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Posts From The Saker

Brexit: how the British people have forfeited the confidence of their government (a quick commentary)

After the uprising of the 17th of June The Secretary of the Writers’ Union Had leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee Stating that the people Had forfeited the confidence of the government And could win it back only By redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier In that case for the government To dissolve the people And elect another? The Solution, Bertolt Brecht To say that the Brexit was a historical event

Now Britain faces ‘Coloured revolution’ as Soros moves to stop Brexit

By Nick Griffin The people of Britain are about to become the next victims of the ‘Coloured Revolution’ tactics used by Washington and Brussels against democratically elected governments from Serbia to Syria, from Ukraine to Brazil. Within a few days of the British electorate’s totally unforeseen (including by this author!) grass-roots decision to defy Establishment bullying and waves of MSM propaganda to vote for Brexit, the counter move of the

Cracks in the EU

by Kakaouskia Greetings to the Saker community and readers. So, the UK people, contrary to the “script” that wanted a narrow Remain win have elected to leave the European Union. As it could also have been predicted, there are calls to repeat the vote as the result is not the “correct” one. And as if the extremely narrow gap between the two voting blocs was not bad enough – for

US Options in the Ukraine: trigger a religious war?

Note from the Saker: I wrote this article before taking a break to write my thesis and I am posting it now even though my summer fundraiser will only end on Wednesday.   I just don’t want you to have to wait for the end of my fundraising drive before getting your news and analysis, especially on the Ukraine (which has been requested by many), but if you have not contributed

Full text of Xinhua’s exclusive interview with President Putin

ST. PETERSBURG, Russia, June 23 (Xinhua) — Russian President Vladimir Putin, in an hour-long exclusive interview with Xinhua President Cai Mingzhao ahead of his upcoming visit to China, elaborated his views on bilateral ties, China-Russia trade, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), and international cooperation, among other issues.  The following is the full text of Xinhua’s exclusive interview with Putin: Cai: Honorable President Putin, it is my great pleasure to have

The #StolenReferendum. How Cameron & Co have ruthlessly exploited the murder of MP Jo Cox to save their skins and the EU ‘Project’

by Nick Griffin Britain’s vote on Europe looks set to go down in history as the ‘Stolen Referendum’. As the Remain campaign’s ruthless exploitation of the appalling murder of MP Jo Cox continues, big business, banks and other Remain enthusiasts are increasingly confident of coming out on top in Thursday’s historic poll. Yet such a victory will have been bought at a terrible price – a blatant triple fraud against
