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Posts From The Saker

Krampus is alive and well: How the myth of Soros paralyses the anti-imperialist struggle

By Ken Leslie for The Saker Blog 1. The making of a demon Remember the days of your childhood—especially if you are German. If you even dream of being naughty or disobeying your elders and betters, Krampus will put you in his basket and take you to some swampy Germanic hell. Nothing will be heard from you ever again. Krampus is a leftover from ancient pre-Christian times when he (and

USA SITREP by PCR: The Anti-American Universities Are a Much Greater Threat to Us than Putin and China

by Paul Craig Roberts reprinted by permission of the author source: This is an introduction to a letter written by a black American professor at the University of California, Berkeley.  He says that the University no longer serves scholarship and has become a servant to the Democratic Party and Black Lives Matter. He says that the university is akin to a suppressive regime that crushes real diversity and exiles free

Saker announcement: a change of pace

Dear friends, For the past couple of years I had the following basic “rhythm” of work: once a week I would write an analysis roughly ranging from 1500 to 3500 words, typically around 2000-3000 words.  The rest of my work would involve research (especially parsing as much of the Russian blogosphere and news media as possible), contacts with my guest authors, collaboration with our translators, etc.  Please keep in mind

US Ambassador posts a message to the Russian people

Something rather hilarious just happened: the US Embassy in Moscow decided to hang up a big “LGBT+” flag next to the Stars and Stripes, see for yourself: Pretty soon the Russians, being Russian, made a joke out of it saying that the “LGBT Embassy” in Moscow decided to fly the Stars and Stripes :-) But that was not enough.  The clueless US Ambassador to Russia, John Sullivan, decided that he

SouthFront needs our help!!

Dear friends, SouthFront needs our help and we need SouthFront.  It is really that simple. Please click here to see their appeal: I ask you all to please donate to these good friends of our community, whose videos we feature almost every day. Thank you! The Saker

Dutch Government Outright Lies about MH17, to Blame Russia

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog 1. The Dutch Government’s 279-page investigative findings on the “Crash of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17” were published  in October 2015, and reported, on page 84, (under 2.13.2 “Crew autopsy”) that “First Officer Team A … During the body scan of the First Officer’s body, over 120 objects (mostly metal fragments) were detected. The majority of the fragments were found in left side of

USA SITREP: How the Republican Party Spins Trump’s Corruption

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog On June 20th, Pam and Russ Martens, at their anti-corruption site “Wall Street on Parade,” headlined “As Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Face Criminal Probes, Barr Fires Top Prosecutor; Tries to Replace Him with Banks’ Former Lawyer, Jay Clayton”, and reported that Donald Trump’s consigliere William Barr was firing the U.S. Attorney who was leading criminal investigations into Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan Chase

Paradigm Shifts

by Francis Lee for The Saker Blog INTRODUCTION: I first wrote this article in 2012 and have had to make a number of minor alterations. Of course a great deal has happened since that time, most of it bad. We now seem to stand on the threshold of an even bigger and deeper crisis than in 2008, plus additional worrying features, viz. the pandemic and possible future pandemics as well

White Privilege and Racism Debate: a British East European point of view

by Nebojša Radić for The Saker Blog In this country[1]I am regarded as White and therefore, privileged – it seems. People in the streets and on television say that Whites should kneel and apologise. Really? How come I find myself in this bizarre situation? How did I get here? How did a refugee from warn-torn socialist Yugoslavia turned fisherman in the South Pacific become a privileged White male? Did I

SITREP: Tucker Carlson Damns Republican Party, Calls for ‘New Leaders’ and Condemns Trump as a ‘Weak’ President, Lauds ‘Strong’ Obama

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog Fox ‘News’ host Tucker Carlson effectively abandoned the Republican Party on June 19th as “too weak,” and urged “it’s time to find new leaders.” If he were attempting to start a third-party run for the White House, this rant would be ideal, especially because, as of noon two days later, on June 21st, it had nearly 1.4 million views and nearly 20 thousand

Guess Which Surrender Monkey Won the Battle Of The Monuments?

by Ilana mercer posted by permission for the Saker Blog Steve Hilton is a Briton who anchors a current-affairs show on Fox News. Mr. Hilton made the following feeble, snowflake’s case for the removal of the nation’s historically offensive statues: It’s offensive to our Africa-American neighbors to maintain statues in public places that cause not only offense, but real distress. And it is disrespectful to our native-American neighbors to glorify

A letter to Italian-Americans

By POSTFATARESURGO for The Saker Blog The World Thought Police (WTP) has included Cristoforo Colombo, a.k.a. Christopher Columbus, in his black list. He was a “bad” person, period. Details are not needed. WTP’s decision are not questionable, nor they can be subject to anyone’s appeal, scrutiny or disagreement. Once the WTP issues a red flag on anyone, past, present or future, scores of enforcers are ready, as they were waiting

A Meditation on President Putin’s Warning from History

By Ken Leslie for The Saker Blog 1. The last warning… In the middle of the current global turmoil, largely ignored by the Western media, President Vladimir Putin of Russia recently wrote an article for the National Interest magazine (the article is featured on this site). In it, he magisterially dissected and integrated one of the most disputed topics in contemporary history—the cause(s) and antecedent(s) of World War II. The

U.S. Supreme Court Reaffirms U.S. Police State

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog On June 15th, the U.S. Supreme Court, with only the libertarian right-wing (basically anti-government) Clarence Thomas dissenting — reaffirmed that America’s law-enforcement officers have “qualified immunity” from prosecution when they do things such as to shoot an innocent person in his own yard whose unthreatening pet dog is seeking his protection from an officer who is trying to shoot it; or, as the

Nasrallah: US choking Lebanon, Hezbollah will respond, Iran/China on standby

Important Note: Please help us keep producing independent translations for you by contributing as little as $1/month here Source: Description: In a televised speech on Tuesday (16.06.2020), Hezbollah’s leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah attributed the deteriorating economic situation in Lebanon to the role of the United States in seeking to strangle the Arab country in the service of Israeli interests. Nasrallah said that Hezbollah will not allow the United States to starve

What kind of “popular revolution” is this?!

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] I have to say that I am amazed that so many folks on the Left seem to think that the current riots in the USA are a spontaneous rebellion against police violence, systemic racism, and history of persecution and exploitation of Blacks and Indians, etc.  As for the violence, looting and riots – they are either excused as a result of some

The other side of darkness: Towards an understanding of the roots of the Western right-wing politics

By Ken Leslie for The Saker Blog 1. A bit more on the protests Again, I’d like to thank the Saker for publishing my essay. I also want to thank the commenters—criticisms inspire me and encouragement inspires me even more! I think we both agree that the public needs to be better informed about the roots and antecedents of the current US protests which have spread to most of the

The Barbarians Are In Charge: Scenes from the Sacking of America

by Ilana Mercer for the Unz Review, republished with the author’s authorization On June 9, I tweeted out the following: “Seattle’s East Precinct has fallen, as Police Chief Carmen Best orders Seattle Police to evacuate. The occupiers, aka the ‘peaceful protesters,’ declare victory. ‘They’ve given us the precinct,’ they boast. Not even in South Africa.” A mere day on, and the City of Seattle is de facto occupied territory, fallen
