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Blog, Community News and Announcements

Next podcast – on the go?

Dear friends, I want to try something a little new: record a podcast while driving :-) I got myself a pretty decent mobile microphone (a Zoom H1) and I hope that the sounds of the engine, tires and wind will not be heard too much on the final recording (I will be using a low-cut filter and a windscreen).  Of course, this will not be as convenient as recording in

Fundraisers update

Dear friends, I just wanted to update you on the two fundraisers I mentioned yesterday.  First, here is a video about Russia Insider: Then I wanted to remind you all to indicate FOR GEVORG when you donate to my webmaster (if you forgot to do so yesterday, please email me). On behalf of Russia Insider and Gevorg, thanks a lot!! Cheers, The Saker

Two important fundraisers

Dear friends, Today I want to ask for your support for two fundraisers, one for one of our “brother in arms” and one for my webmaster. Russia Insider crowdfunding campaign Russia Insider is launching its first crowdfunding campaign today.  Please check out Charles Bausman’s appeal ( APPEAL: We’ve Launched Russia Insider’s Crowdfunding on Kickstarter. ) and the campaign’s kickstarter page ( Russia Insider – Challenge the Media. Let’s Push Back!

Blog changes, donations, technical improvements, moderation and chats!

Lots’ of blog news today.  I will present them one by one: New homepage format: Many of you have complained about the new “thematic” presentation of the new blog’s homepage.  As I have mentioned before, there is an easy fix: bookmark instead of  This way you will always immediately see the “chronological” presentation of every single article posted.  But after discussing it with my webmaster, we have decided

Main server back up again!

The main server at is back up. Thanks to the fast intervention of a few specialists of the IT team we also know that this was probably not a DDOS but a combination of problems including that Apache was configured to handle a greater number of connexions that the server can actually handle so it ran near out of memory.  Still, there were some weird connection attempts from certain

Important blog and community news

Dear friends, Many of you have noticed that the blog was loading very slowly or not at all.  This is probably due to what is called a “distributed denial of service” attack but our IT team is also looking into the possibility of some script gone crazy.  In other words, we are trying to be vigilant, but not paranoid (yet).  The problem seems to be fixed but if it starts

As any other form of warfare, information warfare also needs funding. Please help.

  Dear friends, In the recent weeks the donations have fallen to almost *zero* even though the combined readership between the two blogs is comfortably over 50’000 a day.  Please help me to continue putting as many hours of work each day into the old and new blog and bring you the same quantity and quality of information and analyses.  As any other form of warfare, information warfare also needs

Important clarifications about the new blog

Dear friends,   New blog presentation format:  A lot of you have emailed me to tell me that they don’t like the “thematic” presentation used for the new blog and that you prefer a regular “chronological” one.  That is very simple to address: If you prefer the “thematic” one use this link: If you prefer the “chronological” one use this link:  I think that with time you will

The new Saker blog (v3) is now ready.

  Dear friends, An American saying says that “the third time is the charm”. I hope that this is true, because I am officially announcing the “new new blog v3” is now online at the following URL: This domain name was chosen by my webmaster Gevorg who came up with this idea at the time when our community was attacked on all sides. It is also a clear reply

ANNOUNCEMENT: Russian News Site to Pay Expenses of Foreign Journalists, Bloggers, to Visit Donbass

by Charles Bausman I’m writing to let people know of an interesting opportunity. A private Russian citizens’ initiative whose goal is to provide information about the Ukraine war not covered in the western media, is organizing a press tour to the Donbass and Moscow in the second half of March. The invitation is open to all journalists and bloggers, mainstream and alternative. They are offering to cover all expenses in

Saker thanks to snail-mailers!

Dear friends, I am slowly catching up with my need to thank those who have supported this blog with their donations and today I want to thank those who sent their contributions by regular (snail) mail. They are: ET, Anonymous (with Amazon card), RK, LF, PM, PTT, BO, LS, KBH, JJ, MG, DK, RS, TM, DL, ET, MP, CU, SL, DK, PT, SJB, STO, MD, MG, HJ, AFI, EE Thanks

Saker Podcast # 5 available for streaming and download – open thread

Dear friends, The 5th Saker podcast, and the first one in 2015, is now available for download on the Saker podcast page: Saker Podcasts download page on Google Sites The page for the podcast itself is here: Link to Saker Podcast #5 on Google Sites As always, you can chose from Soundcloud, Internet Archive and Youtube. It is 23:00 here and the folks in Minsk have still not announced anything,

Blog news: podcasts and donations

Since there are no news from Minsk (yet), I have decided to update you on a couple of blog related issues.   Podcasts: I hope to record the 5th podcast this afternoon or tomorrow. In the meantime, and thanks to “A”, the full transcript of Podcast #4 is available here: Saker Podcasts at Google Sites or, directly from this link: file at   Donations: Good news! I can

Next podcast hopefully in a week or so

Dear friends, I will try to record the next podcast early next week, God willing. So now is a good time to ask for your questions/comments/criticisms. And since due to my personal circumstances I have not had the time to answer a lot of comments and personal emails, please feel free to re-post them below (but please, do not email me). The deadline to post questions/comments/criticisms is this Friday, February

Request for help from a friend of our community

Dear friends, I got this email from Kotaro Kazzura, the friend who does a lot of the English subtitled videos I post here: Hi, I’d like to ask for your help, the thing is that there’s such site as which is rather useful for delivering the truth for people, usually I post my translations there as well, but recently they downgraded my channel (so I can only upload videos

Message form the Saker + Open Thread

Dear friends,   a) The Saker needs to spend time with his veterinarian My health issues have caught up with me yesterday and I still feel terrible. I hope to feel better on Monday but in the meantime I have a favor to ask. Please: Don’t email me (unless this is a major emergency) Don’t post questions here Don’t expect more than reposts from other sources I will reply to

Important blog news: we are getting stronger, much stronger

Dear friends, I have some important issues to bring to your attention:   1) Domain names: We are trying to fix the domain name problems and also making some major changes in our IT architecture. As of right now, please note that the following Saker Blogs are still functioning normally: French Saker: German Saker: Oceania Saker: Latin American Saker: the following Saker Blogs are down due

Blog Business – my updated public key

For technical and other reasons, I had to generate a new public key linked to my secondary email   Please ONLY use this key and not any older key and IF you email me an encrypted message, please ONLY send it to the email address and NOT to my regular email address   This key can be downloaded by clicking here or simply copied from here: —–BEGIN
