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Reflection By His Grace Bishop Angaelos on recent terrorist attacks in Egypt and elsewhere

Reflection By His Grace Bishop Angaelos on recent terrorist attacks in Egypt and elsewhere Coptic Orthodox Church UK Media and Communications Office Coptic Orthodox Church (Europe) Media and Communications Office Reflection By His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, on recent terrorist attacks in Egypt and elsewhere You are Loved 27 May 2017 Once again, we find ourselves experiencing pain before which words

A Muslim spring

by Ghassan Kadi As the world citizens watch with horror the escalation between the USA and Russia on one hand and with China on the other hand, and as they fear the worst; a nuclear holocaust, citizens of the Muslim World watch the escalation between Saudi Arabia and Iran and fear the “regional worst”, and that is an all-out Sunni Shiite strife. It must be remembered that even though Muslim

Macron, not Le Pen, to turn state of emergency into common law

by Ramin Mazaheri Emmanuel Macron very quickly made it official: He will introduce a bill which will transform extraordinary state of emergency powers into regular police practice. According to Le Monde, which saw a leaked copy of the bill: “…almost all the measures of the state of emergency will be found in common law.” What this means is that the post-Charlie Hebdo war hysteria has not only never stopped, but

Israel, Saudi, UAE team up in anti-Qatar lobbying move

Al-Jazeera reports Washington, DC – US legislation threatening to sanction Qatar for its support of “Palestinian terror” was sponsored by 10 lawmakers who received more than $1m over the last 18 months from lobbyists and groups linked to Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. The bill was introduced to the US House of Representatives on May 25, but the text wasn’t available until Friday morning, hours after Saudi Arabia, UAE,

Venezuela – Confronting the Neoliberal Propaganda Media Machine

by Peter Koenig On 8 of June, I had the privilege to attend a press conference hosted by the Venezuelan Ambassador in Bern, Switzerland. The purpose of the press conference was to clarify the current highly misrepresented situation in Venezuela, as well as explaining the process of electing a new National Constitutional Assembly (Asamblea Nacional Constituyente – ANC) on July 30, 2017. In his hour-long presentation, the Ambassador introduced the

The crisis in Qatar: yet another clumsy attempt by the Three Rogue States to weaken Iran (UPDATED)

This column was written for the Unz Review First, a quick who’s who We will probably never find out what truly was discussed between Trump, the Saudis and the Israelis, but there is little doubt that the recent Saudi move against Qatar is the direct results of these negotiations. How do I know that? Because Trump himself said so! As I mentioned in a recent column, Trump’s catastrophic submission to

The Netherlands Parliament ignored the will of its voters for the sake of Ukraine

Source: Translated by Eugenia The Senate in the Netherlands confirmed in the most unobtrusive manner the Association agreement of Ukraine with the EU – against the decision of the last year referendum. The local press barely reported the event. In an attempt to explain why the will of the people was ignored, the analysts repeated the same argument over and over: a refusal to ratify the agreement would have

Qatar and the forty thieves

by Ghassan Kadi The sudden, unprovoked and coordinated outrage of Middle East regional powers, as well as international powers, against Qatar is something akin to a story in “Fables de La Fontaine”. With a bit of a twist, it resembles the story of “The Animals Seized with the Plague”. For the benefit of those who are unfamiliar with this fable, the animals convened to find out why they were struck

Iran’s response to ISIL attack: Haha, that was nothing

by Ramin Mazaheri So ISIL claims to have made their first attack in Iran. The response in Iran appears to be: So what? Despite an attack occurring near Tehran’s international airport there was no disruption in air travel. Citizens were asked to stay off the metro, but nothing went on lockdown. There was no martial law. Not even a state of emergency has been declared. No civil liberties have been

UK General Election 2017 – Featuring Blairite Rats and Yellow Tories

by Jack J. A rapid succession of electoral events in the UK has led to an early and polarizing General Election; whilst May risks all for a ‘hard-Brexit’ mandate, Labour promise to “rip up the tory-Brexit white paper”. North of The Wall1 the SNP-Government has had INDY22 approved by the Scottish Parliament in order to pursue its own relationship with Europe, once the terms of Brexit become clear. May’s gamble

Democracy comes to Mosul, in the form of tortures and white phosphorus

The “brutal” Russians created humanitarian corridors around Aleppo.  They also negotiated a withdrawal of Daesh forces (with the help of Turkey).  And, as soon as the Daesh crazies left, the poured immense amounts of aid, food, meds, etc. along with mine-clearing crews into Aleppo which now is back to being the city bustling with life it once used to be.  That is because Russia is a dictatorship and Putin a

The Six-Day war half a century on: winners and losers

by Ghassan Kadi Like all Arabs of my age group, we all remember this war like it was yesterday. We remember how we huddled glued to our radios listening to military news reports and watching military parades and war songs on black and white TV screens, believing that the Arab armies of Egypt, Syria and Jordan were on a winning streak, not knowing that the war was really over before

PLA Strategist: The U.S. Uses Its Dollar to Dominate the World

(Thanks to P&N B. for sending me this most interesting article!  The Saker) original source: [Editor’s Note: In April, Qiao Liang, a People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Major-General, gave a speech at a book study forum of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) Central Committee and government office. Qiao is the PLA strategist who co-authored the book, “Unrestricted War.” In his speech, Qiao explained that he has been studying finance theories

Putin, Trump and “my guy” Macron

by Pepe Escobar for the AsiaTimes The three-hour face-off between Vladimir Putin and Emmanuel Macron in Versailles offered some fascinating geopolitical shadow play. Macron went so far as to say that, “No major problem in the world can be solved without Russia.” On Syria’s war, which topped their agenda, he said it needs “an inclusive political solution.” While on terrorism, his guest offered: “It is impossible to fight a terrorist

Inside a French Roma camp probably already demolished by cops

by Ramin Mazaheri Unfortunately, I’ve covered plenty of Roma camp demolitions since 2010, and they never actually stop, but a pro-Roma group sent me an email that attracted my attention. Just outside of Paris a few dozen Roma families were terrified because at any unspecified moment cops were going to swoop in, bulldoze the camp, confiscate or destroy their meager possessions and render them homeless while providing no housing alternative.
