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Trump Cannot Improve Relations With Russia When Trump’s Government and the US Media Oppose Improved Relations

by Paul Craig Roberts President Trump Has Been Contradicted by His Own Government, Which Has Lined Up Against Him in Favor of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National Committee, and the Russophobic Presstitute Media that serves the military/security complex and the neoconservatives. I am afraid that The Saker and Finian Cunningham are correct. Nothing can come of Trump’s meeting with Putin, because, as Cunningham puts it, “Trump doesn’t have freedom or

How Russia should deal with the “Pilban Syndrome” (PBS)

A reader, SunriseState, has recently posted the following question in the comments section: “what would you say is the most optimal Russian strategy vs Poland?“.  When I read it I thought “now that is an interesting question indeed!”.  Today I will try to answer it, going step by step. First, a diagnosis. There is a Polish syndrome.  We can ascribe all sorts of causes for it, some will describe the

Putin and Trump stage-manage a win-win meeting

by Pepe Escobar for The Asia Times From the start, the “positive chemistry” in the Mother of All Sit-Downs was a given. The format – with only the four principals, Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and two translators – prevented any leaks. What was originally scheduled for 35 minutes went on for 2 hours and 16 minutes, and not even an impromptu

The first Putin-Trump meeting yields… …something very close to nothing

First, we have the manner in which the Americans have been preparing the G20 summit.  As we all know, in diplomacy actions count as much, or even more, than words.  Here are just a few of the actions recently taken by the Americans in preparation for the G20 summit and Trump’s first meeting with Putin (in no particular order): The US rejected the joint Russian-Chinese plan to defuse the crisis

G20 – Is the West Governed by Psychopaths?

by Peter Koenig “Welcome to Hell!” is the slogan with which G20 protesters greet the self-appointed leaders of the world to their summit on 7 and 8 July 2017 in Hamburg, Germany, under Madame Merkel’s auspices to discuss the calamities of our globe and how to resolve them. Never mind that the distress of Mother Earth has been mostly caused by those who represent the West, and now pretend to

The future of postwar Syria: victory looks like Iranian Islamic Socialism

by Ramin Mazaheri Russia’s economic output in 1921 – following World War One and then four years of (International) Civil War – was slashed by a mind-boggling 80% as compared to 1913. The Russian Civil War was truly international because there were 14 foreign armies operating on Russian soil after 1917: The Germans occupied 25% of Russia’s former territory, the British took oil fields around Baku and furnished 1 million

Donald Trump’s Keynote Speech In Warsaw, Poland

Speech transcript: PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thank you very much. That’s so nice. The United States has many great diplomats, but there is truly no better ambassador for our country than our beautiful First Lady, Melania. Thank you, Melania. That was very nice. (Applause.) We’ve come to your nation to deliver a very important message: America loves Poland, and America loves the Polish people. (Applause.) Thank you. The Poles have not only

The Muslim Spring, take II

by Ghassan and Intibah Kadi In a previous article titled “A Muslim Spring” published on the Saker, on the 12th of June 2017, the analysis of the then recent Qatar standoff took us into the direction of whether new Middle Eastern alliances were taking form and old ones dismantling. Developments since then reveal that the distinctive parts of the new embryos are already differentiating and emerging. The initial article foresaw

I sure hope that I am wrong, but…

This article has been written for the Unz Review. The talk of the week is the upcoming meeting between Presidents Trump and Putin on the sidelines of the G20 conference this Friday.  There have been some very good articles already written on this topic, I particularly recommend Adam Garrie’s “5 obstacles Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin will have to address in their meeting” for The Duran and Israel Shamir’s “What

Syria’s once avoidable new battle

by Ghassan Kadi In an article published on the Saker titled “Kurdish Autonomy; Partition or Masterplan”, and as the unsavoury prospect of establishing an independent Kurdish state in Syria was taking form, I emphasised that this scenario is avoidable, and at worst, if it had to happen, and if all cards were played correctly, then a seemingly impending disaster could be turned around and that any potential harm could be

Qatar crisis from the Iranian view: Waiting for a feudal revolution, still…

by Ramin Mazaheri Qatar crisis from the Iranian view: Waiting for a feudal revolution, still… This simplest way to understand the Iranian view of the current Qatar crisis is to grasp this totally-ignored reality: No matter what happens, there are many Iranian politicians, mullahs, social leaders and average citizens who will not stop calling to abolish the Qatari monarchy. Who makes similar calls in the West? Nobody. This issue –

Fear and loathing on the Afghan Silk Road

by Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times Anyone attempting to “rebuild” Afghanistan will have their work cut out. The success of China’s Belt and Road Initiative hinges on progress being made, however Will the New Silk Roads, a.k.a. Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) ever manage to cross the Hindu Kush? Temerity is the name of the game. Even though strategically located astride the Ancient Silk Road, and virtually contiguous to

Iranian Revolutionary Guard Confirms Daesh Chief Baghdadi is Dead

Sputnik International reports: The elite Iranian Revolutionary Guard verified the death of Daesh mastermind Abu Bakr al-Bagdhadi “through multiple channels,” a representative said Thursday. Ali Shirazi, a top Iranian cleric, told Asr-e Iran News Agency there is “no doubt” Baghdadi is deceased. Irib, Iranian media outlet, has posted photos of Baghdadi’s dead body. The man’s face resembles Baghdadi extremely closely. Sputnik has learned that the photo is from 2015 and is actually a

Using plausible deniability against a systematically lying adversary

This column has been written for the Unz Review. The Internet has been buzzing with reactions to the latest Stratfor report about how a military confrontation between Russia and the United States would play out. I did not find the full text, I suppose it is behind a Stratfor paywall or for subscribers only (and, frankly, I have better use for my time and money than to subscribe to that

Don’t Cry For Me Venezuela

by Jimmie Moglia According to the great Dr. Johnson, “Men can be estimated by those who know them not, only as they are represented by those who know them.” An unavoidable universal contingency – for, indeed, we don’t know most of the people we judge. And the same, but for a few much-travelled individuals, applies to nations. We also know that “on the tongue of Rumor, continual slanders rise, stuffing
