By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog
Part I. What They Do
On July 4th, 2021, the globalists’ flagship magazine The Economist published another apocalyptic prognosis for our planet’s near future and humanity’s final act: ‘No Safe Places: The 3 Degree Celsius Future’.
The abstract reads: “The extremes of floods and fires are not going away, but adaptation can lessen their impact.”
Fake, doctored images were used throughout the report for emotional effect. Penguins that have no ice no more are floating on a sofa in the ocean.
Another thumbnail titled ‘The Three Degree World’ depicts ten matchsticks with their sulfur-heads photo-shopped so as to resemble ten little planet Earths, each one showing greater burns until ‘Earth’ is finally burned to charcoal.
Normally, if such “News” were published on some pinhead blog of the conspiracy theory movement or, God forbid, by some anonymous pundit on a Reddit or 8Chan sub–page, not only would the administrators delete it promptly, but it would also alarm the thought police. For example, spreading fake news in Europe can set a news-site back 50 million euros in fines.
But this can never apply to our top journalists. Ever.
Yes, deliberate hoaxes, misinformation and fake news are prohibited by laws and regulations in theory, correct. And yes, in addition, if such a news item were posted by an anonymous author, that’s usually also marked as spam on top of it.
Yet when the top magazine of the global ruling elites, The Economist, prints such rubbish, it passes off as first class Western journalism, and the trademark anonymity of The Economist’s authors passes off as the highest standard in journalism anywhere in the world.
So what is their magic? What is the journalistic trick?
Why are the top journalists in the world at the top globalist outlets on the planet – not just at The Economist magazine, but at the Wall Street Journal, the Guardian, the New York Times, the Spiegel and so on – able to get away with obvious misinformation, propaganda and fake news, while most other human beings on this planet are punished?
Some commentators blame it on censorship and power politics: “If the journalists do it, it is information. If we do it, it is misinformation.”
This double standard is certainly correct, as those news corporations together indeed form a syndicate and report the same, and will force politicians to clamp down on alternative media.
But that does not explain panic headlines such as “No Safe Places,” photo-shopped Penguins on Floating Sofas or Matchsticks for Planets. Journalism must have ethics, and the Economist’s anonymous authors are breaking journalistic ethics, it seems, and not just on climate change, but on everything else.
Those journalists can lie, cheat and misinform.
But how?
And here is the shocking answer…
… it is in the grammar and the semantics. It is a language trick.
This is journalism 12.0. It is taught at the highest level in our universities, beyond doctoral and post-doctoral level. It is as sophisticated and complicated as advanced engineering. Within each news organization, it is understood only by the top twenty people, at most.
I am a linguist and an ex-Harvard, ex-Tokyo and ex-Peking scholar and in today’s lesson, I would like to briefly familiarize you with the theory of the most deadly journalistic weapons of all: The Second Subjunctive.
Part II. How They Do It
The Second Subjunctive is a gateway to the 5th dimension and a cursor to unreality and timelessness. We live in a several dimensional universe which we don’t see, but one of the ways to access and describe the 5th dimension is by language.
All languages in the world can semantically form the Second Subjunctive, but not all languages have definite grammar for it. The First Subjunctive is the grammatical expression of wishful thinking and feeling. The Second Subjunctive indicates the conditional future-past. It is completely hyper-theoretical and not real.
In advanced linguistics which is key to all politics, laws, literature and the humanities, we thus have access to stuff that does not exist, that is not true, that is unreal but still is descriptive.
So, the Economist’s “Three Degree Future” is a fiction based on a condition that the world’s heating up 3 degrees (which it probably doesn’t), based on the condition that it burns like matchsticks (which it probably ain’t), with penguins floating on sofas through the Atlantic (which could be possible in a parallel universe yes), all under the condition that you open your mind and believe it.
You won’t find a lawyer on the planet who can challenge the journalism in the Second Subjunctive.
So here is how to access the 5th dimension and use the Second Subjunctive in your work like a pro.
For a start, most writers are timid and simply declare their writings as fiction or thesis or commentary. Alternatively, they label their writings satire or art or literature.
This is a good start indeed. As if you were pro-actively warning the police that you were just kidding and really didn’t have a clue what you were talking about. You are being funny, creative, theoretical, and you were just pulling absurd headlines out of your own ass for everybody’s entertainment.
But you can’t do that in journalism, because in journalism, writers are supposed to report something that actually happened. Therefore, journalists must attend journalism school and will inevitably practice the Second Subjunctive, its grammar and semantics.
Part III. A Case In Point
Claas Relotius was born in 1985 in West Germany and went to the University of Bremen to study political science and to the Hamburg Media School to study journalism. He is tall and presentable, has full blond hair and blue eyes, and became an exceptionally good writer. Wait. I take that last one back. Claas Relotius worked for the best newspapers in Germany, with the best editorial teams and proofreaders that corporate money and the regime press could buy.
Mr. Relotius’s background looks ridiculous, as if an invisible hand wanted him to become the God of Journalism. He worked for the regime press Frankfurter Allgemeine, the Financial Times, the Zeit (the German Times) and dozens more. The Jews of America promoted Mr. Relotius from afar. He won America’s Cable News Network CNN’s “Journalist of the Year Award” in 2014. The “German Reporter Prize” in 2016. The “European Press Prize” in 2017. It is just too ridiculous to list this man’s obviously regime-fabricated credentials. His final promotion before his fall from grace in 2018 was to the globalist European propaganda magazine Der Spiegel.
Claas Relotius’s journalistic job was to smear the Donald Trump presidency in America and promote regime change in favor of the pro-German US Democrats. What Relotius didn’t know was that his Spanish-born right hand glove knew about the Mexico-US border situation and spoke the languages, and worse: this dark-skinned “colleague” simply had enough of German arrogance.
Spanish-born Juan Moreno blew Claas Relotius and the “German way of journalism” out of the waters and to the US Republican shores. To shorten this scandal: German journalism is complete fiction and Claas Relotius was its greatest star. He had invented all of it, and kind of wanted to get caught. There is “probably only a very few” of his 120 articles that were not completely falsified, Mr. Relotius confessed in Reporter-Magazin.
Mr. Relotius made up expert testimonials, invented characters like streetwise taxi drivers and chatty bar keepers, sad Syrian orphans and heart-warming Alzheimer patients, and he faked interviews about Donald Trump supporters.
What made the downfall of Claas Relotius for Western journalism so fascinating is that he was only caught because of simp orbiter Juan Moreno, and how Mr. Relotius just did what all the other top journalists in the West do every day. They are operating in the 5th dimension. They are writers of conditionals, non-reality and fiction.
For example, American journalism about Moscow or Beijing is written in Washington or London. The Economist magazine had not really travelled to Antarctica and filmed penguins. Nothing the anonymous journalists described in their ‘The Three Degree Future’ article they had seen. They hired graphic designers for their images, and so on. Not much in journalism is real.
Likewise, the Spiegel magazine hired anti-Trumpers, not pro-Trumpers. There is not much to report, once you know the access path to the 5th Dimension. After the initiation, top journalists write what their paymasters want them to.
Part IV. The Path To Admission
The official German-USA-EU narrative was predictable: This Relotius is a rare, very rare, exceptionally rare case of a fabulist. No real crime was committed. No heads rolled, no persecution, no take down of Spiegel. Nobody else was investigated. US ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, shamed German journalism over its “anti-American tendency,” but that was it.
That all happened three years ago, and it’s safe to say we have covered enough spacetime to see a clear legal picture of future journalism. There are no laws, there is no accountability, there will never be anything remotely resembling honesty, justice or transparency. There need not be any of those things, because the craft of writing is beyond the real, above the factual, extra to the truth and apart from the reality of the world.
Claas Relotius, just like every other writer, be that scholars and literati or journalists, cannot commit a crime in the 5th dimension. Yes, we can oust him, fire him in person. But that is office politics. His writings won prizes, he is an excellent creator, he worked for the best papers in the world. He became part of world history – and don’t we all want that?
All your favorite journalists are still there. They can write whatever they wish. Mr. Relotius is proof of the living Second Subjunctive.
To understand this, one has to break away from the archaic ideas that there is reality and that the media deliver the truths.
The Second Subjunctive, sometimes known as Subjunctive II, is the linguistic portal to unreality, uncertainty and prognostication.
Mr. Relotius’s Anti-Trump journalism was totally fake and fabricated, yes, but that was the very condition of Mr. Relotius’s employment: Baseless allegations, depressing forecasts, impossible predictions and presaged conclusions. Just like the writings of The Economist magazine or the New York Times or any other globalist news outlet. There needs not to be a factual basis on words and there never will be in the near future.
It is completely irrelevant that there really are no penguins on the floating sofa and no three degree Celsius apocalypse for The Economist magazine to write about penguins floating on sofas and the climate change apocalypse.
The English language, in contrast to French, Latin or German, has lost its explicit Subjunctive II conjugations of its modal verbs. But journalists are still able to mimic grammatical unreality by using adverbs and the conditional clause of the verb ‘to be’. It becomes the “would be.”
Our Ancient languages were much more radical and unforgiving. If you said the wrong thing, or the right thing but the wrong way, this could get you murdered. Thus, the Second Subjunctive was a life-saver. The German language for example still retains the true unreality clause for ‘to be’ (sein in German). It becomes “würde” in the First Subjunctive and “wäre” in the Second Subjunctive. This “wäre” is conveying a “could-would” parallel universe.
A grammatical Second Subjunctive mood in your text, or indeed just a word of a probably-maybe-if-then-perhaps modality, an unholy adverb like allegedly or likely or possibly, and the writer lets it be known that he entered the 5th dimension, the speculative metaverse of hypothetical thought, the fabled subjunctive and its way with uncertainty and boundless creativity.
All top regime journalists in the world use unreality as a weapon. And now you know that too…
The author is a German writer and cultural critic.
“If I had known the man to be a grammatician, I could have written him perhaps to become a terrorist.“ –LordPressFreedom
- The Menticide Manual – Foreword + Start Early
- The Menticide Manual – Quibbling
- The Menticide Manual – Gaslighting
- The Menticide Manual – Ghosting
- The Menticide Manual – Framing
- The Menticide Manual – Inverse Reality
- The Menticide Manual – Stupidiocracy
- The Menticide Manual – Perseveration
[…] and more gruesome techniques and deadly methods on how to destroy the mind.
I really love this series of articles. Thank you. Dennis Gaudet Boston MA
A good example of this is the Scamdemic predictions of Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College ( which has received over $200,000,000 from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)and has had a long history of making highly inaccurate forecasts about the number of people who would/ could die from epidemics/ pandemics.
He was wheeled out by the media to state that there could be 500,000+ fatalities in the U.K. from the SARS CoV2 virus. Despite his abysmal track record for failed predictions, Johnson plus other government leaders took this as gospel to instigate a raft of totalitarian mandatory edicts that has witnessed previously open countries turned into enormous prison camps via lockdowns, mandatory Vaccination etc. So it’s not only the MSM plus state propaganda “ journalists” who live in the 5th dimension!
@Brian Borou. Re Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College which has received over $200,000,000 from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation “despite his abysmal track record for failed predictions”.
Not *despite* but *because of* his proven record for making convenient predictions for a regime. A failed prediction about Foot and Mouth disease in sheep and cattle, which he made for the UK in the 1980s under the Blair regime was the foundation of Ferguson’s success. He predicted that a vaccine would not stop the F&M virus. A very good vaccine against F&M actually existed, developed by my academic colleague Prof.Fred Brown FRS, but because of Dr.Ferguson’s prediction the Blair regime decreed 20 million perfectly healthy animals to be slaughtered, and the air of Britain was filled with the stench of burning flesh. But the businessmen who exported prime British meat to the U$A were happy because U$ Law forbids the import of vaccinated animals. Ferguson received a decoration from the Queen, and Blair was rewarded with a Non-voting Directorship in House of Rothschild — the highest rank ever bestowed on a retired British prime minister.
So, 40 years onward, when businessmen like Gates were looking for a convenient prediction that would help them to sell useless flu vaccines, they knew whom to phone. “A useful pair of hands”.
Yes, I agree when the PTB are looking for an “ expert” or institution to justify their latest assault on humanity, their track record, vested interests, incompetence matters not a smidgen.
Now, it’s interesting you cite Blair because their was one expert who went the grain and told the truth. Dr David Kelly who died mysteriously at his own hand when he was giving evidence to a Parliamentary select committee into another Scam the Weapons of Mass Destruction fiasco.
Funny how so many of these political puppets end up with directorships in central banking dynasties. I wonder why ?
“1980s under the Blair regime”???
Bliar didn’t become prime minister until 1997 and the (alleged) Foot and Mouth outbreak occurred in 2001.
Why the massive date error??
Thank you Derrick Steed for correcting an old man’s failing memory. Of course I should have remembered that the Blair regime also took part in Clinton’s rape of Serbia (1990) and Bush’s rape of Iraq 2004. Re Iraq, Brianborou mentions the suspicious “suicide” of Dr.David Kelly, the only British weapons expert who dared disagree with the official fairy tale about Saddam’s Weapons of Mass Destruction. The Kelly case was judged by Lord Hutton, a convenient “safe pair of hands” (like Prof.Ferguson) who could be relied upon to give the regime an “expert judgment” in favour of the regime’s prejudged policy.
First of all, the ice surfaces are increasing and it is not difficult to determine. The media do not maintain creativity, and they have interrupted every view of reality and life itself, of course I mean the media and journalists, and they do not care that they tell and write lies, they use lies as their existence and it is the Scarecrow that drove away reality, so we live in an unreal world. It is an essential lie, it is a necessary and basic dishonesty towards oneself and one’s whole situation, they lie reality, that is why we do not control our lives, because we rely on those lies. It is fateful and ironic how the lie we need for life condemns us to a life that is never really ours.
I have been convinced since the crossing of the Red Sea-Exodus that people like to be deceived, so I went the opposite way not from Egypt but to Egypt.
From what I’ve read, volume, let alone extent, varies wildly, but volume still appears to be in catastrophic decline since, if I remember correctly, mid-2000 zeros.
So, is it harder to propagandize people in countries that use a language that retains the second subjunctive, or do they fail to use the proper second subjunctive conjugations when they should?
Is the loss of the second subjunctive in Perfidious Albion and its colonies, former colonies, vassals, and vassals of former colonies even an accident?
The subjunctive mood is one of three moods in English grammar the other two being indicative and imperative. The subjunctive mood is for expressing wishes, suggestions, or desires, and is usually indicated by an indicative verb such as wish or suggest, paired then with a subjunctive verb. Often, the subjunctive verb is unchanged, as with visit in the sentence “I wish I could visit that cat.” In a sentence like “I wish I were that cat,” the verb be undergoes a change.
About the terms ‘present subjunctive’ and ‘past subjunctive’ : the present subjunctive in truth refers mostly to the future (“I request that the fabulous cat be available during my visit”), while the past subjunctive can refer to the present or the past (“I wish that the fabulous cat were more cooperative”). They have the name they do only because the subjunctive forms look like ordinary past and present forms.
Hey Sudhi, when I started reading your comment I was noticing the 3 »moods »or modes of the anglos. It is interesting. It fits: the subjunctive to subjugate with illusion, the indicative to indicate the way to go, where to invade or who to blame, and the imperative to keep the imperial dominance at any cost. Caesar « would » have said « veni, vidi, vici « , something like that. Anyway, it is late, and I get obsessed with words… good night.
In English the term (and idea of) subjunctive seems to be partially conflated with the condtional.
Things are a lot clearer in German where the form of the verb changes when subjunctive is used.
Ex: “Ich wuensche, ich waere eine Katze”= I wish I were a cat.
“waere” (and other subjective verb forms) has no other function in German, so there is no confusion. At leaset, must less.
In English, what is called the subjunctive is more clearly described as the unreal, or counterfactual, conditional
I wish I were a cat (but I am not one).
If he had shot the gun, I’d be dead (but he didn’t shoot and I am alive).
As opposed to simple conditional, which is an if-then relationship:
“If I lose my job, I will go abroad.”
Simple conditional in the past (say, in a narrative): “If I lost my job, I would go abroad.”
Confusion enters with the verb “to be.”
Present conditional, singular: “If he is planning to come, I must make up the bed.”
Past conditional: “If he was planning to come, I would have to make up the bed.”
Not: “If he were planning to come, I would have to make p the bed.”
This is a confusion of the simple conditional with the unreal conditional (often called subjunctive).
In English the true subjunctive expresses uncertainty and suggestions, and suppositions. It uses the “bare infinitive” form (infinitive without “to”):
E.g., “The fault is mine if fault there be.”
“I suggest that he arrive on time.” Subjunctive is obvious from “arrive,” not “arrives.”
“I suggest that they arrive on time.” Subjunctive is not obvious because plural indicative and subjunctive are the same form, “arrive”.
The subjunctive form does not change for a statement relating to a past event:
“I suggested that he arrive on time.”
Dear Thorsten J. Pattberg.
It is a very important subject you are exposing in your article.
However, you do it in a language you have learned on Campus, and I “hope” that people who have been through university have already learned the difference between facts and fiction.
But the majority of any population only understand layman’s terms, and they are the majority being scammed by the use of Second Subjunctive “Journalism” and thus are the ones who needed you information the most.
Another way to lose the majority of people is by writing long Articles with too many weird factors involved.
You almost lost me by using the word “5th dimension”, so I had to fight my way back into you article to understand you message, while a voice in my head keep screaming abort, abort.
You could just have written:
Western News media journalism has changed from previously being punished for writing anything other than the Facts, til today writing outright lies and slander, without being punished.
The legal trick they use is to inject second subjunctive (Fiction) into their writing.
All top regime journalists in the world use your own imagination to create fiction in your mind, to manipulate you to believe something that isn’t real. So learn how to detect when you are being manipulated to believe a lie.
Are 10 lit matches able to raise the Global average temperature by 3 degree C?
If you answer is no, then not only is the above sentences a lie, but the whole article must be regarded as fiction.
We need the majority to understand how they are being manipulated, in order to end the lies and manipulations.
I am glad i kept reading your article to the end.
Good series you are writing.
A Roman maxim is an established principle of Law.
Roman maxims originate in medieval times in European states that use Latin in their legal language.
That means every western Nation ever ruled over by a Roman Catholic Christian Royal dynasty.
A prime Roman maxim is: He who would be deceived let him be deceived.
This Maxim means that if you are ignorant, then you may lawfully be deceived by every government connected to the Vatican. Ignorance of this law does not excuse its subjects.
Has the Western population been deceived into being re-subjected to Fascist Roman laws since 9/11?
A. Dane,
This is question I asked myself about a year ago, then I became sidetracked with the pandemic. A Canadian claimed on his YT channel (since shut down) that Protestants officially returned to the fold of Roman Catholicism in 2017, ending the Reformation after exactly 500 years!
This article appears to confirm that:
If accurate, perhaps your Maxim applies, and not only to Western Christianity, but soon for all world religions. All religions’ followers may be similarly duped, as events rapidly gather pace in the building of a false Single World Religion for the New Age.
I would appreciate knowledgeable persons commenting on this disturbing event of 2017.
Good morning AHH, I am excited to explore your question. Although not a church person, I am curious to understand their stands, the moves and dynamics. This understanding of different world views facilitates communication, as I can meet the other on his/her terms, to an extent. Of course I still tend to expose my own view point. The narratives are usually meant to soothe our need for order. As far as the conciliation of 2017, I guess it was just a political gesture, an expression of goodwill to get over differences and be on the same boat, that is, Jesus boat.
All the differences ( disagreements) are still there.
I thought that the Vatican lost its independence in 1929 when Mussolini got the bankers of London to bail in the indebted Vatican. And then there is vatican II…
It seems to me that if the Catholic Church is “meant”, by definition, to be “ the all embracing” church, then it is easy to follow the logic of conspiracy where hidden forces, those oligarchs globalists, would use that empty vessel to carry on their business of One World Order. My own bias though tends to associate the globalist financial elite more Protestant/Jewish, as, in the sixteen hundred’s they formed alliances in Holland and then England. Plus the franc-masonry… That said, the all embracing God in that case is the Market God, with money as super fétiche. Globalists are likely apatride and unreligious (in the sense of “religare”, tying together… although “they did a great job at tying us together, now that I think about it, but as separated and dumb as possible).
Back to Protestants and Catholics in Europe, it seems that two ruling systems developed: the anglo-saxon maritime one and the continental one.
It is interesting to see that the present opposition between US and Russia/China reflects that.
Usually we compare the US empire with the Roman one, with many similarities in its decadent stage, but the continental law owes partially to Roman laws, meant to administrate the other countries with some equity (I mean legal rights), the Pax Romana, in order to obtain and maintain a collaboration (not the free for all that the maritime instrumented, so well that the Monopoly game seems to be over, or is it? Meanwhile Russia likes Chess better, China sticks to Go and US is addicted to its “coups de Poker). There were historically in the continental law, two powers at play, the Pope and the King, keeping each other in check and balance. The maritime law on the other hand, had all the power to the lords bankers/merchants. So, at the monopoly game, the maritime law had a serious advantage. It was designed for that.
It seems that Protestants go by the book that they interpret each at one’s convenience, creating many churches, whereas the Catholics maintain one rallying authority figure. One People, One Church, One Pope. IIt does sounds like a nazi slogan, but I do appreciate Pope Francis very much and meant no offense, no comparison here. To compare what is comparable, Protestants seem more modern, more materialistic in the sense of not so mystical. They are more scientific I guess, with Descartes heritage. They don’t buy into the Virgin Mary, the Saints or the Pope. I guess they don’t like the middleman. I don’t blame them. To each its own, whatever works. It works? Great! Maybe the Catholics can do their worshiping through their embodied fétiches , symbolic figures, whereas the Protestants can claim to have a direct worship to God (is Jesus considered a middle man?). They are not exempt of phantasms, like all of us: we like illusion, the magical thinking, and faith turns into a convenient blind system.
Ignorance is bliss. How could I throw the stone at them? Not only it is bliss but it is survival… until it is not. As far as fétiches, it seems that they use the Bible and banknotes all right.
On that note, I think it is worth mentioning the book “ the alphabet versus the Goddess ”. It traces very well the evolution of our brains with the advent of the alphabet new technology. The author mentions the printing technology that Luther used well to spread the word, The book. By the way, Luther didn’t seem to have been too kind to women. On the same topic, the book “the spell of the sensuous” shows well the gain and loss that occured when the alphabet took over. It was a great tool to step out of the moment, out of reality, into virtual reality. Nowadays, we are going next level. These days, books appear to be grounding us in critical thinking. Anyway, here we are, with our contradictions, clarity and confusion.
We may embrace them and live harmoniously with the paradoxes at play.
Thanks for listening and bearing with my thought process. Be well.
Hi Eric,
thanks for your thoughts.
I agree that on a level, it is a political reconciliation of the higher clergy but the practical effects on the flock may be negligible for their established rites, at least in the near term.
I have not explored historical differences between these churches, what interested me more was an apparently moving piece above the level of states or even a Zone A/B.
You do not submit (nearly silently, without fanfare!) after fighting an existential enemy for 500 years.. It was shocking. An unwholesome coalescing of ideology. Both leaderships appear to be on same page, acting on behalf of the Parasite, and not for the general good.
A. Dane raised this VIP issue – the potential for subterfuge. What he referred to in (1) the Roman Maxim of deception, in which by THEIR law an [elite] deception is no excuse and can legally be used against an unwitting people, and (2) this maxim was maybe being used to marshal western Christianity into a tight block.
What for?
To march Eastwards as usual against the Orthodox Other?
As the core unit of a rising Antichrist One World Religion?
The dark foundations are already laid – review the COEXIST meme, with a different religion for each letter.. And the current Pope’s particular mission appears to bring all Christian branches, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc under a single tent. For whom and for what purpose? He even plans to travel to North Korea, in effort to rope in all mankind! Some refer to the Papacy as Babylon the Great; perhaps she is now endeavoring to collect mankind spiritually under a single roof? So again, as this Menticide series teaches us, what will be the fruits of a campaign marked by such deception?
IMO among the higher echelons of clergy in all reglions, there is little difference, just as between hereditary elites of all states who move together on a supranational level. IOW, they represent themselves and their own narrow interests, not the common man. Believers are on their own in these days, like in Pharaonic Egypt where flame of truth and sincere faith was maintained in individual homes. Very sad.
Thank you Thorsten for your witty and thought-provoking series. I certainly enjoy reading them.
Not meaning to be presumptuous but persons of a certain vintage like me (around Saker’s age) may think that ‘simp orbiter’ is spellchecker output or pig Latin. Allow me to assist:
Simp ‘A simp is a negative term used on the internet to describe a man who panders to or acts submissive towards women in an attempt to gain their favour. It is a Gen Z term that was popularized on TikTok.’
Orbiter ‘The Orbiter is slightly different from the other terms on this list as it started off-line and refers to male friends who hang around their female friends in the hope of the friendship developing into a sexual one.’
Not sure of the quality of Juan Moreno’s writing but if Thorsten says he’s a simp orbiter, then he must be one.
I see nothing negative in being or even pretending to be submissive to women to gain their favors. That is how it has been last 100,000 years. As for Orbiting – the same thing. Sometimes orbiters do gain attention from women friends, even get married.
Is it coincidence that TikTok declared normal human behavior a bad, indecent thing?
BTW, I am older than Saker
Don’t just write quotes – you are supposed to write a comment. Mod.
American journalism (like the journalism of any other country) is predominantly paltry and worthless. Its pretensions are enormous, but its achievements are insignificant.
~ H.L. Mencken,
Occupation: Journalist
Advertisements contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper.
~ Samuel Langhorne Clemens, aka Marc Twain
Hey zina, I do agree with you very much about the systemic lies we got fed and that we keep relying on.
I « would » like to speak around that some more.
Before, I do that, I question your « First of all, the ice surfaces are increasing and it is not difficult to determine ». That reminds me of Trump up north in the winter saying « what climate change? It’s freezing! ». Also, it is common to develop a demonstration, with logic and science, to confirm the initial hypothesis or assumption, with all the biases and hidden agendas. In response to you and to the Menticide, to say that there is no global warming to start with is not straightening the crooks. Yes, the crooks’ propaganda is using global warming to make multiple profits out of it , like green washing business, emotional manipulation to trigger the security mode, resulting in obtaining obedience to the authority that the media represents, making sacrifices to the Market God under a green costume, demonizing China for being the biggest polluter, picturing Bank of America as our savior with its 0% carbon loan of 150 000 billions plan, distracting us from the real question: how do we get the power off the oligarchs hands? How do we unite? How does the people get its sovereignty (creating its own money and managing its flow, setting its laws and enforcing them, managing the land to grow its food, fair share taxes to support health system, public services and a reasonable army) back? Using violence against violence seems to play « their » game, and Ignoring violence won’t make it go away. I believe we can only curb evil when we stop the blame game and are kind. Maybe it is a lie too.
I am quite hopeless and it might be a sign that I am getting closer to radical acceptance. As someone said before about illusion:«the end of hope, the beginning of truth« . As far as lies that keep ourselves in illusion, it is our choice to face them and be free from them, although that process might be highly unpleasant. I think we need to be very cautious with our own righteousness and use doubt methodically in order to get closer, maybe, to some truth. If Uncertainty rules the universe, I think, arrogant as we are, humans, we made- up a global system that brings certainty as a rule: All will be consumed. I would like to share a quote that came to me this morning from the Chinese oracle, the I Ching, hexagram 36, « the darkening of the light »: «Here the climax of the darkening is reached. The dark power at first held so high a place that it could wound all who were on the side of good and of the light. But in the end it perishes of its own darkness, for evil must itself fall at the very moment when it has wholly overcome the good, and thus consumed the energy to which it owned its duration». Another quote of the same hexagram: « In time of darkness, it is essential to be cautious and reserved. One should not needlessly awaken overwhelming enmity by inconsiderate behavior. In such times one ought not to fall in with the practice of others; neither should drag them censoriously into the light. In social intercourse one should not be all- knowing. One should let many things pass, without being duped. The superior man veils his light, yet still shines ».
OK, i used my share of would’s and should’s, i’d better wrap up my spiel. A word or two about illusion and truth. Doubt seems to be the foundation for logic and ultimately truth. Confusion seems to be the breeding ground for imagination and ultimately illumination. Or maybe doubt is the process that leads us to the ever present truth. Self- doubt can be destructive only if we identify to its propaganda.
Maybe, the moment of truth for Jesus was when he was on the cross wondering if God abandoned him…
I wish ourselves much heart and much faith in the process. Light and darkness. To end on a funny note, a little quote of Dostoyevsky : « I think the devil doesn’t exist but man has created him in his own image and likeness ». And, to really finish, with a Russian joke (a bit out of context), that my friend Yura told me, as we were building a rustic cabin: The Chinese bought some blueprints of a rocket-ship from the Russians… Being industrious, they they set to work and soon finished it. It turned out to be a train… So, they went back to complain. « I know » said the Russian, and he give them a rasp.
Thanks for the news Andrei and everybody else.
The info is available.
As a start, take a look at the following.
Greenland Surface Mass Balance
Total Snow Mass for the Northern Hemisphere
Valentina Zharkova’s work on sun cycles and the pending global solar minmum is beginning to make some small inroads to the narrative.
You can cross corelate that data vs historic doomsday predictions. Others have done so and documented that, but at fear of being moderated and getting off topic I’ll refrain from posting those links.
Stay warm, its going to be another freezing cold NH winter.
Hi LC2021, I checked briefly the 3 links you joined. The first one is referring to the measurements of the daily fluctuations of ice-sheet, explicitly not taking in account « the glaciers calving off icebergs that end up melting in warm water ». Those are indeed what is concerning! Not the evolution of the ice-sheet on a daily basis. Am I confused? The second article is about snow fall measurements in 2021/2022. Does that prove that there is no global warming? I would say, definitely not. As far as the 3rd one about the sunspots cycle, it is , as far as I know, provoking natural disasters like storms, droughts, or weather disregulations as well as serious electrical disruptions on Earth , not a cooling of the sun that would cool the Earth. If we go nukes as far as wars, that might cool us down literally and physically too. If you want to check the work of Jean-Marc Jancovici about global warming due to green-house effect. I recommend. It is very explicit, clear and physics proved. Just like the Earth is round until proven otherwise. Arthur Keller is an other French, specialist in systemics.
I think we can easily get lost in « conspiracy or not conspiracy » dilemma. In doubt, « let’s create one! » (Susan Austin Fitt). Let’s breathe together, be inspired, listen to Spirit. Let’s conspire in the open. I am enthusiastic at times and that doesn’t mean doom is not real. Yes, LC2021, winter is coming. I am in northern wisconsin. Even here, in the land of lakes we got smoked by Canadian and northern Minnesota forest fires this summer. Reality check. Be well. Stay warm too.
Your direct questions.
‘…glaciers calving off icebergs…am I confused’
‘Does that prove that there is no global warming?’
Remember in 2008 Al Gore advertised the AGW lobby’s prediction the Artic would be ice free by 2013…You see what they want you to see in the context they construct to illicit the greatest fear. Snow fall this year turns to ice in subsequent years.
Neither looks ice free to me. Draw your own conclusions.
The MSM only parrots weather events that can be tied to AGW.
From my (limited) reading on the sun solar cycles it’s fascinating stuff. Correlations to increased seismology, volcanology, the jet stream, an impact on cloud cover (and hence cooling) and appearing to line up with an (independent) weakening of the earth’s magnetic field.
We don’t understand much, but at least this side of the fence admit that rather than that ridiculous claim that the science is settled.
I recall reading a layman’s summary of the impact of Zharkova’s predictions : worst case AGW scenarios are a 1.5 watts per square meter increase. Zharkova’s analysis shows a 8 watts per square meter decrease in TSI (total solar irradiance) to the planet.
Stock up on your firewood, you are going to need it for the next few decades.
Thanks for your links I’ll check them out as I do genuinely try and remain as impartial in these matters as I can.
This is my last reply on this. I normally only read here and only very very occasionally post (sorry mod I understand if this gets cut for off topic).
Eric, Jesus, a man strong enough to live and strong enough to die, he is a man like no man has ever been, he has overcome anxiety and guilt, and therefore the resurrection of the body is liberation from death and filth-sin. Jesus showed us liberation, and that man’s ego can be reconciled to such a reshaped body, that is, a body cleansed of the filth of sin, and so in the end man’s ego would become what the bodily ego was supposed to be, strong enough to reject guilt, (imposed to him the guilt of the god Yahweh9 and he must reject the filth of Lies and Hypocrisy, and from there Jesus says “The truth will set you free)
When Jesus cried out in agony “God why have you forsaken me” and immediately afterwards said “It is over” with that word Jesus almost dismissed God – so he unconsciously believed in God and died in the most agony and was resurrected as the Most High Consciousness.
Hey Zina, thanks for showing your passion for Christ! I really really relate with that guilt and anxiety. I tell myself that it must be the other side of innocence and love, so I cannot have one without the other. Yes, Jesus transcended it all. He went through. I don’t believe though in rejecting guilt. If I do something I know is wrong then I will suffer in my conscience for it, until it’s over. Will it be ever over though? Some say that “there is no way out”. So, moderation. I do not reject guilt but try not to roll in it (as much as I used to, anyway). Yes, Jesus was a man. I think he said, whatever I do, you can do too. OK zina, let’s be strong!
As someone who has had the chance to live under two global regimes, socialism and capitalism (both pretending to be just and free democracies), I can say that the level of arrogant deception and manipulation of the masses by the “free” Western MSM was never attained by the press on the eastern side of the Iron Curtain.
Retrospectively I see the socialist media from this period as simplistic and naive compared to sophisticated lying and propaganda of the Western MSM. The defunct socialist journalism lied to the masses mainly by omission; the propaganda and glorification of the regime and its leaders (euphemism for dictators) were obvious and easy to detect by ordinary people. Absolutely nobody believed the socialist media, although everyone faked the “believing” for fear of repression.
Quite the opposite can be witnessed nowadays the global West where the outright lies, half-truths and sheer fabrications are believed by substantial portions of the Western societies. It seems however that the blind believers are less and less, thus the need of more reckless professional liars, “fact-checkers”, “influencers” and social media censoring.
Well… can I quote once more? « The most offensive is not their lying -one can always forgive lying.
Lying is a delightful thing, for it leads to truth. What is offensive is that they lie and worship their own lying. »
And my favorite: « Wealth is the number of things we can do without ».
A paradoxical thing is that Disney carved it in my mind with the « bear necessities « .
This is phenomenal. Thank you very much, Dr. Pattberg. For the series, but also for explaining what is going on in the world of letters. And it should not come as no surprise that after 5000 years of “language games”, that our game masters at Zürich and Oxford and Harvard still try to pretend that they never actually advanced beyond an alphabet and a lexicon. Who believes them?! Of course, language is a tool for engineering reality since the beginning of our civilizations. The Church understood that the Testament was not the work of God but the work of fanatics. So they kept the Latin version to themselves and explained Religion to the peasants in French, German or English. Everything in our history books is part fiction. And don’t get me riled up on professional propaganda in the media these days. The madness is already in the grammar, and the devil is in the choice of words. That is how history is designed by our court writers and regime journalists and academic biographers. And it should be noted that Jacques Derrida challenged our notion of language and reality, and so did Ludwig Wittgenstein, who was an engineer and the wealthy son of an industrial aristocrat who turned to philosophy at Oxford and who tried to warn us: all our philosophy is non-sensical problems and all our history is just a game with words. Ludwig Wittgenstein went mad in Oxford around all those egg-heads. And after writing just a single book about this topic, he returned to Austria as a primary school teacher, where he killed a boy by accident but of course wasn’t charged because the Wittgensteins were the wealthiest family in all of Austria. Remember the famous painting “The Kiss” by Gustav Klimt? Well, that lady in that painting was Margaret Wittgenstein, Ludwig’s sister. Then there was the pianist Paul Wittgenstein. The Wittgenstein were Europe’s greatest philanthropists, the “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation” of their time, so even the grassroot “art” and the natural “music” you are supposed to admire was just fake astroturfing. And Wittgenstein the Elder was later found to have bribed Oxford University and the famous philosopher Bertrand Russell for enrolling Ludwig. Russell could now travel the world and play big philosopher. But homosexual Ludwig had the mathematical mind of an engineer he was mentally unstable and he hated posh academia, so he took his Austrian wrath and destroyed our belief in language and reality forever. Most of us have at least heard of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s “Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus”. The whole point of the small book is that it is indeed unreadable. On purpose! It is an insane but logically coherent book about the unreality of everything that is expressed in language, and it will make you especially lose faith in academia and literature and – of course – the industrial media complex. Grüsse aus Österreich!
“Looney Ludwig” was not at Oxford but at Cambridge, England.
Dieter H
Your comment seems to spiral into the maelstrom of the fifth dimensional universe and might do with some redirecting to some kind of reality source but it was a good nonsensical read as they go.
Nice take down of two of the world’s greatest propaganda organs – The Economist and Der Spiegel. It is virtually impossible to track down the true owners of those magazines. I tried for years. The Economist is based in London, but partly owned by Americans. Der Spiegel is a post-war CIA operative, but is now funded by various governments and the EU, and even US pharma and the Israelis in New York. Now it wants to become the bridge between the EU and the USA. Hence the anti-Trump support for the Democrats. Since Der Spiegel is more populist and also publishes key pieces in English language, Der Spiegel could easily surpass The Economist in the post-Brexit era. It is not a secret that journalists at Der Spiegel must sign a NDA and vow on promoting German-American interests and the Jews. Propaganda wise, I would rank the Economist as globalist and elitist, while Der Spiegel is mid-wit propaganda for the masses and stuck forever in World War Two. Just google ‘spiegel putin covers’ or ‘spiegel china covers’ and see for yourself. That said, both Economist and Der Spiegel support the same grand narrative – evil Putin, evil China, Orange man bad, Covid cult, Climate change. So, I guess they are fed by the same diabolic ‘press mailing list’ from Reuters and AP and DPA. And don’t even ask who owns those organizations. Media ownership is impossible to track, as it became part of the deep state. In my humble opinion, Class Relotius was too young for his propaganda office. They handed him diplomatic immunity, endless travels and five star hotels (prostitutes?), a six figures salary and a whole team of foreign correspondents and prizes he never saw coming. So Relotius tried to write confidently like a future Pulitzer Prize winner, full of impossible drama and improbable details, just so long as he delivers the great narrative. That he actually had to make 100k air miles in person and interview real people was at this point already beneath him. Hence this Spanish guy Moreno who had to run all the errands in Texas for superstar Relotius in Hamburg. So Moreno snapped. Brave man. But now as far as the deep state is concerned disloyal and unemployable. Actually, it all started in America, where Trump supporters noticed that the English articles published by Der Spiegel were geographically and personally inaccurate, to put it mildly. It is a shame that journalism gets away with propaganda. As the author reveals, the system is geared towards reporting what is not the case. Because fiction outsells reality and ideology always pays more than facts. From the Netherlands!
Fascinating! I don’t know where to start! This is so true. I am from Bonn in Germany. The Spiegel is from Hamburg and called Lügenpresse in whole of Germany – Lying Press. Please know that Juan Moreno is actually a pan-European hero. He published a bestseller book called ‘Thousand Lines of Lies’ (Tausend Zeilen Lüge). He is not just exposing Relotius but tells away the German way of doing journalism. To the defense of German journalism, we need to say that a renowned German publisher in Berlin took on this book, so the cause for investigative journalism is not yet completely dead. But alternative media is the future. Blogs like the Vineyard Saker in USA or Reitschuster in Germany. The Spiegel however will never change. ;-)
I am reminded of Antonio de Nebrija’s dedication to Queen Isabella I of Castile in his 1492 Castilian Grammar, in which he said “Language has always been the perfect instrument of empire”. 1492…well, we all know what came next in the Spanish conquest of the Americas.
“…spreading fake news in Europe can set a news-site back 50 million euros in fines. But this can never apply to our top journalists. Ever. … So what is their magic?”
The magic is in the money. Almost all journals in the world are owned by half a dozen Anglo Zio Capitalist corporations (The Mighty Handful). The mighty handful use them to form public opinion; to drive the sheeple into the shearing sheds or into the abbatoir. Read “The Free Press”, by Belloc, written more than a century ago. The sheeple, being herd creatures, are very susceptible to Public Opinion.
“A sheep is an acceptable member of a flock of sheep”. — Albert Einstein
A handful of sheeps managed to overturn the singed matchstick-planet by employing reason?
Hello A.Deplorable, yes, that simple. Thanks for the quote. You know, years ago, I revisited my take on sheep. We had only two though. We were in Idaho when a big forest fire came in 2017, with huge ponderosa pines bursting like matches. We fought all we could and ended up having to get out of there with our kids, goats and dogs.The 2 sheep and one cat were nowhere to be found, so we left. After the fire burnt all it could, we came back. The cat was found too badly burnt to survive and the 2 sheep were well alive, just having their fleece not so white as snow. My guess, they stayed in the open meadow where the grass burnt and survived. They didn’t try to take refuge like the cat. Different survival strategies.
I have a dear memory of them, the 2 yews, jumping and kicking as they were running down the slope, like silly wild girls, indeed in heat. Life is good.
Journalism is a craft. Not an art. It can be replaced by automates. It may surprise older readers but today‘s reports and articles are assembly-line work processes. They take barely on hour a piece.
You have a story and a big message. You have a hero (the United States, Democracy!) and a villain (Russia and China, or the terrorists!). You have 200 words for news, 400 to 600 words for articles. 800 words for opinion pieces. I think the Saker prefers longer texts, maybe 2,000 words, to make sure it was written by a human.
For assembly-line articles, journalists require at least two expert testimonials, one from a top professor or politician, the other from an average person on the street (the taxi driver, the grandma, the passerby). You need to quote. So we phone or email to experts who we know will say exactly what we want them to. Or we quote from other media. Next we have to repeat certain key words three times (democracy or human rights…) and apply correct speech (USA warns, EU says…, but Russia provokes, China threatens…) At the end, we repeat the big message: Democracy! Rinse and repeat.
The Guardian last year had a robot GPT-3 write an opinion piece. Opinion pieces are very difficult for A.I., but it worked well. Reports and articles are a piece of cake. And comments, well… comments are already mostly computer-generated.
Yeah, it is called automated journalism. They use it at the New York Times and Forbes already. It works well. That was back in 2019. Machines are almost perfect at grammar, so the future looks grim. What Dr. Pattberg is referring to is the conditional mood of the core modal verbs (to be, can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will and would). This can be of importance in the aftermath of the Rittenhouse trial, because Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges in a court of law, and now plans to sue the lying press that smeared him a murderer and a white supremacist. Only in America, I say. A Rittenhouse legal revenge couldn‘t fly in Europe, because European journalists construct clever conditional sentences. The first subjunctive is extremely common in French language, less so in English. It grammatically expresses doubt and uncertainty. Second subjunctive is about things actually not happening. In Germany, Kyle Rittenhouse could never sue the journalists because German journalists use the second subjunctive mood and so Kyle Rittenhouse is forever a murderer and white supremacist, just not in the real world. End of story as far as German language is concerned.
What does 3 degrees mean when it is -50c in Siberia and around -35c in Alberta, Canada?
Averages mean very little in many cases. It’s a metaphor for the confortable Global North to enact their power politics so they don’t have to get off their fat comfortable backsides and move to a new location where the new local climate conditions are trending towards good. Oh, dear, … are they already occupied? Let'[s have WW3. (/sarc)
“Averages mean very little in many cases.”
Someone put it splendidly: The average Earth temperature is as meaningless as the world’s average phone number.
Anonymous, imagine your body temperature rises up 3 degrees Celsius from normal. That means serious fever. Same for the planet. Of course if you picture yourself with that fever, bearfoot, you might still have cold feet.
Average temperature doesn’t mean it is not real. Average says little about the extremes but means a lot. It takes work to keep the homeostasis. Imagine you are in the topics with 100% humidity and a temperature of 40 degrees, you just can’t cool off and die.
Of course if you say average money/human is 100$ that doesn’t mean much. It really means 0.1% has 50$ and you most likely are among the “average” 99.9% sharing the remaining 50 bucks. Then it remains to be seen how the 99.9 share those 50. And where each stands. I bet all of us here on the blog are pretty comfortable somehow. For now. Oh, yes, guilt and anxiety… Jesus, that reminds me of zina and her post… Busy morning, on the couch ( I have an excuse: it is snowing good). Be well
Thanks. This is all fear mongering by the elite for those speeples who believe Science, rather than God Almighty,for more control over our lives. God Almighty has ful control of 18,000 universes (according to authenticated sources from sayings of The Last Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)), so tell me how does God Almighty not control the weather in our tiny Earth?
The self-styled Free Press is a Free Lie.
A massive, world-historic lie.
The Free Press–particularly the oh-so-arrogant American Free Press–insists that it is “free” because it is not government controlled, as opposed to media in those hated Deplorable “Authoritarian” nations.
This rationalization is a deception because of the Free Press is *indirectly* or *covertly* controlled by the government.
The CIA’s infamous Operation Mockingbird, as well as Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman’s concept of Manufacturing Consent, are examples of how the supposed Free Press isn’t quite as free as it claims.
The CIA’s war on the mind and manipulation of the media (Operation Mockingbird)
Confession from the profession: ‘Presstitutes’ in the service of the CIA
Most importantly, the Free Press is controlled by the political class that controls the government itself: the Capitalist Oligarchy, which in fact controls all societal institutions including the media (or government)….
Wow, reading this and all the rest makes me very thankful my life is grounded in Christ and the Bible. It’s foundation provides the sieve through which all the lies can be sifted out.
2 Timothy 1:7 sums it up perfectly:
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Power yes! Love yes! Sound mind!!! Yes!
As for climate change a good primer on what is actually going on can be found here:
Thank you very much Dr. Pattberg for an extremely important and significant essay!!
By the way a question, what was Christ referring to when He said to the woman who were crying for Him on the way to the cross? Climate Change yes?
“For if people do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?”
For He knew what He and His Father had told the Jewish people that if they disobeyed they would never see rain but only a brassy heaven / droughts and it was fulfilled entirely.
Be careful, or you will be enticed to turn away and worship other gods and bow down to them. Then the Lord’s anger will burn against you, and he will shut up the heavens so that it will not rain and the ground will yield no produce, and you will soon perish from the good land the Lord is giving you. Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. (Deuteronomy 11:8–18
And imagine this wasn’t enough for 360 years later an earthquake came which leveled the city of Jerusalem and it seems to me that a finality is approaching fulfilling:
‘they will say to the mountains, “Fall on us!”
and to the hills, “Cover us!”’
He who has ears to hear i guess?
Claas Relotius looks like a German Ken-doll.
Juan Moreno is much cuter than Claas.
There is so much to take in. I’m so glad I read them in its entirety. I’m also grateful to the author who has taken the pain to tell us all that we have not known. Many thanks from Germany.