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Posts From The Saker

Self-defense myths and choices for civilians

Introductory note: I wanted to touch upon this subject for a long, long while, because it is one I care about a lot.  However, it is also totally off-topic for this blog.  However, since in Russia there is a lull (that is putting it mildly) between New Year and the Orthodox Nativity, I decided to “squeeze” it here in between those dates and while our usual topics are a little

Iran protests: Western salivation, agitation & desperation

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog I am on vacation and trying to stay away from politics to recharge my batteries, but a sane voice on Iranian politics in English is almost impossible to find, so…. Despite the Western media’s slobbering at the minor protests in Iran, there is no need to fear that Iranian democracy is about to “fall”. Allow me to get right to the heart of

2018 – war or no war?

[Note: this post of mine is temporarily located in the ‘guest section’ because of the current fundraiser. Once the fundraiser is over, I will place it back in the correct section.  This analysis was written for the Unz Review.  The Saker] If the first months of 2017 were a time of great hopes following the historical defeat of Hillary Clinton, the year is ending in a sombre, almost menacing manner. 

The petro-yuan bombshell

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) The new 55-page “America First” National Security Strategy  (NSS), drafted over the course of 2017, defines Russia and China as “revisionist” powers, “rivals”, and for all practical purposes strategic competitors of the United States. The NSS stops short of defining Russia and China as enemies, allowing for an “attempt to build a great partnership with those

Runaway Train Towards Full Digitization of Money and Labor

by Peter Koenig for the Saker blog The other day I was in a shopping mall looking for an ATM to get some cash. There was no ATM. A week ago, there was still a branch office of a local bank – no more, gone. A Starbucks will replace the space left empty by the bank. I asked around – there will be no more cash automats in this mall

Saker Man of the Year 2017: all those who gave their lives for Syria

[Note: this post of mine is temporarily located in the ‘guest section’ because of the current fundraiser.  Once the fundraiser is over, I will place it back in the correct section.  The Saker] I have been doing this “pretend I am Time mag” thing for a couple of years now, but this year I had no clear candidate(s), at least now an original one.  I could re-list names already listed,

North Korea – UNSC’s – 15 : 0; – Choking a Country into Submission

by Peter Koenig for the Saker blog The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) is being choked into submission if not starvation by the UN Security Council, by a vote of 15 : 0; i.e. unanimously. None of the 15 UNSC states, let alone the five permanent members, have had the guts to say no to a murderous Resolution, drafted and proposed by the United States of America, a name

RT Television DARES to Challenge the French Intelligentsia!

by Phil Butler for the Saker blog Unprecedented, is the only word to describe the assault on the Russia Today (RT) networks abroad. The U.S. backed liberal world order has declared information jihad at a time when press freedom and truth have never been more vital. Today, let’s look at these “information terrorists” in France, and the role in the EU’s intelligentsia and ministry of truth. Just days after RTTV

Jonathan Jackson “How I became Orthodox”

Jonathan Jackson “How I became Orthodox” Holywood actor, recipient of five Emmy Awards, at an interview given in “Pemptousia” during his recent visit to the Monastery of Vatopedi – Mount Athos, speaks about how he became Orthodox.  

When sanity fails – the mindset of the “ideological drone”

[Note: This article was written for the Unz Review.] My recent analysis of the potential consequences of a US attack on the DPRK has elicited a wide range of reactions.  There is one type of reaction which I find particularly interesting and most important and I would like to focus on it today: the ones which entirely dismissed my whole argument.  The following is a selection of some of the

The Saker poses a legal question to Alexander Mercouris (email exchange)

[Note: today I emailed my friend Alexander Mercouris to ask him a question about the UN General Assembly vote on the US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.  Alexander’s reply was so interesting that I asked him if I could post it here, to which he has kindly agreed.  I am most grateful to him for that.  The Saker] Dear Alexander I just read this: Where the

Total Humiliation for the USA and Israel at the UN

by Gilad Atzmon Trump’s America is still a superpower. It was supported by no less than eight other countries, including Honduras, Guatemala, Palau, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Togo, Nauru and southern Sudan and do not forget Israel. The resolution passed with an overwhelming majority of 128-9, the UN General assembly declares the US’ recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel ‘null and void.’ It took Donald Trump a year to

The Hybrid War On The Cultural Fabric of Russian Society

by Larchmonter445 for the Saker blog Ramzan Kadyrov, President Putin and the Moral Sensibilities of Russian Society are the targets du jour of the Rabid Russophobes and the Khazarian-American-Rothschild Globalists. Sanctions and outrageous cultural warfare are the weapons flung against these targets. The RRs and KARGs have been working assiduously in all sectors of Russian society, especially Media, Athletics and Arts, to achieve the destruction of these men and others,

Winter fundraiser and important announcements (UPDATED 2x)

(SEE UPDATE BELOW) Dear friends, Executive summary: Help me work for you ‘Tis the season to be giving..” right? So here I am again asking you to help me continue my work for you.  Most of you know that, but for newcomers let me just stress the following: my blog is 100% ad-free, no obnoxious pop-ups, no paywalls, no special member-only content, not even copyrights!  Check at the bottom of

Vladimir Putin takes spotlight as Eurasia connector

At his year-end press conference, the Russian president let drop nuggets essential to understanding what lies ahead on the Eurasian geopolitical chessboard by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) At his trademark annual year-end press conference in Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin once again let drop selected foreign-policy nuggets essential to understanding what lies ahead on the turbulent Eurasian geopolitical chessboard. By now
