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Posts From The Saker

Emigre Super Bloc – Clinton’s Jihadis | Will the Super Delegates Vote YES to More Terrorism?

by GH Eliason By the end of this section, you will understand Islamic terrorism better than most analysts. Where it came from, where it’s going,who’s driving it there will be to a large degree answered. The background detail makes this poignantly clear. Can we trust American politicians that already know these things, like the idea of them, and throughout the primary cast their superdelegate vote to make sure terrorism becomes

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant: A genocidal campaign- Part 3: The Wahhabi mission spreads globally

by Aram Mirzaei In the previous articles, we explored the origins of the sectarian ideology in the early days of Islam, the Khawarij. We also examined surge of the Wahhabi mission, a similar Takfiri ideology that originated in the 18th century, one that continues to live until this day through the support of different imperial powers, the British Empire and the US. In this final part, we will examine the

Hell Hath No Fury Like a Teflon Sultan (Pepe Escpbar on Turkey coup)

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik News When Turkish President/aspiring Sultan Recep Tayyip Erdogan landed at Istanbul’s Ataturk airport early Saturday morning, he declared the attempted coup against his government a failure, and a “gift from God.” God apparently uses Face Time. It was via that iconic iPhone footage from an undisclosed location shown live on CNN Turk by a bewildered female anchor that Erdogan managed to call his legion of followers to hit the streets, unleash People

The New Middle East: Exit America Enter Russia

by Ghassan Kadi Is the genie finally out of the bottle? A myriad of seemingly unrelated events and loose ends are converging in a manner that points in the direction of a huge win for Russian diplomacy in the Middle East, and we only need to connect the dots to see this scenario unfolding. What dots, one might ask? Henry Kissinger made it law for America to protect Israel. In

Failed coup in Turkey – a few initial thoughts

When I first heard that a coup was in progress in Turkey my first thought was that it was the USA’s way to punish Erdogan for his sudden apology to Russia.  Yes, sure, I realized that there were many other possible explanations, but that was the one I was hoping for.  I even  told my family that if this was a US-backed coup and if Erdogan or his supporters said

BREAKING NEWS: military coup in progress in Turkey! (OPEN THREAD)

Russian, US and EU sources are all reporting that a military coup is in progress in Turkey. It is way too early to comment on these events, but I have to say that while I was hoping for exactly such an events for the past 7 months, the timing here looks very suspicious to me and I wonder which side is behind it. This is huge and I am creating

The USA springs a trap Russia will have walk into

This article was written for the Unz Review: Tis the season to be leaking, at least in Washington DC were the latest WaPo obtained “leak” is suggestint that the US is offering Russia a plan to ‘coordinate’ their strikes on Daesh and al-Nusra and to set up joint implementation group (JIG) to “enable expanded coordination between the United States and the Russian Federation beyond the established safety of flight

Brexit SITREP: Looking down from Northern England

by Jack J. Back in 2015 we were all moving to Scotland. Ed Milliband had just suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of polish-faced Cameron. After years of austerity actually driving the deficit up, the British people voted for more of the same; the combined vote of blue, yellow and purple tories topped 50%, so even proportional representation would not have fundamentally changed the outcome. Sorry, did I say

Guy Mettan’s book on russophobia is a “must read” for any person interested in Russia

Review of the book “Russie-Occident – une guerre de mille ans: La russophobie de Charlemagne à la Crise Ukrainienne” (“The West vs Russia – a thousand year long war: russophobia from Charlemange to the Ukrainian Crisis”) by Guy Mettan, Editions des Syrtes, Genève, Suisse, 2015 ( Initially, I planed to write a ‘regular’ review of this book, but by the time I finished reading it I realize that nothing short

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant: A genocidal campaign – part 2: The rise of Wahhabism and the formation of a bastion of terror.

by Aram Mirzaei In the previous article, we examined the history of the concept of Takfir, Muslims who engage in excommunication of other Muslims. We also examined the history of the first great split within Islam. In this part we will examine the second surge of Takfir, one that originated in the Arabian Peninsula during the 18th century. Before we examine this surge closer, a short introduction to Islamic jurisprudence,
