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Posts From The Saker

The Empire takes a knee. Let it. But we don’t have to!

[This article was written for the Unz Review] It is quite interesting to observe how many commentators are completely misreading the current race riots or compare them with previous race riots in the history of the USA.  I suppose that by telling themselves that these latest riots are “just like” or “not nearly as bad” as past US race riots they try to reassure themselves by maintaining the illusion that

Why does the public tolerate its biological warfare?

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog As Jeffrey A. Lockwood recounted in his 2008 book Six-Legged Soldiers: Using Insects as Weapons of War, the first four nations that pioneered biological warfare were during the 1930s — Hitler’s Germany, Hirohito’s Japan, and Churchill’s England and Canada. However, under U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the 1940s, a biowarfare R&D program, “Operation Capricious,” was created in 1943 so secretly that though

Another interesting example of the kind of comments moderators remove

This comment was intercepted by the moderators (it violates several rules), but I decided to share it with you just so you get a feel of what is going on.  Enjoy! The Saker ——- Now, even the RUSSIANS are scared! Haha! Saker, your last decade of fooling your readers that there were BRICS, or color revolutions or that a KGB agent turned dictator were gonna save whitey and his corrupt

Venezuela, Minneapolis, Iran, Europe – Trump’s Last Gasps of Collapsing World Control – Or is it?

by Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog There comes a time when shooting around in circles just hits walls, bullets splinter off sidewalks, and shatter a window here and there. But people are in safety. They watch from a distance and with self-assurance. Venezuela has received five tankers from Iran loaded with hydrocarbons – petrol gas, additives – shipped through a totally US-militarized Caribbean Sea, amidst warnings of attacks and

Vale Jon Hellevig

by Ghassan Kadi for The Saker Blog When our friend The Saker asked if either Intibah or I would like to write a necrologue for Jon Hellevig, we both felt we couldn’t give the request enough justice, because we didn’t know Jon enough. But as I decided to take the lead here and write it in my name, with Intibah’s help, I realized that I knew Jon enough to honour

The systemic collapse of the US society has begun

[this article was written for the Unz Review] I have lived in the United States for a total of 24 years and I have witnessed many crises over this long period, but what is taking place today is truly unique and much more serious than any previous crisis I can recall.  And to explain my point, I would like to begin by saying what I believe the riots we are

Solari Report quarterly interview with The Saker

Dear friends, Here is the latest installment of my quarterly conversations with Catherine Austin Fitts. This one was recorded on May 12, 2020. You can listen to the interview on the original Solari Report page: The Emerging Multipolar World – Focus on Russia with the Saker Listen or download the interview here:

US Protests: Why the uneasy silence?

by Ken Leslie for The Saker Blog Note: I appreciate that some will find the essay controversial or even uncomfortable reading. I hope though that it can destroy the paralysing trope of Soros bad – everybody else good. I’d very much like to thank The Saker for deeming this essay good enough to publish. Like many others, I have been engrossed in the mayhem unfolding in the United States over

Nasrallah: the Covid-19 pandemic will upset the world order, and is a reminder of the human condition

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on March 28, 2020, devoted to the holy month of Sha’ban (which precedes the month of Ramadan) and the Covid-19 pandemic. Source: Translation: Video: Transcript: Summary of the beginning of the speech before the full transcript of the last section: The Lebanese abroad who want to come home should be brought back asap by the government at any cost

Rebellions across the US: Why worry? Just ask Dr. Fauci to tell us what to do

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog The headline says it all – why even write the article? Journalism has – of course, and with universal unanimity – become merely the relaying of the statements of Dr. Anthony Fauci. Fauci is not just an immunologist – he’s an economist, historian, judge, legislator (national, state, county, city and village), manufacturer, landlord, employer, son, daughter, mother, lawyer for both the prosecutor and

The World Upside Down

by Jimmie Moglia for The Saker Blog The Coronavirus phenomenon has left so many attired in wonder that they know not what to say – including the undersigned who runs the positive risk of losing some or all of his 25 readers. Writing objectively about the reported death of thousands and the predicted demise of millions is impossible. For the very questioning of the figures triggers a perception of callousness,

Hillary Clinton’s Achievements as Secretary of State

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog Some people say that Hillary Clinton had no achievements as the U.S. Secretary of State; but that view is factually false. She had a huge and enduring impact, on at least three countries, as will here be documented via the links: HONDURAS: When the dozen oligarchs who control Honduras overthrew Honduras’s popular democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya on 28 June 2009, and installed a

Who Rules the World and How?

by Francis Lee for The Saker Blog Unquestionably, the world – circa 2020 – seems currently to be moving away from democratic forms of rule and transmuting into more totalitarian systems (liberal totalitarianism if you will – see below). This has been a prolonged historical metamorphosis beginning in the late 19th century and ultimately borne out by a complete rejection of the Enlightenment and its values. The late 19th and

Did Trump just cancel a potential double-war?

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] At this time of writing, it is too early to declare the danger over, but at least three out of five Iranian tankers have made it safely to Venezuela (confirmation from TeleSur and PressTV).  Furthermore, while we should never say “never”, it appears exceedingly unlikely that the US would let three tankers pass only to then try to impede the arrival of

Waiter, I’ll have the soup of the day followed by the vaccine

by Denis Conroy for The Saker Blog Statistics suggest that one and a half billion day-labourers throughout the world need work to avoid starvation. This fact suggests that clarity of mind may only exist apropos of external conditions. This thought of itself suggests that man’s inhumanity to man is really a war on human rights. Clarity of mind may be the ace in the pack, but the problem is, the

Why the Empire’s media arm must lie about Syria’s allies

By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog In recent weeks, Western and Empire-aligned media outlets have been launching a misinformation offensive over an alleged agreement between Tehran and Moscow to remove Assad, apparently in an effort to “speed up the Syrian peace process”. An alternative version of this allegation insisted that Tehran was not part of the deal, rather it insisted that Moscow had had enough of “Assad’s incompetence and

I was wrong on corona – by not pushing for a US Cultural Revolution immediately

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog Since the West’s Great Lockdown started I’ve been warning the West that they can’t do it – a capitalist-imperialist system cannot do an immediate 180 and copy China, Iran, Vietnam and others. I gave so many reasons why that was a catastrophically bad idea: The “sports-journalisation” of their media, the unbloody flag of Y2K, counting on Germany as “reliable partners”, the perilous idea
