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Posts From The Saker

The Pentagon’s Great Wall of Impotence

by Pepe Escobar for RT No one ever lost money betting on the Pentagon refraining from exceptionalist rhetoric. Once again the current Pentagon supremo, certified neocon Ash Carter, did not disappoint at the Shangri-La Dialogue – the annual, must-go regional security forum in Singapore attended by top defense ministers, scholars and business executives from across Asia. Context is key. The Shangri-La Dialogue is organized by the London-based International Institute for

Russia Prepares to Bomb the Rebels in Aleppo Again: As the rebels launch an offensive, truce around Aleppo approaches collapse

by Alexander Mercouris for The Duran Evidence is mounting that the Russians are cranking up to resume large scale bombing in and around the Syrian city of Aleppo. The background is an agreement which was concluded by the US and the Russians in February. This called for a “cessation of hostilities” between the various Syrian factions in return for which Russia’s bombing campaign in Syria was to be scaled down.

The Truth About #Brexit

Note: I don’t endorse everything in this video, especially not the Islam-bashing or his highly misleading representation of Switzerland as some kind of paradise on earth, but I do think that Paul Joseph Watson is mostly correct.  Besides, if I was in the UK, I sure would vote to get the hell out the sinking EU Titanic.  The Brits live on an island?  Good – let them use that God-given

Obama Slams Door in Putin’s Face: Says if Putin doesn’t want Russia’s retaliatory forces eliminated, he’ll need to be the one to press the nuclear button first

by Eric Zuesse Actions speak louder than mere words, and U.S. President Barack Obama has now acted, not only spoken. His action is to refuse to discuss with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russia’s biggest worry about recent changes in America’s nuclear strategy — particularly a stunning change that is terrifying Putin. On Sunday June 5th, Reuters headlined “Russia Says U.S. Refuses Talks on Missile Defence System”, and reported that, “The United

Led by Poland, the European “house Negroes” compete for the Darwin Awards:

This article was written for the Unz Review: And now, when all of these benefits and all this aid has been lost and discarded, England, leading the France offers to guarantee the integrity of Poland — the same in Poland, which just six months ago with greed hyena appetite took part in the robbery and destruction of the Czechoslovak state. -Winston Churchill, The Gathering Storm We really live in

Wanna see the “New European” homo-erotic “culture”?

Frankly, when I saw this I just could not believe my eyes.  Switzerland, the country where I was born, the country of Euler, Piaget, Dunant, Einstein, Paracelsus, Piccard, Dürrenmatt and Barth has now turned to some kind of degenerate form of satanic homo-erotic “art” as an expression of its “culture”.  Sickening.

G7 Boldly Displays Its Lies Regarding Anti-Russia Sanctions

by Eric Zuesse The official statement from the G7 group, of leading industrialized countries, publicly exposes the entire G7 group, by basing on provable and even blatant lies, the group’s support for continuation of Barack Obama’s anti-Russia sanctions. In its statement at the conclusion of the meeting of the G7 countries on May 27th, the G7 nations — the U.S. (who dictate to the others), plus the six others (who
