Today, I want to begin with a small allegorical story.
One upon a time, there was a bear sleeping in his lair and minding his business. One day, a small group of rodents decided to have some fun time pestering the bear. So they began running around, making a lot of noise (some even dared the bear to come out and fight them) and even threw colorful little pebbles at the bear. The bear mostly ignored them hoping they would eventually tire from that silly behavior and go away. But the rodents not only stayed, they began pelting the bear with even more pebbles and, sure enough, what had to happen happened: one pebble (with “ridiculous genocide claim” written on it) landed right on the eyelid of the bear and that *really* pissed the bear off. He finally got up, moved to the entrance of his lair and looked at the scurrying rodents. The bear wondered, what shall he do with these little rodents next? The rodents wondered about the same thing. And so they told the bear that if he dares leave his lair, they will pelt him with even more pebbles, so he better not move. What do you think the bear will do next?
Yesterday Putin gave a quite amazing (and short) press conference. Not only did he declare that Russia recognizes the LDNR Republics in their own, legal, borders (i.e. the full Donetsk and Lugansk regions), he also listed the four steps needed to be taken by the Ukraine to avoid a direct, unilateral, Russian action:
- The Ukraine must recognize Crimea and Sevastopol as Russian territory
- The Ukraine must officially renounce joining NATO
- The Ukraine must negotiate a settlement with the LDNR Republics
- The Ukraine must be demilitarized and declared neutral
This is clearly an ultimatum, but this time, to the authorities in Kiev.
Now a few simple comments:
Since Russia has recognized the LDNR in their original, administrative, regional borders, this means that all the Ukie forces between the current Line of Contact (LOC) and the borders between the original borders of the LDNR and the rest of the Ukraine are now de facto and de jure a foreign occupying force on the territory of a Russian ally which Russia promised to protect.
Just ponder the implications of that for a while, let it sink in: until yesterday, the Ukronazi forces were on their own territory, at least legally speaking. Now they are abroad and unwelcome.
Quite logically, several DNR and LNR officials have now demanded that Kiev withdraw these forces completely from the LDNR territory. As a small carrot, LDNR officials have said that if the Ukies retreat voluntarily there will be no further action taken. Conversely, that means that if the Ukies stay, the LDNR will do what is needed to make them leave.
That is an LDNR ultimatum to Kiev.
In plain English this means this:
- Putin has demanded that the Ukronazi forces immediately stop their attacks
- The LDNR has demanded that the Ukronazi forces immediately withdraw from all the territories the LDNR claims, and Russia recognizes, as belonging to the LDNR
Some LDNR official have offered this: stop the shelling, move at least your heavy force away from the LOC as you are supposed to under the ceasefire agreements and we won’t move our forces in. In other words, if the Ukies move out, the LDNR forces will stay out, but the territory vacated by the Ukies will become legally LDNR’s.
Since there is exactly zero chance that the Nazis in Kiev will accept, what does that tell you about the next move by the LDNR and, possibly, Russia?
Does anybody still seriously believe that Putin is bluffing?
In Russia, Medvedev has made a quite remarkable “patriotic comeback” with some very good words at the meeting of the Russian Security Council. He also posted this quite mocking tweet after Olaf decided to declare that NS2 would not be certified “now” (whatever that means). Olaf is already starting to backpedal and make ambiguous statements about the long term future of NS2.
And, the beauty of the current dynamics, is that the Germans are doing it to themselves (and to the rest of the EU) while Russia STILL has not used the “energy weapon” against anybody. So Russia cannot be accused of using energy as a weapon or reneging on her obligations!
Russia is offering cheap gas to Germany and the rest of the EU. But if the latter want to please Uncle Shmuel so badly that they are willing to wreck their own economies – by all means, Russia fulfilled her obligation and it sure ain’t her fault that the Germans are now (at least pretending to) renege on their part of the deal.
If the Europeans want to turn up the pain dial upon themselves, Russia sure won’t object.
And did I mention that the recent increase in energy prices has yielded such a profit for Gazprom, that it has already paid for the Russian investment in NS2! If the Germans really pull out of the deal, there will be huge lawsuits which will make the Germans pay even more. Finally, with the energy prices going up again, Gazprom is making billions of dollars of extra revenue.
As for the USA – the likely increase in the costs of energy (oil and gas) will provide an even further boost to the already very high inflation. But does “Biden” care?
Nope. “Biden” is so drunk on his ideological delusions that he rather accept an even worse inflation if that can hurt Russia (which it won’t, but nevermind that). That his sanctions won’t really hurt Russia is entirely irrelevant, in Zone A all that matters is make believe and verbiage. Facts don’t matter one bit.
I have been saying it for a long while already: there is no “US policy” left, all that’s left is chaos, corruption, gross incompetence, maniacal delusion of still being the planet’s Sheriff combined with a rather comical belief that the US can scare Russia into submission.
Joe, in Russia’s long history much stronger leaders than you have already tried that. Do you want to end like them?
Apparently yes!
In fact, the US has announced that there will be no Putin-Biden meeting and no Lavrov-Blinken meeting either. I am sure that both Putin and Lavrov are sobbing in abject fear and total despair…
There is a good chance that all this will end up with a full severance of diplomatic relations between Russia and the USA (along with a few EU Tabakis à la UK).
Furthermore, to show the “determination of the US led free West” the US is sending a few hundred extra troops to Latvia. And some helicopters from Italy to Poland. And if that was not terrifying enough, Canada’s Trudeau is also sending a few hundred extra Canadian troops to the Baltics.
At this pace, in a few weeks NATO might have a “combined regiment” safely tucked away somewhere in Poland or the Baltics, while knowing full well that Russia will never use any force against the 3B simply because Russia has exactly zero interest in, or desire for, them or their lands.
In fact, these statlets are as much in freefall as Banderastan, why should Russia want them? As for Poland, the more neutral ground between them and Russia, the better for Russia. In history both Russia and Germany have tried to manage Poland, now it is the time for the USA to give it a shot. I wish both the Poles and the US Americans a lot of fun – amusez-vous bien! (though it is still better to have to administer the Polish colony than the Ukie one.
The truth is that even if all the Ukraine’s neighbors simply and magically were allowed to take all the Ukrainian territory they want, a lot would be left unclaimed (most of the central and northern part).
That’s how bad a shithole country 404 has become… Maybe somebody will just fence them in and feed them like in a zoo?
Does anybody seriously believe that Russia will be impressed by any of that ridiculous nonsense?
Until the time of writing this, the Ukronazis have continued shelling and shooting, but there has been no full-scale ground attack (yet!). The Ukie special services have sent a few diversionary groups into the LDNR and even into a small strip of Russian land. These groups were detected and intercepted by the Russian Border Guards. The Ukies tried to send a few BMP infantry fighting vehicles to rescue their soldiers only to have them destroyed by the Russian military’s anti-tank weapons.
Today the Ukies continued to direct their artillery attacks and diversionary groups at the LDNR. Water and electricity are off in some parts of the LDNR. People are still dying every day and there is no signs of the Ukie bombardments abating. Especially violent combats are taking place near the town of Nikolaevka.
The Ukies have also declared a state of emergency (to be approved by the Rada) and are now making more and more noises about re-arming themselves with nuclear weapons. Smart move when Putin says that the Ukraine must be disarmed :-)

Ukronazi war criminals
By the way, the Russian Investigative Committee has declared that Russia knows, by name, all the folks who on the Ukie side gave orders to shell the LDNR. There are already over 400 criminal cases opened for war crimes, including 85 top Ukronazi officials, beginning with Turchinov and his military commanders Galetei and Gritsenko, Arsen Avakov and their deputies Shevchuk, Dublian and Gerashchenko. The notorious ZioNazi oligarch Igor Kolomoiskii, the commanders of the Ukie air force and navy (or whatever is left of them by now), the Chief of the Ukie Airborne forces, the Commander of Ukie Special Forces, the main Urkonazi Dmitrii Iarosh and many many more Ukronazis are also on that list.
Frankly, I think that the Ukies are terrified.
I know I sure would if I was in their place.
They cannot simply retreat, there is no way Ze can order that and not be overthrown.
They cannot attack because now it is too late, all these force comparisons between the Banderastani forces and the LDNR forces have become, if not irrelevant, than at least a lot less relevant now that Putin has basically prepared both the military and the legal conditions necessary for any kind of Russian military operation, from strikes with standoff weapons, to a ground and/or amphibious assault. All he has to do now is say “go”. Judging by his tone yesterday, not only do I feel that he is willing to give that order, but I also think that he has accepted that this is the “least bad” option for Russia and the LDNR.
Again, Putin said that he fully intends to disarm the Ukraine, at least from all her heavy weapons. Since the Ukies won’t give them up, I see only one way to achieve this: disarm them by force.
So, in one way or another, I expect major combat action in the Eastern Ukraine in the next couple of days.
Keep in mind that the West’s response to Putin’s words and actions only serve to further convince Russia that 1) more sanctions and subversion is inevitable 2) violence is unavoidable.
Remember these famous words by Putin: “Fifty years ago, the streets of Leningrad taught me one thing: If a fight’s inevitable, you must strike first“?
It appears to me that the Kremlin has concluded that a violent fight is, indeed, inevitable. You figure out the rest :-)
In other news, Putin and Aliev have just signed a major cooperation treaty between Russia and Azerbaijan.
Yes, Aliev decided to travel to Moscow and meet Putin on the day Russia officially recognized the LDNR. It is a very smart move by both of these politicians. First, Aliev needs to show Turkey that yes, we are friends and allies, but I will balance that with my friendship and alliance with Russia. Erdogan might be a crazy megalomaniac, but he ain’t stupid and he sure did get that message.
After all, who said that Erdogan must be the leader of the Turkic world?
I am pretty sure that Russia (and China!) would very much prefer Aliev for a very long list of reasons, including the fact that he is very smart, very realistic, quite ruthless when needed and he understands Putin very well (the two are good friends). And since Erdogan is trying to play both the Russian and the Ukie card, here is a clear warning to him, be nice, or else…
So where do we go from here?
I would say that major combat operations against the Ukie forces in the LDNR republics are probably inevitable and, barring some last minute miracle, the Russians will soon disarm a good part of the Ukie forces. Remember that Putin specifically added the disarmament of the Ukraine as one of his demands.
Does anybody think that anybody can stop the disarmament (we are talking about major weapon systems, not AKs) of the Ukraine by Russia in the near/middle term?
I don’t.
Next, I think that Putin will successfully impose all his demands upon the Ukraine, which means two things:
- The Kiev regime will collapse, at least de facto
- The rest of Banderastan will eventually break-up into different regimes and successor states
I think that there is a high probability that the US/NATO will move some forces into western Ukraine, to “protect their people and infrastructure” in and around Lvov, and to declare that “their show of unity and determination stopped Russia from invading the entire Ukraine”. I don’t think that Russia will object too much against any NATO move inside and limited to the Lvov/Ivano-Frankovsk region. These are not historically Russian lands and they are basically irrelevant to Russia.
If the US wants the Poles to oppress the Ukronazis in their own western Ukraine, nobody in Russia will care.
As for the West, to take credit for a defeat is a long US/NATO tradition, so such an operation can be used to save NATO’s face.
But that won’t be enough.
The West has already been beaten politically, and now a military defeat of some kind is probably inevitable.
I am not talking about an invasion of the entire Ukraine (God forbid!) but it will be clear to all that the Russian bear forced NATO to retreat, politically and militarily. The Anglos are too smart to volunteer for a war with Russia. The Polaks are, as always, only hiding behind the backs of their latest (Anglo) masters. The Balts are irrelevant.
So the only option is to fight the Russians down the the last Ukrainian and when that happens, it might not be an “NATO defeat” legally speaking, but like on 08.08.08 it will be a crushing defeat for NATO publicly. Maybe not as bad as Kabul, but much worse than Georgia in 08.08.08.
At that point, a lot of folks will be wondering if NATO is worth the money spent on. And once that process begins, there will be no stopping it.
If the US/NATO/EU had any brains, they would quickly accept the total and final loss of the LDNR, following by a declaration that the Ukraine has become a neutral, demilitarized, state. In exchange for that, Russia would provide firm security guarantees and cheap energy. But that would be common sense, not exactly the kind of mindset which brought us to today’s crisis.
So let’s see what Uncle Shmuel and his Eurorodents will do next.
My expectation is more hot air from the West and more unilateral Russian actions in the East.
Stay tuned.
For those amongst us that are new readers, particularly Americans that are breaking the shackles of indoctrinated nonsense and pointed false narratives, here is a heads up in easy language.
Sputin Putin is playing the lead role in a movie called “Pale Rider”. Dem der nasty folk have beseiged the tin panners, exploiting them, hurting them unabated. Many bad things.
The most terrible part is the nasty folk are blaming their own atrocities on the “Pale Rider” and presenting themselves as do gooders.
The Pale Rider has been derided for years on these issues.
The “Pale Rider” spat in his hands, kicked the dust in a mysterious fashion, and proclaimed the only spoken words in his role.
“There’s gonna be a showdown alright”
But this time its not Hollywood, its kinda for real. The nasty folk are now pooping their pants.
The next movie is called “Unforgiven”
Given how the things progressed today, the only thing I could say to the people in Donbass – братушки, желаем вам удачи!
NS2 is a pistol pointed against the heart of Europe, with Putin caressing the trigger. The Germans were crazy to agree to it in the first place. Cheap gas sure, but at what price?
. . . . but at what price?
Duh, FREEDOM. Freedom from Uncle USS Satan.
True in a limited sense, though let’s be exhaustive on the subject of freedom: Any society which in its gluttony insists on a way of life which requires it to import energy (or food or water or anything else physically necessary) can never be free.
Well, the Germans still have North Stream-1. BTW, does anyone noticed, that when there are talks about closing and shutting down streams, nobody mention NS1? If the Gerries were so devoted to euro-atlantic “values” why NS1 is still operatonal?
According to experts, the fields for NS1 have only enough gas for 4-5 years, therefore the logic of NS2. But Germany is right now in full mystical ascetic mode, seemingly oblivious as to how these sanctions will hurt them more than Russia, and therefore may very well start driving further nails into their flesh.
Well some masochist green party politicians and liberal thinktankers are already fantasizing about a total energy boycott.
Eh. No.
What the pipelines from russia provide to Europe is ENERGY SECURITY from the US/UK who rule the seas.
In reality, each of the pipelines, including those over Ukraine and Poland, are a shield which the Europeans (Germans specifically) purchased from the Russians to protect them from the UKUS alliance.
As with any shield, the protected always has the right to not use it.
The funny thing is when the protected is “threatening” his weapons shield provider that they will not use it to protect themselves. Eh, Right!
Monthy Python territory.
“…the US/UK who used to rule the seas”.
Maybe some American TV commentator will come up with the idea that NS2 was built so that Russian soldiers could crawl through it and take over Europe.
Who will be the new president of Ukraine?
Surely Putin’s godfather Medvedchuk, Viktor Vladimirovich, will harness himself to the shafts, oh, I don’t think so. )))
An agrarian country with a technical default, which this year alone must pay about 60% of its budget revenues – more than $21 billion – to service its debt.
And how creditors will look at force majeure. )))
Не “наверняка”, а “неужели” (!) – “Неужели путинский кум Медведчук, Виктор Владимирович, в оглобли впрягается, ой, я так не думаю. ))).
“An agrarian country with a technical default, which this year alone must pay about 60% of its budget revenues – more than $21 billion – to service its debt.
And how creditors will look at force majeure.”
We’ll see how helpful is Kiev’s good friend the US in getting that debt forgiven, now that Kiev faces such dire straits stemming from doing what the US ordered it to do.
I won’t hold my breath.
To promise does not mean to do.
Although the FRS, of course, does not cost anything to “print”, or rather to knock on the keyboard. )))
Ukraine severed diplomatic relations with Russia – Zelensky
He does not declare war – gas is more expensive than the lives of the citizens of Territory 404.
Here is a link. Mod:
Thanks mod!
I’m going to make a prediction: Zelensky will either flee to Poland or commit suicide.
Erdogan already promised to provide him with an aircraft for the flight,
Probably Bayraktar. )))
He is a comedian, but he is no stupid.
He did not order anything that could be considered a war crime. He simply let the lower rank folks take the responsibility in every single case. The only “case” that could be made against him is he did not take a “harder” stance which is moot by now.
If he moves, it will be not because he is scared of Russians, but because he is scared of the US.
Zelensky staying in Ukraine is an incovenience to the US while being inconsequential – actually beneficial – for the Russians. And he knows it.
I fully expect the Georgia scenario in a bigger version with Russians not touching the politicians who are not on the military/paramilitary side as well.
I would not be surprised if he was allowed a bid in the post-conflict elections if he manages to stay alive and in Kiev bu the end of the hostilities.
Ukraine severed relations with russia?
Looks to me like russia severed ukraine.
I agree with Ex-President Trump: Putin is a military genius. I can imagine, the pipelines running through Ukraine need to be overhauled. They are more than 20 years old. Otherwise they may explode. It would be dangerous not only for Ukraine.
Otto Kern
DE-37412 Herzberg-die Esperantlostadt
They made a mistake or mistyped – the Soviet gas pipeline, through which the Russian gas is pumped by the GTSU, has not been overhauled for more than 30 years. And the main thing is not pipes, but outdated compressor stations. But we should not forget about another Soviet strategic asset – underground gas storage facilities. Of which there are about 400 with a total volume of active gas of about 120 billion m3.
And also about the dilapidated Soviet nuclear power plants
Anyone know anything about US biolabs in Ukraine?Seems that Russia and China have been quite peeved abo ut them and now Russia is apparently targeting them.So US studying pathogens near Russian border=nothing to see here,move on.
We know, we monitor, we control – everything is OK there. Unlike the dilapidated Soviet nuclear power plants, they are all in critical condition. It is impossible to indefinitely extend the service life, all the more so to use Westinghouses non-system TVEL and store SNF.
I think this is underlying much of the urgency right now. All those labs dotted along Russia’s border have been up to no good. Even genome based weapons research. A big lab in Tbilisi.
Are those being quietly targeted
Meanwhile, (11:12z UTC) Two USAF B-52H’s (Noble 41/42) have been launched from RAF Fairford in England, enroute towards Poland. Rather a stupid thing for the US to be doing!
Launching extra U-2S flights is understandable by comparison, sending strategic long range aviatyion assets within striking range at such a time is just a provocation too far.
Exactly as you have told…
As I said before long ago on a post here, that Ukraine is the junction halfway point between east and west and should be a buffer zone. Similar to Mongolia was between USSR and China when conflicts were arising. It could become a dynamic trading hub for exchange between them if managed correctly, tho this has not happened.
But EU elites want to use it as a springboard for their long term plans to push east.
And that fact is the source of the problem. The Crusaders continues.
Kiev is to some extent a hostage of the EU in all this.
So Puitn’s communique is the only sensible thing given the current situation.
Perhaps if Russia made an alliance or cuts deals with some rebel EU countries like has been done with LNDR, like Greece, it would upset the EU apple cart ? Give them free oil & gas to use & trade and access to Russian resources if they blockade the EU.
I’m sure Greece has had enough of the EU, ECB and Brussels anyway.
As have various other smaller EU countries.
My dear friend Andrei. I’m crying out of happiness when I read all what you just have written. My soul is in a state of total happiness. God bless you.
The analysis in this post is extremely valuable.
But the tone is so childish, that I have difficulty taking it seriously, even when I know I should and it is.
All this conflict is so unnecessary if the Ukraine backers would do a sensible long term deal worked out with Russia over what they seek.
5th and 6th column reveal themselves
How dare the evil Vlad do this?
Doesn’t he realise he’s breaking the Great Rules Based International Order?
As practised in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, and a few other places.
Dear Saker,
Thank you very much for your well-fleshed out excellent comment on the situation. I have a question about acceptance of the military action inside Russia by the Russian people themselves. On the news there was mentioned that 130 city mayors of Russian cities have written an appeal to Pres. Poetin to stop the war.
It seems presented like an example of growing discontent with the military campaign.
Could you please comment on that?
Many thanks in advance!
Please excuse me for interfering, but I am in Russia and I do not know anything about the appeal of the mayors of 130 Russian cities to Putin to end the war. Perhaps this is misinformation.
The people around me are calm. They are working, going about their business. There is no stupid enthusiastic patriotism, no panic or condemnation of the actions of the authorities. Although, the atmosphere is a bit gloomy.
Russian media report that small single street protests against Russia’s operation in Ukraine are taking place in large cities. In the online media, some Russian liberal-minded bloggers express feelings of irritation and disappointment. It is clear from these emotions that they expected that events would go wrong.
There is not an abundance of information about the operation in the official Russian Internet media. This is due to the fact that it is a military secret, as well as the fact that the spread of fakes in Russia is considered a crime. In general terms, we can say that in half a day the advanced units of the Russian army passed about one third of the territory of Ukraine from the north, south and east.
Dear George,
Thank you very much for the information. You are no at all interfering. Any sort of comment from people actually on the spot is welcome. Any spot. We just found out that part of a rocket landed in Kiev at 12 minute walk from apartment of family members. Very frightening for us.
I am glad to see the recognition of Ilham Aliyev as a great neigbour/model neighbour to Russia. I posted comments on this during the Karabakh War in 2020 and am very pleased to see that is how it has turned out. Think of the difference between Azerbaijan and Ukraine/Georgia. One is led by someone who is a statesman and geopolitical calculator and the others are basket cases, dupes of western propaganda. The Aliyevs are products of Russia to a great degree and stand by their word.
Thanks (as always) for the assessment, Andrei. The ignoble collapse of NATO and the “Biden” administration has been quite comic. All blood spilled is on the hands of “American” policy makers. Their 160-year old hubris is meeting its well-deserved nemesis.
These are no unilateral actions by Russia. These are responses in strict accordance to the deliberate and willful negligence of the west.
but also pray that the west wakes up and stops it’s policy of ignorance.
Good morning Andrei! I must hand it to you. You are the only journalist I know of who predicted within 24 hours the punishment that Uko-Nazis are receiving today.
*As a footnote, did you notice what Chicken Kiev had to say? I am sure the thinktankers are wringing their hands that they shouldn’t have chosen a clownish comedian to lead their project😄
You hit the nail on the head re imminent further action, Saker. A saying I like from here in NYC: “Home ain’t playin’.”
Putin will make sure the 24% of the population of Estonia and Latvia that are ethnic Russians, somehow , by some miracle, will begin agitating for an ethnic-Russian independent state. Herr Putin will kindly send assistance towards this effort.
Maybe a few dead bodies of ethnic Russians will magically appear, killed of course, by those neo-Nazi ethnic Estonians or Latvians – according to Putin.
Putin means to resurrect, as much as he can, the former USSR.
Given the joke that is NATO, the German tendency to bend over for the Russians while flipping off the USA, Putin’s task will basically proceed with few hiccups.
Germany has decided that Russian oil and gas does not contribute to climate change (the biggest “scientific” fraud in world history) but USA oil and gas does.
And Joke Bidet , by virtue of his hate-America-first energy policy, is literally paying for the Russian military to engage in extra-curricular activities.
Putin is laughing all the way to the bank.
If Putin himself had installed a US President, he could not have done himself a bigger favor by picking someone other than Joke Bidet.
I understand your frustration but if I’m honest your comment made me laugh. I don’t believe in any outcry from people from the west because they are as fake as Pamela Anderson boobs. You really don’t care about people, it’s more about your pride.
When your country is in danger anything goes and that’s what Putin did. For Russia is National Security. For the crazies in DC is just a game.
WHAT WOULD BE THE AMERICAN MIRROR IMAGE OF THE CURRENT UKRAINIAN SITUATION? Imagine that the Warsaw Pact (the defunct military block opposite to NATO and the Soviet Union still existed and that somehow they managed to overthrow the Mexican government and install a Soviet puppet regime. Following that, several Mexican states next to the US border (inhabited only by bilingual double Mexican US citizens stemming from mixed marriages) declared independence from the Mexican Soviet Puppet Government. Subsequently, the Mexican Soviet Puppet Government started shelling those breakaway Mexican states with the help of Soviet military hardware and military advisors. In parallel, the Mexican Soviet Puppet Government would request membership in the Warsaw Pact with the pledge to station regular Soviet troops and nuclear weapons on the doorstep of the USA. This situation would drag on for eight years with the US trying to defuse the situation by diplomatic means. Soviet naval provocations close to US shores in the Gulf of Mexico would be an everyday occurrence. After a particularly nasty shelling of the Mexican Breakaway Republics by the Mexican Soviet Puppet Government, the independence of the Mexican Breakaway Republics mainly inhabited by bilingual English-speaking Mexicans (stemming from mixed marriages) is finally recognized by the USA. This would drive mad the Mexican Soviet Puppet Government (and their Soviet masters in Moscow) and cause to intensify the mass killing of innocent civilians by shelling the bilingual English-speaking Mexicans living in the Mexican Breakaway Republics. The US has no choice but to intervene to save human lives and prevent Soviet Mexico from becoming a nuclear-armed Warsaw Pact member.
Scott Ritter layed out possible military scenarios on Jan 18th….seems pretty accurate.
The nonsense of the gray gelding is a copy-paste of fakes, if this is an analysis, then it is exclusively medical.
Even disassemble fastidiously – lies and amateurish mistakes. This is some kind of shame (c))) CIA, NSA and MI6 – the vulgar libel causes laughter. and pity for strange foreign idiots. )))
Thanks for this great analysis. It’s such a breath of fresh air after looking at the insane headlines of the mainstream media — left, right and center. Biden isn’t too demented not to know that the one thing that can bring together all political factions in the US is anti-Russia hatred. It never fails.
“But if the latter want to please Uncle Shmuel”
Judeophobia of the author!