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The Iews, China, and World War Xi

Note by Andrei: FYI, at the bottom of the homepage I posted the following, rather unoriginal, note “The views expressed are solely those of the authors and may or may not reflect those of The Saker Blog. We frequently post articles that we may differ with, partially or completely, to support open debate“.  I find Thorsten J. Pattberg’s writings extremely interesting, but there is plenty in them which I disagree

This and that on a calm (before the storm?) Sunday

First, something’s definitely up. Check out those to headlines: Zelensky calls for ‘world’ to ‘strike’ Kremlin Residents urged to leave Russian city ‘immediately’ I won’t go into a discussion of these articles today (but please do read them).  I will just say that I am confident that the evacuation of civilians is not, repeat NOT, the sign of a planned withdrawal (which, since Kherson is now Russian under the Russian

Giorgia’s Tragedy: On Italy Going Polish

by Jo Red for the Saker blog The Drama of Italian Politics Frodo is indeed the most tragic character in the Lord of the Rings. He belongs to the shire and goodness. Yet he’s also got curiosity and adventurousness that are unusual for Hobbits, even if still not enough to subvert his life. Finally, the occasion comes, and the harmony is broken: Frodo must bear the burden of the ring

On Going Seriously Boom

by Fred Reed for the Saker blog Pleasurable excitement ripples through the usual boredom of Washington, and the resident curiosities enjoy exquisite frissons, over the possibility of nuclear war over the Ukraine. Some official of the EU, or maybe it was the mediocrity in the White House with the truculence problem, but anyway one of the geniuses ruling the planet’s fate has said that if Russia used nukes, the Russian

A few updates and a cartoon instead of week-end music

Today we begin by a few headlines which illustrate the current Russian strategy of unilateralism: Putin announces new security measures in Russia Putin introduces martial law in former Ukrainian regions Lavrov acknowledges «no sense» in maintaining the same diplomatic presence in the West The first two are really no brainers and show that the Kremlin perfectly understands what the AngloZionist Hegemony intends to do next.  The last one is simply

Nord Stream, currencies & credibility go bust for EU liberalism

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog There’s no more obvious failure of Europe’s politicians to protect their own citizens than the drop in the euro and the pound to below parity and near-parity, respectively, with the United States dollar. However, this article was planned before the brazen sabotage of the Russian-German Nord Stream gas pipelines which – almost impossibly – outranks the currencies’ collapse! The two seismic events actually

‘Peaceful modernization’: China’s offering to the Global South

by Pepe Escobar, first published at The Cradle and posted with the author’s permission Xi Jinping just offered the Global South a stark alternative to decades of western diktats, war, and economic duress. ‘Peaceful modernization’ will establish sovereignty, economy, and independence for the world’s struggling state President Xi Jinping’s work report at the start of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) this past Sunday in Beijing

Under Satan’s Banner

by Dragan Filipovic for the Saker blog In all history, there is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare – Sun Tzu, ‘The Art of War’ Putin’s West is Satanic Speech During the signing ceremony on the accession to the Russian Federation of the four new regions on September 30th president Vladimir Putin declared that a ‘revolutionary transformation of the world’ is underway and stated that there

China: Xi gets ready for the final countdown

by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted President Xi Jinping’s 1h45min speech at the opening of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing was an absorbing exercise of recent past informing near future. All of Asia and all of the Global South should carefully examine it. The Great Hall was lavishly adorned with bright

A few updates about the NATO Crusade against Russia

Intro: setting the current context Before we take a look at some of the most interesting recent developments, I think that it is important to clearly state something which needs to be repeated almost constantly: what we are witnessing today is not a war between Russia and the Ukraine, but between Russia and the united, consolidated, West.  In practical terms, this means that Russia is at war with the United

Cui bono? The Big Picture

by Eric Arthur Blair for the Saker blog (note: the author is not Russian, knows no Russians and has never been to Russia) Further to my last “Motive, Means and Opportunity” summary regarding who blew up the Nordstream pipelines (the USA), let us stand back and look at the bigger global picture today. Let us ask “Cui bono?” with regard to the entire Ukrainian debacle. First of all, we need

The End-Game

By Batiushka for The Saker blog It is now dawning, even on self-deluded Western politicians and their presstitute media, that the situation just cannot go on like this. Let us take just the news headlines from 18 October. The US publication National Interest reports that the Ukraine could only last one month without US aid. The governor of the province of Kherson, Kirill Stremousov, has announced on the Russian

On Trussification: From Decolonisation to Desperation to Hopelessness to Farce

By Batiushka for The Saker blog Decolonisation: The Western Withdrawal from Asia, Africa and Europe The Western European Empires have gone. The bankrupt Spanish Empire went first, in the century before last, the Germans lost their colonies in 1919 (at the same time as the Austro-Hungarians lost their European colonies), then the Italians lost their fantasies in Africa during the Second World War, the Germans got kicked out of their
