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Posts From The Saker

Eurozone officially achieves ‘Lost Decade’ – media refuses to admit it

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog With the recently released data that the Eurozone’s 2017 growth rate was 2.5%, the Eurozone has officially achieved a “lost decade”: its average annual growth rate from 2008 to 2017 was 0.6%. Wow…that’s bad. That’s even worse than “Japan Lost Score” bad. Japan’s two “lost decades” both actually surpassed the Eurozone’s recent performance: Japan 1991-2000: 1.4% growth rate. Japan 2001-2010: 0.7% growth rate.

Saber-Rattling, Nuclear Threat – Or an Even More Devastating War?

by Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog The World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos has come and gone, and nothing has really changed. The wonderful people of the world struck again – blowing hot air to the four corners of the world. When in reality the poor get poorer, the rich get richer, wars and conflicts are on the rise – and humanity, at least in the western world, is

His Hatred by Ivan Iliyn

by Ivan Ilyin (excerpt from his book “Singing heart – a book of quiet contemplations) Translated from the Russian by Edvin Buday How burdensome, how almost unbearable is the feeling that “he hates me”… How strong a feeling of one’s own weakness seizes the soul… One does not wish to think about it, sometimes with success. But even without thinking, one feels that current through the spiritual ether, that stream

There are no Nazis in the Ukraine! None! Never been any!! No such thing as a Ukie Nazi!!!

What you see in the footage below is the creation in Kiev of a new totally democratic militia.  Here is how this event was presented on the YouTube channel I grabbed it from: (my own – wholly unofficial –  translation from Ukrainian) About 600 members of the organization “National militia”, dressed in camouflage uniforms held January 28, marched down Khreshchatyk in Kiev held for a swearing in ceremony before the 

Erdogan has made his choice

by Ghassan Kadi for The Saker Blog It seems that Erdogan has already made up his mind, but the speculations about what deals have been and haven’t been done seem muddied, to put it mildly. In the Levant, the Kurds always lose in the end, and regardless of what alliances they make and with whom, they always end up getting stabbed in the back; or at least abandoned. But when

Uncle Sam dumps the Kurds (yet again)

[This article was written for the Unz Review] The drama which is unfolding in northern Syria is truly an almost ideal case to fully assess how weak and totally dysfunctional the AngloZionist Empire has really become. Let’s begin with a quick reminder. The US-Israeli goals in Syria were really very simple. As I have already mentioned in a past article, the initial AngloZionist plan was to overthrow Assad and replace

Listening to Mattis

by Auslander for The Saker Blog I watched US Secretary of Defense ‘General’ Mattis live on 19 January and I’m reasonably sure a lot of us either watched him or know what he said. Pretty good performance from someone who should know better and I can not determine if the good Tovarich General actually believed what he was saying or not. He was a political general, pure and simple, I

Turkey invades Afrin: the Kurds lose again

By Aram Mirzaei for The Saker Blog After weeks of belligerent rhetoric and preparations, Turkey finally invaded Afrin last week. It came as no surprise that Turkey would go for this vulnerable Kurdish-held region in north-western Syria first. So how does this affect the war? Previous Turkish incursions have been limited and aimed at stopping what Ankara deemed to be Kurdish expansionism right at Turkey’s border. Turkish President Erdogan has

The end of French artistry: ‘Labor capitalism’ comes to France in 2018

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog The French don’t want to think of themselves as miniature capitalists: they want to think of themselves as artists. Or at least artisans. And many of them are, but the calculating technocratic mindset cannot even conceive of what it means to truly be an “artisan” at anything. The calculating capitalist mindset might be capable of thinking of what art he or she could

When it comes to Davos, it’s inequality, stupid

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) For billions of people, the Groucho Marx rule applies when talking about Davos. This is the exclusive club, which meets in the luxury Swiss resort each year to discuss the global business environment. Groucho, of course, has been immortalized along with the rest of the Marx Brothers in the zany Hollywood movies of the 1930s, such

The AngloZionist family goes on a stroll

This fantastic cartoon was sent to me by a friend who saw it on Moon of Alabama.  I did some looking around and the original might well be from here, I am not sure.  Whatever may be the case, it gave me such a laugh (I love the little turd at the bottom) that I had to share it with you.  Cheers!  The Saker

Christianity and Judaism

Dear friends, Today I am posting the full translation of an amazingly interesting text – Christianity and Judaism – on the issue of the historical role of the Jewish people written by a, now reposed, Archbishop of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, Archbishop Nathanel (Lvov) [“Lvov” is his last name, no reference to the city in the Ukraine].  This has been made possible by the superb translation of this very

Ney Matogrosso interprets “Oh Moon” – a beautiful song of gratitude

Today I am sharing a song by one of my favorite Brazilian singers, Ney Matogrosso.  I love this song, a kind of lullaby when sung by Matogrosso, because it achieves its haunting effect by using a very simple melody and just a few very basic chords.  If you listen carefully to the minimalist guitar accompaniment (here played by what might be the most talented Brazilian guitarist ever, Raphael Rabello) you

‘Make Trade, Not War’ is China’s daring plan in the Middle East

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) Under the Belt and Road Initiative, Beijing aims to connect western China to the eastern Mediterranean China’s “Go West” strategy was brought into sharp focus at a forum in Shanghai last weekend. Billed as the Belt and Road Initiative: Towards Greater Cooperation between China and the Middle East, it highlighted key aspects of Beijing’s wider plan.

Greece – Convenient Victim or Complacent Masochist?

by Peter Koenig for the Saker blog Why this title? – Because Greece doesn’t have to continue playing the card of the victim, nor being masochist. Greece seems to suffer under the Stockholm Syndrome – she is in love with her hangman. Greece could change this. Exit the prison, exit the EU and exit the euro. Greece could return to her sovereign national currency, her own sovereign central bank, make

Poland is leaving the EU (Ruslan Ostashko)

This is the latest video from the Russian political analyst Ruslan Ostashko, this time in a somewhat different format from the familiar “Five minutes of Common Sense”. Donald Tusk has revealed the secret of Polichinelle. Poland, apparently, is in the EU only because Brussels is paying Poland billions of Euro every year. But when the funds stop (soon, it seems), then the Poles might be ready to conduct a referendum

Why is Putin “allowing” Israel to bomb Syria?

[This article has been written for the Unz Review] Informationclearinghouse recently posted an article by Darius Shahtahmasebi entitled “Israel Keeps Bombing Syria and Nobody Is Doing Anything About It”. Following this publication I received an email from a reader asking me the following question: “Putin permitting Israel to bomb Syria – why? I am confused by Putins actions – does Putin support the Zionist entity, on the quiet like. I
