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Posts From The Saker

The Saker Blog needs more moderators!

Dear friends, In a recent Facebook post Pepe Escobar wrote the following: The low down – on the economic measures, on the Hong Kong question, and on The Big Picture. All in a 5-minute read that… Posted by Pepe Escobar on Sunday, May 24, 2020 This is just the latest in a long series of compliments that I heard from many top commentators (most recently from Catherine Austin-Fitts)! The credit for

The colonial status of “The Independent Ukraine” publicly confirmed

By Eugenia for The Saker Blog On May 19th, the member of the Ukrainian Parliament (Rada) Andrei Derkach revealed at a press conference tape recordings of the phone conversations between the then-President of Ukraine Petr Poroshenko and the then-US Vice-President Joe Biden. The conversations are in English and can be listened to here (1). In and of itself, there is nothing at all remarkable that a President has had a

Medicine as religion

original Italian text by by Giorgio Agamben translated for The Saker Blog by Gulab Bara posted by permission of the author original article here: It is now plainly evident that science has become the religion of our times, the one that humans believe they believe in. In the modern west, three great systems of faith have coexisted, and to some extent continue to coexist—Christianity, capitalism, and science. In the

Nasrallah: ‘The Liberation of Palestine is near, we will soon pray at Al-Quds’

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on May 20, 2020, on the occasion of the International Day of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) established by Imam Khomeini, and commemorated every last Friday of the month of Ramadan. Source : Translation: Exceptionally, this speech was not broadcast live but 2 days before the date of May 22, 2020, as part of a collective virtual conference of Muslim and Christian leaders

Russsian Foreign Ministry Press release on YouTube removing the accounts of Krym 24 TV Channel and Anna News and News-Front news agencies

We learned on May 20 that the US YouTube video hosting site has removed the accounts of Krym 24 Crimean television channel, as well as two Russian-language news agencies, Anna News and News Front. Krym 24 is one of Crimea’s most popular sources of information. It is part of Crimea’s largest media holding company, Krym Television and Radio Company, operating through five television channels, three radio stations, a news portal

Will Trump really start *two* wars instead of “just” one?

[Note: this article was written for the Unz Review] Amidst the worldwide pandemic induced scare most of us have probably lost track of all the other potential dangers which still threaten international peace and stability.  Allow me to list just a few headlines which, I strongly believe, deserve much more attention than what they got so far.  Here we go: Military Times: “5 Iran tankers sailing to Venezuela amid US

World’s Top Legal Expert on Torture Identifies U.S., UK, & Canadian, Govs., as the World’s Top Torturers

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog The U.N.’s Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer, has declared that Julian Assange is being tortured in Britain’s super-max Belmarsh Prison, by applying “torture that will not leave physical traces, that will erase the personality of the victim,” and that these methods of torture were first applied by the Nazis at the Dachau concentration camp and subsequently refined through experiments on untold numbers

How Biden Continues to Protect His Billionaire Donors

by Eric Zuesse  for The Saker Blog On 2 March 2020, Forbes headlined “BILLIONAIRE BACKERS” and listed the number of them who had financed each of the Democratic Presidential campaigns: Biden 66 Buttigieg 61 Klobucar 33 Steyer 13 Warren 6 Gabbard 3 Bloomberg 1 Sanders 0 Joe Biden’s entire career in public life has been devoted to his top donors. He once even justified it by saying, “You go out

Donald Trump’s Bigotry

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog U.S. President Donald Trump is bigoted against many peoples, but especially against Shias such as Houthis in Yemen, and such as against the entire nation and culture that is Iran, which likewise is overwhelmingly Shia. Against those people, it’s a genocidal hatred, which is limited only by what his fellow-Republicans will accept as being morally acceptable and what he can coerce, by means

Australia’s confused & confusing stand on China

by Susan Safi for The Saker Blog To understand what is happening between China and Australia currently, we need to examine some of the undercurrents in Australian politics and culture. In the West, including Australia, “Democracy” has been presented to and instilled in the people as the measure of civilization, development and justice. Maybe there was a time when this was true for some, provided they turned a blind eye

‘Take your stinking paws off me, you damned, dirty public servant!’ That’s Orwell?

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog – “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” “Some apes, it seems, are more equal than others.” “Take your stinking paws off me, you damned, dirty public servant!” One of those quotes is from George Orwell’s Animal Farm, another was said by Charlton Heston towards a primate who rejected ape-human equality during the court interrogation scene from Planet

After Youtube and Facebook, Vimeo bans ‘Sayed Hasan’ & Nasrallah’s videos

source: ‘Sayed Hasan’ channel censored for the umpteenth time The only sure way to follow my work is to subscribe to the Newsletter. Please write to Vimeo ( to protest this decision, putting me in bcc if possible ( On February 28, 2020, Vimeo arbitrarily deleted my channel ‘Sayed Hasan‘ which, since the deletion of my Youtube channel in December 2017 (followed by my Facebook pages in May 2019),

Why U.S. Must Be Prosecuted for Its War Crimes Against Iraq

by Eric Zuesse  for The Saker Blog The reason why the U.S. Government must be prosecuted for its war-crimes against Iraq is that they are so horrific and there are so many of them, and international law crumbles until they become prosecuted and severely punished for what they did. We therefore now have internationally a lawless world (or “World Order”) in which “Might makes right,” and in which there is

Just an example of the kind of things moderators (and I) have to deal with

Dear friends, I just got home from an important day trip when I found this comment which, unsurprisingly, was intercepted by the moderators: For a (short) while I considered actually replying to our friend Joshua, but then I realized the futility of doing so.  Joshua, who apparently has 269 comment approved never bothered to read the section “about the Saker” or the section I entitled “why I live in the

Dangerous Virus (COVID-19) | Russian Documentary by Nailya Asker-Zadeh [ENG SUB]

This documentary was published by Nailya Asker-Zadeh. She is the original owner of it, not us. This is just an English subtitled reupload. All rights reserved. April 5, 2020 – The riddle of Wuhan. How many people get infected by a Coronavirus carrier? Which viruses are worse than COVID-19? What awaits us: an optimistic or pessimistic scenario? Why are the governments taking such measures? How does the most closed laboratory

What does the Empire’s agony mean for the “Jewish state of Israel”?

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] First, let’s begin with a few (apparently unrelated) recent news items: The latest US PR disaster in Venezuela shows that the AngloZionist Empire truly is agonizing.  While this is hardly the first that that a US “special operation” goes down in an embarrassing  failure, but even by US standards this latest disaster in Venezuela is painfully humiliating.  Even more humiliating are the reports

Statement by the Foreign Ministry concerning US attempts to rewrite the history of the Victory over Nazism

Attempts to distort the results of the defeat of Nazism and the decisive contribution our country made, which are continuing in Washington even during these days of universal celebration of the 75th anniversary of Victory, cause utter indignation. In this context we cannot neglect the commentary posted on the White House pages in social networks where the victory over Nazi Germany is credited exclusively to “America and Great Britain.” On

Putin’s Call for a New System and the 1944 Battle of Bretton Woods: Lessons for Victory Day

By Matthew Ehret for The Saker Blog As today’s world teeters on the brink of a financial collapse greater than anything the world experienced in either 1923 Weimar or the 1929 Great depression, a serious discussion has been initiated by leaders of Russia and China regarding the terms of the new system which must inevitably replace the currently dying neo-liberal order. Most recently, Vladimir Putin re-initiated his January 16, 2020
