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Posts From The Saker

Politico’s hallucinations

By now, you must have heard it: Satellite images show new Russian military buildup near Ukraine, at least so says Politico. In reality, those images come from a location over 200km away from the Ukrainian border. Not only that, but Russia has no need for her 1st Guards Tank Army to deal with any Ukronazi threat – she has enough standoff weapons to defend the LDNR without crossing the border

Christian Vignette #7 – some useful sources

Dear friends If you make a quick search for “Orthodox Church” or something similar, you will find hundred of thousands of website, article and books out there.  This presents the reader with two problems: How to separate the fake (90%+) from the real thing (under 10%)? How to find the time and energy to plow through such a wealth of information? The bad new is this: original Christianity, which today

Why I see a war in the Donbass as (almost) inevitable

First, I want to present the parties to the conflict and describe their intermediate objectives and final goals Entity Intermediate objective Goal The USA+UK+3B+P Force Russia to openly intervene Recover total control of Europe The EU (mostly northern) Force Russia to openly intervene Deflect blame from its own leaders and failures The Nazi regime in Kiev Force Russia to openly intervene Cut-off the disloyal eastern Ukraine and retain political control

Bayraktar saga continued & more preparations for war

First, a few news items: Forbes just posted an article with the title “U.S. Air Force Bombers Are Rehearsing Their New Main Mission—Sinking Russian Ships“, here is an excerpt (emphasis added): “Four B-1s from the 7th Bomb Wing at Dyess Air Force Base in Texas in early October deployed to the Royal Air Force base at Fairford. In the pre-dawn darkness on Oct. 19, two of the bombers took off

Bayraktar or fake? Lot of questions

I had the chance to see a fuller video of the presumed Bayraktar strike.  A lot of things look weird: It appears that the entire crew ran away after some kind of explosion.  Considering the warhead of the Bayraktar, that should not be possible. The footage seems to have been filmed from pretty much right above the position (but maybe there was a second, reconnaissance drone filming!). The flagwaving inside

Ukronazis used 2 Bayraktar drones against the LDNR: war next?

Yesterday a reader emailed me telling me that the Ukronazis had used a Bayraktar attack drone against the LDNR.  I replied that I doubted it very much because as far as I knew, the Turks had not yet finished to build the Bayraktars locally.  Apparently, I was wrong and the Ukronazis also purchased 12 Bayraktars off the shelf, ready to use. Now the Ukrainian propaganda is filled with triumphant statements

A commented reading of Putin’s speech at Valdai

Note: Below is the full speech made by made by Vladimir Putin, to which I have added red colors to add emphasis and a few comments of my own written in the blue color.  And while I do not have the energy or time to repeat this exercise for the Q&A section which followed his speech, I highly encourage you all to also read it! Andrei ——- President of Russia Vladimir

Christian Vignette #6 – Comparing approaches to “fine and obscure theological points”

A few years ago I wrote an article entitled “Russia and Islam, part eight: working together, a basic “how-to”” in which I wrote the following about how (some) Christians and (some) Muslims could/should try to work together: The fundamentally misguided yet typical approach: Having had many opportunities to exchange views with Muslim from different countries and having also heard Christian and Muslim religious figures engaged in various debates, dialogs and

Few items, more to come soon

First, please read this analysis from Andrei Martyanov: Second, Putin’s speech: probably the most important in his career!  We will post the full text when the translators in the Kremlin deem that the time has come to finish their translation. Third, I will then post a commented version of the transcript, with my remarks on a few key passages Last, expect a Christian Vignette #6 in the near future.

On suitcases, handles and fire-starters

“This is like a suitcase without a handle: it’s too heavy to carry, but it would a shame to throw it away” Russian saying   So the US Minister of Imperial Wars (aka “Secretary of Defense”) visited Georgia, the Ukraine and Romania.  Then he will go to the NATO HQ.  Is there a logic here?  After all, what is the value of these countries to the AngloZionist Empire? Nominally, these

Assessing the Russian counter propaganda efforts (UPDATED 2x)

In 2016 I wrote an analysis I called “Counter-propaganda, Russian style” and, about a year later, another one I called “Re-Visiting Russian Counter-Propaganda Methods“.  I ask you to please read them first, especially if you plan to post a comment! What I tried to show in these articles that, in total contrast from acting like the bad old Soviet propaganda, the modern Russian counter-propaganda does the exact opposite of what

The Ukronazis place a twelve (12!) year old girl on their “black list”

You must have heard about the “Mirotvorets” (Peacemaker) Ukronazi website: This is a semi-official website which lists all the “enemies of the Ukraine”, with photo and address.  We could call it an online “lynch list”.  The list of people included in their database ranges from anybody who does not approve of the Banderite Ukronazi ideology to some really ridiculous cases. But now, they reach a new low: they listed

Russians are in total awe at the suicidal stupidity of the West

The Russians are openly expressing their absolute amazement at the utter stupidity of the West.  Three examples: A recent article by Medvedev: Dmitry Medvedev: Why contacts with the current Ukrainian leadership are meaningless Putin’s speech at the recent energy forum in Russia: Russian President Vladimir Putin: Speech at Russian Energy Week (REW) international forum and then there is this photo of Putin tapping his forehead in the sign “have you

Repost: why the Empire always supports minorities

In the distant 2017, I wrote a piece I entitled “Manipulated minorities represent a major danger for democratic states“.  After reading the comments to my recent “Has the first domino already fallen” post, I have decided to repost that old one as I (hope) that it has a new relevance today, when the USA is been torn apart by the Woke ideology and Europe by multiculturalism.  I also see a

Has the first domino already fallen and if so, when? (UPDATED!)

A few years back, I wrote a column I entitled “Kosovo will be liberated” in which I wrote the following: “Kosovo will be the very first place in Europe where the pendulum of history will reverse its current course. ”  It now looks like I might have been wrong. But by how much?  Check out this headline today: “Bosnian Serbs to ‘withdraw consent’ for joint military, taxes and courts, citing

Book Review: The Russian Army on Parade

Today, I want to quickly review a truly superb two volume book called “The Russian Army on Parade” and “The Russian Commemoration Parade at the 75th Anniversary of Victory in World War Two” both written by Jim Kinnear (and Andrey Akesenow for the 2nd volume).  Here are the links to the publisher from whom you can order both books: The Russian Army on Parade 1992-2017 The Russian Commemoration Parade These

Christian Vignette #5 – Christ in the Old and New Testament

Today, all I propose to do is to share with you two articles fused into one which show that, as Augustine of Hippo wrote, the New Testament lies hidden in the Old and the Old Testament is unveiled in the New. You can either download the PDF from here: Or read it below.  The source for both of these documents (which I merged into one) is this excellent website:
