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Posts From The Saker

More US strikes against Iraqi Shia? (UPDATES COMING IN!)

There are still UNconfirmed reports that another 6 Shia leaders were killed in yet another US strike. One example is here: I am waiting for updates from friends. If I get any, I will post them here and add “UPDATED” to the title. One thing is certain, IF the US conducted yet another strike, then that means that the US truly declared war on not one, but TWO countries:

Soleimani murder: what could happen next?

First, a quick recap of the situation We need to begin by quickly summarizing what just happened: General Soleimani was in Baghdad on an official visit to attend the funeral of the Iraqis murdered by the USA on the 29th The US has now officially claimed responsibility for this murder The Iranian Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has officially declared that “However, a severe retaliation awaits the criminals who painted

EXTREMELY dangerous development in the Middle East (UPDATES COMING IN)

Dear friends, I just got home and saw the news that General Qasem Soleimani has been murdered along with another 5-8 people by what was initially reported as a MRL strike (Russian sources say it was a drone attack).  This was bad enough.  Then this: The Telegram channel of RIA News reports that the US has claimed that it was responsible for that attack. So far, PressTV has NOT confirmed

Russia and the USA both finish the year with a “Grand Finale” of sorts

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] The end of the year is often a time of relative calm when the various parties to a conflict take a moment off, even when they declare nothing of the sort publicly (there are, of course, exceptions to this rule of thumb, such as the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979). This year, both the Russians and the USA ended the year

Nasrallah: Trump is on the verge of a stroke over Iran, Yemen is now a threat for Israel

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, on November 11, 2019, on the occasion of Hezbollah’s Martyr Day, commemorating the operation against the headquarters of the Israeli forces in Tyre on November 11, 1982, which killed 75 occupying officers and soldiers. With the translation of an extract from the last speech of Sayed Badr al-Dine al-Houthi, leader of the Ansar Allah, and a report by Al-Mayadeen on Yemen facing

Montenegro SITREP: NATO persecutes the Orthodox Church (again!) and risks civil war

Civil war looms in Djukanovic’s not so “merry” (as in “Widow”) Montenegrin fiefdom by Stephen Karganovic for The Saker Blog The news from Montenegro is bad, and getting worse by the hour. Its until quite recently apathetic and compliant population is up in arms. The cause of the unanticipated disturbance would probably seem incomprehensible to most denizens of the post-Christian West. It is the rubber-stamping by the regime controlled Parliament

Is there a future for Russian aircraft carriers?

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] Those following the news from Russia have probably heard that Russia’s only aircraft carrier, the Admiral Kuznetsov (official name: Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov), was put into dry dock for major repairs and retrofits. Things did not go well.  First, the dry dock sank (it was Russia’s biggest) and then a huge crane came crashing down on the

Tulsi Gabbard and her husband sing a quite beautiful Christmas song

I hope that this will bring some joy to those of you who celebrate Christmas today! Kind regards The Saker PS: please don’t make this one about politics, okay? I am just happy to see a normal healthy couple simply singing together (pretty well, actually), that’s all. And while I don’t think that Gabbard has a chance in 2020 (“they” will never let her), at least there is one US

A news chronology of France in 2019: The year of Yellow Vest rebellion

By Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog (cross-posted with PressTV) Ramin Mazaheri is the chief correspondent in Paris for Press TV and has lived in France since 2009. He has been a daily newspaper reporter in the US, and has reported from Iran, Cuba, Egypt, Tunisia, South Korea and elsewhere. He is the author of the books ‘I’ll Ruin Everything You Are: Ending Western Propaganda on Red China’ and the

Levon Ichkhanian: a truly amazing composer and guitarist I love

Dear friends, Music, arguable the most sublime form of art, is going through some truly horrible times.  Not only did MTV pretty much kill real pop/rock music, but the new forms of pretend music (rap, techno, “screaming” metal and all the rest of the “auditory prolefeed” you hear on the radio) seem to suggest that real music is dead.  And if we only look at commercial, high money, “music” it

Tulsi on Impeachment: A house divided cannot stand

Saker comment: I would have preferred a “Nay” from her, but her “Present” is at least more courageous than what the rest of the Dems did.  I disagree with her vote, but at least I don’t feel that she has betrayed her oath to the US Constitution or that she betrayed her country – which is what I accuse the Dems of doing.  I forced myself to listen to some

Autopsy of the Minsk Agreements

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] The recent Paris summit and the few days following the summit have brought a lot of clarity about the future of the Minsk Agreements.  Short version: Kiev has officially rejected them (by rejecting both the sequence of steps and several crucial steps).  For those interested, let’s look a little further. First, what just happened First, here are the key excerpts from the

Very important letter from Donald Trump to Nancy Pelosi (MUST READ)

Saker commentary: this is not about picking sides, the enemy of my enemy is NOT my friend.  However, as Malcolm X once said, “I am for the truth no matter who tells it”.  There are lies in this text, beginning with entire section about how great the US is doing.  As for the segment about Israel, I just wonder what color Trump’s tongue is by now.  Whatever color, it is

Macron’s ‘Uberization’ pension model: odd-jobbing can’t provide a salary, how can it provide a pension?

By Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog Ramin Mazaheri is the chief correspondent in Paris for Press TV and has lived in France since 2009. He has been a daily newspaper reporter in the US, and has reported from Iran, Cuba, Egypt, Tunisia, South Korea and elsewhere. He is the author of the books ‘I’ll Ruin Everything You Are: Ending Western Propaganda on Red China’ and the upcoming ‘Socialism’s Ignored
