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Posts From The Saker

Saker with minor, but painful, injury

Dear friends, On Wednesday I went hiking in the beautiful Florida wilderness.  The hike itself was great, and I came home elated and, I would even say, intoxicated with the beauty of what I had seen.  Yet somehow, I managed to sprain my ankle.  I did not feel that on the day of the hike thanks probably to a combination of good hiking boots, the heat (over 100F/38C) and all

Saker community news, supporter thanks and VACANCIES!

Dear friends, Our community is going through some difficult times right now and, as a result, we have a number vacancies. [If you have not seen it yet, click here too see a motivational video to encourage you to help us!] Here is the positions we are trying to fill: Latin American Saker blog Team Leader: the current Latin American Saker blog Team Leader is simply over-worked and over-stretched.  He is

A New World Order Requires a New Mindset – a response to Nikolai Starikov’s interview in the People’s Daily

by Mister Unknown Russian author & political analyst Nikolai Starikov recently gave an interview to the Russian language version of the “People’s Daily”, the official state newspaper of the PRC. Starikov’s attitudes toward China were predictably positive & friendly, but I noticed one problematic theme that emerged repeatedly in Starikov’s interview answers, one which I find all too common in the Russian discourse on Sino-Russian relations – a preoccupation with the US &

Those who would sell out Novorossia

Source Translated by Gideon People never cease to amaze me. For example, many Russians sincerely believe that different types of Russians live in the Crimea, in Donbass, Odessa and Kharkov because the Crimea is now Russia, because in Donbass there is war and because Kharkov and Odessa are still occupied and under repression. We might just as well argue that citizens of Moscow are 1.5 times better than citizens

Hassan Nasrallah: Al-Nosra Defeated in Qalamoun, Battle against Daesh (ISIS) begins (Eng Subs)

From the YouTube channel of Sayed Hasan: Political Section of the speech of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah Secretary General, on 10th June 2015, devoted to the Imam Khamenei thought. In his last speech, the Secretary General of Hezbollah evoked the latest developments of the war opposing Hezbollah and the Syrian Arab Army to the takfiri terrorists along the Lebanese-Syrian border, where the successes of the Resistance continues despite the propaganda.

Wanted: NGO Whistleblowers

By Andrew Korybko Intelligence-affiliated NGOs have become a major security risk to the sovereignty of multipolar states, and they can directly be blamed for assembling Color Revolutionary social infrastructure and managing its regime change logistics. After the first (post-Soviet) and second (‘Arab Spring’) waves of Color Revolutions, targeted states have finally wised up to the West’s game and are now actively seeking ways to innovatively defend themselves from this destabilizing

Very interesting public survey in the occupied Ukraine

First, the disclaimers: no, I am not naive enough to believe that it is possible to make a truly representative survey in the Nazi-occupied Ukraine. Yes, I do understand that each article, survey or opinion piece published in the Ukraine has been paid for by some interest group.  And no, I do not believe that the people living under the Nazi junta are given enough information to make up their

June 14 2015 Ukraine and World SITREP by Baaz

The Ukraine Weekly SITREP US troops training Ukrainian soldiers on Russia’s doorstep: Report (Source) Obama Sidelines Kerry on Ukraine Policy (Source) Twitter Users Find Ukrainian Buk-M1 System After Kiev Denies Existence( Source) Impeach Poroshenko!’ Massive anti-govt rally held in central Kiev (Source) A massive march took place in the streets of Kiev to protest against the policies of the current Ukrainian government, calling for its resignation and economic reforms. According
