall see below, they failed as miserably as the 5th columnists. |
So what happened? Here is a quick list of factors which contributed to this outcome:
- New laws were passed forcing foreign agents to publicly declare when they are getting money from abroad (irrespective from whom, CIA, MI6, NED, Soros, etc.).
- Many Western-run social media outlets, who were banning any non-russophobic voices, have now been banned in Russia, again, FINALLY! Telegram is booming, let’s hope the Empire does not bring Telegram to heel next.
- Russian foreign policy successes forced the Atlantic Integrationists to keep a low profile because it is hard to criticize a regime which, for example, so successfully dealt with the pre-2022 sanctions while saving a country like Syria. Furthermore, the steady increase in hostility between the West and Russia made it hard for them to sing the virtues of that same West which now openly backs Nazis in the Ukraine with every resource the Empire of Lies has. This is why even Dmitri Medvedev has now quickly rebranded himself as a patriot!
- The 6th columnists and their mantra “Putin is about to sellout the Donbass” now look totally stupid since far from selling out the Donbass, Putin has used the Donbass as a cover and pretext to change the entire collective security architecture of Europe and, really, the entire planet. Also, the 6th columnist made a HUGE mistake about the war in the Ukraine: their theses became increasingly indistinguishable from those of the 5th columnists. Keep in mind that in the Russian culture to wish or advocate for a defeat when Russia is at war is basically an act of treason (lots of new laws passed recently by the Duma, the 5th and 6th columnists better be careful with what they say and do next!).
- The first week of the special military operation was by far the most difficult one not only for the Russian military, but especially for the Russian society which not only got truly HAMMERED by the most intense PSYOP in history coming from the West, via not only propaganda outlets like BBC or Deutsche Welle, but also Western IT giants (Google, Meta, etc.) censoring and banning not only most perceived as “pro-Russian” but even entire domain names like .su and .ru. The HUGE mistake both the 5th and the 6th columnists did was to jump unto that “PSYOP horse” thereby revealing their true agenda.
- In direct retaliation for the banning of all things Russian by the Western-controlled social media, Russia finally began to slap on fines and, better, totally shut down all these vomit spewing sewers, at least in Russia.
The first week of the war went extremely well from a purely military point of view, but from a socio-political point of view, I know that a lot of Russians vacillated and really freaked out.
But then, the Western PSYOPs made a huge mistake: they gave free reign to truly rabid and racist russophobia while, at the same time, openly proclaiming the Nazi regime in Kiev as “heroic” defenders of the West. It is one thing to hear that your dictator Putin and his Mordor will be sanctioned to smithereens and quite another to feel the overt, direct and targeted hatred against you and your people, that is something you perceive less with your mind and more, I would say, with you “skin” or “guts”. Once it became obvious that the West’s hate for Russia is absolute and total and that the “best” Russians can hope from our “Western friends” is to be treated like Native Americans or the Boers by the Anglos, which is not different at all from how the Nazis treated Russians, most Russians figured out what this was really all about since Day 1 and even much before (I would argue since about 1000 years).
That was pretty much all it took to “switch over” the mode of many Russians from “of my God, what will happen next?” to “we shall never surrender” or, on the words of Molotov, “Ours is a righteous cause. The enemy shall be defeated. Victory will be ours” (June 22, 1941).
To give you an idea of the magnitute of the defeat for the 5th and 6th columnist, I could mention that both Putin’s personal popularity and the popular support for the denazification and disarmament of the Nazi regime in the Ukraine is over 70%. Instead, I just want to share this short video with you:
(official translation, source here)
“We, the multi-ethnic nation of the Russian Federation, united by common fate on our land…” These are the first words of our fundamental law, the Russian Constitution. Each word has deep meaning and enormous significance.
On our land, united by common fate. This is what the people of Crimea and Sevastopol must have been thinking as they went to the referendum on March 18, 2014. They lived and continue to live on their land, and they wanted to have a common fate with their historical motherland, Russia. They had every right to it and they achieved their goal. Let’s congratulate them first because it is their holiday. Happy anniversary!
Over these years, Russia has done a great deal to help Crimea and Sevastopol grow. There were things that needed to be done that were not immediately obvious to the unaided eye. These were essential things such as gas and power supply, utility infrastructure, restoring the road network, and construction of new roads, motorways and bridges.
We needed to drag Crimea out of that humiliating position and state that Crimea and Sevastopol had been pushed into when they were part of another state that had only provided leftover financing to these territories.
There is more to it. The fact is we know what needs to be done next, how it needs to be done, and at what cost – and we will fulfil all these plans, absolutely.
These decisions are not even as important as the fact that the residents of Crimea and Sevastopol made the right choice when they put up a firm barrier against neo-Nazis and ultra-nationalists. What was and is still happening on other territories is the best indication that they did the right thing.
People who lived and live in Donbass did not agree with this coup d’état, either. Several punitive military operations were instantly staged against them; they were besieged and subjected to systemic shelling with artillery and bombing by aircraft – and this is actually what is called “genocide.”
The main goal and motive of the military operation that we launched in Donbass and Ukraine is to relieve these people of suffering, of this genocide. At this point, I recall the words from the Holy Scripture: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” And we are seeing how heroically our military are fighting during this operation.
These words come from the Holy Scripture of Christianity, from what is cherished by those who profess this religion. But the bottom line is that this is a universal value for all nations and those of all religions in Russia, and primarily for our people. The best evidence of this is how our fellows are fighting and acting in this operation: shoulder to shoulder, helping and supporting each other. If they have to, they will cover each other with their bodies to protect their comrade from a bullet in the battlefield, as they would to save their brother. It has been a long time since we had such unity.
It so happened that, by sheer coincidence, the start of the operation was same day as the birthday of one of our outstanding military leaders who was canonised – Fedor Ushakov. He did not lose a single battle throughout his brilliant career. He once said that these thunderstorms would glorify Russia. This is how it was in his time; this is how it is today and will always be!
Thank you!
Of course, the 5th columnists and the 6th columnists dismiss any election in Russia (they are all faked!), any opinion poll (they are all faked too!) and even any such mass events (the people are bused in for money!).
Which is EXACTLY what the Western PYSOPs say too (in those rare cases when the report about that at all). In French there is an expression “those who look alike gather together” (qui se ressemble s’assemble) and now that “stain” of “being with” the CIA/MI6/etc. and against your own President while your country is at war for its survival is a mark which neither the 5th nor the 6th columnists will ever be able to wash off, at least not in Russia.
I want to repeat here something which is crucial: truth is the first casualty of war, that is true, and lying on behalf of your side (whichever side you are on) is only morally wrong, but also effective only short term, in the mid to long term the truth begins to seep in through the cracks in the wall of lies.
Furthermore, criticism of a government, even during a war, is also fair and, in fact, needed. But when a full scale war is going on and people are dying (including your own people, whichever side you are on), you have to ask yourself that simple question: cui bono from what I just wrote?
Many “patriots” and “friends of Russia” clearly won’t. Okay.
I think that when your own arguments become indistinguishable from the talking points of the Western letter soup’s PSYOPS and when the 5th and the 6th columns basically unite to try to overthrow the commander in chief, then we are not talking about honest criticism, but either treason (if you are Russian) or ignorance (if you are not).
Whatever may be the case, I would argue that the West’s PSYOPs triumph over Russia outside Russia has been more than compensated for by the Kremlin’s triumph over the West’s PSYOPs inside Russia. And since the serfs living in Zone A decide nothing, all they can do is talk, talk and talk even more, that Western triumph over Russia in the societies which are under the dominion of Uncle Shmuel, I think that while in the short term the Kremlin rather lame efforts (RT & Co.) did get a bloody nose, that initial period of shock is over and far from demoralizing Russians, the Western PSYOPS are now uniting them in the determination to prevail and survive, at any cost, bar absolutely none.
Russia is now in full WWII mode.
I now expect the 5th columnists to emigrate en masse and the 6th columnists to steadily melt into utter irrelevance.
What about the Atlantic Integrationists?
Alas, they are very much still there :-(
They keep a low profile and say the right words when needed. Yet the latest SNAFU with the Russian foreign currency and gold reserves places a direct spotlight on them. There are two crucial problems with these folks:
- Putin is a liberal, at least in economic terms. Hate it or love it, but that is a fact. Or was until now. This gang was never popular in Russia, and that latest controversy has resulted in A LOT of angry accusations. Mind you, Putin has just re-nominated Elvira Nabiulina to head the Russian Central Bank and it shall be very interesting to see how the Duma will vote on this. I would just say that if I was a Duma member I would not vote for confirmation not only because I don’t like the Kremlin’s economic policies, but also because that might be a very politically costly move. So let’s wait and see. By the way, Putin has also appointed Sergei Glazyev to the position of Minister for Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasian Economic Union. Interesting times…
- The Atlantic Integrationists still wield a lot of power because they are not some secret society which meets in secret locations and exchanges some secret handshakes, but they are a socio-political class, I mean that in a fully Marxist sense, including the notion that these people have class interests and a class consciousness. Furthermore, a lot of regular Russians fully depend on the institutions created by the Atlantic Integrationists since the early 1990s. So to “simply eliminate” them sounds like a great idea until you realize that you are talking about an entire class of people.
[Sidebar: especially for those red-blooded US Americans who, if they were in charge of the Kremlin and Russia, would have easily solved that and all other Russian problems, by whatever means, they ought to remember that in the land of the free home of the brave you are ALSO all serfs of a political class – I call it the US Nomenklatura – which they have totally FAILED to remove and which crushed Trump in less than 30 days! So, how about “doctor, heal thyself” and “motes in other eyes?” First liberate YOUR OWN country – then give lessons to Russians! Ditto for the stupid claims that the Russian military is moving too slow. It took the US military SIX MONTHS to prepare for invasion during “Desert Shield” – in spite of huge prepositioned stores and a totally supportive KSA – and another MONTH to invade Baghdad which was basically undefended. In fact, the US has not won a single war since WWII and never waged an existential war in its entire history. Do you REALLY think that you are competent to teach Russians how to fight? At least, next time you prepare to give Russians lessons, try to remember this factoid: during WWII the Soviet Army liberated one thousand two hundered (1’200!!!) cities from Nazi occupation forces. As for civilian casualties, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden and “500’000 dead Iraqi children as “worth it” – that’s all you. As is the vicious and genocidal bombing of the DPRK and Vietnam. So, remind me, who are you again to give us lessons???]
But yes, the Atlantic Integrationists are still there. If Putin decided to ignore Russian law and act like Stalin, he could fire all those Atlantic Integrationists we all know and love to hate (I do!), but that would NOT remove their power base. So, instead, what he needs to do is gradually (and legally!!!) weaken their power base, which is *exactly* what he has been doing since at least 2014 (and, in reality, even before; he is a slow, deliberately acting person, and he does wait as long as needed before striking).
Which brings me to my last topic: the super-pooper “sanctions from hell”
Okay, there is very little doubt that just as the post MH-17 sanctions, the current sanctions will hurt Russia and, more specifically, some sectors of the Russian economy. However, just like the post MH-17 sanctions forced Russia to FINALLY diversify and invest in such crucial sectors like agriculture, the current sanctions will simply FORCE Russia to completely remove herself from most of Zone A, especially in her political and economic activities. In other words
By committing economic suicide (which is what these sanctions will be for the West!) the leaders of the AngloZionist Empire FORCED the Russians to cut a lot of, shall we say, “umbilical cords” which still tied them to Western controlled interests. I would even go as far as to say that ignorant imbeciles like “Trump” and “Biden” did more to destroy the 5th and 6th columns and to immensely weaken the Atlantic Integrationists than all the efforts of the FSB or the (very lame and weak) Russian counter-propaganda efforts.
The toxic 5th and 6th column abscesses have finally been punctured. Yeah, it stinks and yeah, a lot of “disinfection” will be needed, not “only” in the Ukraine, but also in Russia.
Oh, I know, the leaders of the West did not do all that out of some kind of love for Russia, they did that because their own class interest depends on doubling down over and over and over again. Add to this the entire “best military in the history of the galaxy” narrative, and lots of “WE will teach the Russians a lesson they will never forget!” (yeah, both of these idiots, and Obama too, see themselves as much scarier and tougher than the united Europe under Napoleon or the united Europe under Hitler, funny, no?).
As Andrei Martyanov very accurately described in his latest video, the West’s insane push to “Cancel Russia” has been received loud and clear by the Russian people, and now they are in the “existential war for survival” mode (well, at least most of them, no less than 70+ percent).
The result?

Russian caption: we will finish this war together spelled with a Latin “Z” rather than a Russian “З”.
I think that these two images illustrate the current dynamic very well: Woke-drones can think that when they display the unanimity of a lynch-mob they are scaring Russians.
To some degree, the Russians themselves are to blame, we accepted way too many plastic beads in exchange for empty promises.
But not because we treasured these beads, but because until 2021 we simply did not have what we needed to stop accepting these beads.
Putin’s 2021 ultimatum to the entire united West was, in fact, the last concession Russia was willing to make.
As I wrote many many times, the difference between Russians and the West is that the West does not fear war but is not ready to fight one, whereas the Russians very much DO fear war, but they are also totally ready to fight. We have lived in this reality for 1000 years, and we know that war is always the ultimate evil. So now, far from being ashamed or unhappy about how the Kremlin did everything it could to avoid that war (which I was absolutely opposed to, if possible and if given an alternative choice, of course), but the West gave Russia no choice.
And, in doing so, it flipped the mental “we will unite to win this war” switch in the minds of most Russians.
You could say that the West has finally truly “canceled itself” in the mind of a vast majority of Russians.
I think that the Kremlin STILL would prefer a negotiated solution, not just to the war in the Ukraine, but even in the semi-covert (or even not so covert) war going on with NATO. But the recent strikes at ammo dumps and foreign mercenaries in the western Ukraine are a clear sign that 1) Russia will not accept any outside intervention and 2) that Russia will, if needed, strike Poland, Romania or whatever other self-prostituting state, and their membership in NATO will make no difference whatsoever.
Guys, one of the main reasons why Russia chose a low-manpower strategy is precisely because the bulk of the Russian military is ready for any type of war against NATO and the US, even a nuclear one if needed.
Yeah yeah, in the West they announce with a straight face that Russia is running out of bullets for her AKs. If that kind of nonsense makes some woke freak feel good – by all means, enjoy!
In Russia, it only strengthens the determination to cut all ties with the West whose true face all Russians have FINALLY seen again, for first time since WWII.
Conclusion – the “Great Coming Out”
This war, which I abhor and ENTIRELY blame on the Empire of Lies had at least one consequence which I welcome with all my heart: this war has triggered a massive “Great Coming Out” in which not only politicians, countries, societies or celebrities have shown their true face, this also applies to those I thought were my trusted and respected friends, family members and even clergy!
Sometimes these *true* faces turned out to be ugly and hypocritical, in other times they radiated kindness, compassion and love for all our fellow human beings. Yes, some of it was painful, even heartbreaking. But some of it was unexpected and deeply deeply touching.
I personally welcome this clarity with all my heart!
Now I know the answer(s) to this crucial question: with whom are you, whose side are you really on?
I hasten to add that I am not Dubya, I don’t need to tell the world “you are either with us or with the terrorists”. In reality, I very much welcome any neutral or indifferent position. After all, why should a Chilean fisherman or a coffee-shop owner in the Azores care about any of that?
My disgust is not with those who don’t care or don’t know – it is with those who either ought to know better or, if not, ought to shut-up and mind their business (especially if they are totally clueless about the nature of this conflict).
[Sidebar for doubleplusgoodthinking Orthodox Christians: Orthodox Christians, especially those who struggle to truly uphold the fullness faith “which the Lord gave, was preached by the Apostles, and was preserved by the Fathers” ought to realize two simple things: Orthodox Christians are the sole heirs of the East Roman Empire and it behooves us more than anybody else to recognize the modern day Franks and Crusaders for whom/what they are. To neutral or “opposed to aggression” is not only moral cowardice, it is a negation of our ethos and our collective memory. Christ told us “my Kingdom is not of this world“, and your manic determination to remain in harmony with the secular mainstream of our fallen world is really pathetic. If that is not yet another form of Neo-Sergianism then I don’t know what it is!]
Yet again, as during most of my life I now again see what I have always seen: my own, personal, “good Samaritans” very rarely were Russian or Orthodox, and even less so Russian Orthodox. All my life I have see FAR more brotherly love, compassion and kindness from atheists, secular Jews and (non-Takfiri!) Muslims than from my putative “brothers”.
Yes, this hurts me deeply and shames me too. But that is a truth I am not willing to forget or remain silent about.
Finally, I owe it to my TRUE “good Samaritan” brothers/sisters to repeat this truth either until my last breath or until my fellow Orthodox Christians at least begin to show the moral probity so often shown to me by my heterodox brothers and sisters.
The same will prove true of Russia as a country: this war, bad as it is, will show all Russians who our real brothers, friends and allies are, and who are but the garden variety servants of the Empire.
This could be a fantastic opportunity for Russia, but that is a topic I will address in a future post.
Kind regards
PS: please expect regular stuff, yes, with maps, either tomorrow or Tuesday.
Unfortunately, due to the decades long slide into conflict, I feel this was inevitable. A “shaking out” is occurring and we will see just who is or isn’t ones friends and their true faces will be revealed.
This was inevitable because geopolitics but also because Western elites are each day further from reality.
Because they can lie and bully us (I am from a western countries) they really started to believe their lies and their exceptionalism
They thought they could bully Russia, they thought they could bully China and they thing they every country in the world is looking forward to run at their call.
I am so glad that finally somebody stopped them, and even happier than is a country that I respect and appreciate like Russia.
The West is simply disgusting nowadays, with the emanations from US destroying the culture of each literal vassal country (like mine).
I really envy Russia, they can have hard times but they are the masters of their fate and they will continue being.
I just wanted to make a comment about Nabiulina. Thee trust of Putin in her could look polemic but I don’t think is wrong. If your objetivo is to rewrite the world economical system rules, you need to play conservative. Nabiulina Is very orthodox in economy, this is something appreciate by a lot of countries.
You want to destroy the Us focus economical system, you don’t need to go communist.
Countries are already used to the current system, but they are tired of the owner (US). An orthodox economist in your central bank make for them easy to trust in your alternative
Huge truckers protest in Spain today regarding high fuel prices. I dont remember where exactly, but I saw the pics and read the article.
Also, since I am here, and Its about the Special Military Operation of Russia in the Ukraine, heres a nice little example about the SMO:
Also Chechen unit captures a rather large warehouse full of NATO weapons, which look brand new. They look like they are having a blast if you know what I mean. Lol. :
Must see Twitter site, make sure you follow. All kinds of great stuff from the real perspective of the conflict. And look at the size of the Spetznaz guys. Buckled up and powerful, mean-looking guys.
This Russian Lt. Airforce of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down two SU- 27 Flankers with his SU-35, he is a hero now in Russia :
Must watch and follow site. Sorry to intrude Supporting Russia From Spain. Ariba Russia !
Do not worry, very good links, although I am surprise twitter didn’t delete that accounts.
As soon as we get rid of the Anglo Saxon communication (social media) companies the best.
In the rest of the world we need an alternative.
About the truckers in Spain yes, there are massive concentrations of transport sectors and also of rural sector. Hundreds of thousands this Saturday.
Also in other countries of Europe (although smallers)
Of course the European mass media and the governments tags them as traitors and small minority.
The dictatorship level here is in Orwellian level, the overstretched Empire of Liars with their vassal states lie every day because they are dissasperate
Same Orwellian-and-beyond level here in Italy.
‘Whatever does not kill me makes me stronger.’ Russia will come out of this episode much stronger than it was before, and much less susceptible to the weaknesses that have tried to plague it in recent decades.
Nato is to be thanked for that. Its implacable hostility to Russia has united the people of the country, shown it its destiny, and compelled it to take all of the necessary measures to protect that destiny.
It is now clear to everyone that the future of Russia lies in cooperation with Eurasia and not with western Europe, let alone with the USA. That clarity of vision and unity of purpose is a great strength.
Russia now knows its destiny, and that it must do whatever is necessary to overcome all of the obstacles, both within Russia and outside of it. Western Europe, and its fanboys within Russia, can now go and pound sand.
Yet I hope that, in time, friendship between the West of Europe and Russia (which is Europe by all means, too) will be reinstated. Possibly, whenever our countries – and even the US – will set themselves free of the financial warlords system eating out our economies, cultures, brains and hearts at present.
I agree that this conflict is not just about Russia. It is about the U.S. trying to keep its hegemony.
First we tried to destroy Iran but the Neocons, to their horror, saw that Iran can and will survive as long as Russia and China exist in their present form. Then they turned to attack China but realized that China was too big.
So who is left? Russia. The Neocons believe that if they destroy Russia, it weakens both China and Iran.
BTW I actually believe their ultimate obsession is with Iran.
Amen! Subdeacon Philip from Arkansas.
This “obsession” is based on about 500 years of European history of success and expansion (Perhaps it is even older, if Roman Catholic imperialism is taken into account).
This “spirit of colonial masters”, “teaching democracy (culture)”, is deeply embedded in the European-American consciousness.
It is this presumption, this arrogance, which is connected with this so-called “rule-based order”, and which, for example, Lavrov also complained about again and again.
And none of us is completely free of it, if you look at the “fatherly advice”, for example, that one or the other “well-meaning” person thinks he has to give to “Friday” (or the “subhuman”).
Let’s not indulge in this “white supremacists” and “all Europeans are born with it” BS, please! You cannot blame the people of Europe with their lying and corrupt (in every sense of the word) governments, politicians and media. We don’t feel any superiority, we don’t want to teach anyone anything, we don’t want to dominate anyone and we just want to live in peace with the world, to respect and be respected, to be open but not overwhelmed. Like everyone else.
As someone already said:
The west was an accident
“I actually believe their ultimate obsession is with Iran”
That is a bit of an exaggeration, I am afraid. Iran is small fry in the matter of maintaining hegemony over the world. It is simply a thorn for Israel, and the Empire of Lies bothers itself with Iran because of that.
To maintain their hegemony they cannot let any other nation challenge them. That challenge can only come from China and Russia. Hence their obsession with them. They are currently following the divide and conquer strategy.
If China betrays Russia, then the Empire of Lies wins.
and Kerry is tied big to Iran, plus his daughter is married to one
It isn’t just US. vs Russia but globalism vs multipolarity
My own sitrep / developments to add to Saker’s info:
-several sources from both sides are claiming Belarus is ready to invade at the western end of Ukraine. Multiple videos of large armor transfers from central Belarus to Brest were visible, with equipment showing a battle IFF marker on it like the Russian “Z” and Belarus troops allegedly sporting red arm bands. This could be nothing but something to watch out for. Possible venues for approach:
The idea is that Belarus would try to cut Western Ukraine’s ability to supply all the new weapons to the eastern side. This could very well be true, and would satisfy the calls by some (like Strelkov) who insist Russia can only win with a “massive” fresh troop injection into theatre. The only problem is, Belarussian troops are considered (supposedly) not that great, and the entire Belarussian armed forces apparently only have something like 40-50k active personnel. I doubt they’d want to use their entire active force so even if they brought troops it may be a fraction of that. So maybe 20k Belarussian troops? This to me would not make a significant impact (people like Strelkov are saying Russia needs 300k more troops to win decisively). Anyway, it may not be a lot but it could at least work as a pinning force in the west that can pindown disorganized and newly mobilized “green” Ukie troops enough to keep them from becoming fresh reserves to the eastern part of Ukraine. This is all just speculation anyway, but something to keep an eye on.
-The real news is: Russian forces in Nikolayev region have apparently struck out unexpectedly towards Krivy Rog, the city where Zelensky’s from. Reportedly, RF troops are shelling the villages of Zelenodolsk and Velyka Kostromka which are about 35km from Krivy Rog in the north. The obvious directional change here (as opposed to what everyone expected, which was a Westerly offensive towards Odessa) seems to imply that Russia is going for the strategy of cutting off all of eastern Ukraine, with obvious strategic implications for concentrating on the Donbas cauldron. The fact that Russian forces in Donetsk are pushing westerly (NW of Volnovakha) at the moment could imply they are hoping to meet the two large flanks eventually at Zaporizhzhia and besiege the city from both sides of the Dnieper River. But this is just my own speculation. The Krivy Rog directional advance could be a number of things. Anything from a misdirection and attempt to tie up / pindown reserves and “trick” the enemy side into redeployments favorable to RF general staff, or could mean a larger push eventually further northwest towards Kiev–it’s impossible to tell for now. However given the lack of RF manpower I find it doubtful they’d try the latter and more likely of the former, i.e. a push to help cut off eastern Ukraine (east of Dnieper).
Some relevant map sof the advance:
-On the Donetsk front, RF/DNR forces have cleared village of Stepne with many Ukie dead
And are currently clearing and fighting in the villages of Novoukrainka, Shakhtars’ke, and Slodke (these are NW of Ugledar, recently capped).
Here’s 2 good maps of the overall:
^this one in particular is very up to date with all the above mentioned advances
-Now here’s the important thing to know strategically. Today Strelkov has issued a statement that Russia isn’t yet close to cutting off the Ukrop army in Donbas (and thus creating a ‘cauldron’) due to the fact that Russia does not yet control the 3 main arteries of resupply out of the Donbass. So clearly according to the strategic “expert” Strelkov, the entire Ukrainian armed forces is relying on 3 main large arteries out of the Donbass/Donetsk region. Now bear with me and take a look on google maps. Those 3 stated arteries are as follows:
1. The Donetsk to Zaporizhzhia highway
2. Horlivka — Pokrovsk — Pavlograd
3. Slavyansk — Barvenkovo — Lozovaya
Now here’s the interesting thing: we already have word that #3 is infact cut as RF troops are south of Izyum on the exact highway/artery in reference here. The only question is, are they at the fork that leads south to Barvenkovo, and if not, they can be there very soon. Now, maybe the reference is not to that highway but the smaller roads directly out of Slovyansk that go west to Barvenkovo. But we know RF troops have already several days ago been reported fighting at or near Barvenkovo so this could very well be cut or soon to be cut already anyway.
-Now look at Donetsk to Zaporzhzhia highway. With today’s advancements I just wrote about above in the Shakhtark’ske direction and surrounding villages, puts us less than 10km south of that major artery. And in fact that highway can be cut in as little as a day or two of further northerly progress. So this is 2 of the 3 arteries now that are the supposed lifeblood of the entire Donbass APU are in the crosshairs of being cut very soon.
Now the 3rd one from Horlivka to Pavlograd admittedly we’re not close to yet. But if the Donetsk — Zaporzhzhia artery is cut, then the 3rd is not too far north of that one, so well within reach in not too distant future. Vertically speaking there’s a depth of about 4-5 villages between the two arteries.
-There’s more advances from DPR in the EAST of Donetsk, inside the pocket where they captured several villages as well but for now I won’t get into detail on that to save space, only concentrate on the most significant things.
-Other random bits of news: Russian forces now using the Tos1 thermobaric (new angle footage)
-Mass surrender of a Ukrop brigade near Kiev occurred: the troops told captors the unit was demoralized, confused after Su-34 bombed them to hell, their captains fled, etc.
-Finally in Mariupol news. An Azov base inside the city was stormed, the expected was found: many Nazi paraphernalia
“Ukraine/Russia: Russian Ministry of Defence reportedly now given Ukraine an ultimatum on Mariupol for its surrender by end of March 21. Offers safe passage to those that surrender.”
“Ukraine/Russia: Seems to be ultimatum on Mariupol requires an answer by Ukraine by 05:00 March 21 and surrender corridors would be from 10:00-12:00 via Tacc media (not end of day)”
The above likely signals the very final phase of Mariupol takeover. Russia giving one final chance to surrender and then it will be game over. Btw satellite imagery showing “fires” in Mariupol confirms that the fighting has already taken place in the absolute deepest thrusts of the city center which means there is not much left to be captured, only small pockets of Azov fighters, reportedly still taking refuge in the giant Azovstal factory (once was the world’s largest). Mariupol can fall at any moment.
-Kadyrov just posted a video on his own channel showing Chechen forces inside Mariupol opening a van full of dead Azov fighters all shot to pieces, I guess the “piglard” bullets didn’t work too well for them. He wrote the following message:
“I often read how Chechen fighters are accused of being inactive or of being second or even third tier. Or that they only shoot videos with civilians, but do not participate in real battles.
I did not want to show such footage, and I am not going to do it anymore for ethical reasons. But I would like to put a logical point in this question. There are a lot of such footage from the scene of hostilities with the destroyed Bandera, but I do not want to become like the Nazis and publish this regularly.
I’m uploading this video so you know and see.”
Here’s the video if this link works:
-There’s other smaller developments but will share later, this is good enough for now.
Forgot to post the satellite photo. As you can see the small red blips of “fires” in city center in southeast of Mariupol. That means pretty much almost all Mariupol is already taken. The large blackened desolate area in bottom center is the huge Azovstal factory where supposedly Azov Nazis have taken their final stand. It is being bombed around the clock by RF airforce but so far they have not been dislodged from their hideouts and bunkers in there.
Strelkov is not a relevant source i learned that in 2014 and as i remember he was kicked out of the DNR so he is probably in Moscow he is nowhere near the front to have any real info.
Strelkov is a batshit crazy 6th columnists.
Please don’t mention him here,
Thank you!
Exactly, my Serbian source from Donbass is saying the same thing. Strelcov’s day in Court is coming.
Yeah Strelkov is a bad name in Donbass as all the territory he surrendered in 2014 is now retaken in blood, sweat and tears.
Word on the street is he was ready to give up Donetsk back then to drag Russia into war that it wasn’t ready for but thankfully his mission failed.
If you buy that you really must be Mad. He (and his people) had to surrender it either alive or dead. What would you do? All those who badmouth Strelkov either envy him because he is better than them or hate him for the same reason. Look….all the carnage today is Strelkov’s fault. It is typical (western or eastern, no difference) propaganda; truth is lie, black is white….
It is always the same terrible story: those who fight always lose in the end. If they manage to stay alive they end up forgotten and as beggars on the street corners. Once the war is over the “politicians” and the “businessmen” just take over. They do not want anyone around to remind them of their past. Strelkov deserves much respect for heroism and for patriotism. He certainly is not perfect but who is? He can not be objectively judged by his contemporaries, he will be properly judged in the future.
For downing the MH17? Are you sure that Russians will hand him over to Hague?
Strelkov is a battlefield patriot, you Saker are an armchair patriot.
and you are???
the problem with Strelkov is he has spread actual objective malicious lies to the point that it can verge on either treason or at least accusation of 5th / 6th column. Personally I’m agnostic, I respect what he’s done in Donbass but feel wary of where he’s taken his personal political pilgrimage in the years after that. But as an example a week or so ago he wrote that “70% of the Russian army has covid and is sick and bogged down”. He has done nothing but spew cynical and sarcastic nonsense 24/7 against the Russian army and leadership since the start of the operation. And from time to time you see his ego peeking in as he asserts what type of “much better job” he would have done if he were commanding the troops. The truth is, much of his ‘success’ in Donbass is arguably overblown anyway as many sources indicate he in fact had his ass saved by massive Russian MLRS fires from over the border. Of course the Russian fires had to be kept “under wraps” and so Strelkov was credited with “big victories” against Ukrainian forces, destroying large armor columns when in fact the Russian MLRS did the job for him. What did he do apart from retreat successively, I’m not too sure. But now that same Russian army that saved his ass, he condemns and makes fun of daily. Not a humble move.
Excellent update. Thank you.
Thank you for all your info!!!!
Would you be interested in working with me to provide that type of info on a regular basis.
If yes, please email me (in Russian or English).
If not, for whatever reason, no worries!!
Thanks again
I like Nightvision too. Always informative and measured – be it actual info or opinion/analysis – offered on a take it or leave it basis, just the way I like it served. With olives and cherries n the side.
I hope he takes up your offer. Lonewolf too. Heck, all the wolves.
Secret supporter.
Thanks very much for the information.
The picture of the Ukrainians from 14th Motorized near Kyiv. They bombed by Su-34s and they surrendered. The men look pretty old. My guess is most were 40 years or older. A sad looking bunch. Hopefully, they will be treated well and will survive to hopefully build a new Ukraine.
I also hope that more average Ukrainians will surrender. No sense in fighting and dying for scum like Kolomoisky, Pinchuk, Soros, Biden, Nuland, NATO, Zelensky or the other NWO vermin.
Your comment made me wonder, so I looked up the place where they reportedly surrendered. And sure enough Kopyliv is on the far outskirts of west Kiev right next to Makariv where (along with Byshiv) I read today Russian advanced units have also been progressing. The reason it may or may not be significant is because since it’s further west of Kiev, it could be a sign that the “depleted reserves” rumor is true and that troops coming from further west are not the “crack” elite Ukrops we’re used to, and are more along the lines of old and infirm and such. Either that or simply is a sign that Ukraine is low on troops to the extent that smaller less significant garrison towns are not staffed with the best troops with high morale. Of course these towns are not that far from Kiev and so they still would be considered fairly important as garrisons there would prevent an encirclement of Kiev, but like I said this could be a bad sign for Ukraine if Kiev’s flanks are protected by garrisons of such old, poor morale troops–it would definitely be evidence for the notion that Ukraine’s best and most elite troops are in the Donbass cauldron, the ‘reserves’ further West are mostly a ragged bunch like these.
Vitebsk Airborne 103rd brigade is some pretty good one.
Dont forget that Belarus drafted its reserve before the Russian special military operation, so units are supposed to be doubled and they received a lot of new gear from Russian army at the time of Zapad exercises in Fébruary.
I hope you’re right. And by the way here’s the alleged evidence that the armor being transported to Brest (western Belarus) has been IFF’d like Russian armor with the V’s, Z’s, etc. Reportedly all the armor shipping to Brest has red squares on it. For people that don’t know, it is extremely rare to my knowledge to paint signals like this on your armor even during exercises. It is usually only done when the units are about to deploy into active combat for IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) purposes.
With that said, I’m not yet fully convinced of this, though I think there are more/clearer photos/videos out there but I’ve lost them at the moment.
Vitebsk Airborne 103rd brigade is some pretty good one.
Yes, it is a formidable unit, absolutely true
Appreciate your contributions to the blog very much! A question: could the troop concentration in Belorus and the move on Krivy Rog be signs that Russia is preparing a new operation to seal off Ukraine’s western borders with Poland and Romania? It would stop Western aid from reaching the Ukraine regime and be a severe blow to their morale. If Russian reserves in Belorus join the Belorussia force in the coming days, and if the forces approaching Krivy Rog turn west and join up with forces in Transdniestria, the two pincers could meet somewhere in between. It would no doubt turn turn the flood of refugees west into a torrent, but how bad would it be to empty out Galicia?
Hi, thanks. To answer your Q: I don’t see any way possible to seal off entire Ukr border on the west side (to Poland and Romania), way too big and would require prohibitively way too much manpower (I mean anytime soon). Thus the only possible objectives a Belarussian incursion from specifically Brest into Volyn Oblast of Ukraine would be in my mind one of 2 things:
1. to draw Ukrainian reserves away from other important theatres, i.e. a relieving operation for Russian troops. Ukraine would have to choose either let Belarus gobble up huge territory or send large amounts of important reserves from around Lyvov, and possibly Kiev and Odessa regions. This would now thin out Ukraine’s forces and overstretch them, allowing Russia to launch a renewed offensive to encircle Kiev and maybe finally take Nykolaiv and/or Krivoy Rog etc etc. But the point being that, the goal of such an operation would still be in my eyes simply to relieve Russian forces so they can continue their current objectives, rather than launch a massive new objective westward to secure entire Western Ukrainian border.
2. The other possibility is maybe to attempt to encircle Lyviv and blockade it, since it’s the main/major transportation hub of all western aid towards the rest of eastern Ukraine.
3. Maybe a 3rd possibility would be simply to start taking all territory in the north and also cut east to join up with Russian forces west of Kiev and then even out a unified frontline there which then could slowly move southward.
It’s hard to say because we’re going off of the specific fact that these troops are being transported to Brest specifically, which is way in the western edge. The ideas would be clearer if say Belarus simply started pouring their troops towards Kiev as well and then we can just say they’re going to strengthen Russia’s groupings there and help surround Kiev.
But the reason I think your idea is unrealistic for now in the short term is because I don’t think Russia has the manpower at the moment to overstretch itself that vastly where they would create a massive salient from Kherson/Nikolaiv stretching all the way towards Lviv etc. The problem is, (and no one knows for DEFINITE) sources indicate Ukraine has massive reserves still saved in the western rump of the country. And neither Russia’s Kherson grouping or Belarus’s paltry active duty personnel are probably enough to break through that vast amount of alleged reserves. If you assume the # we’re given is correct, that Russia has ~150k total troops in Ukraine, and if you split it between all 3 of the major theatres which are Kiev, Kherson, Donbass, you’d get about 50k troops per grouping. So if we assume the Kherson grouping would have 50k troops to punch a salient all the way into the center of Ukraine considering that Ukraine may have very fortified fresh reserves there in excess of 100-250k (no one knows for sure, I’m just ballparking some guesses) then it’s not a pretty proposition. Belarus’s entire active force is supposedly 50-60k. If they send anywhere from 30-50k that probably still isn’t enough. That’s why I’m convinced the likelier thing would be a Belarus incursion as a distracting force to relieve Russian troops in east, and then when Russia mops up Donbass/Kharkiv and everything east of the Dnieper, it would free up the entire army to come West.
Btw Ukraine’s numbers I was ballparking based on the fact that officially Ukraine has 250k active and like another 220k reserves. If we’re to believe that there’s about 100-150k trapped in Donbass, that would mean Ukraine could have upwards of 300k troops still west of the Dnieper. Let’s say they have 50k defending Nikolaiv against current offensive and 50k around Kiev, it could still leave 200k+ in the Western reserves all around Lviv, Zhytomir, Vynnytsia, etc etc. I’ve seen charts that claim to show massive amounts of battalions over there, but there’s no telling how accurate they are or what type of shape they’re in.
Thank you very much for answering my question and doing so so patiently and well. I was thinking in terms of the end of March and Russia using some of the large forces it keeps in reserve in Belorus as a check on NATO. My thought is that those forces could still serve as a check on NATO if they shifted a sufficient portion of them into Ukraine to secure the Ukrainian border with Poland. The Romanian border is not as significant, at least for the time being, but Russia could start securing the roads and rail leading into Ukraine from Romania once sufficient numbers of troops were freed in the east. Securing the western borders to cut off Western aid and remove Ukrainian hopes of salvation by the West seem to me strategically more important than capturing cities in central Ukraine, including Kiev. But I’m just spitballing, and lack the kind of knowledge you have, so I defer to you.
No, you’re right as an eventuality that would make more sense, but I was simply saying that would be way far off in the future and if an immediate incursion from Belarus came about, I’d see its implications in the immediate future being more towards what I wrote about. Btw as far as I know, there is no confirmation of any “large force” that Russia has in Belarus, as you say. It’s impossible to know for certain as Russia for obvious OPSEC reasons has never and will never confirm anything regarding the amount of forces it’s using. And western sources can’t fully be trusted, but for the record, western intelligence/military officials state that Russia has already committed 100% of its allotted forces, so that would mean Russia has no “large forces” in Belarus left at all. Only thing I’ve seen in regard to that is a decent amount of planes/helicopters sitting in Belarus but in terms of sizable ground forces, I wouldn’t count on it.
Of course back in Russia proper, there’s still plenty of troops in the sense of remaining conscripts and a few hundred thousand ‘Reserves’ but none of that can be mobilized without major political setbacks as Putin already promised not to do so. So what we have right now inside Ukraine might be all we’re going to get. Or maybe you’re right and there’s some still held back in Belarus, no one knows for certain but personally I wouldn’t count on it. Unless you have some definitive evidence I haven’t seen that Russia does in fact have some major active duty forces it’s still holding back in Belarus, if so please share it as I’d like to take a look. But I haven’t seen any such confirmation. Though it does bring up a good point because Russia is supposed to have upwards of 280k active duty “ground forces” (1 million total active duty troops but this includes navy, air force, specials, etc, etc). And if we’re supposedly only using 150k in Ukraine so far that leaves 130k. However most of those are probably Conscripts, but once again here’s the catch: there’s no accurate data on what percentage of Russian armed forces is conscripts (this might be a state secret). Maybe the remaining 130k is all conscripts which means Russia has exhausted its true active duty “regulars” (professional soldiers) in Ukraine, or maybe only a fraction of that 130k are conscripts and there’s still tens of thousands of contractors left which can still be brought to Ukraine, but are being held back in reserve for now. Unfortunately there’s no way to know for sure.
So in summary, your theory works on the premise that there’s still Russian troops left in Belarus, but sadly I doubt this is the case, but I would love to be wrong on this one. I’m sure there’s SOME there for various rearguard administrative and logistical duties, but I haven’t seen any evidence of sizable ground forces that have yet to be deployed.
As I recall, either Martyanov or Ritter said that the Russians recently (January? February?) brought their newly reconstituted 3rd tank army (?) to Belorus from the east for exercises, where it remains, in its new permanent forward base.
Need your help here friend, since from your posts you have knowledge of both Russian strategic and Tactical operations.
These questions arise because things do not add up ….or beg the question …
“is there something else going on that we do not see.”
a. Do Russian Helos have FLIR and Thermal capability? If so, why do the Ukies still have operating armor units and operating artillery units? comment…Attack helos with FLIR and Thermals operate mostly at night. They use hunter-killer tactics. This gives them an ability to hide and fire from distances outside the attacked forces range. Enemy armored forces should be just about all junk by now.
b. Ukies are still using Artillery? Where is Russian Counter battery Radar? With counter battery, If the enemy fires, they die.
c. How are the Ukies communicating?. This should be completely jammed in the area of operations. Russian EW and ELINT was supposed to be about the best in the world.
d. Why is the Russian government allowing that idiot zelinski to have access to an International audience? Why are his commo systems not jammed. Do the Russians not have AWACs, JSTARS or Compass Call type capability?
e. Do the Russians employ AC130, or MC 130 type aircraft?
f., How is it with Kiev almost surrounded, Zelinski can still receive international delegations from foreign dignitaries. This is odd …even if the city is not completely surrounded on the ground….air superiority in a conventional battle ensures…that for all intensive purposes…. your zone of operations is free for you to maneuver, but your enemy is very restricted and must hide most of the time.
g. Do Russian soldiers have night vision devices as common kit (per man). After looking at hundreds of photos I do not see much of this except maybe on rifle scopes. I ask this because fighting at night is an advantage and a must, if you have NVGs and the other guys does not…he is just about blind.
H. Do Russian infantry units have air and artillery liaisons with them and embedded personnel. And do Russian divisions have recon/scout units (NON-SPEC Ops) in their regular units.
I. Question H above is basically asking is the average Joe and Ground Officer getting the info he needs. Or to put it another way ….is the Russian combat arms culture “Recon push or recon pull”?
Just trying to understand what is going on out there.
Like the communications question.. This is extremely odd. But maybe not so much. Maybe Russian Command does not want to shut down coms. Maybe all communications are tapped or listened to thru surveillance / signal intercept means. Who Knows?
Great questions. I’ll preface first by saying a lot of things don’t “seem” to add up to the common observer due to the fact that you’re getting 90% info only from one side due to the unprecedentedly disproportionate media war against Russia. Remember whenever you’ve observed American or Western interventions/military actions in the past, they’ve had the global media empire on their side. Now you’re witnessing an action for the first time where that entire Empire is against the main target of interest. The Russian Forces are under extremely strict OPSEC and so you’re not seeing anything that they’re doing. Pretty much 98% of footage you’ve seen of “Russian forces” is actually from the LDNR Novorosiyan troops (yes their vehicles also have Z’s painted on them) or Chechen troops (who, while being part of RF forces, are sort of their own thing as well and have slightly different operating procedures like the apparent permission to use cellphones).
Now with that out of the way, will try to answer the Q’s.
A. Yes, not only they have FLIR, the famous Mi-28 is literally named “Night-Hunter” for that very specialty and reason. And what’s funny as coincidence, literally as I began answering this, look what the newest breaking news feed coming in as we speak, no joke, from official Zvezda News:
(auto translated) “Группой «ночных охотников», состоящей из вертолетов Ка-52 и Ми-28н, в ходе ночных ударов уничтожено 8 танков, 4 БМП и 3 БТР, сообщает МО РФ”
“A group of “night hunters”, consisting of Ka-52 and Mi-28n helicopters, destroyed 8 tanks, 4 infantry fighting vehicles and 3 armored personnel carriers during night strikes, according to the RF Ministry of Defense.”
So there goes answer to your question, a fleet of our Kamovs and Nighthunters has infact utilized FLIR to destroy all sorts of stuff during the night only hours ago, and I’m sure it’s not the first time. Just remember “FLIR” means infrared, i.e. “heat”, and 99% of the time Ukrainian forces themselves are not operating at night for their own lack of capabilities. So if their tanks and such are not active at night, they’re not powered up and generating Heat, thus not really targetable for FLIR.
And by the way, as far as I understand, the vast majority of enemy armored units ARE already junked. They don’t have much tanks or armored vehicles left and in fact for the past 2 days I’ve seen nonstop calls from their channels calling for civilian donations of “flat beds, pickups, minivans” etc in desperate need, they are confiscating these from civilians all over because they are almost out of armor. In fact today if you’ve seen the infamous Chechen video I posted where they ambushed a group of Azov nazis in Mariupol, they were in a white civilian minivan, proving they have nothing left.
In the Donbass cauldron, most of their units are in bunkers, trenches with covered camo tarps (dug in, revetments, etc) further shrouded by trees/shrubs, so these are much harder to target and find.
By the way, our helicopters also have advanced DIRCM like the Vitebsk L-370 which have already proven to work in this conflict as there’s several videos from in cockpit showing the automated voice alerting pilot of Manpad launch and firing automatic countermeasures. Just yesterday several videos released of our Heli pilots, one stating he was fired upon by 15 Manpads all in one mission and survived them all.
B. We do have counter battery and in general Ukie artillery is being decimated anywhere on contact lines where our troops are actually dug in and engaging them. The only times I’m seeing their artillery is hitting us is in ambushes onto moving convoys who are not actively aware nor engaging them. Part of the reason this is possible is because being on home turf, the Ukies have dialed in TRP’s (target registration points) before hand, so they know when a convoy crosses the exact part of a road, they can fire and hit that precise spot with an already dialed in solution.
Fun fact on this topic: just today our forces actually seized an advanced American counter-battery radar unit from the Ukie side. I think the AN/TPQ-36(V)8, I forget exact designation:
C. We don’t know if they ARE communicating well. There are many reports stating their communications are completely fried and they don’t communicate well to general staff if at all and are operating independently. Furthermore I’ll have to find it but just yesterday some European countries complained saying there’s massive GPS outages over half of europe that’s affecting their planes and they’re saying it’s a carryover from Russian jamming in Ukraine. They even showed a map of the affected field covering most of eastern europe. So unfortunately we don’t know enough confirmed facts on this but there’s enough reason to believe their communications are not doing well and probably are jammed in many areas, just don’t know the extent.
D. Zelensky was shown on greenscreen yesterday and other hawk-eyed viewers spotted another video of his where an electric outlet in the wall behind him was in fact a Polish type rather than Ukrainian prong.
There is more and more evidence he’s been in Poland for a while now so Russia doesn’t have much control over what he does and who he sees over there. In local municipalities that they’ve taken over, Russia does control the air waves. In Kherson they took out the local TV tower and are broadcasting exclusively Russian propaganda and instructions etc.
E. A little confused on this one, do you mean AC130 for like a ground attack role? Don’t think they use anything like that. If you mean more like electronic surveillance and such, they have several of these in and around Belarus last I heard. I saw a few took to the air a couple days ago, haven’t heard much since then about it
F. This question see my answer to previous, he’s almost certainly in Poland and receives his delegations there. There is no evidence he’s in Kiev. His own Verkhovna Rada committee member long ago by now stated he wasn’t in Kiev anymore, but the charade goes on.
G. Various Spetsnaz units typically have nightvision and other more ‘elite’ types of units, I don’t think the average infantryman does. I’ve seen a couple photos here and there but unfortunately the spec ops type units have the strictest OPSEC in particular in Ukraine so we don’t see almost anything of their operations. The closest we’ve seen to an “elite” unit is videos of VDV troops but they’re more like regular infantry.
H. Russian units in Ukraine are “said” to be ordered in BTG’s (Battalion Tactical Groups). These are combined arms groups which are said to be coordinated strongly amongst each other and have roughly a battalion of mechanized infantry (these are usually the guys you see driving around in the BMP2’s), a tank company, self propelled artillery company, AD (air defense) Company, and rocket artillery company (Grads). The fact that this diverse unit operates as one group means that everything should be “in house” so the “liaisons” you speak of are people reporting directly to the BTG commander. So in theory the communication and targeting between them should be quite direct and smooth. Though I do confess I don’t know too much about how exactly they liaise with air units in terms of calling down support fire and CAS and whatnot. That is actually one area where I’d love to have more information myself. This was one area of great criticism during the Georgian war of 2008 where it was claimed some units had such poor communication with the air groups that they had to basically call the Air force captains on their private cell phones and try to coordinate an air strike. Of course this could be exaggerated western propaganda but it is still an area of interest that I’d love to know how the modernized Russian army has tightened the efficiency of this area.
Btw if you’re really that interested on it, read this 2017 insider report from the U.S. army themselves on the Russian BTG’s and how the U.S. army plans to take up the challenge of one day defeating them (the report predicts U.S. would clash with Russia by 2025)
Btw the army expert here readily admits multiple times that Russian BTG’s are superior to American equivalent BTC’s (Brigade Combat Teams) in several areas particularly fire power, anti air defense, and EW warfare. But he outlines some of what he believes their weaknesses to be.
H & I. This is also hard to tell, I don’t think anyone CLEARLY knows this answer to be honest, although there may be some clues in the above army paper I linked. Though beware as much of it might be obsolete as Russian has already come a long way even since then but still much I’m sure is relevant.
As to your last comment believe it or not there may be some truth to allowing some of the communications to go on. For instance, just hours ago this big news came that Russia struck a new training camp after a british soldier supposedly gave away the location by using his phone which got intercepted. I am trying to find the news report (from the dozens of channels I monitor), I will post it if I can find it again from a few hours ago. So I think Russia is definitely intercepting all comms in the country.
Let me know if any other Q’s.
Btw I forgot to put one of the more important pieces of info regarding the Belarus situation. It was announced yesterday that Belarus embassy staff supposedly “evacuated” Ukraine and hurriedly left back to Belarus.
“Belarusian Ambassador Ihar Sokol’s sudden withdrawal from Ukraine on March 18 strikes multiple European officials and Belarusian dissidents as an ominous portent.
“Certainly, them leaving right now raises all kinds of possibilities,” a second senior European official told the Washington Examiner. “So, it is very well possible that their embassy or diplomats moving out may mean that they are close to joining the war overtly on the side of Russia, among other things.””
Here is an exiled Belarussian politician who apparently confirms that diplomats fled Ukraine yesterday:
He also posts more photos of the “red square” symbols on convoys
This is the absolute best report I‘ve seen. Please ask Saker if he‘d publish your reports as a full Daily article.
BTW – Readovka reports the MOD Briefing stated conclusively;
Battalion Donbass – gone
53. brigade – gone
54.brigade – gone
14.brigade – surrendered as a unit
more footage of Belarus convoys heading towards Brest with red square markings (have to be signed in to Twitter to see it)
Thanks Nightvision. Your newsupdates is very appriciated:)
Some folks like me hate twatter with a passion and have a domainblock in place. If it’s not too much work, would you mind to in the future use a site like to post twatter-links?
What’s the difference? Security and privacy: Sites like threadreader basically act like a proxy, so you can read twatter-posts without bigtech tracking you, and without running their untrustworthy scripts.
I was disappointed to hear a great man launch the logic: no Jew can be a Nazi. Yes its a mindfuck but we have seen its possible over and over.
Israel is running the world’s largest concentration camp in Palestine.
Keep them in youre prayers
That is certainly true.
Ultimately, All Zionists are are nihilists. They don’t give one f__k what your ideology is as long as they can exploit you or as long as you can help them exploit someone else.
I think that not enough attention has been paid to the negative role that dual citizens of Israel/ Ukraine have played in Ukraine’s destruction.
It could be best summed up by this in an article about the ubiquitous six million figure:
By 1871, Russian activist Mikhail Bakunin could make this observation about the Jews:
This whole Jewish world which constitutes a single ****exploiting sect****, a sort of ****bloodsucker**** people (ein Blutegelvolk), a ****collective parasite**** (einzigen fressenden Parasiten), voracious, organized in itself, not only across the frontiers of states but even across all the differences of political opinion—this world is presently, at least in great part, at the disposal of Marx on the one hand and of the Rothschilds on the other. … Jewish solidarity, that powerful solidarity that has maintained itself through all history, united them [both].
It’s as stupid as no black person could be racist…it’s a well known fact that the Nazi’s were at times funded by Jews
The Russians have had a “Western” vs. a “Russophile” or perhaps “Eurasian” argument going on for centuries. The Communists were, in a strange way, Westerners, at least at first. Today is just the latest stage in the argument.
Its really picked up since the ” Raskol” which divided Russia spiritually in 1666 AD.
This divide in which the West herself rejected
Russias would-be Westernizers, could well restore Holy Russia.
The irony!
The Russia-Ukraine conflict seems more and more to be primarily a spiritual battle.
..not only Ukraine….but whole world…..Russia will win this spiritual a battle – for benefit of whole humanity….
Is your dismay with Orthodox Christians based on those living in the USA where you are, or Orthodox Christians in general worldwide? Are Orthodox Christians in Russia fall in this category or are they among the 70% supporting Putin?
many/most Orthodox Christians in Zone A (the USA+colonies)
USA PSYOPS have only worked in the West. They have not worked in China, India, Iran, Africa, most of the Middle East, and even some of Latin America.
In the ‘west’ a *lot* of people see through the psy-ops – but – If we speak up the fight starts. I personally have a couple of friends that are so invested in the ‘Putin is evil’ camp that we have agreed to no longer talk about it and these are generally rational people that cross over into the emotional merely discussing the Ukraine.
What is funny is that those friends constantly brought up the topic and proceeded to piss themselves off when I countered all their emotions with facts. What is now getting their attention is that Russia will bring down the whole rotten structure, and if the western governments are stupid, this can and probably will escalate to nuclear.
I am in the same boat. It is disappointing that by just doing a little research one can the facts on why this war is happening and those responsible. My country is shameful.
… they are not your friends … you just do not know that ….
cognitive dissonance. Yes, it is a phenomenon especially in the West, with a school education that applies the concepts of mistaken and imprecise thinkers such as Umberto Eco, Michel Foucault, etc. These thinkers are part of the reason for the decline of the West lately. There’s a book by an Italian thinker professor right now saying just that.
Same here. We even have to cordon off the topic within families.
The divide seems t be rather clearly delineated; it’s between those who read far and wide, and those who just receive snippets of “news”, be it the cable networks, or Twitter or social media.
The ones wh read come around to see the reality of what’s going on, just as they did with the mRNA vaccines and with BLM and with Russiagat, no matter where they started.
So that’s the divide, and it isn’t easy to counter without vesting lots of time, which, at some point seems kind of wasted (ie, the ones who don’t read vaccillate – by definition – they go with whatever they heard or read last, so a success today in changing a mind may not persist in the face of the barrage from every other source out there tomorrow).
I beg to differ with Latin America. The “Comprador Elites” and their bougoisie and Catholic supporters are all in on the psyops, pro Ucraine, and whatever Pope Francis says. The more anti imperialist/ “Leftists” tend to criticize the patrons of the “comprador elites” (Western globalists) but because Russia is not the Soviet Union as before, are critical of Putin systemically but not his anti imperialism. They fence walk. Pro Russia tend to be a quiet crown but out there among free thinkers. Few leaders have stepped up to the plate like AMLO and Brazil and venezuela. Rest fence walk so as to not upset Uncle Schhmuel and look neutral so as not to offend Russia outright.
I am in India. The liberal press, now in a minority, that opposes fascist Modi, subscribes fully to the Western MSM view of Russia as in the wrong. Liberal news site The Wire had an interview with Fareed Zakaria, putting forward anti-Russia views unopposed. Pakistan’s Imran Khan, an opponent of India’s Modi, went out of his way to praise India’s stance on Russia.
Btw scroll upwards through this entire timeline of this account. You will be sick to your stomach. The Ukronazis are now torturing women and lynching them naked, etc. Ukraine has devolved into some psychologically warped, lawless hell hole. I guess these are the “European values” they’re fighting for
Don’t know how such widespread human rights abuses can be ignored by the “West”
The humanitarian crisis in Ukraine is just SoP for the US.
The US is the world leader in violation of human rights. Torture prisons, Guantanamo, the most citizens imprisoned per capita, massive bombing of civilians from North Korea to Yugoslavia to Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria, failure to sign international treaties that protect civilians, violations of arms control (biological) weapons treaties, etc.
We must redouble our efforts to get the truth out.
There is much worse going on
They massacered people in the most inhumane way in WW2
They are doing it right now I bet anything on that
And do you know what? The western media are saying that the russians are raping and burning women alive. It is always the same. I see some news on telegram channels about new nazis atrocities. 2-3 days after, the western media start attributing them to the russian troops.
Sickening! How the hell can a journalist be so corrupt to spout this crap everyday and be able to sleep at night?
I have, as far as I am enlightened by God or not because of my sins, taken in with the ” deplorables “, the ” savages” and ” barbarians “. I am Orthodox Christian, and I can only say or do as my Lord God directs me. I am with Russia in my heart. I pray for peace, but also for the scattering of the proud and the destruction of the forces of darkness.
Sad to see retired Canadian diplomat Patrick Armstrong deciding to take a hiatus from his “Russia Observer” blog and such.
Armstrong was really swimming against the Russophobic tide over here for quite some time. His obvious knowledge of and affection for Russia shone through most of what he wrote in his post-retirement blog.
A little while back he bailed on Facebook, then he bailed on . I think the latter was due to a visit from Canada’s secret police ( CSIS) but perhaps I am reading that wrongly.
“I am going to pause this site and my other activities for a while until I see how things break out.
What was a post-retirement hobby – a continuation of my job of trying to figure out what was happening in Russia – has now led to accusations of being a Russian agent of disinformation.
Deviation from the approved narrative is to risk, at best, being accused of sowing disinformation and, at worst, of treason.
I’m too old for this.”
Best wishes to him. I hope he comes back.
Sometimes if you won’t drink the Russophobic koolaid, the best you can do is to remain silent.
You can only imagine the threats and pressure Armstrong received for speaking up.
I’m surprised that this blog is still allowed to operate … no doubt the IDs of the people who comment here are being registered for further attention.
Count me in.
Way past time for decent folks to stand up.
So much for the freedom of speech in Canada … Are we already at war and nobody told us yet? Canada is a close ally of the US, and if the US is ready to escalate this, Canada at some level will be the first one to know. So if the Canadian secret services are shifting gear, that’s a sign of something coming.
It’s worth noting that there’s (still?) somewhat more freedom in the USA: no official blocking of Russian media or pro-Russian blogs, for instance. Skeptic that I am, I don’t attribute this to our supposedly superior First Amendment protections. More likely it’s because the US government and gumshoe operations are less infested with Ukronazis than is the case in Canada.
Or perhaps they are leaving channels open to identify misfits, to fill those $400,000,000 worth of detention camps congress authorized a couple of decades ago, or to fill the million coffins the DHS has stockpiled for some unexplained reason.
Entirely possible, especially if the Propaganda Wurlitzer should ever feel itself seriously challenged. So far it’s easier and more economical to follow the old “If a commie/leftie/libertarian/Putin-symp tree falls in the forest, it doesn’t make a sound” routine.
It’s probably not his choice, because Trudeau passed a law that “russian ‘disinformation’ is illegal”
He already knows CSIS is monitoring him too.
Armstrong wrote a post on his blog about the visit he had from Canada’s CSIS, which, in light of direct threats by US Treasury to make the lives of USians writing for Strategic Culture, he decided to heed and withdraw from Strategic Culture.
His own blog entries tend to be about once a month, and I think that’s more or less true now.
Very good analysis, and often wry.
“…my own, personal, “good Samaritans” very rarely were Russian or Orthodox, and even less so Russian Orthodox. All my life I have see FAR more brotherly love, compassion and kindness from atheists, secular Jews and (non-Takfiri!) Muslims than from my putative “brothers”.”
Wow, that’s a pretty honest statement. And my own experience exactly. I used to wonder why ROCOR was always uniting with Greek Old Calendar Sodomite cults, when the truth was right in front of my eyes but I couldn’t see it.
Are you insinuating that traditional Orthodox are ” Sodomite cults”?
I’d say traditional Orthodox Christians have been more faithful to Russia than Russia has been to herself.
You make a very good point, Vladimir – that there is no room for splitting hairs at the time of a holy war. Any church, and more broadly religious denomination, must rally around the never-changing mission of Russia – to cleanse the world of evil. Orthodox and traditional Muslims, Buddhists and all the others must find a common voice. Parties of the true left (uncontaminated by Sorosian poison) must work – as they did in WWII with patriotic conservatives with a single focus – to create a strong, spiritually healthy Russia which is basing its progress on its own vision of a better world.
Such a vision is inchoate at the moment but it includes all kinds of philosophical and cultural influences that bind all the diverse peoples into a strong whole that has always been the light at the end of the tunnel. As described by a Serb artist – Russia is an immense blue circle with a star in the middle.
We who love Russia, love her for her soul, her kindness, her Slavic simplicity and wisdom, her sensitivity and genius. Above that, we cherish her imperturbable sense of justice which compels her wonderful people to face the Satan every 50 years in order to restore the divine balance in the world.
My great love and respect to the great Russian nation!
Excellent reply to my poor remarks friend. It is times like these in which God uses us poor people: outlaws, ghetto dwellers, barbarians and fringe folk, working people, simple… to humble the proud and wicked.
A lot of people, outside Russia, have seen the nature of their Governments and politicians, exposed as never before.
Utterly shameless liars and racists, malevolent beyond belief, abandoning all pretence to govern in any interest but their own. Governments determined to pursue their own mindless personal vendetta, regardless of the cost, a cost born not by the politicians, but by the people.
Western Governments have become a cancer on the National body; a cancer for which their currently appears to be no cure.
Our eyes have finally been opened and the truth revealed.
This has nothing to do with religion. It is good versus evil. Good will win, and the rest of this world will be free.
I’m Brazilian; in my country the press behaves as if our people were part of the west. In the beginning it was very difficult, but the left _except our version of emi-Marxists [Trotskyists and anakists, above all] quickly took a position: it is possible [for some, advisable] not to like Putin, but Russia is something else and defending NATO it is inconceivable. The part on the right that is with the Russians actually follows parallel reasoning and likes Putin, not Russia. There are some like me: who like Putin and admire Russia. I’m a Roman Catholic and I know the Orthodox don’t like us, but I understand. I like you, and like the priest who instructs me in catechesis, I even admire you. Our God is the same, our Christo too and many of our saints and both my activism and my prayers are with Russia. God bless and protect us all.
The Neocons/Globalists knew that Trump would find a way to make a deal with Putin, and such a deal would be workable and profitable for both countries. The Neocons could not allow such a deal to occur, since it would result in peace and profitable economic competition. Such a deal would not allow for grift, graft, and “10% for the Big Guy.” The Neocons boxed in Trump early and often, especially after the midterms, when Pelosi could initiate the Show Trials. Trump is sounding bellicose currently, but I suspect that he will always be, as he was during his administration, inclined to the art of the deal.
You’ve got Trump all wrong. Nobody boxed Trump in. Trump was/is fake opposition. Trump’s a liar, murderer and con man who takes orders from jews, and who never had any intention of improving relations with Russia or China. Accept it.
The eternal mystery of Trump, manifested by so many diametrically opposed views of his presidency.
I don’t know the answer to TRUMP. He is either the Best Psy-op Ever or the biggest tragedy since JFK.
All I know is that previously forbidden narratives were exposed during Trump’s campaign. His Presidency resulted in no new wars and for a while Ukraine seemed stable in its dysfunction.
Did Trump buy Russia 4 precious years? Whether he did so by design or incompetence, I think he did.
The Russians will win this war decisively because Hilary lost surprisingly.
Great post. By design or not, he surely bought Russia 4 years. If not they’d have to fight two front war in Syria and Ukraine. Instead, they wrapped up Syria and had enough time to prepare solely for Ukraine front.
Thank you Andrei. :)
On the topic of truth, I am reminded of a quote by Hemingway. “The truth has a certain ring to it.” And the sound we hear now is clear and distinct.
Europe canceling Russia is the height of ingratitude. Russia saved Europe from both Napoleon and Hitler.
Russia provided the best classical music of the last two centuries (Tchaikovsky et al) and they have even ungratefully spurned the greatest living classical conductor Gergiev and the world’s best living soprano, Netrebko.
The West offers the world support for Nazism and Woke culture instead.
As the old people in my country say “God doesn’t like nastiness”.
well said .
Agreed on all counts. Regarding music, Borodin’s Prince Igor may be my favorite – particularly the Polovtsian Dances.
To quote Zhukov: “We liberated Europe from Fascism. They will never forgive us”
With all due respect, I disagree on seeing this as an expression of ingratitude. The fact of the matter is that European values are rotten to the core: Racist, imperialist, pure self-worship. Now that zone A is going belly up, the ”cancel Russia” nonsense stands out as a quite comical way of acknowledging whom is mostly to blame for having inflicted defeat after defeat on zone A. Shouldn’t be lost on anybody with at least half a brain.
“All my life I have seen FAR more brotherly love, compassion and kindness from atheists, secular Jews and (non-Takfiri!) Muslims than from my putative “brothers”.”
A lot of times, that’s true even within one’s own immediate family.
I ‘think’ God does that on purpose. It is to force us in a position where he can change our hearts.
After all, like He said, “If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that?”
So God makes sure He puts us in a position where He crushes our ego and forces us to wrestle against unforgiveness, anger, and all other dark manifestations our hearts are wont to lean towards.
Peace & Love.
Yo añadiría los 7°columnistas que piensan que Putin mea agua de colonia y nunca se equivoca haga lo que haga. Emo stalinistas conversos se les podría llamar también.
I grew up being proud of my country as a free nation with free speech. I’m almost 60 years old now and just see what my country has really become with lying globalist elites and unconscious flock of sheep. At least with the whole C scam I could talk about the lies and had some people on my side. But in this psy-op, the lot are just blind and living their emotions instead of their logical minds and truthful hearts. I’m ashamed but also hopeful there are at least some leaders who have vision and skills to act on that for not only the people in their country but also the people in other countries. My country is fully woke now and has already imprisoning free speech. Maybe it’s time to get out of The Netherlands. Thanks for your contribution into awakening people who want being awaken. In my country we’re not with many, but in spirit we’re connected and probably with a lot world wide. Love.
“My disgust is not with those who don’t care or don’t know…” – spot on.
I would go as far as to state, that the best avoidance of personal discrimination is a theme oriented indifference. My credo towards color,ethnicity,believes and culture, always was: “I – don’t – care”.
The only valid criteria toward people are character and behavior.
Putin pretty much quoted the categorical imperativ, when he explained the Indivisibility of security and I always tried to live after the wisdom of: Everybody is free to live his life his own way, unless he hurts the freedom of others.
It’s a simple philosophy and not spiritually or religiously backed, but non the less, it would be a decent base for peaceful coexistence.
This is a Holy War.
One of the heads of the hydra is in Ukraine, needs to be cut off. Another head is of the devil, immortal for now. Others, like you say are showing themselves.
Jesus Christ our savior is our only hope.
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” Psalms 23:4
La politologa rusa siberiana, conocida como Liu Sivaya, tiene 28 años, vive en España desde 2012 y es licenciada en Políticas por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Desde antes del conflicto con Ucrania, intentaba explicar las tensiones con la OTAN y Rusia. Cuando estalló el conflicto, se ha vuelto una colaboradora habitual en los canales de televisión españoles, ha intentado ser imparcial, intentando explicar la postura rusa, por ello ha sido recibida con abierta hostilidad por varios invitados ucranianos que estaban presentes en el plató y por los propios presentadores. ¡Una rusofobia qué la ha sorprendido!
Hasta los nacionalistas ucranianos que viven en Madrid, en su venenoso odio, la han amenado de muerte, ver en el minuto 2:02.
Y agradece a la Guardia Civil por su labor.
En este vídeo, ella está muy nerviosa, fue al prograna en el Punto de Mira de Cuatro, ella pensaba que iba ha estar el dpitado por el Parlamento Europeo, José Manuel García-Margallo, pero en lugar de él, tenían ha una periodista ucraniana, que era ultranacionalista, lo intentaba ocultar, pero al final lo admitió. Fue lo que dijo lo que la hizo perder la compostura, dijo que un buen ruso, es un ruso avergonzado. Que los ucranianos sabían quién era ella y que iban a ir a por ella.
La abierta hostilidad hacia ella por ser rusa y ir en contra del pensamiento único, casi al final hablan del ataque al hospital de Mariupol y ella dijo que eso era falso y que salía
Me avergüenzo de éstas prostitutas en bancarrota, que necesitan del dinero de los impuestos de los españoles para no quedarse sin trabajo.
The Siberian Russian political scientist, known as Liu Sivaya, is 28 years old, lives in Spain since 2012 and has a degree in Politics from the Complutense University of Madrid.
Since before the conflict with Ukraine, he tried to explain the tensions with NATO and Russia. When the conflict broke out, she has become a regular contributor to Spanish television channels, she has tried to be impartial, trying to explain the Russian position, which is why she has been received with open hostility by several Ukrainian guests who were present on the set and by the presenters themselves. A Russophobia that has surprised her!
Even the Ukrainian nationalists who live in Madrid, in their poisonous hatred, have threatened her with death, see at minute 2:02.
And he thanks the Civil Guard for their work.
In this video, she is very nervous, she went to the program at Punto de Mira de Cuatro, she thought that the deputy for the European Parliament, José Manuel García-Margallo, would be there, but instead of him, they had a Ukrainian journalist , who was an ultra-nationalist, tried to hide it, but in the end he admitted it. It was what he said that made her lose her composure, she said that a good Russian is an ashamed Russian. That the Ukrainians knew who she was and that they were going to go after her.
The open hostility towards her for being Russian and going against the unique thought, almost at the end they talk about the attack on the Mariupol hospital and she said that it was false and that she was leaving
I am ashamed of these bankrupt prostitutes, who need the tax money of the Spaniards so as not to lose their jobs.
Kotvitsky’s wife Anastasia took suitcases with $30 million to Hungary
The State Bureau of Investigation opened criminal proceedings after receiving data that Anastasia Kotvitskaya could, without declaring, bypassing customs regulations, take out suitcases full of dollars and euros to Hungary. Investigators are looking into this information. Anastasia Kotvitskaya (maiden name Kucher) is the wife of the former People’s Deputy from the “People’s Front” Igor Alexandrovich Kotvitsky. Which, in turn, is called a business partner of the ex-Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov.
So, on March 14, an Opel Vivaro car arrived at the “Forks” point of the Transcarpathian customs. Behind the wheel, as well as one of the passengers were citizens of Hungary. The other passengers were Anastasia Kotvitskaya and her mother Galina Kucher. When crossing the Ukrainian border, these persons did not declare any funds, and the Ukrainian customs officers did not inspect things.
However, according to UE sources, it later turned out that Kotvitskaya, on the territory of the customs post, probably Tisabech (Hungary), nevertheless declared 28.8 million dollars and 1.3 million euros.
Ukrainians whose brains have not been rotted out entirely by anti-Russia hatred should be able to figure out by now who are their real enemies:
Who can tell the Azov from the nominally not-Azov members of the Ukrainian national guard? A difference without distinction.
Is even such thing a non nazi national guard? If I remember correctly, the national guard was created in 2014 but Yatseniuk just to house the nazi scum.
Putin is an economic liberal? Do you mean as in laissez-faire? Perhaps he is that regarding the private sector and monetary policy, but he also has policies that would be called communist if a US politician proposed them.
I am talking about the controlling state interests in so many key strategic industries, i.e., nationalization. Energy, aerospace, arms production, metals production, vehicle manufacturing, resources extraction, etc, etc. It is similar to the ‘heights of the economy’ post WWII nationalizations of Clement Attlee in the UK, or Micky Savage here in NZ. Therefore I think Putin has a mixed approach to economics. Russia has more nationalization that even China. A strong State Capitalist sector forming the bones of the productive economy (I mean that in the Marxist sense of harnessing capitalism to increase productive forces, not in the Trotsyist slander sense of the term).
I have been saying for a long time that Putin was seen as an enemy by the West as soon as he began the process of nationalizing Russian energy. Uncle Sam does not like that one bit, especially considering they thought Yeltsin had handed Russian energy over to western firms. Look at countries that have done it. Iran, Venezuela, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Sudan, etc.
Putin is pretty close to Adam Smith free market aka comparative advantage.
i.e. Russia is good with energy and Germans are good with cars. It benefits both to trade with each other. People screaming that Germany is relying on Russia for energy but Russia buys things from Germany. Win win.
Trump and Putin pretty much just wanted to get along, have mutual respect and do business with each other. The NWO-Globalists-Soros gang-DNC did not want Trump or Putin even talking. These are the scum using the Ukraine for all their money laundering criminality.
This is in direct contrast to the US where strategic industries control the state.
Nashe delo pravoe! Pobeda budet za nami!
(Our cause is just! Victory will be ours! — WWII motto)
There are few signs that war shall not break out.
You go!
Who is my brother?
There is a little sign on the wall of of some tiny roadside BBQ joint just South of Kerhonkson, on Rt. 209, in the shadow of the Shawangunk mountains, home to the UNA (Ukranian National Association).
I always suspected why it was there. Now I know.
There are many people who, like you Andrei, have longed for the time when someone, somewhere, would finally, after 1000 years, have the guts, and the power, to say: “That is enough!” .
That time, thank God, has come. Thank you Vlad.
And from now on only one question remains: ” Who Is my brother? ”
Thank you brother, and God bless you.
« South of Kerhonkson on route 209. »
Wait, What? Isn’t that part of the Borscht Belt, and then going west to Liberty, NY where Grossingers Country Club once stood? Man, that explains alot! Thanx for the info…
Ukro-KhazarStan territory!
I forgot who said it but “you are what you do when it counts” gives clarity to the current situation. I agree with everything the Saker has said with one exception – the loyal opposition is more than just a tolerable irritant. I am certain that they have valid objections and offer constructive ideas that should be included in the debate regarding new solutions.
So, that were the effects of the PSYOP in Russia. Now lets examine the effects in the west.
For ages now we were taught that:
-The Empire military is the best in the world. Nothing comes near its power.
-The Empire’s economy rules the world. No one can decently live out of it.
During the military operation we learn that:
-Ukraine is a beacon of democracy and the Ukrainian army (including every single nazi in them) are heroes and forces of good.
-The Empire took measures (sanctions) that will cripple Russia for ages to come.
-The whole world hates Russia (at least in west MSN).
After 3 weeks of operations western MME parrot:
-That Ukraine is actually winning the war. Seriously, I’ve watched on TV every single one of the Ukraine propaganda news-feeds. Russia looks really weak.
-That every Ukrainian is a hero and ever Russian is the devil himself. They actually take scenes out of context to portray Russia as evil.
And we get the guild-trip of the day from Zelensky in a congress or parliament near you…
So, we already have the (please vote for me) representatives and the “I hate Russia” crowd talking to the (Russia is weak, even Ukraine beats them, while we have a super army) sheeple. You see where this is going. No fly zones, humanitarian no fly zones and such nonsense.
Sure there are people leading the Empire that know what really is going on but can they actually control it? They buried themselves in an impossible position. They would even have to submit to the insane wishes of their masses (and probably die in a nuclear war) or they have to start disproving (at least few of) the points above (in public)…
Calm down! Everything will be fine. No Western government “submits” to the insane wishes of their masses. They whip the masses into an insane frenzy, in case they need the masses to submit to their wishes, but can cancel it at will.
The Russians are changing the reality on the ground upon which greedy and venal (but not totally insane) Western governments make their decisions. Times are changing.
Strangely, or not so strangely, there are bastions of reason – within the US (only the US, not the rest of Nato) – wh do know a thing or two about the relative military capabilities of Russia vs US. These “bastions” are found within the US military ranks, and I don’t mean the idiot sell-out retired “experts” trotted out for our viewing pleasure on the MSM. I mean the active duty, behind-the-scenes military strategists who form the backbone behind the pentagon “consensus”. Again, not the current diversity defense appointee Austin, though even he does hear what that consensus is, hence the emphatic no to any direct confrontation between US and Russian militaries.
It may be ironic, or may be not so much that it is the active military leaders in the US who [still] stand between us and WWIII. Chances are, they gamed it enough times to know it’s not “winnable”, never mind the moronic TV “experts” and military wash-out blow-hards we may hear.
Furthermore, it is these active duty people who keep military-to-military channels open to prevent mishaps (as they have done in Syria, where the political classes insist on keeping the Al-Tanf base open and have a big presence in the east through all kind f Kurdish proxies).
Hardly a surprise – after all it’s them active service people who’d have to do the fighting, not the wash-out arm chair “generals”. perhaps, they put a premium n survival?
I fail to understand your point that psyop war was successful outside of Russia. Seeing as it had no effect in China, which alone larger than the collective Zone A, had no effect in India, again larger population than Zone A–how again did they win the propaganda war? Let’s see…the Saudis and UAE refused to talk to Biden. UAE invited Assad over and decided to allow Syria back in the Arab club. Even Israel has been telling Ze to tap out and heed Putin’s demands and they haven’t made a peep about Iran blasting their base (of course part of this is that Ukrainians, not Israelis, are the new darlings of the Beltway). South Korea didn’t want to stop doing business with Russia. Brazil, South Africa, not a peep. Pakistan obviously on Russia’s side. Turkey hasn’t been making much noise. And if you look at the global press outside of Zone A, decidedly not pro-Ukrainian, leaning towards the Russian side in many cases. And in the case of China, their media and political leaders have been pretty much non-stop talking trash to the US. So did the Empire really win a psyop war?
What I see is that the empire took a pre-existing mass formation psychosis from covid and just channeled it towards Russia instead. That is hardly a big feat. You have a bunch of hypnotized people and instead of clucking like chickens you tell them to bark like chihuahuas. What is impressive about that? The psyop has the neat side effect of bringing a lot of the latent Nazism in the US, UK and EU to the surface and now they’re left trying to reconcile Nazism with Wokeism. At some point, of course, this is going to cause insurmountable cognitive dissonance when the other minorities find they are not as favored as the Aryan children of Maidan. And when it turns out Azov and Right Sector dudes were killing gays or something, this is going to be problematic for the Empire of Lies.
There is also the other big problem of elections coming up and the dial can be turned to 11 with the chants of “Russia is Satan” but at $7+/gallon, everyone is coming for the D team. And by coming, I mean for their heads. And that is before we get the fun of food shortages.
So I must respectfully disagree that the Empire won any sort of battle even. They immediately went from 0 to 100, blew their entire sanctions wad right up front, and have kept the hysteria up at levels that aren’t sustainable in terms of a response (such a continual loud signal will eventually just get blocked out…they have psychologists and neuroscientists, they ought to know this…). So yeah, they convinced some CNN viewers to be on the side of Hitler, what a win. They could put a deep fake of Hitler on CNN, have him say kill the Jews, and the Jews watching CNN would willing walk themselves to the gas chambers. That’s how brainwashed they are. Hell, they have 35% of the US saying they want a nuclear war for Ukraine. So again, taking an utterly mentally ill society and turning them suicidal is hardly a win, or any sort of impressive feat. Like the empire hasn’t been turning everyone suicidal for a while now?
And this brings me to a point I believe I have addressed to you previously, namely, why bother talking to insane people? Even if Russia had the sort of media machine on par with the west, how are things like facts, reality, morals, ethics, etc. going to reach people in a fake reality of narratives, devoid of reasoning ability, and completely brainwashed? Zone A needs mass scale cult deprogramming. It isn’t a simple project. It’s like a decades long project. So why waste your breath telling them the sky is blue when they all believe it is rainbow colored and no pictures of the sky, no scientific explanation of light scattering of nitrogen, oxygen, etc. leads to blue spectrum light being reflected, no series of historical paintings or historical writings attesting to the fact that the sky is blue are going to change hearts and minds. It is a cult. The cult does what the leader says. You can’t win a psyop war with the cult leader. The deprogramming cannot begin until said leader is deposed and then the cracks in the hypnosis begin to form. Then you can do the work. So until then, yeah, a bunch of histrionic and screeching lunatics riling up a bunch of people who’s sympathetic nervous systems are on overdrive and who get dopamine fixes from constant crisis is not a win so much as a this is normal life over here. It has been since at least 2001.
But yay, we destroyed the dollar! Our Davos masters will be so happy! Whatever. Losing badly is what it is.
Very well said! I was pleasantly surprised by major Latin American countries and India in particular taking an independent position along with African nations. Even the KSA and UAE are showing independence on the matter.
The Western media PYSOPs was fully successful only in the populations of Western countries which they had psychologically “conquered’ several generations back. That does not bring much comfort for those of us who live in those countries but we do know that the Empire of Lies is losing territory at an ever-increasing rate. Time is on our side.
Very very well said and totally right Krungle. There is so much educational and consciousness raising opportunity in this entire situation. Andrei is so right when he calls it a spiritual battle. And he is to be cherished and supported for upholding that position so well here.
As with any spiritual battle, consciousness raising is the key to it all. As we are all coming to see don’t you think? The Empire of Lies, in inflaming their perspective so ludicrously, are setting themselves up for a profoundly educational spiritual failure. The more the issue moves on from the shock of the first responses the more this becomes apparent. No real cause for pessimism in a spiritual battle. You are dialing into the substance nicely.
Sadly true/ This is spot on
Even the old US neo-colony of the Philippines did NOT join the sanctions game (Duterte has many flaws as a leader BUT he certainly did a great job carefully crafting a more independent foreign policy compared to his predecessors)!
Sadly, it does NOT mean the Evil Empire is taking these changes lying down, and for sure they are trying to pull their strings for the upcoming crucial Presidential election in May! Among the Top Five candidates, two are explicitly pro-NATO and two others are explicitly pro-neutrality in the RU-UA conflict (aka the ones who are likely to continue Duterte’s foreign policy mindset), and then there is Manny Pacquiao who can be easily swayed one way or another…
Please wish us luck/pray for us in the Philippines who are trying to further break it away from the Empire’s grip in this upcoming Election and the years to come! Thanks!
The people you describe in the second paragraph are Pavlov’s Dogs.
“My disgust is not with those who don’t care or don’t know – it is with those who either ought know better or, if not, ought to to shut-up and mind their business (especially if they are totally clueless about the nature of this conflict).”
This sums up my current workplace, where “we stand with Ukraine” because of the goal of digging ourselves out of capitalistic destruction from project defuse. These businesses are 100% victims to whatever mass psyop so they pick the popular option and make money.
I got angry at a coworker a few weeks ago when he went on a russophobia rant – told the boss, and for the sake of keeping my sanity for the foreseeable future. I now treat everything these mindless drones say about the war and the “new soviet union” as a meme and I laugh at these leftists.
After all, you cannot tell truth to these people, and I don’t get paid money to be a teacher.
I know darn well who I “stand with”.
Novorossiya, Donetsk and Luhansk.
Stay strong Saker!
You have awakened many in the world… many who tried to find the truth in the sea of lies owe you a ton of gratitude.
You have given many hope and optimism when the world seemed lost.
Thanks for all that you and your team do.
The hand of God is behind Putin and our prayers behind God and best wishes behind Putin. All in the west are not idiots and we pray that one day God will send us our Putin (and no it ain’t Trump).
Alas, if Catholics could truly believed that and could see it that way. Majority are in the psyops, russophobic, love Zelinsjy and nazis, and think they are Cold Warriors (Novus Ordo type Catholics, whether liberal or conservative). The more Traditionalists tend to be pro Putin and Russia.
What the world knows today that they did not know a month ago is that NATO is a criminal gang, and that the “good cops” are in it with the “bad cops.”
A month ago, it was assumed that Europe did not say a thing about Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Qantanamo, etc. because they were unable to have any effect, but deep inside they anchored the violence and injustice done to people around the world, that they had mostly all moved beyond their colonial pasts.
Now, with their unanimous actions against Russia, we know that what came before was just an act. Even as they cried “human rights, peace, justice, democracy” they didn’t care one bit about it. All of them are guilty of every atrocity done since NATO’s inception. The US and Israel are just the attack dogs.
Great self-honesty at the end to go along with the always top-notch and important analyses of Russia and its workings.
The ultimate “Russophobe” is one who hostile to the genetic survival of ethnic Russians. If ethnic Russians do not survive genetically, all else is and should be meaningless for them. The total fertility rate of ethnic Russians hovers presently around 1.5, with rate of 2.1 needed to ensure a replacement level of a Russian children being born each year as against the number of Russians dying. That is the true existential crisis facing Russia – demographics.
Thanks for your efforts Andrei.
Honest people cannot be neutral to this struggle, regardless of where we live. If a guy of my generation, coming from a working class family in Argentina, was able to achieve high education degrees, and able to grow, travel and professionally strive in the word, while enjoying some freedoms and peace, it was thanks to the sacrifice of those 27-million martyrs and heroes who defeated the nazi hordes (20,000Km from my home, 20+ years before I was born).
My eternal gratitude to them and mother Russia, which seems to be destined to save mankind every 100 years or so. Together, we are part of something greater and transcendental. We are living extraordinary times.
(NOTE: And if defeating the nazis was not enough feast, a few years latter USSR broke the atomic monopoly of the USA, and with that their dreams of word hegemony, saving us again….)
No guts.
Can’t allow Truth to be told.
You should be ashamed… but you are not, you are simply and utterly besstidniki.
You have admirers all over the world Andrei and so does Mr Putin and Russia thanks in part to you.
I am one of those.
I feel like we have been waiting years for this.
Let us all keep in mind who the enemy is.
It’s not whole nation states, nor races, nor religions (huh hum).
Awesome comment Andrei. As an Australian and a member of the Orthodox faith, I also support Russia and, at the same time, feel for the suffering of both Russians and Ukrainians who have been stabbed in the back by the empire of lies and then hung out to dry. Taiwan, I think, will be next.
However, as you say, this conflict is showing who the real friends of Russia are, but I hope ordinary Russian people don’t think all of us in the west are their enemies, for even in the 5Eyes cabal, there are many of us who stand with Russia, (and China, and Iran, et al), against the empire of lies and the governments of their pathetic vassal states like Australia where the sheeple here are content to simply moan about our corrupt government. Methinks the coming economic crash will change all that.
Many thanks for your outstanding posts.
Taiwan is China, as is Hong Kong, get used to it.. as is Crimea and Donbass part of Rusha..
The West has been arrogant and condescending so long to everyone outside the Anglo-Zionist sphere that people in Zine B have felt beaten to the ground with it, accepting their own “inferiority” as Fanon observed in The Wretched of the Earth. The West too has taken this as absolute proof of their superiority.
Watch how Mike Wallace behaves in this interview of Jiang Zemin from the year 2000. Nauseating to watch, and illustrates how not only China but the whole world has been subjected to grand theft, murder, and humiliation.
That is why people in Zone B are also feeling liberated along with the people of Eastern Ukraine and the Donbas by Vladimir Putin, and why Imran Khan exclaimed angrily on being pressured to go along with Western sanctions, “Are we your slaves?”
The observation about arrogance of the West/USA in dealing with others was – to my great surprise – verbalized by no other than Prof. Jeffrey Sachs in his interview with BBC about 7 days ago (mid March 2022). Unfortunately I do not have the transcript.
From Anna News:
🇬🇧(un)quiet Ukrainian night
Something very powerful flew in Kiev, perhaps an Iskander or a hypersonic Kinzhal (or maybe some other surprise).
The area of the Retroville shopping center was hit. The blast wave knocked out the windows of houses within a radius of several hundred meters.
At first, Ukrainian sources unanimously stated that the enemy was hitting civilian targets.
However, later a video of a fire in the area of the shopping center appeared on the network, on which pops of exploding ammunition are heard.
The last form deserves special attention: after a rocket and a fire hit, a powerful explosion occurs in the affected area.
Most likely – the fire reached the next portion of the ammunition.
Yep not to mention actual armament shells were found in the wreckage which proves there is ammunition being stored there.
According to russian sources, it was an MLRS site, using the shopping center for ammunition storage. Easy to claim of course, but footage from multiple sources and POVs seems to confirm the russian claim. And it’s not like the ukronazis having been using civilian buildings as shields all the fucking time.
Seriously, for anyone not trapped in western psyop, the ukronazis are actually making it too easy for russian propaganda. I mean, after the 100th time they use civilians as shields, the russians could in theory just claim ANY civilian losses on the nazis, and everyone outside the western bubble would believe them, simply because the other side has lost all trustworthiness. Kinda like CNN or those globalist “factcheckers”.
From the Gateway Pundit:
SHOCKING Reports Ukrainian Nazi Azov Battalion Setting Up Offensive Positions in Civilian Areas and Using Women and Children as “Human Shields”
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Telegram’s, Pavel Durov is a member of the world Economic Forum’s Young Globalist Leaders program.
Sorry but Pavel is in bed with the Moshiach.
Hey hey ho ho….
@Robert Browning
The myth of Durov being a globalist from the World Economic Forum is actually false go find it on their website. You can’t.
Now I declare Godwin’s law dead.
It’s no longer possible to discuss the happenings in Ukraine without drawing parallels to Goebbels, Volksturm and Waffen SS.
Hundreds of videos of people taped to poles, beaten and tortured by Nazis, guardists, soldiers and civilians, in that order.
This is the Fall of the Third Reich all over again.
I am wondering when this practice of taping people to poles and trees and beating them started. Some say it has been around since 2014. But I wonder if it is related to some kind of traditional Ukraine-style punishment that was happening in certain areas or on a smaller scale and then became popular once Ukraine was run by psychopaths.
I told friends that the US had lost in Iraq and lost the population that might have had any sympathy when they did not stop the looting of public and private property. I was right, the war just kept grinding on, and on.
It seems something similar is happening to the Russian efforts.
From RT Deutsch:
“On Sunday morning in Kherson, in the Neftegavan district of Kherson, unknown persons shot at a car belonging to Pavel Slobodchikov, who is considered “pro-Russian”, and in which he was traveling with his wife. Slobodchikov died at the scene of the attack and his wife is in hospital.
A few days ago, the pro-Russian “Committee for the Rescue of the Kherson Region for Peace and Order” was founded in Kherson…..Immediately after the information about the establishment of the committee became known, the Ukrainian security service SBU initiated criminal proceedings. All members of the committee received threats…..
On several occasions, the committee members asked the Russian military stationed in Kherson to provide weapons for self-defense. At first, it was promised to comply with the request, but after some time the provision of the weapons was refused.
Boris Roschin said that Russia should not be surprised at the lack of public support in Ukraine when anyone speaking pro-Russian is risking their lives must fear.
… residents of Ukraine fear that Russia will break off the denazification mission halfway and withdraw from Ukraine again.
But the fact that the Russian army relies on cooperation with the old cadres in the administration instead of entrusting sympathizers with the political work on the ground causes even more resignation. The Russian army takes little or no action against self-confessed nationalists.”
If this is the case, what the hell is Russia doing in Ukraine? Russia just sabotages its own efforts completely by such idiocies, and I feel sacrifices lives of soldiers for what?
How can a nation do that hat has expericence with radicals from Afghanistan to Chechnia? What is going wrong here? This does not look like denazification to me, just the opposite, cuddling the bastards.
They have been detaining these Nazis for the sole purpose to take them to trial and parade them around in front of the west. Unfortunately, they will not get Zelensky because he is in Warsaw, not Lviv.
Footage stopped being authentic when he ditched his tactical gear for a green screen.
Very insightful and inspiring writing! Thank you! Not to subtract anything at all from you, Putin, or the Russian people, I would add the the world correlation of forces has shifted dramatically in the last 10 years, particularly with the emergence of China and the madness of America’s economic policies. This shift has opened a window of opportunity for Russia and the world to successfully fight back–and not just survive with dignity, but to prosper!
To me as an nominaly Serbian Orthodox Christian a Muslim Chechen hero fighting WWIII against the EUro Nazis in the former Ukraine is my real brother. I detest most of Orthodox (Uniate) Christians currently in NATO or wanting to join this terrorist organisation.
same here.
Dear Saker
I want to tell you something. Maybe it’s an insignificant thing. But maybe that can make you a little happier.
Here in Brazil, despite our Empire’s subservient media, ordinary people in general are very supportive of the Russians who live here. For example, the Slavic Club, a Russian language school in São Paulo. Famous Russian bloggers and vloggers such as Olga, Daria Shtukaturova, Olga Fomina, Snizhana Maznova and many, many others.
Russian people are very welcome here, and any neo-Nazi is hunted down by our police forces, prosecuted and thrown in prison for a long period.
@Andrei You state: “1) Russia will not accept any outside intervention and 2) …Russia will, if needed, strike Poland, Romania or whatever other self-prostituting state …”
No doubt about it. We are seeing The Revelation of St. John playing out in front of our eyes. Babylon the Great (New York City, City of London, Brussels, Paris, Rome, Washington-DC, USSA/NATO/EU) will be taking a mighty fall, and few there be who will mourn its collapse.
Certainly not I.
You also state: “Russia is now in full WWII mode.”
I disagree slightly. These are the opening weeks of a much greater, global conflict that the survivors will view as WW-III. I think the leadership in the Kremlin — Putin, Lavrov, Shoigu, Gerasimov — know what is going to unfold, and approximately when and how..
This evening on Ukraine 24 tv channel the head of the military medical service of Ukraine said he has given order to evirate/castrate all russian soldiers taken prisoners because according to him “russians aren’t people, they are cockroaches”.
These are not people, they are terrorists.
I’m starting to think Russia will try to avoid doing much damages in the two new Republics (trying to destroy and damage the least amount of property as possible) but when it comes to the rest of Ukraine (fully nazified, at least the ones that remained) I think they’ll destroy them…especially now that they got all those weapons from the West. Going inside will be a massacre and they will fall for the trap set up by the West that want as much russian soldiers killed as possible. Crushing them with missiles from outside would be the best options…especially when you have to deal with such inhuman people that have no respect to prisoners of war and have now given order to evirate them.
If Zelensky and his inner circle keep provoking I believe Kiev will be leveled.
Just a tiny crumb:
Bilaal on March 20, 2022 · at 6:09 pm EST/EDT
Europe canceling Russia is the height of ingratitude. Russia saved Europe from both Napoleon and Hitler.
Plus, todays very long and detailed “sermon” by Andrei is totally out of this world. How were you able to stich it all together? Where did you find the time and total silence and support?
My humble but sincere thanks to you sir, and thanks in the name of all that you have enlightened.
Very nice. I’m with you Andrei. Keep the faith.
“Russia is now in full WWII mode.”
I hope so, because here is what Blindkin said, in part, on Thursday:
“The actions that we’re seeing Russia take every single day, virtually every minute of every day, are in total contrast to any serious diplomatic effort to end the war.”
“We have a strong sense of what Russia could do next… We believe that Moscow may be setting the stage to use a chemical weapon and then falsely blame Ukraine to justify escalating its attacks.”
This “the Russians are going to use a chemical weapon” phrase is now getting more and more frequent while the US pours more and more weapons into eastern Europe. Therefore, I would be surprised if a US false flag using “a chemical weapon” does not happen in the near future.
Stupid people. Tell the world what they are going to do, while blaming others of wanting to do what they plan to do. Smart one are in on their MO and tricks.
Bought a lot of ammo from this company. Biden sanctioned them a while back. Always wondered what they would do with the over capacity. Now we know.
Thanks so much for this analysis Saker. What a true joy it is to have your columns on the real Russian situation.
As an American, I have seen my government devolve into an economy that supports only the wealthy (handouts for the rich and rugged individualism for everyone else), outsource its manufacturing and industrial base to other countries (notably China), and reduce most Americans from owners in the “American Dream” to serfs living paycheck to paycheck. It is also a government that borrows from the future and finances much of its spending through debt, yet taxes its citizens without giving them any means of control over how their taxes are spent. One vote for president every four years is simply inadequate, especially when the vote is narrowed to two billionaire-supported candidates who lie (as befits the head of state of the Empire of Lies). And most terrifyingly, almost all of the discretionary budget available to a president or the political representatives is spent on military equipment, personnel, and war. Meanwhile, for the USA to compete in the future, investments in education, infrastructure, etc., are kicked down the road (forever).
From my viewpoint, Russia had only one choice to make – take back Ukraine and deprive the Empire of Lies from basing weapons on its doorstep or fight a nuclear war at some future date. Putin made the only rational choice. For that he should be celebrated. He has so far SAVED the world. It is important to understand this. By invading Ukraine, Putin prevented (up to this point – who knows about the future?) a nuclear war that would have destroyed all living beings on the planet (yes – even non-human living beings that have absolutely no stake in any of this!).
I believe one can disagree with one’s government and still be patriotic. I think back to the Vietnam War and the role played by patriotic American for peace in bringing that slaughter to an end. And prior to “shock and awe,” I also think about the millions of Americans who turned out on the streets to protest Bush’s preemptive war against Iraq because they could see it was based on lies. Many of these brave citizens were arrested and called unpatriotic, commies, pinkos, etc (“your either with us or against us”). But they faced the anger of their friends and family and made their cause heard. So I don’t begrudge those who believe war is unjust and should never be fought – even those in Russia. But, BUT, in this case, Russia/Putin has no choice. It had to be fought to PREVENT a nuclear war. It is critical to understand this.
Russia has all the tools to withstand the Empire’s economic war. By withstanding it, it will help break the Empire’s “rules-based system.” The Empire will no longer be able to unilaterally set the rules globally. Instead, the economies of the world will bifurcate (de-couple) and one side (Zone B) will be the producer/raw materials provider/rising standard of living economy, and the other side (Zone A), will be the consumer debt collapsing non-productive economy. It doesn’t take a genius to see which side will prevail in the next couple of decades.
One last comment – Russiaphobia goes much further back historically in the United States than this current action in Ukraine. It must be remembered that Americans like me were taught to hate Russians during the Cold War. They were evil, sinister people who had no freedom and whose government spied on them, and if they did not agree with their government, they were shipped to gulags where they were tortured. The one characterization I remember vividly from my childhood was that Russian children were encouraged to turn in their parents to the secret police if they uttered anti-government statements in the privacy of their own homes. Recall that Ronald Reagan, that great rightwing icon, called the Soviet Union an “evil empire.” Furthermore, as a student of geopolitics all my life, I can attest to you that we were NEVER told that Russia contributed anything to WW2 (The Great War). The Germans and the Japanese were defeated by the USA (and their little buddies in the UK). Think of all the movies on WW2 made by Hollywood. Can anyone cite a single one that celebrated Russia’s contribution? I can’t. This was what I was raised on.
Creating a new wave of Russian hatred I’m sure was an easy task for the psyop crew in DC. After all, folks from the Cold War era simply renewed their hatred and spread it to those younger folks who might not have heard of Reagan’s evil empire but who needed to know that the evil empire was once more raising its ugly head.
I already lost one good friend over the Russian operation. To him, I was a Putin dupe. I’m sure there are many others like me who have lost friendships over their dislike of NATO policy that, IMO, forced Russia into a corner. But life goes on.
One thing I do take to heart living in the USA – freedom of speech. And even as the government as clamped down on it and intimidated dissidents like me, through its surveillance and extreme actions against demonstrations, we still have this freedom as long as we continue to exercise it. And I plan to continue exercising it…. like you! Thanks again!
Partway through a 2017 book called “Creating Russophobia” by Guy Mettan. Interesting stuff, starts off in Byzantium, though I’m not sure I buy all the arguments and there is an entire chapter on the religious schism that makes my eyes glaze over a bit.
Wow! How inspiring!
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Lone Wolf
Russia is now in full WWII mode.
Not quite, I would say. If Russia were truly in WWII mode, there would be millions of Russian troops in the Ukraine, and the war would be over.
I think Russia’s progress is satisfactory so far, given the smallness of the current operation.
Anyone who has heard of the WWII “Night Witches” understands that Russians do not kneel. What these young women did to defend their motherland should fill us all with pride in human nature, while striking cold fear into the hearts of any who deign to conquer such a proud people.
Russian officials have demanded that Ukrainian forces in Mariupol surrender by Monday morning. Things are about to get very real (in a painful sort of way if you’re an Azov thug).
Your comment made me wonder, so I looked up the place where they reportedly surrendered. And sure enough Kopyliv is on the far outskirts of west Kiev right next to Makariv where (along with Byshiv) I read today Russian advanced units have also been progressing. The reason it may or may not be significant is because since it’s further west of Kiev, it could be a sign that the “depleted reserves” rumor is true and that troops coming from further west are not the “crack” elite Ukrops we’re used to, and are more along the lines of old and infirm and such. Either that or simply is a sign that Ukraine is low on troops to the extent that smaller less significant garrison towns are not staffed with the best troops with high morale. Of course these towns are not that far from Kiev and so they still would be considered fairly important as garrisons there would prevent an encirclement of Kiev, but like I said this could be a bad sign for Ukraine if Kiev’s flanks are protected by garrisons of such old, poor morale troops–it would definitely be evidence for the notion that Ukraine’s best and most elite troops are in the Donbass cauldron, the ‘reserves’ further West are mostly a ragged bunch like these.
Once Mariupol is liberated, the rate of destruction of the Ukrainian military will increase exponentially.
The Ukrainian forces will continue fighting………………..until they don’t.
All the MSM ranting about how badly the Russian military is doing is sadly amusing. Russia is stuck, Russia is retreating, and so on ad nauseum. Western arrogance and superiority complex will be our undoing.
This situation reminds of what an old physics teacher said, “you know according to the laws of aerodynamics a bee shouldn’t be able to fly.”
Tell that to the bee. I thought.
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You sound “little” disappointed by other orthodox brothers. But if you hadn’t been disappointed by the Russian treatment of them in the recent past why would you then be disappointed by their stance now. After all you were a great proponent of the “pragmatic” Russia, and “pragmatic” Russia only cared about money and economic ties with West. It badly trampled on the interests of some orthodox “brothers”. Russia, supposedly upholding the internationl law, denied to others that which it now seeks for itself. Besides, post-Soviet Russia has become so politically, socially and economically unattractive to sensitivities of too many orthodox people for too long. And we should remember that Ukraine is also an orthodox nation. Why to chose Russia?
Thank you.
One of your best ever compositions.
In this weekends media, Boris Johnson announced that he was going to pump a lot of funds into a propaganda campaign directed at Ukrainians and inside Russia, to show to everyone that they had a completely wrong picture of Putin and should rather work with the West…etc…
The other key take was that he was looking ahead, with Liz Truss about the next steps that he anticipated that Russian would take, which would be to make again one of the ‘farcical referenda which then illegally annexed Crimea’ and was now about to be introduced once the fighting stops…so Britain now has an imperative, to prevent the Ukrainians from going to the polls and expressing their free choice…
Boris Jonson also explained at length that the economy of Russia was failing, that Putin was only involved in the Ukraine as he feared that the wonderful example that Ukraine gave, of a flourishing democracy, would then infect the dictatorship that he ran in Russia and topple Putin…so Putin was desperate to stop this process and Britain has a duty to intervene…
I fear the lunatics have taken over the asylum…
Sounds good for now, the level of support for Putin being 70%, BUT if this thing drags out, and the West is VERY intent on making that happen, what will happen to that support? My heart is with Putin and the Russian people to maintain their sovereignty, for their own sake and for humanity’s (as a power pole preventing totalitarian control by the Western Anglo-Zionist Financialplex), and I fear this will be lost if the West is able to turn the Ukraine into a new Afghanistan. How can Putin and his generals be sure that they will be able to prevent this??
The longer it drags out the higher his support because his support is coming from unification and galvanization of Russian people from the racist campaign of economic and cultural terror that is being waged on them from the “West”. Thus the longer the west continues this campaign, the more Russians actually rally together.
Only takes one Marshall.
you don’t understand Russians
that’s all I can say
(Video in link)
Dan Cohen (@dancohen3000) Tweeted:
Gennadiy Druzenko, head of Ukrainian military medical service, boasts on Ukraine 24 channel that he “gave strict orders to castrate all the wounded” Russians “because they are cockroaches, not humans.”
Not all fascists wear Swastikas or Wolfsangels.
This claim:
“Gennadiy Druzenko, head of Ukrainian military medical service, boasts on Ukraine 24 channel that he “gave strict orders to castrate all the wounded” Russians “because they are cockroaches, not humans.”
may or or may not be true.
At this point the rampant and bestial russophobia in that sad, failed and self-destroyed country does not rule it out.
But a Cohen’s eagerness to publicize it begs the question if the twit’s purpose is to strike terror in the Russian soldiers. A dicey proposition since it may in fact discourage them to act as “polite men in green” towards civilians.Or maybe that is the purpose?
Gateway Pundit Article:
SHOCKING Reports Ukrainian Nazi Azov Battalion Setting Up Offensive Positions in Civilian Areas and Using Women and Children as “Human Shields”
Thank you for giving us a inside of the way Russias people and the top of the government thinks and acts. I agree with you 100% with what you write over the West and here inCanada. Our Government is a lakay of our southern neighbor, this government has no hard spines only sing the same song as all governments in the West . I personally hope that Russia and here brotherly countries will find a New Way for our blue planet.
so Im a member of a dutch language facebook group “Peace with Russia” which supports the Special Operation; a lot of friends there are Marxists / Communists who understand that Putin is a partner in the struggle of the (russian) people against the empire of lies.
none of them are “emo-marxist,” nor “nationalist” nor “6th columnist”
I very much appreciate the work you’re putting into this project.
plz don’t abusing the word Marxist as a PEJORATIVE for something that has nothing to do with actual Marxism
“6th columnists / “EMO-MARXISTS”, a good expression which I shall adopt…for them a Putin victory in the Ukraine would be way worst than the total defeat of Russia by the west. defeatists”
“6th columnists / defeatist” suffices, why would you dump on marxism?
Dear Saker,
there is a 7th (or 1st?!) column, the WEF.
Please explain me what happens at about 15th minute of the video:
Episode 416 – SHOCKING Document Reveals Trudeau’s REAL Plan!
How can such coincideHow can it be? nce get explained?
I really would like to know.
I’m a big supporter of Russia against the WEF nightmare, and now this.
If you still don’t know what is bad about the WEF, listen to the Israeli chief consultant of WEF’s boos Klaus Schwab: Will the Future Be Human? – Yuval Noah Harari
very good
thank you
In your opening section you “…widen the scope further…”, then the revelation:
“The total failure of US PSYOPs inside Russia”
which is, if as you say, totally true (I willing to go on your credibility, and buy that one)
As you may well know my opinion,
I’m not trying to be harsh on the seeming majority (or close to it) of individuals in Zone A, but the rationally-subverted mind, if it remains in that state, is not too useful for humanity’s survival.
The good news is, it’s not just the yet free(er) minds of a majority of Russians (which is great! don’t get me wrong, I am grateful for each and every one of them), but there is more, there are ALL of the other free(er) minds.
While the war is actually on the 95+%, the real heat is on those who can pretty clearly see that something of dire proportion, is wrong with… the west?!
The leadership of the west, leads these populations like a drunken, mentally ill idiot, staggering from one (arranged) disaster, to the next, deflecting the accelerating decrease in quality of life for …most of the citizens, blaming the deteriorating expectations on the so-called disasters.
“…widen the scope further…”
There is herding going on.
Societies are being herded towards war.
Wide swathes of individuals, believers, are participating very actively, and also holding down a full time job in many cases.
It’s a new kind of war, which doesn’t look like it is war!? … but it is the way war is, now (for the first time)!
This war is literally a war for minds.
As seen here, more than once, whoever has arranged this conflict, seems quite willing to fight to the last Ukrainian, but…
“…widen the scope further…”
they are willing to fight this war down to the last human, and take out the entire biosphere, if it so happens.
…yet there is a pattern…..
….and you must know it!
Until the appropriate strategic perspective is achieved, none of what is going on makes any sense.
It is as I have said, an unholy offspring reality of Kaftka and Orwell.
… but if you achieve the functional strategic altitude…. it makes sense, and …
… is predictable
it’s not too happy
I don’t know how the many and pervasive constraints can be by-passed to …enable people to … get to altitude on the strategic perspective – yet.
the plan, approach and method, and their own accounts of their successes, of the enemies of humanity are widely available for people to look up and look over…
… and….
…. people have to find their own way, to figure it out
it can not be well communicated vicariously
@ Anton Gorbatow on March 20, 2022 · at 9:51 pm EST/EDT
Once Mariupol is liberated, the rate of destruction of the Ukrainian military will increase exponentially.
It already has. The confirmed used of Khinzal just recently, the broad use of Khalibr, and the just announced surrendering of troops in the outskirts of Kiev, is the result of an increase on the pounding of the Ukrainian army. The surrendering of an SBU general, now collaborating with the Russian army, speaks volumes about the low moral of an army that has already been strategically defeated.
As Andrei Martyanov repeats again and again, the Ukrainian army ceased to exist as a coherent fighting force within a week of the special operation. The job of the Russian army now is basically mopping up. The die-hard nazi scum is being taken care of deliberately, in Kharkov, Mariupol, and other places. The job is done, now Russia has to take the trash out for pickup.
Lone Wolf
“surrendering of troops in the outskirts…”
That would not be by order of their commander in chief. Very significant logically speaking.