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Posts From The Saker

What, if anything, happened in Geneva?

There are no official results from the meeting in Geneva yet.  The US has promised to give the Russians an official answer in writing within a week.  The Russians have declared that they have explained the Russian position to their US counterparts in minute details leaving no ambiguity.  According to Russian sources, the US position was a “diehard/stubborn” one. Clearly, the War Party in the USA is, at least so

The true face of Vucic supporters for all to see :-)

Yesterday a Vucic-troll calling himself П.П.Његош complained about my characterization of Vucic.  I replied this to him.  Today, I found this remarkable comment intercepted by the moderators: A couple of things are particularly interesting here. First, the reference to my “Russian genes” and to my “Asiatic race”.  That is racism at its purest, of course.  It also sounds exactly like what Ukronazis say about Russians (nb: they typically claim that

A Faintly Curmudgeonly Analysis of the Sino-Dimbulbian Clash

by Fred Reed for the Saker blog A staple response of nationalistic commenters on the web, when told that China is advancing rapidly in technology, is a truculent, “If the Chinese are so damn smart, why do they send their students to American universities? Huh?” The answer may surprise. Appended below is an email from an internet friend with a career in math and engineering: “Fred, “….My oldest daughter, being

Who “lost” Kazakhstan and to whom?

Dear friends, Christ is born!  Glorify Him! The magnitude of the crisis in Kazakhstan has surprised many, including myself.  Some compared what happened to the Euromaidan in Kiev, but that is a very bad comparison, if only because the Euromaidan happened on one square of one city whereas the violent insurrection (because that is what it was!) in Kazakhstan began in the western regions but quickly spread to the entire

CSTO sends peacekeepers to Kazakhastan

A lot has happened overnight.  The most remarkable development is that the CSTO is sending troops to Kazakhastan.  That is fast, very VERY fast.  And that proves that the Russians knew and were prepared.  I agree with Bernardt at MoA who wrote that “The U.S. Directed Rebellion in Kazakhstan May Well Strengthen Russia“. I leave you with a machine translation from an article originally posted here: Andrei Kazakhstan and

Color revolution in Kazakhastan (open thread)

Dear friends Today I am driving all day, but since there is a very serious color revolution that seems to be taking place in Kazakhstan,  I am therefore creating an open thread.  Please feel free to share any decent information and commentaries below.  According to Russian sources, the usual US-controlled disinformation resources (including Ukie ones!) are out in full force to support the insurrection.  The levels of violence are very

I wish everybody a very happy Nativity!

Dear friends, I wish to all of you who celebrate the Holy Nativity according to the Flesh of our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ on January 7th a joy-filled and peaceful feast day! My family and I will be leaving our home for 3 days to join our parish on the West Coast of Florida for the celebration of the Nativity.  I will be taking a small laptop with

Probing the Fever Swamps of Orthodoxy: Things One Mustn’t Ask

by Fred Reed for the Saker blog Writing about evolution is likely an expression of literary masochism, but has its rewards. The difficulties are several. For one thing, for many people belief in evolution indicates to them that they are not of the unwashed, but rather one with advanced thinkers. For another, most people accept nature-show evolution in which in a sort of biological Coeueism: we are getting better and

Quick state of the blog report and new year wishes

Dear friends As usual, I will present you with a bullet point “state of the blog” report, something I try to do once a year. The short summary is that the blog is doing great, in spite of a totally crazy 2021 year. I will be honest and admit that this was a tough year on many levels for the entire Saker community and for me too.  Between the pandemic,

Burnt alive in Odessa (documentary)

The original video is posted here: but YouTube made it age restricted and impossible to embed.  Amazingly, RuTube ALSO blocked the video. So I used BitChute for the first time.  Here is the video:

Revisiting the basics about the current balance of military power

Who is the strongest? Who is the best? Who holds the aces The East Or the West? This is the crap our children are learning! Roger Waters (1987) I noticed that my remarks about the silly PR stunt with a US CVN in the Med elicited some reactions in the comments section.  And it is true, that both sides, Russia and the “collective West”, are declaring themselves as militarily stronger,

The united West is preparing a zoo (open thread)

It appears that the united West is preparing what I would call a “negotiations zoo” which would include not only Russian-US talks, but also NATO and even the OSCE.  True, the US-Russia summit would take place 2 days before, at least that is the idea, but I still get the impression that the US has decided to use the Europeans like a kind of a political fig leaf behind which

Clouds on the horizon (OPEN THREAD)

The US did not provide Russia with any answer on Friday.  By itself, this is not very surprising, the levels of infighting in the US ruling elites have made it impossible to agree on a reply on such short notice, especially during the various end of year celebrations in the West. As for the Russians, they are fine with that, since their own deadline was mid-January.  So as of right

So far – no reply, but lots of denials (OPEN THREAD)

At the time of writing, 8PM in Moscow, the Russians have received no reply from the US.  So it appears that the US side, which had declared that an answer would be forthcoming for Friday, has changed their mind. Yesterday Putin had a 4 hour long presser, which further incensed the War Party and its propaganda machine (aka “the West’s free and democratic media”). Judging by the many statements coming

Meet the folks who make the Russians laugh and wonder

Today, on a lighter note, I want to share with you two official US statements which gave the Russians a monumental case of uncontrollable laughter.  First, US Trade Representative Tai which actually declared that the Russian import substitution program violates the WTO norms and hurts the US workers (see here and here).  Yup, you read that right.  The US imposes (totally illegal) sanctions on Russia and when Russia begins to

What could happen next if the USA rejects the Russian ultimatum?

There is a lot of discussions going on about what Russia might do if the West ignores the Russian ultimatum.  All I propose to do here is just share a few thoughts with you.  This is not an thorough analysis, but only some musings of mine about what I hear. First, Putin is both very predictable and, at the same time, very unpredictable.  The predictable thing about Putin is that

Quick update on the Russian ultimatum

A few quick facts. The Chinese Foreign Ministry has officially given its support to Russia: “China believes that in the current environment, Russian proposals are in line with the basic norms of international relations, help to increase mutual trust between countries, reduce the risk of conflicts, and uphold global and regional strategic stability“ The Russian diesel-electric submarine Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii has just fired a 3M14 Kalibr from a submerged position in the

The US is not giving up. What’s next?

by Rostislav Ishchenko for Note: this is a machine translation from the original Russian text Predictably, the United States rejected the Russian ultimatum. They couldn’t help but reject it, otherwise the Biden clique simply wouldn’t have stayed in power. The Democrats were pushed there not so that they would merge America, but so that the interests of bankers and stockbrokers would be a priority for the American government, and
