Today, I want to begin with a small allegorical story.
One upon a time, there was a bear sleeping in his lair and minding his business. One day, a small group of rodents decided to have some fun time pestering the bear. So they began running around, making a lot of noise (some even dared the bear to come out and fight them) and even threw colorful little pebbles at the bear. The bear mostly ignored them hoping they would eventually tire from that silly behavior and go away. But the rodents not only stayed, they began pelting the bear with even more pebbles and, sure enough, what had to happen happened: one pebble (with “ridiculous genocide claim” written on it) landed right on the eyelid of the bear and that *really* pissed the bear off. He finally got up, moved to the entrance of his lair and looked at the scurrying rodents. The bear wondered, what shall he do with these little rodents next? The rodents wondered about the same thing. And so they told the bear that if he dares leave his lair, they will pelt him with even more pebbles, so he better not move. What do you think the bear will do next?
Yesterday Putin gave a quite amazing (and short) press conference. Not only did he declare that Russia recognizes the LDNR Republics in their own, legal, borders (i.e. the full Donetsk and Lugansk regions), he also listed the four steps needed to be taken by the Ukraine to avoid a direct, unilateral, Russian action:
- The Ukraine must recognize Crimea and Sevastopol as Russian territory
- The Ukraine must officially renounce joining NATO
- The Ukraine must negotiate a settlement with the LDNR Republics
- The Ukraine must be demilitarized and declared neutral
This is clearly an ultimatum, but this time, to the authorities in Kiev.
Now a few simple comments:
Since Russia has recognized the LDNR in their original, administrative, regional borders, this means that all the Ukie forces between the current Line of Contact (LOC) and the borders between the original borders of the LDNR and the rest of the Ukraine are now de facto and de jure a foreign occupying force on the territory of a Russian ally which Russia promised to protect.
Just ponder the implications of that for a while, let it sink in: until yesterday, the Ukronazi forces were on their own territory, at least legally speaking. Now they are abroad and unwelcome.
Quite logically, several DNR and LNR officials have now demanded that Kiev withdraw these forces completely from the LDNR territory. As a small carrot, LDNR officials have said that if the Ukies retreat voluntarily there will be no further action taken. Conversely, that means that if the Ukies stay, the LDNR will do what is needed to make them leave.
That is an LDNR ultimatum to Kiev.
In plain English this means this:
- Putin has demanded that the Ukronazi forces immediately stop their attacks
- The LDNR has demanded that the Ukronazi forces immediately withdraw from all the territories the LDNR claims, and Russia recognizes, as belonging to the LDNR
Some LDNR official have offered this: stop the shelling, move at least your heavy force away from the LOC as you are supposed to under the ceasefire agreements and we won’t move our forces in. In other words, if the Ukies move out, the LDNR forces will stay out, but the territory vacated by the Ukies will become legally LDNR’s.
Since there is exactly zero chance that the Nazis in Kiev will accept, what does that tell you about the next move by the LDNR and, possibly, Russia?
Does anybody still seriously believe that Putin is bluffing?
In Russia, Medvedev has made a quite remarkable “patriotic comeback” with some very good words at the meeting of the Russian Security Council. He also posted this quite mocking tweet after Olaf decided to declare that NS2 would not be certified “now” (whatever that means). Olaf is already starting to backpedal and make ambiguous statements about the long term future of NS2.
And, the beauty of the current dynamics, is that the Germans are doing it to themselves (and to the rest of the EU) while Russia STILL has not used the “energy weapon” against anybody. So Russia cannot be accused of using energy as a weapon or reneging on her obligations!
Russia is offering cheap gas to Germany and the rest of the EU. But if the latter want to please Uncle Shmuel so badly that they are willing to wreck their own economies – by all means, Russia fulfilled her obligation and it sure ain’t her fault that the Germans are now (at least pretending to) renege on their part of the deal.
If the Europeans want to turn up the pain dial upon themselves, Russia sure won’t object.
And did I mention that the recent increase in energy prices has yielded such a profit for Gazprom, that it has already paid for the Russian investment in NS2! If the Germans really pull out of the deal, there will be huge lawsuits which will make the Germans pay even more. Finally, with the energy prices going up again, Gazprom is making billions of dollars of extra revenue.
As for the USA – the likely increase in the costs of energy (oil and gas) will provide an even further boost to the already very high inflation. But does “Biden” care?
Nope. “Biden” is so drunk on his ideological delusions that he rather accept an even worse inflation if that can hurt Russia (which it won’t, but nevermind that). That his sanctions won’t really hurt Russia is entirely irrelevant, in Zone A all that matters is make believe and verbiage. Facts don’t matter one bit.
I have been saying it for a long while already: there is no “US policy” left, all that’s left is chaos, corruption, gross incompetence, maniacal delusion of still being the planet’s Sheriff combined with a rather comical belief that the US can scare Russia into submission.
Joe, in Russia’s long history much stronger leaders than you have already tried that. Do you want to end like them?
Apparently yes!
In fact, the US has announced that there will be no Putin-Biden meeting and no Lavrov-Blinken meeting either. I am sure that both Putin and Lavrov are sobbing in abject fear and total despair…
There is a good chance that all this will end up with a full severance of diplomatic relations between Russia and the USA (along with a few EU Tabakis à la UK).
Furthermore, to show the “determination of the US led free West” the US is sending a few hundred extra troops to Latvia. And some helicopters from Italy to Poland. And if that was not terrifying enough, Canada’s Trudeau is also sending a few hundred extra Canadian troops to the Baltics.
At this pace, in a few weeks NATO might have a “combined regiment” safely tucked away somewhere in Poland or the Baltics, while knowing full well that Russia will never use any force against the 3B simply because Russia has exactly zero interest in, or desire for, them or their lands.
In fact, these statlets are as much in freefall as Banderastan, why should Russia want them? As for Poland, the more neutral ground between them and Russia, the better for Russia. In history both Russia and Germany have tried to manage Poland, now it is the time for the USA to give it a shot. I wish both the Poles and the US Americans a lot of fun – amusez-vous bien! (though it is still better to have to administer the Polish colony than the Ukie one.
The truth is that even if all the Ukraine’s neighbors simply and magically were allowed to take all the Ukrainian territory they want, a lot would be left unclaimed (most of the central and northern part).
That’s how bad a shithole country 404 has become… Maybe somebody will just fence them in and feed them like in a zoo?
Does anybody seriously believe that Russia will be impressed by any of that ridiculous nonsense?
Until the time of writing this, the Ukronazis have continued shelling and shooting, but there has been no full-scale ground attack (yet!). The Ukie special services have sent a few diversionary groups into the LDNR and even into a small strip of Russian land. These groups were detected and intercepted by the Russian Border Guards. The Ukies tried to send a few BMP infantry fighting vehicles to rescue their soldiers only to have them destroyed by the Russian military’s anti-tank weapons.
Today the Ukies continued to direct their artillery attacks and diversionary groups at the LDNR. Water and electricity are off in some parts of the LDNR. People are still dying every day and there is no signs of the Ukie bombardments abating. Especially violent combats are taking place near the town of Nikolaevka.
The Ukies have also declared a state of emergency (to be approved by the Rada) and are now making more and more noises about re-arming themselves with nuclear weapons. Smart move when Putin says that the Ukraine must be disarmed :-)

Ukronazi war criminals
By the way, the Russian Investigative Committee has declared that Russia knows, by name, all the folks who on the Ukie side gave orders to shell the LDNR. There are already over 400 criminal cases opened for war crimes, including 85 top Ukronazi officials, beginning with Turchinov and his military commanders Galetei and Gritsenko, Arsen Avakov and their deputies Shevchuk, Dublian and Gerashchenko. The notorious ZioNazi oligarch Igor Kolomoiskii, the commanders of the Ukie air force and navy (or whatever is left of them by now), the Chief of the Ukie Airborne forces, the Commander of Ukie Special Forces, the main Urkonazi Dmitrii Iarosh and many many more Ukronazis are also on that list.
Frankly, I think that the Ukies are terrified.
I know I sure would if I was in their place.
They cannot simply retreat, there is no way Ze can order that and not be overthrown.
They cannot attack because now it is too late, all these force comparisons between the Banderastani forces and the LDNR forces have become, if not irrelevant, than at least a lot less relevant now that Putin has basically prepared both the military and the legal conditions necessary for any kind of Russian military operation, from strikes with standoff weapons, to a ground and/or amphibious assault. All he has to do now is say “go”. Judging by his tone yesterday, not only do I feel that he is willing to give that order, but I also think that he has accepted that this is the “least bad” option for Russia and the LDNR.
Again, Putin said that he fully intends to disarm the Ukraine, at least from all her heavy weapons. Since the Ukies won’t give them up, I see only one way to achieve this: disarm them by force.
So, in one way or another, I expect major combat action in the Eastern Ukraine in the next couple of days.
Keep in mind that the West’s response to Putin’s words and actions only serve to further convince Russia that 1) more sanctions and subversion is inevitable 2) violence is unavoidable.
Remember these famous words by Putin: “Fifty years ago, the streets of Leningrad taught me one thing: If a fight’s inevitable, you must strike first“?
It appears to me that the Kremlin has concluded that a violent fight is, indeed, inevitable. You figure out the rest :-)
In other news, Putin and Aliev have just signed a major cooperation treaty between Russia and Azerbaijan.
Yes, Aliev decided to travel to Moscow and meet Putin on the day Russia officially recognized the LDNR. It is a very smart move by both of these politicians. First, Aliev needs to show Turkey that yes, we are friends and allies, but I will balance that with my friendship and alliance with Russia. Erdogan might be a crazy megalomaniac, but he ain’t stupid and he sure did get that message.
After all, who said that Erdogan must be the leader of the Turkic world?
I am pretty sure that Russia (and China!) would very much prefer Aliev for a very long list of reasons, including the fact that he is very smart, very realistic, quite ruthless when needed and he understands Putin very well (the two are good friends). And since Erdogan is trying to play both the Russian and the Ukie card, here is a clear warning to him, be nice, or else…
So where do we go from here?
I would say that major combat operations against the Ukie forces in the LDNR republics are probably inevitable and, barring some last minute miracle, the Russians will soon disarm a good part of the Ukie forces. Remember that Putin specifically added the disarmament of the Ukraine as one of his demands.
Does anybody think that anybody can stop the disarmament (we are talking about major weapon systems, not AKs) of the Ukraine by Russia in the near/middle term?
I don’t.
Next, I think that Putin will successfully impose all his demands upon the Ukraine, which means two things:
- The Kiev regime will collapse, at least de facto
- The rest of Banderastan will eventually break-up into different regimes and successor states
I think that there is a high probability that the US/NATO will move some forces into western Ukraine, to “protect their people and infrastructure” in and around Lvov, and to declare that “their show of unity and determination stopped Russia from invading the entire Ukraine”. I don’t think that Russia will object too much against any NATO move inside and limited to the Lvov/Ivano-Frankovsk region. These are not historically Russian lands and they are basically irrelevant to Russia.
If the US wants the Poles to oppress the Ukronazis in their own western Ukraine, nobody in Russia will care.
As for the West, to take credit for a defeat is a long US/NATO tradition, so such an operation can be used to save NATO’s face.
But that won’t be enough.
The West has already been beaten politically, and now a military defeat of some kind is probably inevitable.
I am not talking about an invasion of the entire Ukraine (God forbid!) but it will be clear to all that the Russian bear forced NATO to retreat, politically and militarily. The Anglos are too smart to volunteer for a war with Russia. The Polaks are, as always, only hiding behind the backs of their latest (Anglo) masters. The Balts are irrelevant.
So the only option is to fight the Russians down the the last Ukrainian and when that happens, it might not be an “NATO defeat” legally speaking, but like on 08.08.08 it will be a crushing defeat for NATO publicly. Maybe not as bad as Kabul, but much worse than Georgia in 08.08.08.
At that point, a lot of folks will be wondering if NATO is worth the money spent on. And once that process begins, there will be no stopping it.
If the US/NATO/EU had any brains, they would quickly accept the total and final loss of the LDNR, following by a declaration that the Ukraine has become a neutral, demilitarized, state. In exchange for that, Russia would provide firm security guarantees and cheap energy. But that would be common sense, not exactly the kind of mindset which brought us to today’s crisis.
So let’s see what Uncle Shmuel and his Eurorodents will do next.
My expectation is more hot air from the West and more unilateral Russian actions in the East.
Stay tuned.
Russia closed the airspace over the border with “Territory 404”. Including Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, Sumy and Chernihiv regions.
If you are right that the Ukrainians are still shelling despite Putin’s warning, then they obviously thing he is bluffing. Hopefully he isn’t.
Hm. Maybe there is another way. Zelensky knows he is finished. Egging the army on seems mad. Telling it to retreat? Not only will the Ukronazis not obey, but they’ll kill him. He’s been nurturing vipers on his chest.
But he could grab a tranche of top secret documents and trade them for an asylum in Russia, then disappear.
The troops would be thrown into disarray. Some would defect, some would back off a bit, some would continue with what they are doing… but amidst the confusion, maybe armed escalation from the Russian side could be avoided, and the LDNR would be able to cope themselves, with support. And while Kiev and all those holed up in Lvov would be trying to figure out what next and how to deal with the Kievan mess, the rebels would have a chance to consolidate their advantage. (?)
I doubt Zelensky has the freedom to escape – there is probably some Azov battalion types attached to him at all times.
Maybe Russia could pull an “Otto Skorzeny”?
Zelensky could have a 2nd career as court Jester in Tsar Putin’s palace, good idea.
Bad idea, disgusting! Why do we need this Jewish Nazi who supported the Russian genocide? With the organization of the kahal to you in the synagogue, not in Russia.
Zelensky will be captured eventually by Russian squads assigned to the task, and he will face a war crimes tribunal for the 14,000 genocide victims of the Donbas.
You are certainly right that Ukraine needs to be totally disarmed. Otherwise, the fighting will never stop and Russia will never get to leave the place.
However, Zelensky and his own Deep State (Azov Nazis) are going to make things as difficult as possible for Russia to accomplish this. Porky had no compunctions about sending entire battalions or maybe companies to their doom in the crucibles of the last serious shoot-em-ups. Zelensky may just figure that if he runs up the combat deaths and casualty rates high enough (rather than trying to mitigate them) that Uncle Sam, who fomented this whole bloody mess will declare an R2P and start bombarding not only Ukraine but parts of Russia delivering stand-off ordnance with its own stand-off weaponry. In other words, an all out missile exchange. I know that Lord Biden suggested he would not employ US or NATO troops in the fracas, but can you really believe anything that liar ever says? Especially if he believes he can, with enough shelling, demolish all useful infrastructure in Crimea, the Sevastopol Naval Base, and the new bridge recently completed. You know, “make Russia bleed” as Obomber’s advisors advised. This will escalate to whatever end point that Washington wishes because Putin cannot survive if he exits the war with Russia on the run. Washington may presently have inferior missiles, but I don’t see them running out of them. Look what Washington did to North Korea back in the 50’s. No stone left atop another. What targets can Russia afford to annihilate without provoking Armageddon? Not being an expert, I have no idea what the answers to these questions may be, but it’s worrisome. Would Washington stand down if it lost Ramstein and all its assets? Or would it double down until Hell Inc relocates to Earth?
“However, Zelensky and his own Deep State (Azov Nazis) are going to make things as difficult as possible for Russia to accomplish this.”
By analogy with Crimea, the entire grouping of 163,000 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine surrendered without a shot and 150 went over to the service of the Russian Armed Forces.
Now the dead, sentenced to prison terms and runaways are added.
A typo or translation error – 150,000 servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (out of 163,000 who surrendered without firing a shot and were sent home) gave up and switched to rumors in the RF Armed Forces!
“By analogy with Crimea, the entire grouping of 163,000 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine surrendered without a shot and 150 000 (!) went over to the service of the Russian Armed Forces.
Now the dead, sentenced to prison terms and runaways are added.”
Realist is an ironic name given your commentary.
The US is not going to get into a missile exchange with Russia. The minute a US missile is headed into Russian airspace a barrage of missiles at US and NATO targets will commence. There is no taking on Russia. Russia could pick off every NATO asset in Europe and the US still probably wouldn’t attack, article 5 be damned. The UK is probably the only part of Europe the US cares about.
The “make Russia bleed” comments come from a bunch of idiots who had no idea about Russian capabilities or warfare in general. These guys talk a lot of tough guy talk but like to only pick on weak nations. Their true colors are showing. Pzaski isn’t telling everyone the US isn’t going to fight Russia because she’s being duplicitous. Rather, they are scared. So they’re backing down. This entire thing has been the US and the UK crying, whining, stomping their feet, having tantrums, and otherwise being melodramatic. But no action. I mean if they actually had the capability to face a real rival you don’t think they’d have copied a page from Russia’s book in Kazakstan and have thousands of troops and equipment in Ukraine tomorrow? They knew what was coming, or they should have known. They only talked about it everyday for months. But no action. A few hundred troops to the periphery. Big whoop.
The US never wanted a piece of Russia in battle when the US was run by actual men. But you think that when the US is run by hysterical shrieking women, emasculated men, and gender confused people that they’re suddenly going to find a pair in their scrotum? Maybe. But I doubt it.
How many times does it need to be pointed out that this country backed down from fighting Iran? The one nation their Israeli handlers have egged them on to attack for decades, and they get attacked by Iran and run. Actions matter more than talk. And the entire world saw the US tuck their tails and scurry away. And that was with Trump as POTUS–a hot tempered guy with impulse control issues, and absolutely in the service of Israel, and even he was persuaded by someone(s) not to mess with Iran any further. So again, if they’re not going to pick a fight with Iran, what on Earth makes you think they have the stones to fire missiles at Russia? Yeah, they’re desperate now, the game is up….but they’re probably going to decide to just fortress up in North America and do their stupid Great Reset/Metaverse idiocy in Canada and the US. Except, oh right, they should be pretty much aware at this point that they’re going to have a civil war on their hands in the US when they try to plug us all into the Matrix.
So no, it is time for everyone, especially the ruling powers of the declining West, to accept defeat, call it a day, and negotiate a peaceful settlement. That settlement hopefully involves the whole lot of them getting on one of Elon’s rockets and taking off to Mars and leaving the rest of us alone. They got outplayed. But hey, maybe I’m wrong and the cowards can muster the courage for a last stand. That should be amusing given the Pentagon just pushed out a report about recruits having weak bones from sitting on their asses playing video games all day. So there’s that.
Nothing “ironic” about it. If one does not know the capabilities of either side in great comparative detail, one asks the pertinent questions. I gather that Andrei Raevsky is highly knowledgeable, having been educated in and earning advanced degrees in combat tactics and strategy. Andrei Martyanov is famous for having published acclaimed books on the subject, but I am not well apprised of the credentials of anyone else who makes casual commentary in this forum unless introduced by one of the Andrei’s, which is why I pose questions that some might want to answer and topics some might want to elaborate upon so I and others can learn. Too often people here just call you dumb for not having the same information content or opinion in mind that they do. The United States government in Washington is wily, persistent, deceptive, immoral and unfair, so you have to be prepared for any contingency with them as your opponent. Frankly, I see the issue of escalation response questioned a lot and a thing that can really escape control leading to unwelcome consequences. Some say always leave an off-ramp for your adversary to exit with some dignity left unless you really want absolute scorched earth in your future. That’s why I’d be cautious and ask even questions that many seem to assume have obvious answers upon mere casual inspection. Some seem to assume that I am claiming Russian deficiencies when I merely enquire about their capabilities and confidence levels in those areas relative to what Washington and NATO bring to the battlefield. I hope all your assumptions, analyticals and predictions play out, Russia beats Yankee ass and gets to live in peace as a respected and highly cultured civilisation in this world, including haughty Europe and arrogant North America, but, as they say in sports, that’s why they play the game in spite of all you think you know.
Enjoyed reading that comrade Krungle.
I love the bear and wish that it plucks the bald eagle’s feathers and smashes all the rodents with it. Putin can do one favor for the rest of the world and help the American Patriots – “Russia should go into the Ukraine to remove the criminals there whose money laundering operations keep the fake Joe Biden regime afloat. Russia should also go into France and remove the Rothschild puppet Macron too, I believe. My understanding is that MI6 and Pentagon brass would not interfere in such a move because it is necessary for planetary liberation.”
-Benjamin Fulford
Sale of rusty unwanted scrap metal
WASHINGTON – U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has pledged to continue sending American Javelin anti-tank weapons and other aid to Ukraine, even if Russia expands its invasion, but discussions about the logistics are still underway, according to a senior defense official.
This analysis feels spot on. Events like these are difficult to predict but if you know the characters and you know the setting, the plot is not hard to see.
Russia will do what needs to be done and not one bit more… She has more important things to attend to than waging war.
Absolutely true, but Russia will not retreat and will achieve its goal! even if you have to fight – the protection of Russian, conservative
values (faith, family, children…) and the world in general is worth it to destroy the US with NATO vassals.
We are ready to die for the sake of Victory, unlike the rest ….
NOTAM issued… closing all airspace between Ukraine and Russia…
Link to NOTAM, please.
According to my information, which I have presented here, the strip of the land border between Russia and the ex-USSR is closed. Including the airspace of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, Sumy and Chernihiv regions.
According to RT – Ukrainian airspace shuts down to civilian aircraft – notice to airmen. A newly-issued alert says flights are restricted “due to potential hazard for civil aviation”:
“Airspace all over Ukraine has been restricted for civil flights, according to a notice to airmen (NOTAM) distributed by government agencies and airport operators. The de-facto closure of the airspace went into effect at 01:56 local time on Thursday and is set to last till 23:59 the same day.”
President Putin has announced a special ops in Donbass:
I for one feel very sad at reading the Saker’s analysis because I believe he is right. I have examined the forces available to both the UAF and the Russian forces and this is going to be a crushing defeat for the UAF. With the choke points over the Dnieper occupied or destroyed the UAF will be between the anvil and the hammer with no possible retreat and without the possibility of resupply. To me it is a shame to see so many people lose their lives over the machinations of others and their thirst for power. I wish there was another way. I understand Russia’s position, nevertheless. She did her best to negotiate. Damn the arrogant, imbeciles of the Empire.
Breaking News!!!
Ukraine Airspace Closed
Airlines should stop flying over all of Ukraine’s airspace – conflict zone monitor
Feb 24 (Reuters) – Airlines should stop flying over any part of Ukraine because of the risk of an unintended shootdown or a cyber attack targeting air traffic control amid tensions with Russia, a conflict zone monitor said on Wednesday.
Safe Airspace, which was set up to provide safety and conflict zone information for airlines after Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down over eastern Ukraine in 2014, said it had increased its risk level to “do not fly”.
“Regardless of the actual movements of Russian forces into Ukraine, the level of tension and uncertainty in Ukraine is now extreme,” Safe Airspace said on its website. “This itself gives rise to significant risk to civil aviation.”
Russia has closed some airspace in the Rostov flight information region to the east of its border with Ukraine “in order to provide safety” for civil aviation flights, according to a notice to airmen.
Airports at Dnipro, Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia in Ukraine are closed to traffic until Thursday morning, also according to notices to airmen. No reasons were provided for the closures…
Risk Level: One – Do Not Fly
[ about risk levels ]
Until February 2022, there were two areas of concern in Ukraine – the conflict in the far east of the country (affecting UKDV/Dnipro FIR) and the double claim over ATC and airspace in Crimea (UKFV/URFV/Simferopol FIR). The situation in Ukraine has now become a larger conflict that is currently developing.
Regardless of the actual movements of Russian forces into Ukraine, the level of tension and uncertainty in Ukraine is now extreme. This itself gives rise to significant risk to civil aviation. For this reason, and based on OPSGROUP member discussions, we assess Ukraine as Level 1 – Do Not Fly.
Since Feb 18, the vast majority of aircraft operators are avoiding Ukrainian airspace entirely. On Feb 23, reports of Russian military aircraft probing air defences were shared by the US. Russia has evacuated the Kyiv embassy. Ground forces are described as fully ready for invasion.
As of Feb 23, the US FAA currently bans US operators from overflying the eastern part of Dnipro FIR only. Other states have similar partial prohibitions but not for Ukraine in its entirety. We expect this to change soon.
The primary risk is an unintended targeting of civil aircraft by military, including misidentification (as with MAS17, UIA752), or confusion.
The secondary risk is potential lack of Ukrainian Air Traffic Control Service at short notice (Cyber Attack), and other unforeseeable non-normal operating environments for civil aircraft.
Lone Wolf
BREAKING: Putin tells Ukrainian military to throw down their arms.
Invasion/liberation is official.
Putin addresses Russian People…..
Some highlights in English…
“Putin: Russia is one of the most powerful powers in the world. An attack on our country will result in a rout for any aggressor. NATO’s eastward expansion is accelerating, Russia can no longer silently watch it!
The beginning of the military development of Ukraine is unacceptable, anti-Russia is being created
Putin: About Donbass: for 8 years we have been doing everything to resolve the situation peacefully, all in vain!
Clash between Russia and Ukrainian neo-Nazis is inevitable – Putin
Putin: They are waiting for the moment to attack Russia, and even claim to possess nuclear weapons, we will not let them do that!
Russia cannot develop with Putin constantly: a threat emanating from Ukraine!
We are forced to use the only opportunity today!
Vladimir Putin: I have decided to conduct a special military operation!
Putin announced the deployment of troops to the Donbass
Ukraine is held hostage – Putin
Putin: We are aimed at the demilitarization of Ukraine, but not occupation.
Our actions are self-defense against threats, no matter how hard it is.
Military of Ukraine, lay down your arms immediately – Putin
All military personnel who laid down their arms will be able to return home
Russia’s response to outside interference will be terrible – Putin
Putin: everyone who tries to create threats for our people – the answer will be immediate. The answer will be swift and will lead to such consequences as you have not encountered. All decisions have been made.
Russia will seek to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine and bring to justice those who committed crimes against civilians.
Odessa will be free
Putin: “Bloodshed will be entirely on the conscience of the Ukrainian regime”
Putin: “All decisions have been made. I hope I will be heard”
Putin: I count on the consolidated position of the parliament on the start of the operation in Donbass
Unknown persons blocked the runway of one of the airfields in Kiev
Looks like the balloon just went up!
They would not listen to Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov; so now even the deaf can hear Sergey Shoygu.
One can feel the tectonic fact-plates crashing in woke-media-narrative land as far away as the Antipodies.
The Russians even have a spare ‘President’ of the last democractic government in Kieve to fly back in and retake control of the post-nazi-cult regime.
I guess, Pepe E. would be playing “Back in the USSR(ussia)…”
Putin announces “special military operation” against Ukraine.
Blames NATO expansion, neo-nazism.
Urges Urkainian forces to surrender.
Warns rest of world to stay out of conflict or face consequences.🚨🚨🚨
Breaking News!!!
Here we go. The pain-dial starts rolling its inexorable wheel into a new historical horizon.
Putin said that he had decided to conduct a military operation to protect the Donbass
Russia will not allow ukraine to have nuclear weapons, the Russian president added
Putin said that he had decided to conduct a special military operation to protect the Donbass.
Russia will not allow Ukraine to have nuclear weapons, Putin added. The plans of the Russian Federation do not include the occupation of Ukrainian territories, he said.
Circumstances require Russia to take decisive action, Putin said.
The Russian Federation considers it important that the right of self-determination can be used by all the peoples of Ukraine – Putin.
The actions of the Russian Federation are connected not with the infringement of the interests of Ukraine, but with the protection of itself from “those who took Ukraine hostage” – Putin.
All responsibility for possible bloodshed will be entirely on the conscience of the Ukrainian regime – Putin.
In the event of outside interference in the situation in Ukraine, Russia will respond immediately – Putin.
According to him, justice and truth are on the side of Russia.
Putin is confident that Russian servicemen will perform their duty professionally and courageously.
The fate of Russia is in the safe hands of its people, which means that the goals will be achieved, the security of the country is guaranteed – Putin.
The news is being updated.
Lone Wolf
Excellent analysis, Andrei.
On CNN right now a correspondent in Kiev is on a rooftop and is hearing a series of explosions in the background.
No indication of where they are coming from, “quite a distance away.”
It was an absurd moment, he stopped to put on protective gear that he happened to have handy, a heavy vest saying “press” and a really stupid looking helmet.
Now they say they are hearing outgoing artillery fire.
I seem to remember CNN pulling a stunt like this in 1990, guess the younger folk didn’t see it.
Here is a reminder: CNN Fake News – 1990 Gulf War – Reporter pretends to be in warzone but clearly is not
“Putin said that he fully intends to disarm the Ukraine, at least from all her heavy weapons. Since the Ukies won’t give them up, I see only one way to achieve this: disarm them by force.”
This is news to us. Perhaps, what Putin means, is that he’ll send in troops to The LNDR territories, to protect the citizens there from the US & Ukrainian mercenaries.
We have read, Putin has no intention of invading the Ukraine, which would be the wisest course to take, considering how the US would jump immediately on Putin.
The US is redundant, they are the cause, the cancer and have zero moral authority.
F**k the US.
In all circumstances, even when declaring war, Putin is always a gentleman and a proper statesman. He is being kind and considerate to the Ukrainian cannon fodder, being used by the West and the oligarchs to die for their Russophobia.
Putin Authorizes Special Operation in Donbass
Russian President Vladimir Putin announced in a Thursday morning address that Russian forces have no plans to occupy Ukraine. However, Russia will defend itself if it is the only option presented, the president noted.
Putin has directed Russian forces to conduct a special operation in the Donbass region, according to February 24 remarks from the Russian president. Putin declared that he expects consolidated Parliamentary support for the operation in the Donbass region.
Putin remarked that the NATO-allied war machine supporting ‘Neo-Nazis’ in Ukraine is moving and closely approaching Russia’s borders.
Responding to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky statement that Kiev may reconsider the country’s non-nuclear status under the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, Putin declared that Russia would not let such a thing happen.
The Russian president took time to address Ukrainian forces, urging Kiev’s service members to lay down their arms and remember that they gave an oath to people, not junta.
“The circumstances make us take decisive and immediate actions. The people’s republics of Donbas asked Russia for assistance,” Putin said. “In this regard, in accordance with Article 51, Part 7 of the UN Charter, with the sanction of the Federation Council and in pursuance of the friendship and mutual assistance treaties with the DPR and LPR, ratified by the Federal Assembly, I have decided to conduct a special military operation.”
Lone Wolf
I don’t get this.
The US/NATO have repeatedly and consistently said they will not step in to physically defend Ukraine.
So, why does Ukraine keep saying they want to join NATO and want to fight the Russians.
I don’t get it tooo.
Simplest answer is because Zelensky is retarded and naive. Like a abused wife.
Explosions reportedly heard across Ukraine??? Far from Donbass.
Has Putin’s special operation even began or could these blasts be numerous false flags to blame Russia?
I don´t know, those explosions in Kiev and others Ukrainian cities seem very outlandish to me. If i´m not wrong, they came minutes after Putin announced the military operation in Donbass. And the moment was indeed britishly awkward. I could be wrong, but don´t they seem as flase flag attacks? What do you make up of it?
I take it that you have no experience with bears.
The rodeo is on big time.
The entire Ukrainian navy has been destroyed.
There will be so many more developments, so fast, that it’s probably pointless to note them.
Specify – “mosquito fleet”, there was no other. Ostalnoe under repair or in line for scrap metal.
No, they announce they will deNazify Ukraine. They are going to take all the NATO toys and bring the scumbags to justice who thought they could shell civilians since 2014 with impunity. The blood is on US hands for buying these people, pushing this to the limits. Now the Bear is awake. Biden is fantastically stupid. Western leaders are a disaster for the planet. I just pray this is completed swiftly and with minimal loss of life. Hopefully, the Odessa murderers and Nazi guys will get to swing from a rope after trials.
I do hope this happens. This is exactly what the murderous western idiots need. Russia should also name the elites hidding behind these idiots…
@ Saker
Thanks, always, for your granulated insights into the West-Russia conundrum.
Ze is now looking into the abyss and cannot see the bottom. Someone posted a Sputnik link to the news announcing,
“Zelensky: Ukraine Ready for Talks With Russia in Various Formats”
“Today, I requested a phone conversation with the president of the Russian Federation. The result is silence. However, the silence must be in Donbas,” Zelensky said.
Poor clown, the circus is closing on him, silence will be his companion as an array of forces tighten up around him like a juggernaut. As Saker well pointed out, his political space just got reduced, his 404 “army” can now only advance…backwards. He chose jackals and hyenas as political allies, they will soon start blaming him for the debacle, once the Russian army start cleaning up Donbass, and then will jump on him. Ze’s time is running out, his window of opportunity to get out somewhere (Poland, 3B, US, UK, France) is closing by the day. The implacable jaws of history are slowly but surely circling around him like vultures waiting for a dying man to take his last step before gouging his eyes out.
Soon there will be no one answering his phone calls, not just the Kremlin. He is now desperately knocking doors, at the UN, the Kremlin, the “Western allies,” his awareness of having been just a puppet in route to getting tossed to the trash bin of history, is bubbling up to the surface of his conscience. The extension of his political, and even his physical life now depends on how much longer his usefulness allows him to survive. Ze is a tragic, sad personality, abandoned his life as a clown to turned into a marionette.
Lone Wolf
As the saying goes: “Rooster one day, feather duster the next!”
It will be interesting to see how many of these ukonazi types stick around for the the court cases.
I expect they will be following their Western pay-masters over to Kviv with “safe nights” in a Polish hotel barking at the moving shadows on the other side of the iron-wire fence.
Any manly macho-response from the gender-bender rainbow-knickers club in Brussels?
Shakespeare would’ve had a field day with your material.
It is escalating at this very moment..
It’s finally happening, Russia is going to Liberate most, perhaps all, of Ukraine from the Nazis!
Another great moment in American diplomacy.
America threatens massive sanctions in order to deter the Russians to keep out of Ukraine.
Putin instead recognizes the Republics, and says he’s sending in peacekeepers.
America then unleashes their sanctions.
… what happens next?
Its like a comedy routine where the comedian pulls out the support for the beam thus dropping it on their own head.
I wonder if Hunter Biden’s Burisma Holdings & Stock have been left unharmed?
Hunter couldn’t be contacted for comment, he’s looking for his crack-pipe.
This Telegram channel gives almost up to the minute updates:
Looks like Russia will take all the south and east of Ukraine, possibly even Kiev.
Hal Turner has latest Intel as well:
There seems to be uptodate data on this link as well.
“Neil Hauer @NeilPHauer · 24m
We can hear consistent explosions from downtown Kyiv”
I just have to say that declaring Donbass independent was a masterstroke tactic. The pen was certainly mightier than the sword, and my mind is STILL blown from it.
It appears that MAYBE the reciprocal counter-attack, peacekeeping “invasion” started, reports of Wagner at Kiev Airport, Mariupol is contested, landing vehicles inbound somewhere, war crimes tribunal (don’t ask me how) has been started today, Donbass will join CSTO and invite CSTO allies there and somehow there is no intel on Crimea.
I must stress once again, ALL of these moves were forced by the west, every single one was reciprocal. Ukraine sends terrorists, increases genocide regime, US+UA cyberattacks Russia, Russia cyberattacks back, Ukraine threatens nukes, US ‘sanctions from hell’ to try and intimidate instead of deescalate, Russia looks to adopt bitcoin as new official currency, red lines made very well known, Russian bear finally awake and will defend itself.
The same fate for Taiwan awaits shortly.
Welcome to the new Cold War/pre-WWIII Multi-World Order, guys! This is going to be fun.
Gold is up $50.00 an ounce. The Ukrainian Nazis are being eliminated. Trust the golden canary in the coal mine.
Until this information is not verified, do not trust it, this is, allegedly, a Ukrainian mouthpiece.This is, in Russian,, English version, is not carrying this news.
The news is that at 6:00 am 02/24/2022, Russia launched an attack on Kharkiv, Kiev and Mariupol. This explosions might have been what the CNN presstitutes were looking up from their hotel, I speculate.
Russia is bombing Kharkiv, Kiev, and Mariupol.
Today, at about 6 a.m., Russia began large-scale missile and artillery strikes on the territory of Ukraine. According to data available to the news agency, active strikes are carried out by Russian artillery and tactical missile weapons on the largest cities located in the central and eastern parts of Ukraine, including Kiev, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Mariupol, Zaporozhye, etc.
On the presented video frames you can see how strikes are carried out on the territory of Ukraine from the vicinity of Belgorod, while as a result of the strikes there is extremely serious destruction in the largest cities of Ukraine and on the territory of military facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
There are dozens of videos on the Web demonstrating the power of missile and artillery strikes on the territory of Ukraine. At the same time, judging by the video, tactical missile weapons are actively used.
At the moment, there is information that Russian combat aviation is also actively used against the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but no official confirmation of this or documented facts have been presented.
Lone Wolf
There are dozens of videos on the Web demonstrating the power of missile and artillery strikes on the territory of Ukraine. At the same time, judging by the video, tactical missile weapons are actively used.
Russia inflicts large-scale missile strikes on the largest cities of Ukraine and military facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
according to rt, the Russian Min of Def is now revealing strike targets
The missile strikes against Ukraine military facilities could be false flags but I’m hoping they are not. It would make sense for Russia to strike these facilities as part of their defense od the Donbass.
@ Anton Gorbatow
No false flags anymore, Anton, this is The Saker’s Pain-Dial in forward motion turning the wheel of justice on the wicked and corrupt.
From Andrei Martyanov at “Reminiscence of the Future” blog,
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
It Started. Breaking News.
The “de-communization” of Ukraine has started. War crimes tribunal announced. Putin’s address to nation!
USE as the open thread.
Evidently Borispol Airport is under attack–closing any chance for criminals to escape. I assume SSO should be on the ground already.
Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf, Thanks for the update
According to ASB News / Military, Mariupol fell already to Russian/LPR/DPR forces.
BREAKING: Mariupol falls to Russian/LPR/DPR forces
Lone Wolf
The forces of the LDNR exist only in the minds of the LDNR themselves and the media, in fact they do not exist. What they took there, divide by googol.
And never believe their military reports, just bragging and lies. They were never allowed to fight, cowards and idiots. As private security companies were oligarchs, they remained so – they arCourage is one and the same.e not capable of more. I tried to teach them – the result of the Arabs is easier to teach, but better than blacks.
They are now reporting for orders, medals, awards – so they are hung with their tsatsks like Christmas trees, soon the Korean generals will be overtaken.
“The military-political leadership of Ukraine is paralyzed, the troops are completely demoralized. They haven’t even declared war. The war has been going on for an hour and a half and the Armed Forces of Ukraine have already been completely defeated”
BREAKING Reports that the entire city of Mariupol has been captured by the Donetsk People’s Republic and Russian Armed Forces
Everything Andrei said came true. Ukraine is being disarmed right now.
Disarmed, defanged & dismantled.
Deconstruction is bitch, … but new & vital life will grow from the demolition rubble.
Those with any sense will raise the white flags and accept the new future(s) that are now being born by what some call “Mother Russia”. Catholics to the west & orthodox to the east, … now what about that break-away Orthodox Church of Ukraine? Are they packing up the silver and heading west to Poland as well?
For years they’ve been taunting the Bear to come out of hibernation, we dare you, they were saying, we will make you pay with sanctions from hell… The Bear has just come out of its lair, growling and pretty pissed off, didn’t they tell you about the Russian Bear, don’t ever fuck with it or you will loose more than your marbles…
Yes, it is allready escalating,,
Check this guy out…
Any marauders, robbers and rapists on the streets of the liberated Ukrainian cities will be shot right at the scene of the crime.
The DPR forces are attacking the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine along the entire line of contact using all means of destruction available to them – Basurin, a representative of the People’s Militia of the DPR
The National Defense Control Center of the Ministry of Defense is reliably protected from DDos attacks and from any “attacks” in general.
Think before copy-pasting fakes
“The DPR forces are attacking the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine along the entire line of contact using all means of destruction available to them…”
The interesting policy question is — if the DPR repoblics decide to ‘liberate’ the rest (or most of) Urkraine from the euo-nazi thugs (especially if there is a major rout) and finish the previous push towards Kiev, then what will Russia’s foriegn policy be? Neutral? Supportive? Hindrance?
Will Russia stop at the old documented borders but not stop DPR forces from going further if oppotunites exist etc?
I would say, that Putin would likely just pause and watch — the DPR and the Kiev ‘Jokers’ Junta may end up having their Mink III meeting on the Rada steps of Kiev after all is said and done. Nice poetic outcomes for western mass media to choke on in due course. Scenario will likely depend on the scale of the Ukie-military collapse/cauldon party etc.
Bandera-Turkish mourning – the VSK of the Russian Federation delivered a pinpoint strike of the Caliber missile launcher on the Kulbakino military airfield (Nikolaev region), where the Bayraktar strike UAVs were located
Return to sender, from Russia with love…
Good news. Source, please…
Russian Ministry of Defense under DDoS attack.
This page isn’t working right now
If the problem continues, contact the site owner.
Not working for me here, US east coast, can other posters verify from their neck of the woods?
Ministry of Foreign Affairs working fine.
Lone Wolf
Working fine for me in Ecuador…
it works from russia
I must vehemently object to the use of rodents in your analogy because that is an insult to rodents. Unfortunately I don’t know what you could use instead because the evil creatures antagonizing the bear are far, far lower than any species I’m aware of.
A millennial “war correspondent” that didn’t realize what he signed up for.
good channel for info and vids >
Ukrainian military facilities are being hit by Russian precision weapons, the defense ministry said.
Remember that Putin is a student of the “Art of War” and will try to win while reducing casualties to a minimum. He has promised that Ukraine troops on the contact line can peacefully go home to their families. This offer does not extend to the nazi brigades.
Background videos on Russian military capabilities:
Russian Army – “Terrifies NATO Generals” || Russian Military (2020)–kVgRJdU
The Russian Military – Modern Russian Army (2021)
Russian Army – “Northern Storm” (2022)
Confirmed that is Ukrainian Chuguev, unconfirmed is the location TB2 drones are stored. All information this early into the game needs to be verified. Please post links, if possible, to any news.
ASB News / MILITARY〽️@ASBMilitary·1mCONFIRMED FOOTAGE — The airfield in Ukrainian Chuguev, some say this is where TB2 drones were stored. (cant confirm that part)
Lone Wolf
good channel for video. In Russian
Disagreeing with the revered Saker. If the large scale military operation that’s now underway goes through, then that’s going to be seen as a massive defeat for NATO. Afghanistan, though extremely costly, was never seen as part of NATO’s core business of fighting large scale conventional wars. Ukraine was propped up over years to do exactly that.
Regardless of the outcome, this war is going to have ramifications far and wide. If the gas supply gets cut, then expect hyperinflation and massive destabilization in zone A. It’s difficult to see how they would react to it short of abandoning all democratic pretenses. They may abandon all democratic pretenses anyway toward everything and everyone that is seen as even remotely pro-Russian.
And why should Russia stop with Ukraine? The non-ultimatum was about NATO’s more eastward. Let’s say Russia achieves its stated goals as expressed by Putin, then NATO has no choice but to militarize its eastern flank massively if only for internal reasons. That would leave Russia in an even more precarious position than today.
I think Poland has crimes to pay for as well, by slaughtering Belarus migrants at Chernobyl exclusion zone, the fascists and ultranationalists are in Bulgaria too, and this strike may only make these groups even more hellbent at plotting Russia’s demise. (although they will be too scared to do so)
What is sufficient punishment to the Nazi threat? Move NATO all the way back to 1990 territory?
Jason Kenney, Trudeau, Bojo, Biden… your tribunal cases are coming, I guarantee it.
Round up the Usual Suspects including the EU vermin who instigated these War Crimes, including Ursula Von Der Lying , Stoltenberg and the rest of the filthy Cabal.
“The Ukraine must recognize Crimea and Sevastopol as Russian territory
The Ukraine must officially renounce joining NATO
The Ukraine must negotiate a settlement with the LDNR Republics
The Ukraine must be demilitarized and declared neutral”
He presents this as if providing a list of wishes rather than an ultimatum. The comparison with a bear fits: Russia can look like a bear walking in the direction of food without appearing hungry, but you know the bear will eat. As in, “We’re just practicing our military drills.” “Don’t tell us what to do in our territory.” Lovrov was the clearest of them all, saying something like, “We’re in our territory and, besides, there are Western troops in the Baltics.”
I don’t know why Putin chose Medvedev. He sounds unprofessional, amateurish, strident, out of place. Yeltsin’s choice of Putin was impressive and underappreciated. I think it more than made up for any errors Yeltsin made.
Vous avez vu vrai , Saker…La russie a commencé à désarmer l’Ukraine cette nuit…
U see right Saker, …it begun this night to disarmed the ukrops
“Russia launched an attack on Ukraine on Thursday morning on the orders of President Vladimir Putin. He said the goal of the operation was to demilitarize and “de-Nazify” Ukraine.” (RT)
ASB News / MILITARY〽️@ASBMilitary·49m1 hour and 22 mins — Russia disables the entire Ukrainian military.
ASB News / MILITARY〽️@ASBMilitary·50mBREAKING: RUSSIAN MOD — “Military infrastructure, air defense facilities, military airfields and aviation of the Ukrainian army have been disabled by high-precision weapons.”
R + P + 3B, are you watching?
Lone Wolf
An offer Ze can’t refuse…
ASB News / MILITARY〽️@ASBMilitary·5mQuote Tweet
J Michael Waller@JMichaelWaller · 1h
Sole source in Kyiv tells me that the two Turkish military Airbus planes at Boryspil airport are under Russian military control, parked at the presidential/VIP terminal, with safe passage to evacuate President Zelinsky and his entourage if they desire to leave.
Lone Wolf
After Aliev signed this treaty of friendship and cooperation in the Kremlin Israel has finally and completely lost Azerbaijan as an outpost for attacks on Iran.
Armenia and Azerbaijan have been pacified. No more schemes of US oil corporations about Caspian oil deposits!
Another big moment for the multipolar world. USA has been shown the door in Central Asia.
Yes, Putin has a plan with at least three steps. And it looks to me like the plan was borrowed from uncle Remus. The USA tried to make Donbass the tar baby to entrap Russia.
Putin figured out that due to hubris, if he says “Please don’t do X” the USA will immediately do X to show who is boss.
He said please stop shelling Donbass civilians. They did it. He denazifies Ukraine. That was Phase 2.
Phase 3, Putin says sternly * “Путин: Вы хотите декоммунизацию? Ну что же, нас это вполне устраивает. Но не нужно, что называется, останавливаться на полпути. Мы готовы показать вам, что значит для Украины настоящая декоммунизация.”
The USA will do exactly what he said not to do. And that will trigger the trap that will discredit the USA and NATO in the eyes of Europe. My bet is, that trap involves sinking ships. But whatever it is will be far more humiliating than Afghanistan.
*Google translation,MOD:
“Putin: Do you want decommunization? Well, that suits us just fine. But it is not necessary, as they say, to stop halfway. We are ready to show you what real decommunization means for Ukraine.”
It was a terrible mistake to awaken the slumbering #Russian bear. #Ukraine military will be destroyed in quick time. Expecting hostilities to end with Russia claiming all its objectives have been met and announce ceasefire within 24 hrs.
Over before Americans wake up for morning toast & coffee!
Where is Jens Stoltenberg hiding ??
Well, as usual the saker is spot on with his predictions. I just read the “news headlines” of the French press, full of extremely lurid extensions of the “Russian invasion” of the last few months, writing of explosions in Kiev and other cities far from Donbass- only one paper kept the “facts” and the language moderate. All of course quoted the USA and especially the UN rep, who seems to be as believable as previous holders of this post ie hysterical and Russophobic. It must be such a boon for the USA, with its multiple disastrous domestic problems, and for the UK, with Boris Johnson about to destroy the Northern Ireland peace obtained at such cost , to have a “punish Russia” plan supported by all their Western “free media” to take their attention from the real needs of the populations which will soon have more inflation and energy shortages.
Hours after Russia’s military actions began, Ukraine’s defense minister says that the situation is under control. I kid you not!
Kiev Karl.
“Ukraine’s defense minister says that the situation is under control”.
It’s quite true. Russian control.
Department of Information of the Ministry of Defense of Russia
@Air defense systems of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are suppressed.
The military infrastructure of the air bases of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been disabled.
The military border services of Ukraine do not offer any resistance to Russian units.”
Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry stated that military infrastructure, air defense facilities, military airfields and aviation of the Ukrainian army are disabled by high-precision weapons.
It was noted that no missile, air or artillery strikes were carried out on the cities of Ukraine.
The cities of Shchastya and the village of Luganskoye were liberated from the Nazis.
Kharkiv and Chernihiv regions surrendered to the Armed Forces of Ukraine without a fight.
The Crimean group took the city of Genichesk in the Kherson region.
Notwithstanding all US propaganda, looks like Brandon was right about his prediction!
I’m not sure Brandon predicted Ukraine folding faster than Kabul
Russia closed the water area of the Azrva Sea.
Russia closed the airspace over the Sea of Azov the day before yesterday
Vileo of a hit by a high-precision hypersonic missile launcher “Caliber” at the base of the 114th tactical aviation brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (114 BrTA, military unit A1349) from a MiG-29.
Can’t open it now – “address is invalid”
Dnepropetrovsk region, the village of Marganets, Timoshovka. Destruction of the S-300 air defense missile battalion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Well, it’s sure going to be one hell of an analysis tomorrow.
Can’t wait!
Thank you SAker!
Me too! Thanks, Saker and community. This is a historic time!
Looks like the day of reckoning had come.
Full assault underway.
It took an entire day of reckoning? Seems more like hours only.
I must confess it is terribly satisfying to watch the entire globohomo West collectively ahit themselves.
Message from the President of the Russian Federation
February 24, 2022 06:00 Moscow, Kremlin
Vladimir Putin: Dear citizens of Russia! Dear friends!
Today, I again consider it necessary to return to the tragic events taking place in the Donbass and the key issues of ensuring the security of Russia itself.
Let me start with what I said in my address of February 21 this year. We are talking about what causes us particular concern and anxiety, about those fundamental threats that year after year, step by step, are rudely and unceremoniously created by irresponsible politicians in the West in relation to our country. I mean the expansion of the NATO bloc to the east, bringing its military infrastructure closer to Russian borders.
It is well known that for 30 years we have persistently and patiently tried to reach an agreement with the leading NATO countries on the principles of equal and indivisible security in Europe. In response to our proposals, we were constantly faced with either cynical deception and lies, or attempts at pressure and blackmail, while the North Atlantic Alliance, in the meantime, despite all our protests and concerns, is steadily expanding. The war machine is moving and, I repeat, is coming close to our borders.
Why is all this happening? Where does this impudent manner of speaking from the position of one’s own exclusivity, infallibility and permissiveness come from? Where does the disdainful, disdainful attitude towards our interests and absolutely legitimate demands come from?
The answer is clear, everything is clear and obvious. The Soviet Union in the late 80s of the last century weakened, and then completely collapsed. The whole course of events that took place then is a good lesson for us today as well; it convincingly showed that the paralysis of power and will is the first step towards complete degradation and oblivion. As soon as we lost confidence in ourselves for some time, and that’s it, the balance of power in the world turned out to be disturbed.
This has led to the fact that the former treaties and agreements are no longer in effect. Persuasion and requests do not help. Everything that does not suit the hegemon, those in power, is declared archaic, obsolete, unnecessary. And vice versa: everything that seems beneficial to them is presented as the ultimate truth, pushed through at any cost, boorishly, by all means. Dissenters are broken through the knee.
What I am talking about now concerns not only Russia and not only us. This applies to the entire system of international relations, and sometimes even to the US allies themselves. After the collapse of the USSR, the redivision of the world actually began, and the norms of international law that had developed by that time – and the key, basic ones were adopted at the end of the Second World War and largely consolidated its results – began to interfere with those who declared themselves the winner in the Cold War .
Of course, in practical life, in international relations, in the rules for their regulation, it was necessary to take into account changes in the situation in the world and the balance of power itself. However, this should have been done professionally, smoothly, patiently, taking into account and respecting the interests of all countries and understanding our responsibility. But no – a state of euphoria from absolute superiority, a kind of modern form of absolutism, and even against the background of a low level of general culture and arrogance of those who prepared, adopted and pushed through decisions that were beneficial only for themselves. The situation began to develop according to a different scenario.
You don’t have to look far for examples. First, without any sanction from the UN Security Council, they carried out a bloody military operation against Belgrade, using aircraft and missiles right in the very center of Europe. Several weeks of continuous bombing of civilian cities, on life-supporting infrastructure. We have to remind these facts, otherwise some Western colleagues do not like to remember those events, and when we talk about it, they prefer to point not to the norms of international law, but to the circumstances that they interpret as they see fit.
Then came the turn of Iraq, Libya, Syria. The illegitimate use of military force against Libya, the perversion of all decisions of the UN Security Council on the Libyan issue led to the complete destruction of the state, to the emergence of a huge hotbed of international terrorism, to the fact that the country plunged into a humanitarian catastrophe that has not stopped for many years. civil war. The tragedy, which doomed hundreds of thousands, millions of people not only in Libya, but throughout this region, gave rise to a massive migration exodus from North Africa and the Middle East to Europe.
A similar fate was prepared for Syria. The fighting of the Western coalition on the territory of this country without the consent of the Syrian government and the sanction of the UN Security Council is nothing but aggression, intervention.
However, a special place in this series is occupied, of course, by the invasion of Iraq, also without any legal grounds. As a pretext, they chose reliable information allegedly available to the United States about the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. As proof of this, publicly, in front of the eyes of the whole world, the US Secretary of State shook some kind of test tube with white powder, assuring everyone that this is the chemical
Amen brother.
Unite Syria next, Mad dogs OUT.
Harkiv and Chernihiv regions surrendered to the Armed Forces of Ukraine without a fight.
Andrew, I think you mean “surrendered to the Armed Forces of RUSSIA without a fight”.
Absolutely right, thanks.
Some kind of devilry, for the umpteenth time – I write one thing is reformatted into another, with the opposite meaning)))
Of course, “the Armed Forces of Ukraine surrender without a fight to the Armed Forces of Russia” (virtual troops of the LDNR, this is also the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation)))
They are followed by Sumy and Zhytomyr regions.
The main results for 24.02.2022 10:50 (MSK) according to Russian media and military bloggers.
1. 24.02.2022 06:00 (MSK) Russian President Putin made an appeal and announced the beginning of a military operation on the territory of Ukraine. The objectives of the military operation of the Russian Army are to protect the residents of the DPR-LPR, demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine. Putin called on the Ukrainian military to lay down their arms. Putin said that Ukrainian soldiers will be able to leave the war zone unhindered and return to their families.
2. The Russian Army destroys airfields, ammunition depots, command posts, air defense points, warships and other military infrastructure of the Ukronazis throughout Ukraine with rocket and bomb attacks. The main military airfields of the Ukronazists were hit and destroyed, including in the largest cities of Kiev and Kharkiv. The headquarters of the Ukrainian Nazis in the Donbas was destroyed
3. The DPR-LPR armies launched an offensive to liberate their territories held by the Ukronazis.
4. Units of the Russian Army entered the territory of Ukraine, including from the Crimea and Belarus, and approached the second largest city of Ukraine, Kharkiv. Ukrainian border guards let Russian troops through. Some units of the Ukrainian Army leave their positions and do not resist.
Well, how in the hell are NATO supposed to get their new shipments of WMD’s through?
Ironic if they had just arrived, otherwise just reroute them to a nato country where the said country can now be liberated from them.
The military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including the border service, surrender without a fight, throwing their weapons.
Wise and humane.
The military operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation finally tore LukOshenko’s weather vane from Belarus from Nazi Ukraine and the national-fascist West (USA / NATO).
Let me remind you that from February 22 to February 26, early voting is held in Belarus at the Referendum on amendments to the Constitution of the republic.
Only one question was included in the voting ballots: do you accept amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus?
The referendum will be considered valid if more than half of the citizens included in the voting lists take part in it..
This is the only language these vermin understand. 8 long years of lethal hardware delivery with no consideration for the heroic peoples of Donbass will now be neutralised within 8 days.
Zelensky is unable to reach Putin on the phone. Says he’s receiving a recorded message only and doesn’t understand it. The recording has been sent to MI6 in London and their coding offices in Bletchley Park for deciphering . . . . . . even Mr Skripal has gotten out of his novichok death bed to assist in the deciphering.
Just in, MI6 have unscrambled Zelensky’s recording . . . Sorry you’ll have to call back later, we’re doing the dishes.
Any news about Auslander?
Border crossing in Uzhgorod – a long line in the EU.
Thanks, Andrew. I understand that Auslander is around this spot. I wish him well.
Interesting to see Ukrainians leaving to Slovakia…
The entry of the forces of the National Guard of Russia – public order + “denazification” together with the anti-terrorist operation.
The main mistake of Zelensky and the last straw that overflowed the cup of patience, in my opinion, was the threat of the use of nuclear weapons.
Neither Russia nor the world community as a whole can tolerate such a thing. In general, hohols were framed and poured into the toilet.)))
“The main mistake of Zelensky and the last straw…”
No, I think the exact moment when the penny dropped in Putin’s mind was during that live televised meeting with the German Olaf Scholz who justified Nato’s aggression in Europe as to “prevent genocide”. V. Putin’s legal mind and body language visually jumped at that point regarding the instant options this now-public narrative offered to move to the next step/phase.
Everything from there, including his dismissive walk off the stage in front of Olaf Scholz, has started to fall into place — a well planned place, just needing a public discourse justification. And they gave it to him.
My bet is, German energy policy will begin to turn nuclear again after a cold winter or two without Russian gas.
Perhaps we can call it “post-green” pragmatics …
I would second that.
Scholz’s “genocide…laughable” did make me cringe and made me wonder that Putin would let him get away with it.
They are all drunk on their own infallibility!
Indeed, coming out a mouth from that historic vector it had the tonal quality of a “gas-chambers…laughable” to it.
And live to Putin’s face, as a guest, in the heartland of Russian government that has not forgotten 25-million dead from the last German affront in the mid-20th century. It’s lucky the dipsh_t got home safely with all those ghosts on his tail. They really are a breed apart it seems. My bet is the first word Putin uttered after that was “Mount!” to Shoigu. His body language clearly implied he now felt he had the courtroom and judge of public opinion in his back pocket at last.
No! That had nothing to with it. In restrospect, it looks like it was decided around the time their top secret service guy said Ukraine was accumulating a large number of troops to invade Donbass, with other alarming information. It sounded like war propaganda that many days ago (close to two weeks ago). If it’s because of what someone said more recently, then maybe it was Zelensky saying just days ago that he still wants to be part of NATO and then that he wants nuclear weapons. More likely, such statements only made it easier just a little. The strategy of warning about an invasion so much was always wrong because it was really “provocative.” That strategy had always this possible effect, so there’s no way to discard it as part of the cause too. Biden’s date for the invasion was close, but it looked only “provocative” when he gave it and not something that could avoid it. Only Putin’s government knows when the decision was made (needless to say).
Are the Ukrainian troops moving side?
The joke of the Russian General Staff about tables booked for February 23 (Army and Navy Day of the USSR / Defender of the Fatherland Day) in restaurants in Ukraine turned out to be true. )))
Hahaha… Yes. :-)))
This is the stuff of Nostradamus. Purely Biblical.
…”not a step back, Russia”, let this one be our generation´s Stalingrad.
Russia went full scale in now, time of talking is finally over
Lets hope Nato will not escalade the situation
I live in Poland for many years and we are pretty close
Get ready for the Bandera tsunami.
Your government is only verbally ready or has already allocated financial resources from the state treasury for the repair and equipment of special zagovs – refugee accommodation centers.
I think that you will give them the Volyn massacre, you will give them the warmest welcome.
“In 1943 and 1944, nationalists from the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN (b)) during the so-called Volyn Massacre destroyed, according to various sources, from 50 to 100 thousand Poles – mostly civilians.
In response, the communist authorities of Poland in 1947 carried out the Vistula action – the forced relocation of about 150 thousand ethnic Ukrainians to the northern and western regions of the country with the aim of their complete assimilation.
Head of Crimea Aksyonov ordered to prepare the North Crimean Canal to receive Dnieper water
The reports coming from the territory of Ukraine say that the Marines have taken control of the North Crimean Canal. In this regard, the Head of the Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov, ordered to start preparing the water supply.
“Looks like we won’t need desalination plants. I gave the command to the Chairman of the State Committee for Water Management and Land Reclamation of the Republic of Crimea, Igor Vail, to prepare the North Crimean Canal for water intake,” Aksyonov said.
Recall that after the all-Crimean referendum on the entry of the republic into Russia, official Kiev blocked the North Crimean Canal, which provided the region with up to 80 percent of fresh water. Due to the water blockade on the peninsula, part of the agricultural crops died, especially rice fields and fish farms.
At the end of last summer, the situation with water supply became critical: a winter with little snow and an almost complete absence of precipitation led to a drought. Water supply schedules were introduced in Simferopol, Yalta and Alushta. Before the start of the holiday season, restrictions were partially lifted.
Recall that today, February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the start of a military special operation in Ukraine for the demilitarization and denazification of the neighboring state. He also stated that the plans of the Russian Federation do not include the occupation of Ukrainian territories. At the same time, Russia will not allow Ukraine to have nuclear weapons.
The Rooks Have Arrived
Poltava. Su-25 attack aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces are a nightmare of AVB Af Okraine