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Posts From The Saker

The arrest of two mass murderers can blow up Europe

by Evgenii Krutikov source: Translated by Seva The arrest of two mass murderers can blow up Europe Within a few days two men were arrested: Naser Orić and Ramush Haradinaj, two well-known figures of the Balkan wars, two mass murderers, whose names are as known to Serbs as the names of Basaev and Chikatilo are to Russians. Both were on trial in the Hague, accused of genocide, and both

Is a “color revolution” underway in Armenia?

Electric Yerevan’ is Sliding Out of Control by Andrew Korybko for Sputink Armenians have taken to the streets to protest a planned 17-22% increase in their utility bills, initiated by the Armenian Electricity Network due to the Armenian dram’s dramatic depreciation over the past year (about equal in percentage to the price hike itself). While it’s understandable that some in the economically struggling country would be upset by the $85 or so cumulative increase in payments each year, many find it troubling

I saw death in Odessa

by Claude Roddier The events of May 2, 2014 in Odessa should not be forgotten. Some people from Odessa and Lugansk are currently in Paris, taking part in demonstrations. One of them is Irina Leskova, whom I met in Nice in January 2015 when she came with a delegation of Odessites to present an exhibition and talk to us in person of the drama. It was she who organised the

Європа – це Україна !

Did they expect us to treat them with any respect? They can polish their medals and sharpen their Smiles, and amuse themselves playing games for awhile. Boom boom, bang bang, lie down you’re dead. Roger Waters The Maidanites had this great slogan “Україна – це Європа!” or “The Ukraine is Europe”.  It was short, emphatic and utterly meaningless – hence it’s appeal and success.  Predictably it took the Ukronazis less

Response from a Bosnian Muslim

Foreword by the Saker: Over a year ago, I posted an interview with Nebojsa Malic, a  Bosnian-Serb who know lives in the USA.  In my introduction to this interview, I wrote the following: I understand that the topic of war in Bosnia might reopen old wounds for some readers and I also understand that some might categorically disagree with Nebojsa Malic’s point of view.  To those readers I would say

India’s War On Terror Moves To Myanmar

by Andrew Korybko India conducted a special forces operation against Myanmar-based terrorists responsible for a recent attack. Showing its renewed resolution in combating all forms of terrorism, India recently launched a precision operation against Myanmar-based terrorists, killing over 100 of them. The operation was in response to a surprise ambush earlier this month that killed 18 soldiers in the Northeastern state of Manipur. This corner of the country has long

Something critical might be happening in the Ukraine

Two small newsitems have not received much attention recently, and yet they might be the signs of something big happening: Poroshenko has fired the notorious Head of the equally notorious Security Service of Ukraine or SBU: Valentin Nalivaichenko. Sergei Ivanov, the powerful Deputy Prime Minister of Russia has stated that the US and Russia have created a bilateral communications channel on the Ukraine run by Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of

Saker rant: “Gun control” should only mean “hitting your target”

As is so often the case, there is crazy shit happening in the US of A.  Yesterday I just took a quick look at the RT news feed and I saw this: Following the shooting in Charleston, some creep shot another 7 people in West Philly and some other creep shot another 10 in Detroit. I already know what is going to happen next: there will be new appeals to

June 21st 2015 Weekly Ukraine and World SITREP by Baaz

The Ukraine Weekly SITREP Ukrainian soldiers launching Hyacinth-C shells in Donbass (video) (Source) Official: Pentagon may store heavy weapons in Baltics, Eastern Europe (Source) Defense official says move would ‘put equipment where US troops would need it in the event of Russian aggression’ Students in Lugansk appeal for peace (Video) (Source) Donbass Protests Demand Justice for Victims of American War in Ukraine (Source) In Donetsk thousands protest Ukraine army shelling

A short message of gratitude to ML from CH

Since I am sitting at home stuck in my chair I might as well take the time to thank one supporter from Switzerland whose initials are ML who has been sending me a donation each month.  He never wrote to me and I only know his name because it is one the wire transfer.  ML – if you are reading this, thanks a lot for your kind support! The Saker
