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Posts From The Saker

Redacted NY Times column supporting Hong Kong Protests leaked

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog I am not at liberty to divulge my source, but since The New York Times has no problem mongering war based on anonymous sources, I have decided to release a leak I received: This is the unedited version of a recent column published by The New York Times which was written by a member of the ongoing anti-China protests in Hong Kong. The

Jeff B. Brown interviews Douglas Valentine on China Rising Radio Sinoland: the CIA is global capitalism’s secret gangster army

  Pictured above: Douglas Valentine telling us what the headlines really mean, in his must-read book, “The CIA as Organized Crime”. Crosslinked (with SoundCloud and YouTube interview) at: I am truly honored to have Douglas Valentine on the show today and would like to thank Dr. T.P. Wilkerson, whom I recently interviewed, for putting us in touch. Doug is the author of the five works of non-fiction:

The Terrorists Among US- Cyber Privateers are Domestic Terrorists 4

by George Eliason for The Saker Blog What are Cyber Privateers and should you be afraid of them? Cyber privateers and cyber bounty hunters are criminals that are not covered under international law as government agents. In reality, this almost nullifies the chance for war to start over any particular hacking or compromised data event. The problems hired or volunteer contractors create include a projectable legal attribution. You don’t have

British-Arab think tank chief on ‘greatness’ of Saudi Arabia – English Subs

Description: In a recent appearance on Saudi state television, British-Arab think tank chief Amjad Taha was asked by the anchor as to why he loves to refer to the kingdom based in Riyadh as the ‘Great Saudi Arabia’. The British analyst explained that the Saudi Kingdom was ‘great’ partially because it acts as the “last remaining fortress in the face of the Iranian enemy”. Taha regularly appears on leading international

What I like to listen to when I miss my beloved Brazil (UPDATED)

Last month I published a short post I entitled “What I like to listen to when I miss my beloved Argentina?” featuring a beautiful Argentinian zamba interpreted by Pedro Aznar and Abel Pintos.  Today I want to make something very similar and share with you the kind of music I listen to when I miss my (also beloved) Brazil: the song “Jack Soul Brazileiro” in two version: one by Lenine,

Expensive and Humiliating. Poland Bought Gas in the USA (Ruslan Ostashko)

TRANSCRIPT: An extra billion cubic meters of absolutely unnecessary, and highly costing gas, the president of the US has managed to sell it to Polish nationalists. The full beauty of this “Ukrainian victory” can be understood only if you remember the history of the issue. Andrzej Duda’s visit to Washington was marked not only by loud statements that (showed the depth of the historical illiteracy of the Polish President.

Nasrallah: a War against Iran would Destroy Israel, the Saud and US Hegemony

Nasrallah: a War against Iran would Destroy Israel, the Saud and US Hegemony Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on Friday, May 31, 2019, on the occasion of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) International Day. Translation: See the previous parts of this speech:  Resistance Axis, Arab & Muslim Peoples will Never Forsake Palestine In the Next War, Missiles from Lebanon, Gaza, Syria & Iran will Strike Israel, Trump’s Deal of

Glimpses of Europe

by Jimme Moglia for the Saker Blog Back from a trip to Europe, I sketch down a few notes and observations. They are personal, and the patient reader may object to some of my conclusions. But this is, of course, inherent to the general elusiveness of truth. Given the anecdotal nature of my observations, I describe the anecdotal causes that inspired the trip. Which relate to the night of the

Do Western diplomats have ‘mental disability’, or can the West no longer produce real politicians?

By Ramin Mazaheri cross-posted by special agreement with Press-TV (Ramin Mazaheri is the chief correspondent in Paris for Press TV and has lived in France since 2009. He has been a daily newspaper reporter in the US, and has reported from Iran, Cuba, Egypt, Tunisia, South Korea and elsewhere. He is the author of “I’ll Ruin Everything You Are: Ending Western Propaganda on Red China”.) The Western world has an

The Saker interviews Stephen Karganovic

The Saker: Please introduce yourself and your past and present political activities. Karganovic: My name is Stephen Karganovic. My background is Serbian, Russian, and Polish. On my father’s side I have been able to trace family roots to the town of Khmelita, Smolensk district. In the first half of the 19th century Yuri Karganovich held the by then probably obsolete office of стольник (stolnik) in the regional town of Iskorosten.

Vladimir Putin’s interview with The Financial Times

Lionel Barber: Mr President, you head for Osaka shortly as the senior statesman at the G20. Nobody has been to so many international meetings of this grouping and the G7 over the last 20 years while you have been in charge of Russia. Before we talk about the G20 agenda and what you hope to achieve, we know that there are rising tensions between America and China in trade, the risk of conflict in the Gulf. I would be very grateful if you could talk a bit about how you have seen the world

Much safer to be a protester in Hong Kong/China than in France

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog The differences in handling the recent protests in Hong Kong and the weekly demonstrations in France illuminate an enormous democratic deficit between Western “liberal democratic” societies and non-Western “socialist democratic” ones. It has been amazing to see how quickly the Hong Kong government – which under the “one country, two systems” system largely means the Chinese government (Hong Kong is officially a part

Veterans From Korea To The GWOT-WTT

by Dr. Warrick for The Saker Blog This is the middle of my 76th trip around the Solar System and a whole lot has happened since my 1st trip. The biggest must be the Nuclear Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. WWII and The Great Patriotic War ended shortly after and since then the USA has engaged in disastrous wars on the Eurasian Landmass and all of them were lost (more

Ukraine: the presidents change, but the oligarchical system remains the same

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog A lot of people are asking “what happens now?” in relation to the topic of Ukraine. Zelensky is now in power, Trump will most likely win a 2nd term, and the EU elections resulted in a win for EU-skeptics. I will try to provide an adequate yet relatively laconic answer. The purpose of this article is not to explain what Russia will specifically

The Saker interviews A.B. Abrams about the geostrategic developments in Asia

[This interview was made for the Unz Review] I recently received a copy of a most interesting book, A.B. Abrams’ “Power and Primacy: the history of western intervention in Asia” and as soon as I started reading it I decided that I wanted to interview the author and ask him about what is taking place in Asia in our times.  This was especially interesting to me since Putin has embarked

The Civil War Now in America

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker blog America is controlled only by its wealthiest, and they are solidly in control of both political Parties. However, now that they are in control, they are fighting bitterly amongst one-another. They are on two sides. Concerning foreign policies, and domestic policies, Republican Party billionaires hate especially Iran, and especially all progressivism. By contrast, concerning foreign policies, and domestic policies, Democratic Party billionaires hate
