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Posts From amarynth

Two more briefings: Colonel General Sergei Rudskoy and Colonel General Mikhail Mizintsev   March 25, 2022 Speech of the Head of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Colonel General Sergei Rudskoy (This should be read with the previous statements of this morning:   In accordance with the decision of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief since February 24 this year. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are conducting a special military operation.

Briefing by the Russian Ministry of Defence on the current results of the special military operation in Ukraine

📑 Speech of the Russian Defence Ministry Spokesman, Major General Igor Konashenkov ▫️On February 24, 2022, the Russian Armed Forces launched a special military operation in Ukraine. ▫️I want to emphasize that the special military operation is carried out strictly according to the approved plan. ▫️The absolute priority of the actions of the Russian Armed Forces during the operation is the exclusion of unnecessary civilian casualties. ▫️High-precision weapons selectively and

The UK’s endless reaction: 1789 & feudalism’s end creates modern conservatism

By Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog (This is the first chapter in a new book, France’s Yellow Vests: Western Repression of the West’s Best Values. Please click here for the article which announces this book and explains its goals.) It would be boring to defend the French Revolution by showing the moral and intellectual worth of its left spectrum – of Danton and Robespierre, Marat and Babeuf. What’s far

Make Nazism Great Again

By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted The supreme target is regime change in Russia, Ukraine is just a pawn in the game – or worse, mere cannon fodder. All eyes are on Mariupol. As of Wednesday night, over 70% of residential areas were under control of Donetsk and Russian forces, while Russian Marines, Donetsk’s 107th batallion and Chechen Spetsnaz, led by the charismatic Adam Delimkhanov,

Conditioned to ingest propaganda

by Denis A. Conroy for the Saker Blog Within the confines of the binary rubric of good and evil, there is a Nietzschean gremlin mouthing the following words which might be missing the mark: ‘A very popular error; having the courage of your convictions. The point is to have the courage for an attack on your convictions.’ Ahem! …why do certain particularities resonate with some and not others? Did Alfred

Ukraine’s Propaganda War: International PR Firms, DC Lobbyists and CIA Cutouts did excellent work in unraveling the organizations involved in the propaganda for the Ukraine and against Russia.  It is highly orchestrated, and if you see Zelenski saying this or that, behind his sloganeering, memes and statements, ready for roll-out, is a slick, coherent, propaganda and intelligence marketing campaign. Ukraine’s Propaganda War: International PR Firms, DC Lobbyists and CIA Cutouts        

Open Thread for Today

This open thread for today will act as a catch-all for all of the many comments that our current threads don’t specifically handle.  Note, Saker Blog related content only please. Moderation Rules are in full effect.

The danger of American bio laboratories

By Batko Milacic for the Saker Blog We are living in a world where stories are published without actual facts. Such stories are published in order to refute the real-world challenges. The most recent example is related to US biolab activities in 30 countries. In light of the Russian intervention in Ukraine, US-run biolabs in Ukraine have allegedly been used to develop bio-agents capable of selectively targeting certain ethnic groups.

Sitrep: How Russia slew the US Dollar

By Godfree Roberts – an early extract from his weekly Here Comes China newsletter and posted with permission WILL RUSSIA DESTROY THE US DOLLAR? Farewell to Inordinate Privilege Earlier this week, Russia announced that countries on its Unfriendly Nations list must pay in roubles for its gas. Within hours, the rouble regained its pre-embargo value on international markets. De facto, the rouble also established itself as a reserve currency in

Renegade interviews Michael Hudson: Sanctions, the blowback

Posted with Michael Hudson’s permission Ross [00:00:29] Welcome to Renegade Inc. Whatever the outcome in Ukraine, one thing is for sure the economic reverberations will be felt by everyone for years to come as the world divides between the West and a rapidly reshaping Eurasia. Ross [00:00:49] Michael Hudson, always a pleasure to have you on the programme, welcome to Renegade Inc. Michael Hudson [00:00:53] Thank you for inviting

Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry + comment on strategy

Early morning briefing by Russian Defence Ministry ▫️Units of the Russian Armed Forces continue to destroy units of the 54th Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Currently, they are fighting for the capture of Novomikhailovka. ▫️The grouping of troops of the Donetsk People’s Republic, having completed clearing of Verkhnetoretskoe from nationalists, continued to pursue the retreating units of 25th Airborne Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov: Leaders of Russia management competition, Moscow, March 19, 2022

Ed Note:  This is an important document and answers most of the confused questions that I see come up in the comments still.  A careful read and even study is recommended – Amarynth Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to questions during his meeting with finalists of the International Track as part of the Leaders of Russia management competition, Moscow, March 19, 2022 Dear friends, I would like to

The Two Poles of Post-Schism Western Religion

By Walt Garlington for the Saker Blog One way we may be quite certain that the West has lost its contact with the uncreated Grace of the All-Holy Trinity is by considering the guideposts of those who believe themselves to be the champions of traditional Christianity there. The names that come up most often for Roman Catholics are Thomas Aquinas and J.R.R. Tolkien; for Protestants, C.S. Lewis is their waymark.

Briefings by Russian Defence Ministry ◽️ Units of the Russian Armed Forces advanced another 4 kilometers overnight and completely took control of Sladkoe. Currently, scattered groups of the nationalist battalion “Donbass” are being destroyed. ◽️ The grouping of troops of the Donetsk People’s Republic completes the defeat of the remnants of the 53rd mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, developing an offensive in Novomikhailovka direction. ◽️ In total, up to 50 militants, 3

Open Thread

This is today’s open thread.  Kindly keep on topic in the other threads and use this one for extraneous comments related to Saker Blog discussions.  Moderation rules apply.

Rogozin: Bioweapons Developed in Ukraine Affect the Reproductive System of Russian Women

Original Article: Translated with and slightly corrected Rogozin: Bioweapons Developed in Ukraine Affect the Reproductive System of Russian Women Roscosmos CEO Dmitry Rogozin said on March 21 in his Telegram channel that the bioweapons being developed in Ukraine, work on the reproductive system of women, particularly against “the Russian population of Russia, and immunity of “certain ethnic groups.” “These weapons affect both the reproductive function of women of

Fixing Russia’s ‘denazification’ PR disaster: not ‘neo-Nazi’, but ‘3rd-gen Nazis’

By Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog As I wrote in my previous article on this issue – the total Western failure of Russia’s “denazification” justification for its armed operation in Ukraine – Russia will lose the battle for Western hearts and minds if it fails to introduce new discussions and prolonged, patient debates about what “Nazi” means in 2022. Some point out that Russia doesn’t have to convince anyone

The Menticide Manual – Dark Magic

By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog Witchcraft and sorcery do exist and are practiced everywhere in the world. They are scientifically demonstrable. Introduction. Every writer on this planet MUST NECESSARILY believe in magic because they know that their written words have an effect on people. There is no physical causality. All great literature is in effect magic, light magic or dark magic, or shades in between. The Malleus
