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Posts From The Saker

Escalation In Syria – How Far Can The Russians Be Pushed?

This video is based on the analysis of the Saker “Escalation in Syria – how far can the Russians be pushed?“. Separately, SouthFront is working on own critical documentary on modern Russia. This documentary will be ready in middle March. If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via:, BTC: 13iYp9CDYZwgSnFXNtpEKgRRqaoxHPr2MH, BCH: 1NE49pQW8yCegnFCMvKuhLUnuxvTnxNUhf, ETH: 0x962b312a9d41620f9aa0d286f9d7f8b1769bfae6 Events in

Afghanistan ready to play connector role in Eurasian integration

The inauguration of TAPI – the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India pipeline – signals Kabul is on-board with the grand project of Eurasian integration by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) One of the top roller-coaster sagas in what, some years ago, I christened Pipelineistan, has yielded a definitive twist. The US$8 billion,1,814-kilometer Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India pipeline (TAPI) was officially inaugurated on Friday, in full pomp, and with proceedings broadcast live

Northern Syria’s leftism explained: a response to Socialist Arab Nationalism

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog This is the 2nd part of a 3-part series on Northern Syria The success of Rojava seems to imply that Syrian Baathism needs an ideological updating. After all, not a single nation supports Rojava, yet their ideology has been so unifying and inspirational that they have been able to fight off ISIL, the mercenaries of rich countries like the US, UAE, Qatar, Saudi

Who is doing what in Syria, part II: Syria grabs the initiative

by Ghassan Kadi for the Saker Blog In my previous article (, I expressed my take on the highly unlikely possibility of an all-out war in Syria. As a matter of fact, I had been expressing this very same view for years, against all war-mongering theories that implied that America was just one step away from leveling Syria to the ground, This is because I had always believed that

Globally Top-Respected Experts on Middle East Warn Syrian War May Produce WW III

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker blog Abdel Bari Atwan, the retired editor-in-chief (1989-2013) of the pan-Arab newspaper Al Quds Al Arabi and author of widely respected books on the Middle East, headlined on February 18th, “A superpower confrontation could be triggered by accident in Syria” and he opened: Qatar’s plans to build a gas pipeline to the Mediterranean were a major cause of the outbreak of the Syrian civil

23 February 2014, SitRep Sevastopol

Today, 23 February, is the anniversary of the City of Sevastopol cementing it’s course of leaving Ukraine. I personally think that soon this will be a holiday in this City but time will tell. I have written enough over the last almost four years on Saker’s blog that I don’t think I need to fill most of you in on the events leading up to the 23 February Meeting in

Russian Presidential Elections: boring, useless and necessary?

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] As the Presidential elections in Russia are drawing near I am amazed to see how much interest this event is generating in spite of the fact that it sure seems to me that this will be an incredibly boring and, frankly, totally useless event. But first, full disclosure: I don’t have much faith in the so-called “democratic process”. Just look at the

The Venezuelan “Petro” – Towards a New World Reserve Currency?

by Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog Imagine an international currency backed by energy? By a raw material that the entire world needs, not gold – which has hardly any productive use, but whose value is mostly speculative – not hot air like the US dollar. Not fiat money like the US-dollar and the Euro largely made by private banks without any economic substance whatsoever, and which are coercive. But

Stop confusing Kurdistans! Syria’s leftists must turn home to Assad

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog As Assad-backed troops enter Afrin to fight Turkish invaders, the Syrian conflict has entered its decisive crossroads: Will Northern Syria cooperate with Damascus, or not? This is the key to Syrian peace and territorial unity. It’s also the question which will make or break claims that a Northern Syrian enclave which refuses to help expel uninvited Americans can somehow be a “leftist project”.

How Biblical is Zionism?

by Laurent Guyénot for the Saker Blog Laurent Guyénot is the author of From Yahweh to Zion: Jealous God, Chosen People, Promised Land … Clash of Civilizations, 2018.  ($30 shipping included from Sifting and Winnowing, POB 221, Lone Rock, WI 53556). The biblical mind of Israel’s founding fathers The Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) is for the committed Jew as much a record of his ancient origins, the prism through which all Jewish

America’s ‘Boots-On-The-Ground’ Fighters in Syria are Kurds and Al Qaeda

by Eric Zuesse for the Saker Blog As will be documented here, America’s troops in Syria are not there in order to fight, but to assist Kurdish separatists in the northeast, and to assist the Al Qaeda led-and-trained jihadist forces elsewhere in Syria (such as in the East Ghouta suburb of Damascus) to overthrow and replace Syria’s popular and democratically elected, strongly secular and anti-sectarian President, Bashar al-Assad. Occasionally, the

Hilarious (and politically incorrect!) video to encourage Russians to vote (MUST SEE!)

I laughed my head off when I saw this.  So I emailed Eugenia and begged her to subtitle this in English (press “cc” to see the English subs).  Not only is this video really funny, it is blissfully politically incorrect.  Just see for yourself!  Truth be told, the message of this video is pretty clear: vote for Putin or brace for either Commie or Western hell.  In a deeper sense

What just happened in Korea and when will we ever learn?!

Okay, a quick summary first: one of the Russian athletes participating in the Winter Olympics has tested positive for Meldonium.  On two different probes.  There is no way to explain that away, Alexander Krushelnitsky did have Meldonium in his body.  But he was also tested for the same substance just before leaving Russia for Japan (where the athletes were training) and he was clean then.  So he must have ingested

The Logic of globalism

by Irinia Medvedva, Tatyana Shishova ‘Nash sovremennik’ 11, 2001 (source: Translation, notes, and afterword by Edvin Buday Note by The Saker: normally such a translation would belong into the “Speeches, Statements, Interviews” section, however, since the translator, Edvin Buday, also offered an important and interesting afterword, this I have decided to post this text in the “guest analyses” section even though the original Russian text was (obviously) not written

The Founding Fathers and Other Tales

by Jimmie Moglia for The Saker blog The skeptics among my twenty-five readers may suspect from the title, that I am jumping on the bandwagon of our discontent, to direct cheap shots at a stale target. Perish the thought. Irreverence towards the actors excludes irreverence towards the myth, even if the actors were its fathers – for myths are the ground of civilizations and mythology is the song of the

China’s ‘New Silk Roads’ reach Latin America

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) Beijing is turbo-charging its infrastructure connectivity across the region and the Caribbean A sharp, geoeconomic shift took place last month in Santiago, Chile at the second ministerial meeting of a forum grouping China and the 33-member Community of Latin American and Caribbean States. The Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, told his audience that the world’s second-largest economy and
