Today, rather than comment on the latest developments on the ground, I want to step back and revisit a few basics, but I believe absolutely fundamental aspects of the Russian military operation in not only the Donbass, but the entire Ukraine. In fact, let’s begin here:
What was the generally expected scope of operations?
Okay, there is A LOT of nonsense written about this, so I need to clarify a few basic points.
First, absolutely NOBODY had ANY idea of the actual plan until that plan was decided upon. Let me clarify what I mean. Putin, the Kremlin or the Russian General Staff do not have “a plan”, that is not how things work. The Russian GS in particular is tasked with preparing plans for pretty much ANY contingency. So, let’s imagine that for the case of the Ukraine, they have a choice of 12 possible plans. What then happened is this, after being fully briefed on the situation, Putin, as commander in chief, would select one of these plans and give the order to execute it. At which point a number of coded messages will be sent out to various subunits, units, and formations ordering a specific set of instructions to be opened. These instructions would give their first orders for all subunits, units, and formations involved.
What did the vast majority of analysts expect? Here are a few options:
- Russia would wait for the Ukies to attack the LDNR and then assist the LDNR in ways ranging from indirect, deniable, support to a full-scale Russian move into the LDNR.
- Opinions were split on how far the Russians would go. Personally, I believed that they would probably liberate the Donetsk and Lugansk region, free Mariupol, and then dig in. I was very wrong, to put it mildly.
That operation to “free the LDNR from constant attacks” never happened. Putin never gave that order. That is absolutely crucial to understand.
==>>Again, that order never came.<<==

UNPAs in Croatia, now “Serb free”, thanks to NATO
Instead, and in his own words, Putin came to the conclusion that if the LDNR (possibly assisted by Russia) just moved to the administrative borders, that would open a long front in which Western assistance would be poured in. He also knew that the Ukie forces in the Donbass were highly concentrated, heavily armed and “motivated”, if needed, by many hardcore Nazi groups inside them. In fact, about 60-75% of all Ukrainian forces were poised for a Blitzkrieg attack à la “Operation Storm” which NATO executed against the UN-protected areas (UNPAs) of Serbian civilians in Croatia. According to at least one well-informed analyst, the operation was planned for the 25th of February. If true, that means that Russia merely preempted a Ukrainian attack.
But what is really crucial is not this, what is crucial is the actual order Putin gave to the Russian armed forces. It was NOT “support the LDNR and push back the Ukie lines”. The order Putin gave was totally different:
- Disarm the Ukraine
- Denazify the Ukraine
The first thing to understand is that an operation to deblock the LDNR would have been a mainly tactical level operation, possibly with subsequent operational level development (such as the closing off the Ukie forces in the Donbass cauldron). But both orders say “the Ukraine” not “the Donbass”.
That means, by definition, that the order Putin gave was for a strategic operation, covering the entire territory of the Ukraine.
In other words, all the opinions, expert or not, which were given about what everybody thought would be a tactical-operational Russian intervention on the Donbass were totally wrong (very much including my own!), at the very least wrong in the scope of operations they assumed.
Okay, what about the predicted timelines?
Let’s look at what most observers agreed upon. The general consensus was something along these lines: it will take Russia about 24 hours to turn the Ukrainian Armed Forces into smaller, isolated units and subunits which would not be able to coordinate attacks and force movements. Okay, IN SPITE OF THE FACT that most analysts expected a tactical to operational attack to deblock the LDNR, this part of the “special operation” was fully successful and achieved on time.
Because that initial standoff strike was a feature common to both plans! Either way, the FIRST thing Russia had to do is to break up the Ukrainian Armed Forces into discrete and separate “chunks”. Again, BOTH plans assumed that, so it is hardly surprising that this is what actually happened.
While a plan aimed solely at unblocking the LDNR could have been crudely summed up as “kill as many Ukronazis as you can, as quick as you can”, that was NOT an option for the strategic level plan chosen by Putin. There are many reasons for that including:
- Russians do not hate Ukrainians and see them as brothers (the LDNR forces not so much)
- Focusing on the destruction of the Ukie forces in the Donbass would leave their lines of supply open
- Focusing on the destruction of the Ukie forces in the Donbass would have left much of the Ukrainian airspace unchallenged, thereby slowing down Russian air and anti-air operations
- While it is pretty clear that Russia wants as many dead Nazis as possible, there are three things which the folks in the Kremlin do NOT want, and wisely so:
- Staying in the Ukraine forever (or for a long time)
- Having to police this huge country and restore law and order everywhere
- Pay for all the destruction
For this reason, what the Russians did is make maximal use of their air superiority and mobility, but did not storm all the cities or Ukrainian fortifications.
While there is no doubt in my mind that the Nazis and the bosses in the USA had correctly predicted that the Russian operation to dismember and disorganize the Ukie units would affect the entire Ukraine, including long range strikes deep in the Ukie rear.
What I think they missed is the Russians achieved strategic surprise achieved by immediately launching a full-scale strategic assault. Now let’s revisit the timelines:
- Dismembering and disorganizing the Ukrainian military achieved in the estimated 24 hours
- Closing the operational cauldron behind the Ukie forces in the Donbass: achieved in 2 weeks (in fact, it is even better, the Russians are now cutting the Ukie forces in the Donbass into two smaller cauldrons, see map here: (you see TWO blue circles, not one anymore!)
- Within the same two weeks, Russia liberated the entire Sea of Azov coast and much of the Black Sea Coast, which is now either under Russian control, or under direct Black Sea Fleet blockage.
Also within those two weeks, Russia basically encircled Kiev. This map shows you the situation around Kiev as it was today. While the situation on the south side is still unstable, combat operations are taking place, what is certain is this: only small, secondary, roads and open terrain are left to escape the city. Like everywhere else (see below), the Russians have offered humanitarian corridors and promised safety and good treatment to all Ukrainian POWs (Nazis are excluded, as are foreign mercenaries, they will be interrogated and shot). But to no avail, the Nazi delegation cannot agree to anything because their bosses in DC tell them to fight down to the last Ukrainian (as for the Anglos, Polaks & Co. they announce Russian defeats everywhere and every day, but for some unfathomable reason, they all are safely tucked away in Lvov or even Warsaw. How surprising!)
And, again, all that was achieved in TWO WEEKS and WITHOUT numerical superiority!
So to those who are still trying to convince the world that the Russian plan failed and the indomitable Ukronazi forces about to encircle the Kremlin, I ask:
- If you have no idea about modern warfare, why express opinion based on nothing other than frankly silly US PSYOPs and your own, personal, lack of the kind of education needed to speak about these matters?
- If you have some basic understanding of modern warfare, please name a recent operation in which such a huge swathe of land was taken so quickly and by such a small force?
[Sidebar: oh, I know. We recently saw how the entire planet was populated by experienced microbiologists, virologists and epidemiologists, so why not also simply accept that besides being by experienced microbiologists, virologists and epidemiologists they are also experienced tacticians, force commanders and strategists? After all, all you need to qualify is: 1) being unaware of your own ignorance 2) a desire to preach 3) a keyboard and computer. In the Empire of Lies, actual expertise is utterly useless. There is a word in both Russian and Spanish which comes to my mind, and it suggests a strong desire to eat droppings. I will settle for “scatophage” and leave it at that]
Okay, but did the Russians not also have defeats, failures, screw-ups, and other face plants?
OF COURSE they did.
I just came across this one, and I am utterly appalled. The Kremlin says “absolutely no conscripts” as late as yesterday and, voilà, not only conscripts, but even dead ones! BRAVO KREMLIN PROPAGANDA, WELL DONE!
In terms of actual defeats, no, sorry. There were several Ukrainian counter attacks, but they were limited in scope and even when they, for example, obliterated a Russian checkpoint, it was quickly restored and the guilty Ukies ran for their lives under counter-battery fire.
Guys, let’s be serious here.
If there are, roughly, 150k Russians and another 150k Ukrainians fighting each other, there will be blood on both sides. Ask any military person and he/she will tell you that 300+K fully armed soldiers fight each other, you are going to have not hundreds, but many THOUSANDs of dead people on both sides, plus plenty of civilians. In fact, force planners and military analysts even have formulas to calculate it all: numbers engaged, armaments, timing, etc. and, of course, expected casualties.
So the headline “hundreds of dead Russian soldiers” might do miracles for morale in the Empire of Lies and in Banderastan, and it might even frighten a lot of people in Russia, but they will have exactly zero effect on how the operation is being executed by the Russian General Staff.
Guys – the Russian General Staff has planned many such operations for months, possibly even years. And with each plan, they had “estimated losses” entries. That is why Putin, his government and even the Russian generals tried to do everything they could to gain time and to hope for some other solution.
But the Empire of lies gave no other option. Not to the Russians and not to the Ukrainians.
In a way, both sides are fighting for their very existence.
Ukies are not Anglos, and a lot of them gained combat experience during the 8 years of war. Add to this the most powerful PSYOP operation in history, and you will get many MANY Ukrainians fighting really hard, all for different reasons including
- Being a real Russia-hating Nazi (they have no hope for mercy)
- Being a mercenary (they have no hope for mercy)
- Having given an oath to your country and armed forces
- Deep resentment for Russia for many, many reasons
- Protection of your unit and comrades
- Blaming Russia for attacking first and so hard
- Sincerely believing that Russia wants to occupy the Ukraine and recreate the USSR
- etc. etc. etc.
How much is “many” here? I don’t know. But I would say “enough to force Russians to stop expecting being greeted everywhere as liberators“. In some locations, this is true. But in many others, it is not.
In spite of the many warnings by many Russians, including myself and Andrei Martyanov, an ethnogenesis did happen in the Ukraine. The old, historical, Ukraine (which did exist as a prosperous region until 1917) is gone, and so are the generations of Ukrainians which saw themselves as “central-Russians” (the word “small” as in “small Russian” means “central”, like “central Greece) and the “spread-out-Russians” (as in “not in the center) as brothers and liberators. That old Ukraine is gone forever.
What we have instead is a weird and ugly Banderastan where the Nazis are a numerical minority, but where they run everything, courtesy of the Empire of Lies, of course. How bad is it?
One example: Odessa.
If the Odessa of 2022 was inhabited by the kind of folks who lived there before 1917 or even before 1991, by now there would have been an uprising, especially with the Black Sea Fleet within visual range of the city. But after the massacre of scores Russian-speakers in Odessa on May 2nd, 2014 (shot, burned to death, beat up to death, tortured, etc.) and the subsequent total whitewashing of this massacre by the Nazi authorities, something must have snapped in the minds of many residents who clearly gave up hope, and waiting 8 years under Nazi rule is a hell I wish on nobody. So I am not condemning them. They paid a huge price in blood.
But the fact is, as of today, there has been no uprising in Odessa.
And it’s not like Russians are universally greeted as liberators. Yes, there were some touching scenes of reunited families in Mariupol, but I don’t exactly observe big crowds of Ukrainian civilians welcoming the Russians with flowers, bread and salt.
I actually don’t think that Putin or the General Staff misread the situation. In fact, I explain Putin’s obvious reluctance to openly intervene precisely because he knew that “just” liberating the LDNR was not an option anymore and that the entire Ukraine MUST, absolutely MUST, be denazified.
Putin and the GS did not want that, they hoped that somehow the Ukrainian people would find it in themselves to “clean house”.
This did not happen and I don’t see it happening anytime soon (especially with any degree of sincerity).
Conclusion: the Russian PSYOPs in the Ukraine failed miserably.
And not only in the Ukraine.
Russian PSYOPs comprehensively failed. Here are a few examples:
- Russia was not ready for Western cyberattacks, including government servers. That is just a fact.
- The Russian PSYOPs were crushed and obliterated by the most effective and biggest PSYOP in history
- Russian PR even failed INTERNALLY, especially during the first week, when a lot of Russians did fully believe that they would soon have no money, no food and, basically, no nothing. The Kremlin scrambled to fix this by putting a ton of experts on talk shows and by having well-known Russian war correspondents reporting from the front lines. It did help. The figures of support for the special military operation did slowly creep up and roughly 70% or so of Russians support Putin and the operation. But, frankly, the credit here is mostly due to the truly imbecilic nonsense spewed by the Russian 5th column and Atlantic Integrationists in power. They lost the internal political war, but the Kremlin hardly contributed to that.
- The Russians completely failed to explain what made this operation “special”, they failed that inside Russia, in Zone A, and even in Zone B!
So now I have to do it :-(
Okay, let’s begin by what this special operation is not. It is not
- A repeat of WWII or WWI
- A repeat of either/both wars in Chechnia
- A repeat of the Russian military intervention in Syria
- A repeat of the war in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan or any war you can think of
- A full-scale Russian attack
- WWIII (at least until now, that might change!).
Andrei Martyanov coined a very apt expression: “combined arms police operation“.
Combined arms means basically formation-level warfare.
Police operation means just that, the arrest/destruction of criminals.
So a “combined arms police operation” is strictly speaking nonsensical, and that is why Russian military specialists don’t use it. But it is still one I like, because it reveals both the full scope and full dilemma of Russian strategists.
How do you launch a combined arms attack ONLY against criminals and while sparing innocent lives?
The truth is – you cannot.
So here is what the Russians apparently decided:
- Begin with a tactical assault against the Ukie forces in the Donbass
- Bypass all Ukie fortifications and cities which are not willing to surrender
- Develop your tactical assault into an operational one by encircling the ENTIRE Ukrainian force in the Donbass
- Move along the coast to liberate Mariupol (tactical), then continue further west (operational development)
- Clear the Ukrainian skies and quickly achieve air supremacy thereby dramatically reducing the ability of the Nazis to run, the Ukrainians keep their supply lines open.
- Once the skies are safe (not so much from Ukie aircraft, but from their air defenses), fully engage your rotary and fixed-wing aviation for reconnaissance, close air support, move forces, etc.
- Block the main Ukie Nazi centers: Mariupol (combats well inside the city), Nikolaev (combats all around the city), in Kharkov (blocked), Chernigov (blocked), Odessa (almost blocked) and Kiev (almost blocked). Then wait for the city to surrender. For that, the city would have to get rid of the local Nazis first, of course. If they cannot do that, then use specialized urban assault to liberate the city and kill all the Nazis, but their orders should be to save their own lives before saving anybody else. So this implies a very slow and deliberate gradual movement in the depth of the city.
- Next, destroy the long-range artillery which STILL strikes at the LDNR from several locations (Avdeevka). Then blockade the remaining forces and wait for them to surrender. Strongly urge the Ukrainian commanders to avoid a useless carnage and lay down arms. If all else fails, say within a week or so, wipe them out. Literally and quickly: once the entire Ukronazi controlled areas are declared “open fire zones” the really heavy Russian hardware will take less than 24 hours to completely liberate the entire Donbass.
- Then liberate the south first, that is the full Black Sea coast.
- Then begin to move forces towards the general direction of central Ukraine (south of Kiev) and wait for more strategic-level decisions by the Russian General Staff and the Kremlin
Will that work?
Frankly, I am not so sure.
My fear is that the United States and Joe “Biden” have decided that the best thing for them is to have as many dead Ukrainians as possible. And that is not a means to an end, it is the end: have as many Steppe Niggers and Snow Niggers kill each other.
This is the West’s sole and entire plan for the Ukraine: (example from CNN)
I wish I could place any hopes on the people of the Ukraine.
Frankly, I don’t. I think that many decades of joint US and Soviet propaganda (yes, on that they agreed!) following by 30 years of rabid Nazi propaganda, followed by 2 civil wars in the Donbass and a MASSIVE repression against THOUSANDS of people all over the Ukraine broke the spirit of those who have survived it all.
Again, I don’t blame them. I just see them as (mostly) a broken people.
Oh, I still hope and pray for an insurrection liberating the beautiful city of Odessa, but hope dies last: as for prayers, they are never wasted.

Mini Banderastan?
But I am afraid that unless something major changes soon, the “combined arms police operation” will drop its latter goal and become a real combined arms operation to occupy, disarm and denazify the entire Ukraine with the possible exception of the area I call the mini-Banderastan (see map here).
If that decision is taken, then Russia will have to move major reinforcements into the Ukraine. Maybe that can still be avoided, but only if the forces currently surrounding the Ukrainians in the Donbass cauldron (well, the two cauldrons inside the bigger Donbass cauldron, really) are quickly made available.
Russia also needs to DRAMATICALLY increase her air operations NOW, like “yesterday now!”, which might mean moving in larger units (air regiments) into western Russia.
Last, but not least, what about the Empire of Lies?
Yeah, I mean the rumors about volunteer brigades, Polish MiG-29 flying Ukies from NATO bases and all the rest of the crap.
Frankly, here is how I see it: I totally gave up on the West. And by this, I mean two totally different things:
- I gave up on any notion of honor, truth, dignity, courage, compassion, decency or any other little sign of hope from a civilization that has already died and whose last legacy to our planet will be the Empire of Lies and everything that entails. In other words, I assume that the level of evil and corruption of the Western ruling elites (ALL of them, not just politicians) is infinite and there is no such action or idea which would be deemed “too evil” or “too horrible” for these people. My last words about them will be taken from the 1983 Tempelton speech of Alexander Solzhenitsyn: “Before the multitude of those who have perished and who are oppressed today, may God be their judge.“
- I also have given up on any notion of common sense or even on a healthy instinct of self-preservation. It is not that the Western elites are not narcissistic enough to care about their sorry asses, not at all. But they are not smart/educated enough to realize that they are looking at the potential devastation of our planet’s entire northern hemisphere, including all of the USA and UK – nevermind Poland! The Poles think that the Anglos will give them cover and the Anglos think that the Russians don’t mean serious business. That unique combination of cowardice and evil might well bring about the end of our world.
So, to answer the question above: it really does not matter what the folks in Zone A think.
It makes for great headlines from the terminally “presstituted” press and it makes some TV watching zombies feel triumphant.
For me, this means this: while I hope to continue to write analyses about this war, I am now officially done debunking the many idiocies still spread by the Western PSYOPs.
What I wrote above is my version of a mini crash course on basic military realities, almost 3500 words, and I am now sure that:
- Those who ‘got it’ get it and don’t need the repetition
- Those who did not ‘get it’ won’t
- And the ratio of those who ‘get it’ to those who don’t make no difference at all
Because Russia already won the military war and because Russia already lost the PR war.
Okay, I just wrote this in one shot, over 3800 words of analysis, and I am too tired to edit it, and I am going to take a few hours off.
PS: It took me 4 hours, and I wrote it all in one shot. So it is probably very poorly written. Sorry!!!!
PPS: I friend from Russia pointed out to me that Putin did specifically mention the protection of the LDNR as a goal. He is correct, that was the POLITICAL reason given by Putin, but his MILITARY orders clearly when far beyond that limited political objective.
It reads well to me. Poland was always a disposable entity.
Back in 2013 ish the Duma was asking why the USof@s acted the way they did in the face of sincere negotiations with logical win/win solutions being placed on the table for resolutions to various issues. I humbly had to advise the Duma that they were dealing with technically, verifiably, clinically and psychopathically insane entities in the US government, and beyond, and need to be dealt with on a Psychological level: very carefully. And further, that all Russia needed to do was stick to the truth since the truth is stranger than any fiction: give them a long enough rope and they will eventually hang themselves. RT news has done an outstanding job of that. Nobody can say “you never told us”.
Every move Putin has made is within International Law and I’d love to see Ukraine carry out their threat to take Putin to the Hague. But can the Hague even be trusted?
Obviously, Putin and his boys had good intelligence as to the co-ordinates for the military targets in Ukraine well in advance of any “plans”; knew where all the troops were etc,etc,etc, and knows warfare strategy and how things work in the world of just about anything you can mention (fill in the blanks) which makes him the quintessential hands on Czar of the planet: he’s so far ahead of the pack, it only looks like he’s last. He’s out Foxed; out maneuvered; every Tom Dickin Hairy that came down the Pike: he’s got the whole world over a barrel, or maybe even go so far as to say “in his hands”. He couldn’t do it without his support groups, and knows it! Kudos to all of them. I could go on and on about my opinion of Putin but I should also say, nobody is perfect: he’s no Angel either, but who is? You got to really have your act together to walk through the sea of Alligators that Putin had to deal with then, and now, to bring Russia out of the muck without resorting to Rothschild banking to do it, and live to tell the tale.
But can the Hague even be trusted?
No. Even if all legalities were adhered to. The sentencing of S. Milosevic and freedom given to alleged ‘war criminals’ from other ex-Yugoslav states is proof that the Hague is a kangaroo court where AngloZionists are exempt from punishment
Protestors from the January 6 2021 “insurrection” are still being held in the Washington Lubyanka by the Biden regime without trial while criminals and perverts (like Biden himself) are given prominent positions of power.
You talk about the psyop on Ukrainians… after three psyops and moral panics in a row (BLM, Covid, and now Ukraine), the rampant censorship and “fact-checking”, especially surrounding the Covid vaccine mandates, where they’ve attempted to force us to be medically experimented on, Americans in ten years will be just as jaded and cynical about government and state institutions as Russians are.
I’m even seeing a sharp decrease in the naive friendliness and smiling that we used to be known for, thanks to mask snitches and Covidophobes causing hell for people who don’t abide by CDC “recommendations” which are taken as sacred edicts for some reason.
Talk and testimony of State’s Victoria Nuland in the news — comments here — seem unaware of her previous perfidy directing slaughter in Maidan Sq.
Here’s the perfidy recorded (if this U Tube link works):
The video is embedded in this wonderful contemporary article by the masterful Robert Parry (R.I.P.) at his website ConsortiumNews dot-com, the first (oldest) independent news site on the web, since Jan 1997.
And this link is Parry’s 2014 article reprinted now:
Help viral push the video 😎
Wow, things sure are hopping around the network of beached submarine commanders; now there are a lot of people looking for some kind of coherent explanations of what the hell is going on in the world!?
Thanks to our host and all of the people who make it happen.
btw: thanks for getting the focus to the informational warfare, which is all the west can really do these days, including the “economic war, just another flavour of the big bulsshit, the multi-layered informational war.
I’d like to point out that, in fact, this is a war on the 99% of the globe.
The Mother-of-All-Sanctions-Package, informational warfare will have a drastic effect of all the 99%, but since Russia/China have been aware that this was inevitable, and Russia has been coherently planning for success in physical warfare, and they have the best armed forces in the world (pound-for-pound)m, and they have put into service paradigm changing maneuverable hyper-sonic stand-off munitions, well…. we read the physically accurate reports (and savour the access to coherent information), and are not too surprised.
There has been twenty years of getting ready for this, and twenty years of rot, on the opposing sides…
…and those opposing sides are:
You, the readers and contributors here, are the minority in the West, (Zone A), who can actually understand the significance of what is going on, you are living and experiencing the eye of the storm, as we read/write.
I don’t believe the information war is lost.
Andrei, full respect to you, but this loss of PR war is but a battle (totally admitted and agreed to by I), but it only a battle!
…they are predictable…
It could be, it was expected.
Think of the judo analogy (someone we both respect has presented)….. it is still on!
It is early on.
What is about to happen will not be paper-overable!
The EU is on the brink of the greatest reduction in standard of living in history!
Including The Great War and the Great Patriotic War.
It is scary that they march in (as if drugged, apparently virtually comatose) towards entirely self-inflicted destructive collapse.
The global hegemony financial enslavement grift is failing as I write.
The Empire of Lies is being exposed, even to many of the zombified.
It might be worthwhile looking at who ultimately won, what(?!) in both of those conflicts?
post scriptum: loving and appreciating the coverage so much, thanks team
I see these guys, Timmerman, telling them to “turn down the heat”, clearly not capable of accepting the existence of the ground, many of the 99% having given up all heat already, so they could eat!; and the possibly most irritating person of all time commander-in-general of the advanced sales brand of the MTTIIC (Military Think Tank Industrial Information Complex)…. sad
Russia counter-sanctions coming…..
Elijah J. Magnier 🇪🇺@ejmalrai
The #US should be prepared from tomorrow to find platinum, titanium, palladium, and neon from another planet because #Russia is expected to announce its sanctions tomorrow.
No country ever sanctioned (increased the price) the US so far. That would be a first, a world Tsunami.
11:55 AM · Mar 9, 2022·Twitter Web App
Lone Wolf
Good stuff brother
“I gave up on any notion of honor, truth, dignity, courage, compassion, decency or any other little sign of hope from a civilization that has already died and whose last legacy to our planet will be the Empire of Lies and everything that entails.”
i am a bit in awe, you Saker, was once IN THE VERY HEART of this whole mess (and yes swiss IS also a part of this whole western network, like it or not, financial it is arguable even the heart of Europe), and STILL believe that these narcissistic psychopaths anything more than that. i would blame your religiosity on that like “hold the other cheek to them”. That you finally give up on them and move on, is not only necessary, it is also healthy for your own psyche.
Good article.
re what the Kremlin does not want:
Staying in the Ukraine forever (or for a long time)
Having to police this huge country and restore law and order everywhere
Pay for all the destruction
Those are the reasons to not invade. Once you invade, it may be better to calculate things differently. More like how to manage the new circumstances. Chinese investment or partitioning off the western parts of the country with an agreement that they cannot militarize. Just deNazification and preventing a remilitarization require muscle and controlling elements of society in what is left of the Ukraine.
The West is likely to create a large organization in Poland tasked with causing problems for Moscow inside today’s Ukraine. Without money and boots on the ground, how will they be stopped from taking over at least Galicia?
The West caused these problems by working on the basics for decades. Building networks. Developing friends. Offering careers to young folks. Rewarding friends and punishing enemies – often with severe consequences. Paying for media and education. Moscow will have no choice but to focus on the basics, which they did not do for decades. Waiting for people “to come to their senses” is ineffective. The reward system was totally anti-Russian and Moscow didn’t protect or reward her supporters adequately. A Russian supporter eventually got burnt in Odessa or killed in a Kharkov dungeon – but the actual problem started far earlier, with all the violent gangs and career intimidation.
Some of you might know this by now, but SouthFront is down for quite some hours.
Grateful for The Saker for being the back up and providing the objective news.
Cheer up Andrei. This chessboard is multidimensional. Infowar, sanctions war, biowar, not to mention Globalist pontificating.
Rule 1 of the Book of War is Don’t march on Moscow. Rule 2: Karma is a BItch. I’m sure Vlad’s up to date on the whole tome.
Andrei, I love your work and access to great writing. Just one site i’ve never seen you quote is The Conservative Treehouse. OK, maybe a bit too MAGA for your readers. But if you want intelligent copy, Sundace has it all (well, when he gets going)
OK. As I said Vlad is playing a Big Game. So what’s the other side of the Karma Tortilla. How’s the US deep state handling it:
[QUOTE]The U.S. State Department was willing, intentionally and willfully willing, to set up a scenario that would draw the United States into war with Russia, and Secretary Blinken intended to trigger this “escalation” by pushing Poland into a corner of compliance – without ever discussing it with them.
By the time Blinken traveled to Poland (Monday), he was greeted and told the transfer of fighter jets he proposed and advocated for publicly was not something the Polish government would ever contemplate.
Now pause and put yourself in the position of Poland for a moment.
Obviously, this would be a ‘what the f**k‘ moment for them.
Poland was facing the three-headed Cerberus. One head is where they are reliant upon the U.S. for military assistance as part of their alignment within NATO. The second head is where Poland is not going to be the mechanism that starts a war. And the final head is the risk of Russia attacking them if Poland was to acquiesce to the unilateral Blinken proposal, which has been framed by Blinken as the position of Poland – which it never was.
Poland said no to Blinken and then shut up.
Poland apparently expected that Blinken would clean up this mess, and they were simultaneously providing him the diplomatic opportunity to do so. However, by that time on Monday, allied government and western media were in a ‘save Ukraine‘ frenzy.
Suddenly there are international leaders saying they supported the position of Poland to send the jets.
Sean Hannity, Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin, and the CNN’s of the world were all talking about this inbound support for Ukraine that would save the day and stop the babies from being slaughtered in the streets by the horrible Putin.
But the problem was Poland never had anything, not one thing, to do with the Blinken plan; they never did.
Secretary Blinken made no effort to extract Poland from the situation he created for them; in fact, he did the opposite. Blinken stayed quiet while western government officials and media kept making inquiries of Poland Tuesday and Wednesday.
Eventually Poland had to extricate themselves from this box Secretary Blinken had built around them.
On Wednesday night, doing exactly the same thing Blinken did to them by not informing the U.S prior to their statement, Poland said they would send the jets to Ramstein AFB in Germany but would not send them to Ukraine. Essentially, if Blinken wanted to use these jets to create his war with Russia, well, here they are – go for it.
Poland was calling Blinken’s bluff.
The U.S. Pentagon could not support the position Secretary Blinken put them in to, and immediately released a statement saying the proposal by Poland was “not tenable.” The bizarre nature of the situation left everyone confused.
According to the United States government, per Anthony Blinken, sending planes from NATO base Poland was good. However, according to the same United States government, sending planes from NATO base Germany was bad. See the dichotomy?
This dueling scenario was not, and is not, a fracture within NATO. What surfaced in the insanity is a fracture within the United States government as an outcome of a rogue U.S. State Department led by Secretary Anthony Blinken.[END QUOTE]
Or the shorter version:
“When the media start talking about children, babies, orphans and milk factories, you know everything that follows is intended to influence your mind. Grow brain callouses and avoid being their victim.”
I suspect Germany is more deeply under the control of the transnational Evil Empire than either the United States or Poland are.
The USA is commonly portrayed as being the Evil Empire, but it’s not, it’s only its most powerful single possession and its military muscle. “Fighting to the last Ukranian” is the first option, “fighting to the last American and last Pole” is the second.
But the Evil Empire’s hold on the USA is shakier than it is on places like Germany or the EU institutions. They lost control of it for four years quite recently, if you recall.
“Europe is Censoring Media Telling Truth About Ukraine, Ex-Bolivian President Morales Says”
“I cannot understand why some European bodies that advocate for democracy and freedom of speech are now silencing media that are telling the truth. The media representing imperialism are corrupt, ready for any lie, trying to oppose the rest of the world, while the media that tell the truth are censored, silenced. The same thing happened in Bolivia during the coup”, Morales said.”
The “information war” has not been lost, it’s been put on total lockdown in the zionist/nazi west zio-colonies. Russia has about as much influence and clout in these places as they did in nazi germany in WW2. They are completely excluded, so they have zero chance to compete with the zio/nazi propaganda narrative there. Expecting Russia to prevail in such a toxic, corrupt and totalitarian environment is ludicrous. The Russians have more important things to do than convince western zombies that their little worlds are make believe, and this is what they are doing, regardless.
“If Russia loses Donbass, then it will lose Crimea. If you lose Crimea, then we will lose Russia.”
Although I don’t like Alexander Dugin’s strange mysticism, in this perspective he is correct.
This is a life and death struggle for Russia as a great nation. Winning in Ukraine in its entirety will be a breather for Russian geopolitics.
But not to impose another puppet president, the Ukrainians do not know how to govern themselves.
So with this logic I think that Mr. Putin knows that the survival of Russia is at stake and that is why this huge operation is being carried out.
God cover him with wisdom, his victory will be for the world against sick globalism.
Mr. Raevsky, as someone who had “Psychological Operations” as one of his military specializations (when I was commisioned officer in the bulgarian navy), I respectfully disagree with your assessment about the PsyOps state.
The primary goal of any psychological operation is to break the will to fight in the adversary; everything else is a sideshow.
I would’ve agreed with you on the state of the Russian PsyOp, if they’ve implemented one. From what I see, however, your reports included, russians didn’t actually put much effort on this particular front (at least compared to the westerners). The way they started this operation – they went in Ukraine not to play mind games with the UkroNazis, but to exterminate them. As for the west, they don’t care at all what the westerns say or think about them, so they had no reason to waste time and efforts to convince the western populace that their cause is right and just – from russian perspective, the west no longer matter, except as potential existential threat. And when you reach such state of affairs, you don’t negotiate with the threat, you don’t try to convince it, you measure it and prepare for the worst.
On the other hand, the western psyop wasn’t very successful either – I don’t see a drop in the morale in the russian or LDPR troops, or their will to fight, quite the opposite; furthermore I don’t see any significant drop of the support for the operation among the civilian population in Russia proper either. And these are the points that matter most for the russians. Russian servers being DDoSed, even government ones – big deal. Western presstitutes telling lies to the western populace – that’s not really russian problem. Western countries don’t want to do business with and want to “sanction-to-hell” Russia (and there are plenty of exceptions in those sanctions to make them moot point) – there are lot other countries, which don’t like the West much, but have what Russia may want, to trade with; the West effectively shot itself in both legs with this one.
My only regret is that, thanks to the idiots, calling themselves “politicians” and “elite” in my country, my country – Bulgaria – is on the wrong side of history. Again.
I am afraid to say that it’s high time for the humanity stop pretending that all will be fine once the Ukronazis are defeated in the Ukraine. We must address the real cause and perpetrator of today’s psyop operations and warfare i.e. the globalists. In other words unless Israel’s very own existence and its occupation of the Palestinian land is addressed by the international community, many more of these types of psychological warfare like we see happening in Ukraine today await the entire democratic world especially those directed against Iran, China and Russia in the years that follow. The more psyop operations against these three the more money in the pockets of Zio controlled western interests and the louder it becomes. The Zionists have already cooked up numerous plans for future wars most specifically in Kazakhstan, the Uyghur region of China, Caucasus, China’s Taiwan and… So, this isn’t going to be over anytime soon. People brainwashed by the Western media, nowadays seem to harbor the idea that the Russian operation in the Ukraine is only about Putin’s personal haltered of blond women in general and Ukrainian women are mostly blond, or the city of Moscow hates children that’s why they invaded Kiev, since there are many children living in Kiev!! This is bizarre. After two years of receiving..poisons, people in the West are buying into these stupid narratives. So, no matter how long it is going to take for Russia to liberate the Ukraine, the globalists will have many more tricks pulling up their sleeves in the years ahead, except we can tackle the main culprit, together.
Andrei My Brother,
Thank you for all that you do. I tried to access South front.Org around 6pm EST. It was down and low and behold the next thing I know is a blogger I read is saying the Russians bombed a children’s hospital and maternity ward in Mariupul. What a coincidence that Southfront would be knocked offline for such an event. Kind of like a tailor made mini Srbrenica, mini Kuwaiti incubator wars all wrapped up into one for CNN. Right away I said if there was children there then it was a false flag to blame Russia, if children were not present then it was a hospital/armory/ammo depot for the Azov Battalion.
It’s amazing (and disheartening) to see friends and family starting to believe the propaganda. It doesn’t matter what facts you present. The Russians are evil. Putin is evil.
It seems to me by the way the Russians invaded and how they quickly secured Chernobyl was that there was some kind of immediate existential threat not just to the population of the LDNR but Russia itself. Otherwise it doesn’t make sense to me because the Russians have been very, very reserved with their military intervention in Ukraine (solely the repatriation of Crimes and support for Donbass) before now.
Something had to be such an imminent threat to Russian national security that the risk of getting bogged down in Ukraine (and taking significant military casualties), getting slammed with any and every economic sanction known to man, and branded in the Western Global Media as an aggressor not such seen since Hitler’s Nazi Germany had to be taken. The moron Bourgeois Progressives in my hometown of San Francisco just renamed Russia street, Ukraine street in “protest” this week. I can’t see the Russians doing this and going “all in” (poker terminology) unless there was dire threat that just couldn’t be ignored. If I had to guess I would say the threat was either nuclear or biological in nature.
Andrei you were right on the money about the West winning the information war. Unfortunately a dumbed down populace who have been trained to emote rather than think critically is easily manipulated. Yet another relative of mine (one who usually can read on between the lines and point out the bullshit) told me today that he is convinced the damned Russians are bombing children’s hospitals (full of children) and murdering Ukrainian women and children trying to escape the cities. When. I told him the Russians were trying to minimize civilian casualties he basically said that he was sure Putin “IS NOT” a Christian and therefore does not care how many women and children he kills so Ukraine surrenders.
This is not a stupid man. This is a man who can usually read in between the lines and point out the BS. This Western Propaganda is a brutal onslaught. It is most definitely a PSYOP as you say. Even if you support the Russians (as I do) they want to put maximum social pressure on you to denounce Russia.
Here’s another local news headline.
She and her kids may have been human shields and collateral damage. I am more inclined to think the Ukrainian Nazis murdered her and her family for attempting to flee and then blamed it on the Russians. When I brought this up to a lifelong friend he said to me, “Dammit man! Not everything is a conspiracy!”.
Yes this PSYOP, this information war, this propaganda onslaught is working in the West. Thankfully the BS of the past 2 years, not to mention the 4 years of the Trump Presidency has made many, many skeptics who don’t believe a damn thing the Western MSM has to say.
As for me I have to work tomorrow. I went to Presanctified Liturgy tonight. I am trying to keep up with my prayers and keep my eyes on the truth. Unfortunately holding fast to the truth is becoming harder and harder these days even in supposedly Orthodox Christian circles.
The Ukronazi gangs are placing their heavy weapon systems on rooftops or near buildings occupied by civilians. The big boss is telling them to do it like the DAESH. Once civilians get hurt in the process, the Zio media will blame it on Putin.
I know they are. They have no qualms, no scruples, no sense of morality mad neither do their Western Puppet Masters or the propagandists in the Western MSM.
The main damage caused by the PSYOPS victory, which is based on lies, is that the truth will come out. The truth will come out unconditionally, and in all environments destined for life, this is especially frightening for environments in which a righteous judgment of God is performed.
I don’t want to be the winner of such a PSYOPS.
Their judgement is forecast in Revelation 14.9-11:
A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand, they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. 11 And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.”
While it’s unknown if to get the gene-altering injection or to believe the imperial propaganda blaspheming against the Lord’s sword Russia is in itself to accept the mark of the beast, I think those who receive these ardently in a state of religious frenzy and crusading fervor probably are doing so.
Russia doesn’t have to care too much that it lost the PR war, so long as the Russian citizens know the truth. Its already cancelled out of existence and its years of prepping with the Mir bank card for example is how its going to have to roll.
Most of the people who rolled out the Ukraine flag over their houses are the same people who believed masks stop a virus a month ago. They are NPCs and go along with whatever their tyrants in the west says. They are still responsible for buying into their government propaganda edicts of a global ‘Kristallnacht’ against Russians worldwide who just because they are Russian are now somehow connected to the Kremlin’s decisions.
Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
The irretrievable losses of Nazi Ukraine of the 4th Reich amounted to 14144 übermenschen
846 übermenschen were taken prisoner.
In total, 2814 military infrastructure targets were hit, of which:
▪️ 90 control points and communication nodes
▪️ 223 air defense and radar stations
▪️ 287 tanks
▪️ 630 armored vehicles
▪️ 806 units of special equipment and vehicles
▪️ 104 MLRS units
▪️ 359 field artillery pieces and mortars
▪️ 128 planes and helicopters
▪️ 97 drones
As a professional English editor, there’s nothing wrong with this composition. I’d just protest the inclusion of Zakarpatye in Malobanderistan
Qué viva el camarada Raevski! Y qué Dios le bendiga al camarada Raevski!
Because I agree with your analysis there are two things I wanted to say:
I agree that the Kremlin botched up the PR, or the information war. But then, on the other hand the only PR that really counts is the one inside Russia and it is getting better. It is because I agree fully with you, who cares what people think and do in the Anglo-stans and their colonies, the Euro-stans.
The situation is so bad, мраз вьзде that I have a question for you camarada: why doesn’t somebody like yourself, who has a working knowledge of the Russian language, who is integrated in the culture of Russia, emigrate there. Or in your case, go back. I’d do it if I were you.
I left my native country over 30 years ago. At that time moving to Russia was not an option. But I know for sure if Russia ha been then what it is now, or if I were now 30 years younger, I would try to emigrate there.
Let me ask you what sort of PR is West winning when the basic mindset of MSM is one of actively supporting the assassination of the leader of the sovereign nation of Russia?
What sort of PR will it take to fool people when documented proof exists that the West were illegally developing/using biological weapons to commit genocide against the Slavic people?
Let reality sink in. There is a lot of work still to be done. The key will be the war crimes tribunal. The truth will not be suppressed, PR be damed.
What sort of PR will it take to fool people when documented proof exists that the West were illegally developing/using biological weapons to commit genocide against the Slavic people?
It will be deemed ‘fake’ and statements will be made saying they don’t do this kind of thing.
“The United States does not own or operate any chemical or biological laboratories in Ukraine, it is in full compliance with its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention and Biological Weapons Convention, and it does not develop or possess such weapons anywhere,” US State Department spokesperson Ned Price said on Thursday. The masses will believe it.
The key will be the war crimes tribunal. The truth will not be suppressed.
Where will they be held? The ICC will not open any such investigation/trial, that i believe is a given, especially considering they have opened an investigation into Russia, based on a non signee (Ukraine) asking for if!
So Russia sets up it’s own? That is be dismissed as illegitimate/fake…..
So the concern from Nuland about the Russians getting their hands on the bioweapons from 30 US chemical weapons labs scattered all over Ukraine is just misplaced?
Don’t think US concern is misplaced, I think they are worried, but the propaganda/miss information machine will go into action along the lines i outline, to misdirect & discredit anything that Russia does or says about it.
So where ever the truth lies it will be so obscured to masses watching MSM they will believe the ’empire of lies’
Sorry for posting a link. But it seems they are setting the scene for something truly evil. Russia must close the western borders and make it clear that act will bring serious consequences. Immediately.
It appears this will cause the downfall of the West, accelerating the collapse of America & Europe. In a decade China will take over, the Dragon awakes.
Look at the graph near the bottom, the Economic Confidence Model.
It is greatly written :-) THANK YOU!
“US-Funded Bio Labs in Ukraine Conducted Research Into Bat Coronavirus, Russian MoD Says”
“According to the documents, the American side planned to conduct work on pathogens of birds, bats, and reptiles in Ukraine in 2022, with a further transition to studying the possibility of carrying African swine fever and anthrax”, chief spokesman for the Ministry of Defence Major General Igor Konashenkov said.
In addition, the facilities were studying the possible spread of pathogens via wild birds, migrating between Russia, Ukraine, and other countries in the region.
“The purpose of this – and other Pentagon-funded biological research in Ukraine, was to create a mechanism for the covert spread of deadly pathogens”, he added.
The Russian Defence Ministry will soon publish the documents received from staff at the Ukrainian biolaboratories, as well as the results of their examination, Konashenkov said.”
I have an idea that might prove helpful in bringing clarity on the subject of Russia and the PR war, not least inside Ukraine itself:
Russia should capture a certain V.N. and bring the harridan right back to Maidan Square, Kiev to be flogged in public accompanied by the accelerating crescendo of ”Kalinka” and, after some hundred lashes, listen to the monumental Russian National Anthem and a concluding speech by Vladimir Putin.
I feel disposed to believe it would turn the tables completely.
New Empires rise from the ruins. That’s this straightforwardly evil “Great Conjunction – Build Back Better” side to current affairs. Long before anything was broken, really, at least from the lowly point of my standing.
This Cabal is not shy about having plans for all life on Earth, and the simplest way to describe them is digital slavery. Historically, slave-trade has been one of the most profitable businesses ever.
Digital ID is connected to cultivating viruses and vaccination status of a person – and now there’s Pepe Escobar for us:
BIOWARFARE Based on documents received from Ukrainian employees, Russian ModD states that research with SAMPLES OF BAT CORONAVIRUS were conducted in a Pentagon-funded biolab. The purpose of all research was “to create a mechanism for the covert spread of deadly pathogens.”
The docs obtained by the Mod also have detailed info about a Pentagon project to study the transfer of pathogens by wild birds migrating between Ukraine and Russia and other neighboring countries.
I thought you did rather well. I could not have written this article.
Forecast for the transition period (IMHO)
1. Power
The President is the restoration of a legitimate Yanukovych with Prime Minister Azarov.
2. Denazification
In Ukraine, part of the Nazis will be destroyed during the hostilities, those who surrendered will be convicted, “Parisian saboteurs” will be identified, convicted, and the citizens of the new demilitarized non-state bloc of Germany themselves will carry out the sentence.
And according to conservative estimates, the “denazification” of 5-7 million who fled abroad will be done by their accomplices – the EU states. )))
3. Timing
Stage I (achievement of operational and tactical tasks) – until May 9
Stage II (achievement of the operational-tactical goal – the official completion of the Special Operation) – until May 12: liberation, establishment of control, purges, elections … throughout the historical territory of the okraine(outskirts) of Russia – U Okrainy.
PS But all this is far from the main thing – uOkraine, only part of the global Plan of Russia (and China) for a radical redistribution of the world of US imperial colonial capitalism, the New political-financial-economic- … – military order.
No Russia did not lost the PR war.
In fact they have won it by not lying (so much).
Do you Russians really believe we western citizens would believe the PR of our Governments?
They have lied to us ….since they privatised our commons….
So come on, do not even listen, much less do not answer, do not even think about it.
It´s like a car advertisement in TV where only one car is on the street….would you believe it?
In Mariupol chats, the residents of the city are outraged by the deliberate obstruction of the Ukrainian authorities and the military to the evacuation of civilians. People understand that they are being used as human shields to prevent the city from being taken over.
Mariupol residents also confirm that there were no staff or patients in the maternity hospital, and all the materials that appeared are the work of Ukrainian hygienists
This is part of the process of self-denazification / Entnazifizierung of the zombie population
Rudyard Kipling understood the moral depravity of the western and specifically the British political classes when he wrote in his ‘Epitaths 1914-18’ where he included the following verse entitled ‘The Statesman’…
I could not dig
I dared not rob
And so l lied to please the mob
And now my lies are proved untrue
And l must face the men l slew
What tales will serve me
Here among mine angry and defrauded young
10.03.2022 (10:45)
Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry
… The Russian Ministry of Defence continues analysis of documents provided by employees of Ukrainian biological laboratories on the secret military biological activities of the United States on the territory of Ukraine.
Russian specialists of the NBC protection troops have studied documents on the transfer of human biomaterials taken in Ukraine to foreign countries on the instructions of US representatives.
Detailed information about the implementation of a project by the United States on the territory of Ukraine to study the transfer of pathogens by wild birds migrating between Ukraine and Russia and other neighboring countries was of particular interest.
According to the documents, the American side planned to organize work on pathogens of birds, bats and reptiles in Ukraine in 2022. And further study of the possibility to transfer of African swine fever and anthrax by them.
According to the documents, experiments with samples of bat coronavirus were carried out in biological laboratories created and funded in Ukraine.
The purpose of these and other Pentagon-funded biological researches in Ukraine was the creation of mechanism for the covert spread of deadliest pathogens.
In the near future, we will show another set of documents received from Ukrainian employees of biological laboratories and present the results of their assessment.
Video –
Directorate of Media service and Information
At a time when national survival was at stake Ukraine could not get 1/2 of 1% of the population to join the military.
Failure to greet with bread and salt may also mean the Nazis still have the power of revenge. Or are perceived as having the capacity for revenge. Revenge and blood debts have been normal practice in Ukraine for over 80 years.
Dear Andrei, thank you so very much for the above … to me it seems very realistic… and helps us few in the West to understand better whats going on, why
and how… and thank you for your honesty about Russian mistakes… it makes your piece even more real and valuable. … ie not a PR piece….
In my humble opinion, I think this action was and is not done with any ”joy” what so ever by Russia… none, but done, with a determination once and for all clean out the cancerous NAZIs in Ukraine, so there is noone left for the equally cancerous ”West* to use to destroy Russia.
When it comes to PR, The Empire of Lies wins hands down. It is made easier by majority of citizenry of the West so much brainwashed that only ‘our independent’ media has monopoly on truth and cannot lie. For example, I was watching Tucker Carlson latest monologue. What i found telling is that Tucker and his team had to wait for Victoria Nuland to reveal existence of US funded biolabs in Ukraine for them to consider Russians and Chinese side of the story to this biolabs. Yet Russians have given quite some interesting details about what US were doing in these 30 biolabs. No major Western media covered it and yet, its a dead serious issue.
Best thing in my non-expert opinion is for Russia to wrap up this war as soon as possible, install a reasonable stable government and truth shall become evident later on. Though i doubt mainline western will ever care. Thus expending so much effort to convince the West is fruitless. As PCR always states, it doesn’t matter Russia/Putin says or do, the Western pressitute and establishment will always blame Russia and keep on lying. However keep Russian sources and translation as active as possible; slowly by slowly they win over some percentage of those who seek truth and want to consider the other side of the story. Keep it up Saker and don’t despair; it has taken decades for Western global media to have dominance in narratives and cannot be countered in a short time.
NB: I understand Russia need not ‘take care of Ukraine’ by helping in rebuilding but it would be a mistake to leave Ukraine to its own devices as the US/West/EU will be back to take Ukraine back into their orbit. If that happens, then Russia will be back in a decade or so to redo what they doing now. Russia, take Ukraine as your baby for your own interests now and in the future.
Andrei, that is wonderfully written! I’ve learned a lot from this and will pass it along to people wanting a high quality analysis of what is going on, who are appalled by the western media’s one-sided treatment of a war that is not in their back yard.
You write wonderfully under pressure.
It’s fine Andrei. As always, your viewpoint is educational and thought-provoking. And most importantly – honest.
I find it sad that all sides must lie. They need to propagandize and lying is part-and-parcel of developing convincing propaganda.
The trouble being though? Lies are in the Satanic realm. Some will say that ‘noble lies’ are required to sway hearts and minds. But once the lie is uncovered as factually wrong, you lose the hearts and minds of those whom you wish to sway.
Righteous actions require embracing actual truth and renouncing lies. But in this world, that no longer occurs. Those who pull the strings embrace the Lie, therefore all those engaged in the present ‘war’ embrace Satan.
Propaganda is Satanistic regardless of which side is wielding the Lie in their narratives.
PS: It took me 4 hours, and I wrote it all in one shot. So it is probably very poorly written. Sorry!!!!
Excellent analysis. With at least some doubt as to final result of all denazification operation (not military part, that is easy).
But look, life is precarious, success is not guaranteed. “Sreća prati hrabre” (luck is on the side of courageous ones) is a saying in many countries of former Yugoslavia.
I personally am impressed with Russian self-discipline and care for civilian lives. However, a bit harder approach is needed toward nationalists in liberated towns and cities. I saw video with mayor of Herson “talking shit” about Russians. How come that man has not a shred of fear? How would it be if situation was reversed?
Then, Ukrainian fanatics in liberated areas openly attack and insult locals who show up to collect Russian aid. Mayor of Sumy is calling to commit war crimes (shoot on people who try to get out of the city) although his city is about to fall, and he should know he will face justice. It is not and it will not be possible to form pro-Russian political structures if defeated enemy continues to intimidate.
Fear and respect must be put in certain hearts (of course we are talking about fanatics that will never accept new reality). And it can be done without resorting to criminal ways or arbitrary violence, I am sure. Russians must start to implement some kind of legal order in currently occupied areas.
Very good news. Following articles are a must read, All translated in good English on Yandex browswer.
How the Ukrainian army will be defeated
McDonald’s Lifts its Spell on Russia
The Facebook era has come to an end
Kadyrov commented on the departure of McDonald’s and Coca-Cola from Russia
“Putin pissed off” : about our Ukrainian brothers
So here the problem is that the ukrainians aren’t the “old ones” seeing themselves as russians’ brothers. Ok. But I must say that it is just western influence, in the sense that we ( the west ) have become egotistic. We hurry to Twitter to post memes to “show solidarity”, but the truth hidden inside is that we only care for ourselves.
This egotistic and consumeristic mentality has been spread into the ukrainian society too.
On the other side of the coin, I think that a lot ukrainian soldiers are fighting because they must do it. And this is why it is important for Russia to find a way to conquer Kiev and put a new government in place. Talking with ukrainians expats in Italy, I see that they are like poles. They have no will to change their society, no political interests, they are apathetic.
They adapted fast after the coup. They will adapt to living under Russia’s control.
And this is the important part. Russia cannot occopy Ukraine forever. A lot of time will be needed to shape a new ukrainian society. Time means money.
So why not take the opportunity to organize a debut event for the SCO? No more UN ( US centric ) peacekeepers. But SCO peacekeepers. India + China combined can send hundreds of thousands of soldiers.
China has been interested in Ukraine’s reaches for years. India could seize the opportunity to eat a chunk of the pie.
If eurasian integration is the end game, then there is no reason to keep other countries out of Ukraine. Also, having such heavyweights in Ukraine, means that uncle Shmuel will not be able to play tricks. And Russia will not look isolated at all.
I don’t know if China is ready for such a move. They always look about “their military might”, but I see they are reluctant to engage. They need to put boots on the ground if they want to rein in uncle Shmuel.
And no, not using the military will not change the perception that the brainwashed western masses will have of them. Look at Russia. Russia tried everything to not act militarily. They forced Russia to act, they painted Russia as a vicious aggressor, ruled by a mad man, with the objective to invade, rape and destroy.
So no, playing the good guy will not help China, Russia, India or whomever look good in the eyes of the western masses. So there is no point in restraining themselves. Just go all-in.
Not to worry about the quality of writing. It’s fine. Moreover, you always make yourself well understood in what? Your fourth or fifth language? Most Americans struggle with one.
I have this weird idea that Russia will very obviously and dramatically disconnect itself from the west really soon, like no internet linking to the west, no business with the west, no finance or banking with the west. That the west will lose all connection and be left to deteriorate in it’s own mess. Like in a shocking and quick announcement kind of way and that it will be too late to make amends. And I couldn’t and wouldn’t blame Russia, even though I live in the west. And the media will howl and shout and curse and make accusations that are only heard by itself.
The information war is being fought on many fronts and may levels. I think you’re focusing too much on one of them, the information war’s equivalent of the tactical level.
I would argue that the west is losing the information war (which is about people’s perception). Here’s why:
Up until a couple of weeks ago, the US was the world’s big dog, at least that was how they were treated. They could go around threatening, bullying whoever they wanted. They were the power you didn’t mess with. Look at where they are now.
– Poland (of all vassals!) ridicules them by dumping the whole Mig-29 debacle into their lap, forcing the US to admit their threats are empty.
– NATO talks a lot, but no meaningful help is sent to Ukraine, leaving them in the lurch
– SA and UAE refuse to take Bidens call, but talk to Putin
– the US crawls back to Venezuela’s Maduro, hoping he’s willing to compensate for the crude oil that’s no longer coming to the US from Russia, but he rightly rebuffs them
– The US needs to make a deal with Iran quickly, and if the rumors are true, gave Iran just about everything they asked for. Worse, it was Russia’s involvement that made it possible and now the US has to hope that both Russia and Iran will sign!
– they asked (‘begged’ comes closer) China to join the sanctions on Russia, only to get the diplomatic middle finger (resulting in a US temper tantrum vs China, old habits die hard)
– Only their close vassals join them in sanctions, most of the world doesn’t
– the sanctions against Russia are having a huge effect. On the countries that introduced them!
– the US and its western vassals are outright stealing from Russia and Russians private citizens, discarding the rules as they please, of which the whole world takes note
Remember, actions speak louder than words.
Every step of the way, the Empire’s impotence is exposed further and further. And every step of the way, more and more people notice that the emperor wears no clothes.
In my opinion, the Biden regime begging for oil from multiple countries and being rebuffed is actually an excellent sign that they’re worried about being kicked from power.
Many Americans believe they’re going to try to abolish fossil fuels and force us onto green energy. Although if that was the case in the short term, you wouldn’t see “Biden” going hat in hand like that.
It’s also good for us in the USA for these countries to tell the Biden regime to pound sand. Few things anger Americans more than high gas prices.
“Because Russia already won the military war and because Russia already lost the PR war.”
The first is the vital. The second in this stage of western civilization is totally irrelevant. I don’t buy their leaflets and media nonsense.
At the end everyone in west too will Jump to bandwagon on the winner. America despise losers. Germans – not so sure. Poles – even Germans said to me 30 years ago that Poles are really stupid.
The documents regarding the planned invasion of the Ukraine of the Donbass and Crimea can be downloaded here. Zip file.
Voltairenet has a pdf as well:
Thanks to the lovely folks around here that sent all that to me!
@ Amarynth
Thanks, you guys are thoroughly efficient!
Lone Wolf
Parece que a limpeza da quinta coluna na Rússia, internamente, começou:
I’m a Christian believer and for many years I felt very sad for having to witness the relentless crumbling of Russia’s Christian soul, the last bastion of the faith in the world, gorging the cultural sewage flooding from SodomWest, Hollywood trash, Mac Donald swill, Coca Cola poisonous concoction, Ikea sodom standard bearer, Germany’s show off cars, and so on.
I had no doubts the mister Putin’s vaunted wonder weapons would be totally useless to save Russian Christian civilization from the relentless onslaught by SodomWest satanic anti-values.
To tell the truth I have since long given up any hope for the saving of Russia’s Christian soul, but actually I’m very relieved for having to admit that I was wrong: I had forgotten that God Almighty operates in mysterious ways and His Mercy is infinite.
What’s happening today to Russia is a Godsend act of His Grace, a wakeup call so powerful and commanding that Russians cannot resist neither dismiss, either they like it or not.
John 8.32. “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (Douay-Rheims Bible).
I highly recommend to read the following article from Ria Novosti in English on Yandex. It is by far the best assessment on the actual situation I have found up to today.
“There is no turning back. Should those who escaped from Russia be allowed back in?”
Putin is indeed a Godsend and not only to Russia. Furthermore, there is an amusing twist to God’s ways of working. To the Collective West, Putin stands out as Satan himself: infinitely evil and highly intelligent. I mean, it certainly takes more than just some ”bluffing” or plain luck to end the West in the course of roundabout a quarter of a century.
Brilliantly written
There are three different wars going on right now.
** The military-technical war. On this front, I’ve been struck rereading a report on the Russian army performance in Georgia, with lots of similarities with what we’re witnessing in the Ukraine. Strategically, the Russians are miles ahead. Tactically, it’s relatively okay. Operationally, there are some bad events, some good. Typically, the mishap with the conscripts was already seen in 2008 and it’s sad to see that there are still such occurrences.
In other words, the more we go from the macro to the micro-level, the more the Russians appear fragile. So youtubers and Ukies can have a field day posting videos of burning tanks, and people can have the impression the Russkies are fragile, however when looking at the big picture success appears inevitable.
An in-depth analysis will be necessary after the war. My impression is that I lost some illusions on the Russian army, picturing them as some kind of inhumane efficient demi-gods ; what I saw is an army of humans, doing mistakes, like someone said, a clumsy, somewhat rusted, but quite lethal machine.
In any case it’s hard to imagine that Russia won’t achieve its goals. The sad thing is that lives could have been saved and I hope that lessons will be learnt and corruption actively fought.
** the information war. I wouldn’t be so categorical as the Saker, for several reasons. Yes in the Western MSM at first we witnessed a very successful blitzkrieg. However two weeks later I can’t help but notice that the effort has slowed down significantly, judging by the amount of articles and news in the main French newspapers (Figaro, Monde…). People have a short attention span. The mood is changing. Russia has scored several tactical victories, the most important one being the biolabs. In the rest of the world my feeling is that the attitude is mostly indifferent or supportive of Russia.
So in other words, the West won the information war in the West, but it was already won. The normal regular masses have been indoctrinated for years to see Russia as the epitome of evil. However there will be a BIG change : we have, by Borrell’s own admission, applied the harshest sanctions imaginable. In a few months it is highly likely that Russia will have withstood them, whereas we’re going to see the price of staples skyrocketing.
If I had to wager a bet : I bet that slowly, the enormous self-confidence of the West will suffer a mortal wound. People will slowly realize that they threw everything they could against Russia, yet it did not hinder Putin one bit. This will really strike at the core of US and European exceptionalism and I predict that this change will be a civilizational game-changer.
*** the diplomatic war : here I would say it has been an unmitigated success. As another poster said, the USA have had a string of defeats which are nothing short of hilarious. To see them beg MBS or Maduro is something I would never have expected. The polish plane thing is the stuff of comedy. NATO has been exposed as a bunch of cowards. The support of China has surprised me as it is indeed rock solid, and the support of India has been a pleasant surprise. Russia is now calling in all its favors, and I found it quite impressive.
In the grand scheme of things, I would rank this as a potential hard-fought victory, with some setbacks, but which is shaping to be potentially a significant achievement. Much will depend of the evolution of the campaign but I feel cautiously optimistic.
The most interesting aspect would be a really in-depth analysis of the tactics and operations of the Russian and ukie armies. Key enigmas or topics of research :
– the lack of involvement of the Russian air force
– the apparent lack of ability to perform really combined operations, synchronizing infantry, armor, aviation, drones
– the deficiencies in communication and radio, the failure of Era
– the involvement of the conscripts and the work remaining to move to a fully professional russian army
Many things will only be visible once the fog of war has subsided.
Le Figaro, one of the two biggest official newspapers in France, asks the question on its front page :
“Are we underestimating the might of the Russian army due to the information war”
Unfortunately it’s paywalled. But from the tonality of the first lines it’s clear to me that the article is warning French readers that the Russian army is stronger than they think.
A week ago there was a widely-noted interview with our Joint Chief of Staff (supreme army commander) Thierry Brinkhard. He speaks very rarely to the press and it was only his second interview, but he clearly said that overall the Russian army will win this.
This is quite significant…
US-Funded Bio Labs in Ukraine Conducted Research Into Bat Coronavirus, Russian MoD Says
“According to the documents, the American side planned to conduct work on pathogens of birds, bats, and reptiles in Ukraine in 2022, with a further transition to studying the possibility of carrying African swine fever and anthrax”, chief spokesman for the Ministry of Defence Major General Igor Konashenkov said.
In addition, the facilities were studying the possible spread of pathogens via wild birds, migrating between Russia, Ukraine, and other countries in the region.
“The purpose of this – and other Pentagon-funded biological research in Ukraine, was to create a mechanism for the covert spread of deadly pathogens”, he added.
The Russian Defence Ministry will soon publish the documents received from staff at the Ukrainian biolaboratories, as well as the results of their examination, Konashenkov said.”
Also at RT: “US-funded labs in Ukraine dealt with bat coronavirus, Moscow claims”
The israeloamericans have spent a lot of effort trying to blame the covid-19 virus on a research lab in Wuhan, China, but as always, the things are blaming others for what they themselves did.
Even if SARS-COV-2, if it exists at all, was a negligent escape from the Wuhan lab, that still was a joint US-Chinese project. Fauci simply offshored gain-of-function bioweapons research through his “EcoHealth Alliance” after the Obama administration’s fake “ban” on such research. The US funding for the Wuhan project was organized by Fauci’s henchman Peter Daszak, of Ukrainian extraction. Although I don’t know yet, I’d bet Fauci and Daszak also were involved in the US bioweapon program on Ukrainian soil.
I assumed Daszak was of Polish background and hadn’t thought of that…
I’ve read in a few more-or-less pro-Russian pieces that he was Ukrainian. I just checked the empire’s Wikipedia and it says nothing about his ethnic background.
Also: “Russian MoD on US Biolabs: One Goal Was to Create Bioagents That Can Target Certain Ethnic Groups”
“The available documents confirm numerous cases of the transfer of biological samples of Ukrainian citizens abroad. With a high degree of probability, we can say that one of the tasks of the United States and its allies is the creation of bioagents that can selectively affect various ethnic groups of the population”, said Igor Kirillov, the head of the Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces.
Kirillov said that 350 cryocontainers with blood serum samples were transferred from the Public Health Centre of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine to a reference laboratory for infectious diseases at Australia’s Doherty Institute under the pretext of determining antibody titers.
The Russian Defence Ministry has obtained documents confirming that the high-risk biological research in Ukraine is led by US specialists. According to Kirillov, the documents also showed that the US Defence Department funded the biological research in Ukraine.
He also said that Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland “indirectly” confirmed American participation in the Ukrainian biological research when she said that Washington was concerned about the Ukrainian biolabs being taken over by the Russians.
The biological research funded by the US in Ukraine, according to Kirillov, included the projects “UP-2, UP-9, UP-10, aimed at studying the pathogens of anthrax and African swine fever”. The UP-4 project, in particular, is said to have been in development in laboratories in Kiev, Kharkov, and Odessa, and was scheduled until 2020.
Per Kirillov, the Pentagon was also interested in insect vectors that can spread dangerous infectious diseases.
“The analysis of the received materials confirms the fact that more than 140 containers with ectoparasites of bats – fleas and ticks – were transferred from the biological laboratory in Kharkov abroad”, he elaborated.
“According to the available information, the Americans have already managed to evacuate most of the documentation from the laboratories in Kiev, Kharkov, and Odessa, including databases, biomaterials, and equipment to the Lvov Research Institute of Epidemiology and Hygiene and to the American Consulate in Lvov. It is possible that part of the collection will be moved to Poland”, he said.
Additionally, biological laboratories in Ukraine and Georgia are working on a project involving bats as carriers of bioweapons, Kirillov said.”
Had the Russians waited for the israeloamerican attack on the Donbas, and then countered attacked then, it is likely this documentation of american biowarfare war crimes would not have been captured. This further confirms my view that their preemptive attack was in part to also capture israeloamerican war crime evidence and even possibly prevent an israeloamerican biowarfare attack scheduled to coincide with their planned attack on the Donbas.
gosh I personable believe the average citizen of the world is this gullible……………….remember when the Iraqis invaded Kuwait and the stories emerged of the maternity wards there with the invaders doing unspeakable cruelties to the babies in the incubators started being published????? Fast forward to the 2020s to the city still occupied by the Azov brigade, surrounded by Russian troops that hold them in utter contempt, which is refusing to let the pro-russian residents use the established “evacuation corridors” and lets go Kuwait one better………………this would have been one of the stupider acts the Russians could have committed or, as I believe, one of the more brilliant phys-ops ever contrived……….
Excellent, it is on the money.
Russia counter-sanctions in place until the end of 2022. As E. J. Magnier twitted yesterday, “The #US should be prepared from tomorrow to find platinum, titanium, palladium, and neon from another planet…”
The government has identified a list of goods and equipment temporarily prohibited for export from Russia
The government has determined a list of goods and equipment previously imported into Russia from abroad, which are temporarily prohibited from exporting from the country. The decision will be valid until the end of 2022. It was adopted in pursuance of the Presidential Decree “On the application of special economic measures in the sphere of foreign economic activity in order to ensure the security of the Russian Federation”.
The list includes technological, telecommunication, medical equipment, vehicles, agricultural machinery, electrical equipment – more than 200 items of goods in total, including railway cars and locomotives, containers, turbines, machines for processing metal and stone, monitors, projectors, consoles and panels. This measure is necessary to ensure stability in the Russian market.
The export of these goods is temporarily restricted to all foreign countries, with the exception of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The latter will be subject to a permissive export procedure approved by a separate Government resolution. It implies that permits for the export of goods to the EAEU countries, Abkhazia and South Ossetia will be issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Digitalization and the Ministry of Natural Resources.
In addition, the Government decree temporarily restricts the export of certain types of timber from Russia. It is prohibited in states that have committed unfriendly acts, according to the approved list. This decision will also be valid until the end of the year.
The document will be published.
Lone Wolf
Well, the problem is those countries can buy most of these technological and telecommunication equipments from the Watern market or from China.
Many Ukrainians left Ukraine after 2014. These exiles might tend to represent the people with pro-Russian sentiments, causing the population remaining in Ukraine to become predominantly anti-Russian. This could be one reason for Russia’s poor reception in Ukraine. What are the attitudes of the exiles, and of those who stayed?
Russia’s ineptness at psyops could be a blessing in disguise; propaganda has wrecked the U.S., and I would rather live in a society without it then an “empire of lies”, even if it hinders war-time psyops.
Dear Saker
The article you link to regarding the use of Russian conscripts in Ukraine appears to say that the conscripts were non-combatants providing logistical support.
Why do you think there was an intent to decieve?
One thing not taken into account: censorship campaign in full swing, at least in EU. Russian news outlets are not only removed from major platforms (youtube, fb, twitter etc.) but also their sites are filtered out, search engines are instructed to remove them from their indexes entirely, social networks are instructed to remove all posts mentioning them. All news sites are spewing western propaganda and have their comment sections disabled at the same time. It is impossible to win PR campaign in envirnonment that is controlled to such extend, so I think Russians did not even have to pay attention to this and waste their resources. Fact that collective west had to use such draconian measures means that they step onto a thin ice and they know it. Some of my friends here in Poland started asking me to explain what’s going on because what they see in our ‘news’ outlets stinks to high heaven. Regarding brainwashing Ukrainians, it is a real problem though. On top of that Kiev regime started disappearing those last ones who opposed them (even if only verbally), like Dmitri Dzhangirov or Vasily Volga. It has morphed into full blown nazi-terrorist killing machine (brought to you by Uncle Sam and friends).
From Southfront:
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didn’t expect such attitude here.
BTW, did you notice how the whole Europe was turned into a hysterical nazi crowd within a few days?
I think RF was not entirely ready for that operation, it was forced to go into action because things were going to be worse in short time. There was no positive move left on the table.
Now the USA and the whole empire are trying to create a new Afghanistan (or maybe Syria) in the middle of Europe. Only instead of radical islamists (I won’t be surprised if they are already there) there are radical nazified crowds, all kinds of criminals and brain-washed youth. And tons of weapons supplied to them.
Even if RF stops the operation right now and withdraws imagine what will be left in Ukraine.
Whatever ”moderate rebels” there are trying now their luck in 404 will be taken care of by Ramzan Kadyrov and his Chechen volunteers; don’t worry. The Chechens have a proven track record as excellent soldiers in the service of Russia.
Regarding the future of 404, I think the correct approach would be a Russian settler project. 404 has been depopulating for quite some time, and the current war has reinforced this process considerably. A Russian settler project would prevent scavengers such as Poland and Romania from attempting any land grabs. Seriously: It might well be the case that Saker is absolutely correct about Ukraine’s ”ethno-genesis” due to Anglo-Zionist plotting including outright Nazi terrorism. So it’s high past time to undo this lasting impact on the population.
The mere fact that the West has become insane with Russophobia is, by itself, irrefutable proof of the astonishing successes of Russia in general and of its leadership in particular. Same applies to China. In a few years’ tiime, it will become manifest once that Russia has taken back Ukraine and China Taiwan. What the hell can Western super-super PR ’victorias’ do to reverse that? The West’s levels of malevolent incompetence, corruption, and cowardice are not just a matter of its horrid, vile leadership — it’s a reflection of the general population’s mental faculties as well.
Good analysis, Andrei! The overall strategy is sound and I have a gut feeling it will work. I argued in different venues that taking only the Donbass would buy Russia nothing, and only exacerbated the geopolitical situation. It was clear to me from last summer on that Putin was dead set to – borrowing a meme here – make Ukraine friendly again. (An essay I wrote two weeks before the invasion: ). On the tactical level, there are two things that I am questioning. One, the lack of heavy artllery in Donbass, yes one or two large scale thermobaric assaults would have broken the Ukro cretins’ will to fight and shell civilians in Donetsk (two weeks into the conflict). I understand the problem of Avdeevka’s chemical plant but the “example of the nazbaty fate” should have been made (perhaps elsewhere) to send a strong message. You don’t give up – we liquidate you. Two, I am not sure why the RFA does not concentrate its spetz groups for urban night guerilla in one place (Mariupol). It would be more effective to hit one place rather than two (Mariupol and Kharkov). First, finish the job in one place and then go to the next one. My sense is that the operation would go faster and more civilian lives would be saved.
As for the post-hostilities arrangement. Russia, I am afraid now owns Ukraine and has to make sure that the denazification project is implemented. Otherwise, it will face more determined nazis with far better weapons in a few years down the road. Above all, the SBU and Ministry of the Interior have to be rebuilt from ground up, the political and administrative system has to be federated, nazi insurgency handled and media supressed, school history books will have to be rewritten. Zakharova said yesterday that Russia does not seek to replace the current government. Good try, Maria! The very idea of demilitarization and denazification presumes a change of Ukrainian government. (Especially now, after the bioweapon labs discovery) You mean it ? You do it. If you mean it, you will “occupy” Ukraine for a few years. Call it what you will! The way I see it, that is the only alternative to conducting a Nuremberg-style trials under the control of Victoria Nuland.
Thanks so much for all you do, andrei and amarynth. So many of us really appreciate it, and there is no possible substitute so we rely on you. The complete taking over of the media and also the UN, (I see the “Russian destruction of hospital is condemned”) making any true idea of any action almost impossible, is the most dangerous aspect in my long lifetime. It becomes easy to see how Nazis managed to convince so many into their doctrines in the 1930s.
Not poorly written at all. Pretty great, actually. And I’m pursuing the same tack on debunking. It’s just a complete waste of time. This one this morning: Vladimir Putin’s aggression against Ukraine may be fueled by a steroid addiction.” Whaaaa…? Just useless, time wasting drivel. No point in getting sucked in. Keep up the good work, Andrei!
When does the tzar and the russian empire return?
From Gateway Pundit:
Hunter Biden’s firm Rosemont Seneca provided capital for the firms behind the creation of Biolabs in Ukraine.
We heard on Tuesday from the US State Department that there were US Biolabs in Ukraine. Then on Wednesday the Biden regime backtracked and insisted there were no US-funded Biolabs in Ukraine.
Why the sudden confusing messaging from the Biden gang? Especially when there are documents that prove the US was funding several of the Biolabs they set up in Ukraine to study potentially dangerous pathogens.
It may be because Hunter Biden’s firm Rosemont Seneca was funding the firms involved in the building of these labs in Ukraine and they felt this was not something they wanted the American people to know.
Worth listening:
Andrei Martyanov at Rogue News TV.
Interstingly many Finnish high level military stategists are suggesting that MSM is totally underestimating Russian military competence and success and RF military failures are quite normal early days mostly logistic issues so common in land warfare.
As we can see now those having knowledge are thinking this operation much different way as MSM diletants.
Hello. My first commentary here in many years.
The Saker has said several times that the West unleashed a total multidimensional war on Russia that only will end with total defeat of one of the sides. Beyond the fight in Banderastan, these hostilities could continue for many years. I often wonder how the Russian state prepares for the transition of power (that one day will come) between Putin and his sucessor as head of the goverment. I think that It’s a point of great importance for the preservation and consolidation of Zone B, any insights about this will be greatly appreciated.
Two more points. In first place, I find somewhat reassuring that in spite of all the BS spewed on western MSM about the supposed “clumsiness” etc. of the Russian forces in Ukraine, currently NATO is totally avoiding actions that could create risks of direct clashs with Russia, the polish Mig’s fiasco being a shining example. Seems that at least some of NATO leadership doesn’t believe the hype and keep fearing and / or respecting the Russian Bear. Good.
Finally, in relation with the assertion of the Saker that Russia already lost the PR war, I see the situation a bit more nuanced, because as many previous commentarists had indicated, the situation in the west it’s hardly extensive to the rest of the planet. Specially in the “Global South” (using the fine expression by Pepe Escobar), of Asia, Africa and Latin America, where the memories of countless carnages by the oh-so civilized Anglozionist empire are alive and present, therefore their propaganda is despised among large swates of the population. If Europe is lost, too bad for them. There’s another, far wider world, to discover and work with.
Thanks Saker, always grateful for your invaluable insights and your courage in Truth. May God keep blessing you and your loved ones.
@ Soloview
I agree, in general, with your POV, but…
“…post-hostilities arrangement…” will be a lot more complicated.
Ukraine has been able to develop a mass neo-Nazi movement at Eurostan crossroads, well-trained, armed, and dangerous, legitimized with participation at government levels, largely in control of the army, internal security, and intel, via their CIA links. They have done it in such a way that this new Nazi threat has grown undetected by the majority of people in Eurostan and the West. They have killed thousands of innocent people since the infamous “Maidan,” and the Eurorodents have continued their business-as-usual policy with 404.
It is this aftermath that Russia is going to have to deal with, the demonization of Russia for getting rid of a cancer growing on its western flank, and the de facto conscious/subconscious internalization of Nazism in the Eurostan masses, by subliminal or perceivable ways.
Lone Wolf
Goldman Sachs exits Russia
Note – Goldman is a corrupting influence everywhere it goes. Getting rid of Goldman is worth hundreds of billions to the ordinary Russia.
It seems likely that the virus which caused the Chinese Swine Flu Epidemic was created by the USA in Ukraine.
I expect the proof will emerge in the near future.
Likewise Chicken Influenza spread by migratory birds which are on the list of studies funded by the USA.
thank you, just thank you for taking the time
Beautiful closing remarks.
But, I still pray, still talk, still believe we can change ourselves and there still is a hope of residents of the Empire of Lies.
It’s tremendously naive, even hysterically stupid, to suppose that most Ukrainian resistance was motivated by anything beyond invasion. Granted there is less than savoury or honourable Nazi and Western drilling and spinning, all the relative authority or appeal these needed was provided by Russian missiles, troops and tanks. The country was attacked on several fronts. It is ridiculous to fob off resistence as merely or mostly fanatical Nazi hubris or Westernised delusion. When you invade a modern country, the people will resist, fiercely, no matter who is holding the cards in terms of propaganda. It’s not an ideological cause so much as, ‘You bombed and invaded my home and I want to hurt you back.’
A great from the heart article. Thank you from Ireland. We are not all taken in by the Empire of Lies