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Posts From The Saker

Will the Russians sink a British ship the next time around?

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] To begin, let’s recap what just happened in the Crimean waters. First, the HMS Defender deliberately entered the Russian waters under the pretext that the Brits don’t recognize what they call the “annexation” of Crimea. The Brits deny it, but after seeing 4 bombs explode ahead of the HMS Defender, they altered their course as the Russians demanded. Next, before looking into

The Geneva summit: nothingburger or watershed?

[this column was written for the Unz Review] The long awaited summit between Presidents Putin and Biden has finally taken place, but was it a success? Will it change anything? The answer to this question very much depends on one’s expectations. Let’s take a closer look beginning with the context. Context of the summit Just about the only thing which both US and Russian observers agree on is that the

Spirit of the Srebrenica narrative

by Ljubiša Malenica for the Saker Blog When one speaks of Srebrenica and events which transpired in that town, especially within context of Western media, a biased interpretation of events has already become the norm. The narrative, backed for years by media outlets, NGOs and The Hague tribunal, has focused on crimes and alleged crimes by Serb forces against the Muslim population, deliberately deciding to ignore two years of crimes

President Bashar al-Assad wins Syrian presidential elections in a landslide!

You probably did not hear about it, at least in Zone A, but Syrian President Bashar Hafez al-Assad has just won the Syrian Presidential election with over 95% of the vote and a participation of 78% (you can read about it on the webpage of the Syrian information agency SANA here: This is a HUGE defeat for both the USA and, even more so, Israel. See some photographs of

To Believe and to Hope

Foreword by the Saker: today it is my great pleasure to introduce you all to Faina Savenkova, a young lady from Novorussia whose writings are steadily gaining recognition.  I asked Faina to put in her own words how it feels to live under constant Ukronazi artillery strikes and sniper fire.  The result is for you to discover below, along with a mini bio of Faina herself.  But we had another

Palestine: Hamas defeats Israel

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] Just like in 2006, when both Ehud Olmert and George Bush declared that the “invincible IDF” had, yet again, achieved a “glorious victory” and the entire Middle-East almost died laughing hearing this ridiculous claim, today both the US and Israeli propaganda machine have declared another “glorious” victory for the “Jewish state of Israel” cum “sole democracy in the Middle-East”. And, just like

Woke insanity: why is there so little pushback?!

[this column was written for the Unz Review] The Biden Administration has gone out of its way to show itself as absolutely “woke-compatible” and even as a champion of “wokeness” (Foggy Bottom has just allowed US embassies and consulates to fly the “gay pride” flag next to the Stars and Stripes. I bet you they won’t do that in Riyadh!). According to the hyper-politically correct Wikipedia, “woke” refers to the

Today is Holy Paskha – Christ is Risen!

Χριστός ἀνέστη! Хрїстóсъ воскрéсе! المسيح قام! حقا قام!‎   11th century fresco of the Resurrection, Chora Church, Constantinople Today is by far the biggest and most joyful day of the year for Orthodox Christians.  This is also the day when Christians greet everybody, regardless of their faith or lack thereof with the words “Christ is Risen!”.  The ancient tradition has many meanings, but one of them is the fact that

What just happened in the Ukraine?

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] Before we look into what just happened in the Ukraine, we need to first recall the sequence of events which lead to the current situation. I will try to make a short summary (skipping a lot of details) in the bullet-point style: Whether Ze initially intended to stop the war in the eastern Ukraine we don’t know, but what we do know

What about the deescalation in the Donbass? (OPEN THREAD #17)

There is, amongst some, a strong sense of relief: Defense Minister Shoigu has declared that the formations deployed by Russia to western Russia will now return to their regular bases.  Of course, the Ukrainians claim that they “deterred a Russian attack” while the Russians say that “the West got the message”.  Is that so and, if yes, who is right? Well, I think that we can dismiss the Ukie nonsense

What was Putin referring to? (OPEN THREAD #16)

This is an excerpt of the (relatively short) part of Putin’s speech dealing with foreign issues: “We really want to maintain good relations with all those engaged in international communication, including, by the way, those with whom we have not been getting along lately, to put it mildly. We really do not want to burn bridges. But if someone mistakes our good intentions for indifference or weakness and intends to

The deafening sound of silence in the West (OPEN THREAD #15)

The story about the attempt to murder Lukashenko in much the same manner as Anwar Sadat (during a military parade) broke over the week-end, but even I was too tired to report it.  But on Monday I wrote a reasonably detailed column about it under the title “Did the US just try to murder Lukashenko“.  Much more relevantly, the Kremlin fully confirmed the story and the Russian media discussed it
