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Posts From The Saker

BREAKING NEWS – Strelkov makes a historical press conference!

Dear friends,I just wanted to share with you the news that Igor Strelkov has made a truly historical press conference.  For those understanding Russian, please see here: soon as I get a translation or, better, a subtitled video I will post it here.At this point I will only say that his statements are both very powerful and very subtle and a very careful analysis of his statements needs to be

9/11 After 13 years & The Legend of 911 — 13 Years On

by Paul Craig Roberts The tragedy of September 11, 2001, goes far beyond the deaths of those who died in the towers and the deaths of firefighters and first responders who succumbed to illnesses caused by inhalation of toxic dust. For thirteen years a new generation of Americans has been born into the 9/11 myth that has been used to create the American warfare/police state. The corrupt Bush and Obama

Why Novorussia will never again accept Kiev’s rule

Over the past couple of days I have spend a lot (too lot) of time dealing with the immediate issues such as the dying (or already defunct?) ceasefire agreement.  Whatever importance one can give to this document and its meaning (or lack thereof), it is important not go get bogged down and do what the French call “avoir le nez dans le guidon” (to “have your nose in the handlebars”

Analogies between Yugoslavia and the Ukraine

by Stephen Karganovic Similarities in the way the Western coalition is handling the Ukrainian crisis that it engendered and brought to the point of savage conflict and the strategies that the same actors pursued in the nineties to lay the foundations for a brutal civil war and stoke the conflict resulting in the destruction of the Former Yugoslavia are being closely analyzed by Russian experts. Reasons for such close attention

Saker community news, blog update and donations

Dear friends,First, I want to begin this news update with an un-official pre-announcement: it appears that the Saker Blog community might welcome a new Language Team in our community, and a big language at that!  Since this is neither final nor official, I don’t want to announce this yet, but I cannot resist giving you a little head-up about this.Second, I have seen the prototype of the new WordPress based

Of facts, opinion and (mis)-interpretations

This morning a reader brought to my attention a very interesting post by Vladimir Suchan entitled “The Minsk “Ceasefire” Protocol and Russian Diplomacy’s Masterful “Sabotage” which I recommend that you read in its entirety. Suchan quotes a short note of mine where I said the following: “Knowing the degree to which Russian diplomats are normally maniacally fastidious and pedantic with words, I can only conclude that they have deliberately sabotaged

One more thing about the ceasefire (last post of the day)

Today I have posted exceptionally many articles. I try to get the to you, the readers, as fast as I can, but some might have been annoyed by the intensity of this deluge. If that is your case, please accept my apologies: there is just so much going on and to cover that waiting just does not seem to make sense to me. In conclusion to this hectic day, I

Analysis of the ceasefire by Alexander Mercouris

Dear friends,I am under the very strong impression that a lot of folks are in a full-blown “panic” mode for no valid reason at all.  I did my best to calm things down in my recent Q&A/FAQ+RFC post (if you have not read it *please* do so!) but my feeling is that my words have fallen on deaf ears.  Then I tried again, by posting Yuri Baranchik’s article.  Again, I

MH17 – the silence of the liars

  Comment: to those of you who wonder where I get this fantastic art from, it is my honor and pleasure to announce that the Basque artist Josetxo Ezcurra has agreed to become a collaborator to the Saker Blog.  Check out his gallery here: Yes, I am one lucky dude :-)Cheers,The Saker

Open letter to Alexei Mozgovoi from an American activist

Dear Alexey, I deeply resonate with what you’re saying. If yours is indeed the position of Novorussia’s fighters and activists, largely shared by the people, if indeed you stand united behind it, then I will be cheering you on and speaking out in your defense. If you stumble and make mistakes, even terrible ones, I will be sharing your pain and rooting for you to survive, pick yourselves up and

The Zionist-Anglo-Saxon caliphate vs the BRICS

by Peter Koenig Ever since the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) expressed their unison through the formation of a joint Development Bank – Durban, South Africa on 27 March 2013 – the Zionist-Anglo-Saxon caliphate attempted to divide them. The BRICS constitute some 45% of the world population and close to 30% of global GDP. The BRICS idea is to issue a joint alternative currency, fully detached from

The Last King of Scotland: Splitting the ‘Anglo’ in ‘Anglo-Zionist’

Dear friends,It is my *huge* pleasure to share with you an analysis written by American Kulak.  I got it a few days ago exactly as he describes: no questions, no warnings, no heads-up, nothing but the article itself.  I *love* this “just do it” approach as it makes it easy for all sides to make good things happen.  And good his piece really is.  When I read it the first

Why America needs a major war in Europe?

(Please make sure to press the ‘cc’ button at the bottom right of the video window to see the English subtitles) Thanks to all the great folks at the Russian and Oceania Teams who translated, subtitled and produced this version of the video!!Transcription: OlyaTranslation & Editing: KatyaProduction:Marina,Katya & Augmented Ether

Russia’s Response To European Capital Sanctions In One Word

by Tyler Durden for Zero Hedge While the West continues to press the “Russia is increasingly isolated” meme, it appears – as we noted ironically previously, that Vladimir Putin is finding plenty of friends… most notably China. While threats of ‘asymmetric’ retaliation over European sanctions may have been enough to worry Europe’s leaders, the slew of news overnight regarding increased cooperation between China and Russia is likely more damaging to

Igor Strelkov: I will definitely continue to fight for my Homeland in one format or another.

From the English version of the Colonel Cassad blog. The following was posted by Igor Strelkov on a Russian social forum Comrades and the accompanying ladies!Snake [n.b. a nickname of a forum admin?] talked me into logging into the forum and telling at least a few words about what is happening. Due to a number of circumstances I won’t comment in any way on the events that occur in Novorossia.

Alexey Mozgovoi: I Will Continue to the End!

from Gleb Bazov’s Slaviangrad website:Against the Oligarchs and False Politicians. For the People. Novorossiya shall be! Oligarchs out! Power to the real, common people! This is our [first] chance in many decades to build an equitable, human and humane society. WITH RESPECT TO STRELKOV HAVING BEEN BETRAYED AND BETRAYAL IN GENERAL. There are so many who did not like what was begun and do not want to push it to
