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Posts From The Saker

The upcoming Summit for Democracy as a time machine

Introduction: Biden’s “Summit for Democracy” scheduled for December 9-10, 2021, has posted its final list of invited countries. Let’s take a look: Albania Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Bahamas Barbados Belgium Belize Botswana Brazil Bulgaria Cabo Verde Canada Chile Colombia Costa Rica Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Democratic Republic of Congo Denmark Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Estonia European Union Fiji Finland France Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guyana

Possible motives for a provocation against Russia

A lot of commentators have pointed out that the West really does not want a full scale war with Russia because this would, at best, be a suicidal proposition.  True. But there are some specific interests in the West which very much want to raise tensions as high as possible.  Today I will list just a few: (partial list) The US energy sector The energy sector is deeply concerned about

Very telling admission from EU High Representative Josep Borrell

The EU High Representative Josep Borrell has just made a very telling admission, check out this video.  Here is the interesting quote (at about timestamp 29:00, stress added): “And we western people, US and EU, we have been ruling the world because we were the standard setters, we were fixing the standards, we are the masters of how technology was working. And from steel-mills to trains, railways to everything warfare,

The Russian Foreign Intelligence office (SVR) issues an unprecedented warning about US operations in eastern Ukraine

This is a machine translated text whose source is here: (Emphasis and color added by me, Andrei) ——- THE UNITED STATES PROVOKES AN ESCALATION IN THE EAST OF UKRAINE The press Bureau of the SVR of Russia reports that recently Washington officials have been actively intimidating the world community by allegedly preparing Russia for “aggression” against Ukraine. According to incoming data, the US State Department through diplomatic channels brings

Why did Russia deploy so many forces against NATO?

So those evil vodka-soaked Russians are deploying their forces right near the Ukrainian border and are about to attack.  Right? Well, today I want to begin by sharing a few very basic maps with you.  First, here is a map of Russia with her military districts:   The most important thing to understand is that the city of Moscow is located in the middle of the Western Military District which,

Will the upcoming Putin-Biden summit defuse the situation?

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov has declared today that a Biden-Putin summit was being worked on and that it could take place before the end of the year.  If this true, then this is, by definition, very good news. What this news item also seems to suggest is that there is some very serious infighting taking place amongst the different clans/groups which rule over the US, NATO and the

Vladimir Putin took part in the expanded meeting of the Foreign Ministry Board

The meeting was devoted to the implementation of national foreign policy and future tasks of Russian diplomacy. * * * Speech at the expanded meeting of the Foreign Ministry Board President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Lavrov, colleagues, I would like to welcome everyone here to the expanded meeting of the Foreign Ministry Board. Today, our agenda is focused on the implementation of Russia’s foreign policy and priority tasks for the future, taking into account the adopted amendments to the Constitution, which also concern foreign policy. Importantly, our Fundamental Law has now sealed such basic ideas

Russian options in a world headed for war

The world is headed for war and has been headed that way for quite a while now.  Several times, just at the brink, the West decided to pull back, but each time it did that its ruling elites felt two things: first, the felt even more hatred for Russia for forcing them to back down and, second, they interpreted the fact that no shooting war happened (yet) as the evidence,

Lukashenko must go and Russia and Belarus must truly unite

If there is one thing which is obvious for all to see is that the EU and NATO hold one language against Belarus and another against Russia.  For example, the EU has just agreed to impose a 5th package of sanctions on Belarus, but their official statement does not mention Aeroflot, Russia, or Putin by a single word.  Of course, western politicians make all sorts of noises and grandstanding statements

Note about the current naval operations in the Black Sea

There is a lot of speculation about the current US/NATO operations in the Black Sea region.  I would like to offer the following bulletpoint comments about what I believe is going on. If we add up all the US+NATO forces involved in this operation, they fall far short of what would be needed for an attack on Russia.  Thus, in purely military terms, this is just a Kabuki theater, not

Is Soviet psychiatry still alive in 2021?

Following the furore created by my post yesterday, I want to point out something which is hilarious, scary and quite amazing, all at the same time. In the late Soviet Union one way to deal with dissidents/opponents of the Communist rule was to declare them insane, usually with what they called “slowly evolving/latent schizophrenia” (вялотекущая шизофрения).  Now, truth be told, quite a few of those dissidents did have weird personalities

The whitewashing murder day (UPDATED)

Propaganda is easy to unpack once you get down a few basic rules.  One of them is this: “the louder the slogan, the bigger the lie“. That is also the case with Veteran’s Day in which US Americans thank their veterans for their “service”. Now even setting aside the true reasons why US Americans sign up, there is a much more important fact which the US propaganda machine is trying

Typical comment by yet another nutcase

This is just one comment which the moderators intercepted, but which I decided to share with you to illustrate why I speak so often of “nutcases” or “ignorant idiots”.  They are real. This one used “Judge & Executioner” as his handle.  Check him out: QED.

Deconstructing Islamophobia (alas, a necessary repost)

Foreword: almost exactly two years ago I wrote a column entitled “Deconstructing Islamophobia“.  Yesterday, I posted an article about immigration which, alas, generated a few truly idiotic comments about “The Muslims they… bla bla bla” which I initially planned to reply to, but which I simply deleted in utter disgust.  Here I need to clarify, I was not disgusted by anybody’s dislike (or even hatred) for Islam or Muslims, not

Immigration, ethnicity and religion (in ain’t as simple as it seems!)

Foreword: Today I am starting what might well turn out into a series of articles about the interaction between immigration, ethnicity and religion.  I happen to believe that this is a topic I know pretty well for the following reasons: I myself was born in a family of immigrants who went from Russia, to Serbia, to Germany, to Argentina, to Holland and then to Switzerland were I was born.  I

Quick update on moderation issues

Dear friends, Here is a quick update on the topic of moderation.  Having spoken with our head of moderation cum webmaster we are thinking along the following lines: All in all, our moderation system works and it does not need radical changes.  We will therefore make no major changes. We are probably going to ban anonymous comments.  Those concerned about privacy can post under any assumed handle. We are thinking

Lot’s of things happening at the same time (UPDATED)

Let’s begin with a few headlines: Pentagon says world will have three ‘great powers’ – and US will be ‘challenged’ Biden ready to change US nuclear weapons policy – reports The US imposes sanctions on Nicaragua IRGC releases footage of blocking US oil seizure The first two seem to point to a US realization that war against China and Russia is unwinnable and that the USA simply does not have

Moderation issues – part II (UPDATED)

Dear friends, I woke up this morning to see 107 comments!!  So, first and foremost, THANK YOU ALL!! Second, I will have to sit down and read each comment carefully, making notes.  But I want you to know that I did already read a lot of them and that this is already very helpful, at least for me.  So, again, thank you! Third, and I should have mentioned that yesterday,

Question to the all our readers about moderation (Saker rant)

Dear friends, Yesterday I posted a subtitled video which I knew would be controversial, but I also considered that this was an important topic, so I went ahead with it.  This resulted in a few average comments, and some very good ones.  But then, today, I saw these two: The vilification of Peter the Great is a manifestation of (not so) subtle Russophobia, fear and ‘revolutionary’ hatred of Russia. The
