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Posts From The Saker

Escalation in Syria – how far can the Russians be pushed?

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] Events in Syria have recently clearly taken a turn for the worse and there is an increasing amount of evidence that the Russian task force in Syria is being targeted by a systematic campaign of “harassing attacks”. First, there was the (relatively successful) drone and mortar attack on the Russian Aerospace base in Khmeimin. Then there was the shooting down of a

Iran at 39 years old: drones in Israel (?), trade with Europe, calm on the streets

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog The Iranian Revolution turned 39 on February 11. It’s about time to get married! At least that’s what people tell me – I recently turned 40. “Married to the revolution” is indeed a good description for Iranian society at 39…but the fullness of Iran’s marital bliss is a 100% domestic issue – after all, nobody knows what goes on behind a couple’s closed

Syria SITREP: Approximate figures of the US airstrike in Syria & lessons learned

I will keep this one short.  You all have read all the nonsense about 100 to 600 Russians killed in the recent US air strike in Syria.  According to these rumors (typical PSYOP stuff, by the way) the “hundreds” of Russians were private military contractors (PMCs).  Well, for one thing, PMC rarely operated in the hundreds to begin with (5-20 people is much more common).  But nevermind that.  Turns that

Trump helps to nationalize the Russian business elite (Ruslan Ostashko)

Churchill one said: “You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing after they have tried every thing else”. In the same style, the new idea of Donald Trump with his Kremlin list will not bring about the millionaire rebellion but, on the contrary, will lead to the consolidation of the elites and return of their money to Russia. The process has already started.. Video translated and

Who is doing what in Syria and why

by Ghassan Kadi for The Saker Blog It seems that every time a chapter in the war on Syria comes to an end, a new factor surfaces. Just like the 1975-1989 civil war in Lebanon before it, and which started off with a clash between the PLO and the Lebanese rightwing Phalangist militia and then ended up with an Israeli invasion and its aftermath, the war on Syria is now

China’s latest move in the graveyard of empires

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) Beijing’s strategic priority is to prevent ETIM fighters exiled in Afghanistan crossing the Wakhan Corridor to carry out operations in Xinjiang The latest plot twist in the endless historical saga of Afghanistan as a graveyard of empires has thrown up an intriguing new chapter. For the past two months, Beijing and Kabul have been discussing the possibility

Professor Stephen F. Cohen: Rethinking Putin – a review

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] I have recently had the pleasure of watching a short presentation by Professor Stephen F. Cohen entitled “Rethinking Putin” which he delivered on the annual Nation cruise on December 2, 2017 (see here for the original Nation Article and original YouTube video). In his short presentation, Professor Cohen does a superb job explaining what Putin is *not* and that includes: (but, please

Christ the Savior and the Jewish Revolution

Written in April 1921 by His Eminence Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) of Kiev and Galicia (1863-1936) Introduction by The Saker:  Today I am post another article written by an Orthodox Christian bishop, this time one of the most outstanding, if at times controversial ones, of the 20th century.  If  the previous article I posted was written by an Orthodox bishop right after the end of WWII, this one is written right

Russia’s new preemptive move in Lebanon

by Ghassan Kadi for The Saker Blog Russia has put herself, for better or for worse, in a position that requires a huge role in the Levant; perhaps much bigger than what Russia bargained for on the eve of the Russian “intervention” in Syria on the 28th of September 2015. The initial Russian-led attack on ISIS in Syria was highly successful until a glitch was added to the picture when

The fall of Cameron-Clinton, and the rise of Brexit-Trump

By Jack J. for The Saker Blog Good-press bad-press You’ve got two arms of the main-stream media (MSM) the right and the supposedly centre-left. The right arm gets people fired-up with a mixed message of overt racism (typically anti-immigrant) and jingoistic nonsense, with anti-establishment narratives thrown in as sweeteners (typically anti-EU). The left arm then points out the despicable nature of the former (‘the racists’) denies any anti-establishment content and

Genocide Washington Style – Venezuela Next?

by Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog Why does nobody dare to pronounce the term “Genocide” in connection with the Washington committed atrocities around the globe? – If there is one nation that is guilty of mass-murder it is the United States of America and her Zionist handlers. But nobody seems to pay attention. Or, rather, nobody dares to say so. It has become the new normal. Enshrined in people’s


by Jimmie Moglia for The Saker Blog On hearing the word ‘revisionism,’ suspicion lurks in the mind of some, and alarms sound in the mind of others. Suspicion is the elder sister of twins, credulity and incredulity. And of all kinds of credulity, the most obstinate and wonderful is that of zealots; of men who resign the use of their eyes and ears, and resolve to believe nothing that does

What is Venezuela’s Petro? It’s socialism to bitcoin’s rescue

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog The simplest way to answer that question is: The Petro is a bond sale for foreign investors, with the proceeds going to pay the infrastructure costs required to implement the first-ever mass national adoption of crypto-currency. Now that is a government taking on “good debt”, unlike the West’s banker bailouts…. It should be no surprise that Venezuela will be the first to unleash

Canada’s Nazi Problem

by Cameron Pike for The Saker Blog Vancouver, Canada held a significant event in the history of Canada on January 16th, 2018. Canada’s traditional peace-keeping role in international relations relegated to the historical dustbin, Canada’s Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland led the ‘international community’ in a song of war and genocide against North Korea. However, the plan was ultimately not about North Korea, as single-toned as the grouping Freeland gathered tried

SouthFront & The Saker video

Original video: Original article: Many thanks to “RS” for redacting the original article for this video! Now that the Neocons have hamstrung Trump, and with Trump’s planned impeachment and removal from office still in the future, the world must deal with the dangerous decline of the USA-led power bloc, because the Neocons are back in power and will do anything to reverse this trend. It is obvious that

US sanctions, baffled Russians, hot air and history

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] So, finally, the suspense is over.  Kind of.  The US Treasury has finally released the list of Russian entities and individuals which could (conditional!) be sanctioned by the US Treasury in compliance with the H.R.3364 – Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act.  These two short excerpt from the report show why I say “could”: and Now let’s translate all this in plain
