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Posts From The Saker

An unpleasant truth for Ukrainians is coming to light

By Batko Milacic for the Saker Blog Ukrainian forces have threatened civilians by setting up bases and operating weapons systems in populated areas, including schools and hospitals, as they battled the Russian intervention that began in February, Amnesty International said in a statement. “Such a tactic violates international humanitarian law and endangers civilians, as it turns civilian objects into military targets. The Russian strikes that followed in populated areas killed

Spies in the Garden: Purging Our Russian, North Korean, Chinese, and Iranian Plants

by Jim Wehtje for the Saker Blog Dumping Russian vodka is easy, and you can smash the bottles publicly if outrage need be loudly demonstrated. Banning the soft power of Russian cat breeds in feline shows is also straightforward. Canceling Dostoyevsky from the classroom or living room bookshelf is another way to take a stand against aggression. Or perhaps ban Russian players from tennis tournaments, unless they take a disloyalty

The United States responded to Griner’s sentence by kidnapping a Russian

Vinnik faces virtually life imprisonment in the United States source: A Russian national, Alexander Vinnik, who now faces more than 50 years in prison, has been arrested in the United States. On Thursday, he was actually fraudulently taken out of Europe to San Francisco in violation of all international legal norms. Apparently, this is how Washington responded to the verdict of the Brittney Griner, convicted in the Russian Federation

The Decline and Fall of the Western Empire

By Batiushka for The Saker blog Sometime in the future a learned academic will be writing a weighty tome with the title The Decline and Fall of the Western Empire. Perhaps the Contents Page will include, among others, twelve chapters with titles something like this: World War One. World War Two. Korea. Vietnam. Palestine. Iran. Nicaragua. Afghanistan. Iraq. Syria. Ukraine. Taiwan. Indeed, Karin Kneissel, the former Austrian Foreign Minister, is

Russia’s GDP is close to Germany’s

By @AlexanderIV17 (Twitter) for the Saker blog One of the favorite lines of the West propagandists is “ Russia doesn’t count, it’s about the size of Italy’s GDP” . I remember B.Obama saying something like that with scorn in December 2016, when D.Trump had just been elected and the Democrats were abuzz with all sorts of Russian conspiracy theories. Ever since the Empire and its minions, serfs and vassals have

Exclusive: The Fugitive Who Tried to Spark a US-China War

By Pepe Escobar, with a special correspondent, for the Saker blog ISTANBUL – Guo Wengui, also known as Guo Haoyun, and by his English names Miles Kwok and Miles Guo, is a politically connected, self-proclaimed exiled Chinese billionaire who tried to start a U.S.-China war. On Feb. 15, the billionaire filed for Chapter 11, personal bankruptcy protection in US Bankruptcy Court in Bridgeport, CT, listing assets of just $3,850 and

Anatomy of the EU “gas crisis”

by Jorge Vilches for the Saker blog Europe today does not have – or possibly never had – an effective vision of the no-nonsense existential strategy it required to subsist in peace. Furthermore, as if not aware of the coming debacle, EU leaders firmly insist on their failed policies. Now, former Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder proposes to solve the EU’s self-inflicted ´gas crisis´ by launching the Nord Stream 2 (NS2) gas

How a missile in Kabul connects to a Speaker in Taipei

Washington’s hard power display of taking out Al-Qaeda’s Al-Zawahiri will not be reciprocated by Beijing over Pelosi’s provocative visit to Taiwan. It does however, definitively bury the decades-long era of cooperative US-Chinese relations. By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted This is the way the “Global War on Terror” (GWOT) ends, over and over again: not with a bang, but a whimper. Two Hellfire R9-X missiles

The Saker interviews Michael Hudson

Dear friends Today I had the honor and immense pleasure to spend one hour talking to my friend Michael Hudson and I am happy to share this video with you.  I have immense respect for Michael, both as an economist and as a friend, and want to clarify this because some trolls have viciously attacked Michael in the comments section and I want to make something abundantly clear: any rude

The Real Global Agenda Pushing for War with China

By Cynthia Chung for the Saker blog “We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.” Henry John Temple, aka Lord Palmerston (Britain’s Prime Minister from 1855-1858, 1859-1865), oversaw Britain’s First Opium War (1839-1842) as Head of Britain’s Foreign Office and the Second Opium War (1856-1860) as Britain’s Prime Minister against China. Snow

Nancy braves the Chinese dragon and wins?

So, it appears that Pelosi landed in Taiwan. This is a HUGE victory for the invincible USA and China with all its hollow threats has now lost face.  That is how those evil commies are – they only understand the language of force, and when faced with the united forces of democracy they cave. Right? Right?! Well…… Yes, if your expertise in international relation, military matters and China (or Russia)

The Mystery Of The Missing BTC2

By Tarik in the Vineyard Today I’ll spare you, I’ll keep it short, sweet… and sour. I want to talk about Bitcoin. Don’t worry I wont try to convert anyone either way. I mean, there’s no denying it was(is?) an exceptional opportunity to amass literally obscene fortunes, if you new what you were doing, or just lucky enough to have jumped in at the right time, even after the latest

Brandon shifts the narrative on Banderastan

President “Biden” (i.e. the “collective” Biden, not the actual Bradon) penned an interesting article for the NYT entitled “President Biden: What America Will and Will Not Do in Ukraine“.  The entire things is behind a paywall, and it is not really worth reposting it here.  But I do want to comment on a few of “Biden’s” theses. First, I will ignore the obnoxious habit of calling the USA “America”, when

Going to Samarkand

By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted The SCO and other pan-Eurasian organizations play a completely different – respectful, consensual – ball game. And that’s why they are catching the full attention of most of the Global South. The meeting of the SCO Ministerial Council  in Tashkent this past Friday involved some very serious business. That was the key preparatory reunion previous to the SCO summit

From Balkh to Konya: Discovering Rumi’s spiritual geopolitics

By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted KONYA – Mystic poet, Sufi, theosophist, and thinker, Jalal al-Din Rumi remains one of the most beloved historical personalities in history, east and west. A wanderer in search of the light, he famously characterized himself thus: “I am nothing more than a humble lover of God.” The era of Rumi’s father – Sultan Bahaeddin Veled (1152-1231) and son (1207-1273)

A few important items to share with you on this quiet Sunday

Dear friends, While I am in the process of fully re-involving me with the fulltime work on the blog, I wanted to share a few things with you. First, now that I am fully back, I want to ask our guest authors to return to the practice of sending me their contributions to the usual email address: and not to my assistant Amarynth as we have been doing over
