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Posts From The Saker

Week Four of the Russian Intervention in Syria: assessing the Vienna declaration

I would argue that, at least so far, Russia has achieved many important goal in her intervention in Syria.  Most importantly, the Russian intervention in Syria forced the USA to agree to a conference in which all the regional actors, including Iran, would be invited.  At the end of its proceedings the conference adopted a joint statement which I have fully reposted here: I believe that this statement represents

JOINT STATEMENT: Final declaration on the results of the Syria Talks in Vienna as agreed by participants

(red bolded color added to the original) Meeting in Vienna, on October 30, 2015, China, Egypt, the EU, France, Germany, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, the United Nations, and the United States [“the participants”] came together to discuss the grave situation in Syria and how to bring about an end to the violence as soon as possible. The

2.11.2015 Crisis News

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The Fallacy Of Western-Style Democracy

by Ghassan Kadi Until China surpasses the USA as the world’s strongest economic power, if it hasn’t already, and until the different nations of the world make up their minds as to who is the mightiest of them all; America or Russia, the West continues to be seen leading the world in many different aspects; least of which is in its arrogance. Despite its failing family values, drug addiction problems,

Andrew Korybko’s Interview With Serbia’s “Geopolitica” Magazine (English Exclusive)

by Biljana Đorović and exclusively published in print in the magazine Geopolitica You are a brilliant young researcher who entered with rocket speed into the first-world echelon of geopolitical analysts. Your insights penetrate into the heart of the problems the world faces today. These problems can best be studied from the perspective of the nature of modern warfare: hybrid wars and network-centric wars. Present us, please, the nature of these

Dreams of a sleeping alligator – dream four: waking up

Dear friends, Looks like my so-called “break” is coming to an end.  It has been a weird “break”, to be sure.  Not only was I unable to really stay away, but I worked on a couple of big things in the background, the biggest one of which I will announce here tomorrow or Tuesday.  Tuesday will also be the day when I will re-start the blog at its normal (well,

30.10.2015 Crisis News

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ISIS increases capabilities in Aleppo province. Reasons & Conditions

by SouthFront source: According to American experts citing certain Syrian humanitarian groups, the Islamic State in recent days has achieved several significant successes in the South Aleppo province and has infiltrated and established control over several districts of the strategically important town of al Safira. As a result of the offensive the ISIS was able to capture about 10 checkpoints on the strategically important highway from Hama via Salmiya,
