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Breaking Articles

Serbia sinks deeper into a sordid mockery of the rule of law

by Saker’s Johnny-on-the-spot in Belgrade for The Saker Blog Relentlessly, as if his life depended on it (as it well might) the Serbian tyrant Alexander Vučić is setting the stage for the final act of grand treason that he had obligated himself to commit in exchange for an appearance of power and an opportunity for graft and plunder. His regime is making final preparations for signing away the spiritual and

The Twilight of Neo-liberalism?

by Francis Lee for the Saker Blog It speaks volumes about the gravity of the current political and economic situation that the leading US investment bank Goldman-Sachs has seen fit to issue a sombre warning. ‘’Goldman Sachs Group Inc. put a spotlight on the suddenly growing concern over inflation in the U.S. by issuing a bold warning on Tuesday that the dollar is in danger of losing its status as

Iraqi PM’s visit to Washington will fail if he is not ‘obedient’: Iraqi politician

Video link: Description: In an interview with Afaq TV, Sa’ad al-Muttalibi, a senior member of the Iraqi State of Law Coalition says that Iraq’s prime minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi will fail on his imminent state visit to Washington, as US officials never treat Iraqi officials as equal counterparts and al-Kadhimi won’t be an exception. This is especially true as al-Kadhimi is tasked by the Iraqi parliament with pulling US military forces

Hurricane Isaias coming: I might be out of touch for a while (FINAL UPDATE)

Dear friends As you might have heard, there is a hurricane coming very close to the Florida Atlantic coast: Hurricane Isaias The actual effects of the hurricane are hard to predict, since it depends on whether Isaias will turn to the right or to the left by just a few degrees.  This is especially true since Isaias is slowing down to take the right hand turn, which makes it hard

Lebanon-Israel border fire: Scandal or victory for Tel Aviv? Description: Senior Lebanese political analyst Anees Naqqash provides his analysis of the recent flareup on the Lebanese-Israeli border, an incident which is becoming the subject of many questions, theories and debates. In this interview on Al-Manar TV, Naqqash says something ‘very strange and major’ occurred in this incident, and perhaps the ambiguity will be removed in the future. However, the senior analyst, who is closely-tied to Hezbollah, affirmed that

The heart of the matter in the South China Sea

by Pepe Escobar for The Saker Blog and originally posted at Asia Times When the Ronald Reagan and Nimitz carrier strike groups recently engaged in “operations” in the South China Sea, it did not escape to many a cynic that the US Pacific Fleet was doing its best to turn the infantile Thucydides Trap theory into a self-fulfilling prophecy. The pro forma official spin, via Rear Adm. Jim Kirk, commander

What happened —and didn’t happen— at the Israel-Lebanon border?

By Sayed Hasan for The Saker blog From On the night of Sunday, July 19th, airstrikes hit Damascus International Airport. Though Israel didn’t claim responsibility for them, sticking to their longtime “zone of denial” policy, no one doubts they were the perpetrators. On Monday, the Syrian Army announced 7 soldiers were injured. It could have been one strike among hundreds of others, soon forgotten because of the lack of

China Newsbrief & Sitrep

By Godfree Roberts from his newsletter : Today, moderate and nuanced views of China-US relations are less and less valued in the US. In a recent speech at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum in California, the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo portrayed the Communist Party of China (CPC) as a tyranny and called on the so-called free world to defeat it. This could be perceived as the

Russia and the next Presidential election in the USA

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] Illustration by Kent for the Saker Blog Intro: not a pretty picture Let’s begin with a disclaimer: in this article, I will assume that there will be a US Presidential election in the Fall.  Right now, it appears to be likely that this election will take place (there appear to be no legal way to cancel or delay it), but this is

What Will Lula Do?

by Pepe Escobar – cross posted with Consortium News A version of this article first appeared on The Asia Times.   Decades after the fact, a political earthquake that should be rocking Brazil is being met with thunderous silence. What is now described as the Banestado leaks and CC5gate is straight out of vintage WikiLeaks: a list, published for the first time in full, naming names and detailing what is

‘We won’t reveal our response, let Israel speculate’: Hezbollah’s No. 2

Original link: Description: In an interview with Al Mayadeen TV, Hezbollah’s Deputy Secretary General, Sheikh Naaim Qassem said that his group has decided that at this moment, the Lebanese group will not reveal what it will do exactly in response to the killing of one of its men in an Israeli airstrike on Damascus in recent days. ‘The Israelis can (understand) and calculate from (this stance) what they wish’, Qaasem

How Nazism Came to Dominate Both of America’s Political Parties

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog The following 11-minute youtube video is a good introduction to this article: Ukraine Crisis — What You’re Not Being Told —— On July 20th, Moss Robeson headlined at TheGrayZone, “Influential DC-based Ukrainian think tank hosts neo-Nazi activist convicted for racist violence”, and he reported the inescapably visible tip of America’s iceberg of pro-nazi policies regarding Ukraine. Ukraine is a country which during World

Reply by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova to a media question on US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s statement on US-Chinese relations

24 July 202017:52   The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Question: Can you comment on the recent statement by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on the US-Chinese relations? Maria Zakharova: We noted US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s remarks on US-Chinese relations made on July 23 at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library. We were surprised by the defiant tone of Mr Pompeo’s statements, which predictably contained

Chechnya’s Kadyrov announces sanctions against Pompeo

Selected by Amarynth for the Saker Blog Also titled as The Little Mouse that Roared – and what a roar. Chechnya’s head expressed his outrage at the recent sanctions imposed against his family members GROZNY, July 24. /TASS/. Head of Russia’s Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov has banned US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo from entering the region, he announced at a meeting in Grozny on Friday. On July 20, the

Serbian tyrant’s nasty scheme to misrepresent protests

by Saker’s Johnny-on-the-spot in Belgrade for The Saker Blog Daily protests against tyrant Vučić continue unabated in front of Parliament in Belgrade and are nearing their twentieth consecutive day. The regime’s early hopes of dispersing them by using brutal police violence against the protesters have themselves been dispersed. Every evening several hundred citizens, “keepers of the flame” as they like to call themselves, gather on parliament plateau and hold their

Diplomacy is reciprocal

Chris Faure for the Saker Blog The US suddenly ordered China to end operations from its embassy in Houston, Texas (remember when they did the same to Russia). However, diplomacy is reciprocal and the Chinese so far refrained from a further provocative reaction. They are implementing a fair tit for tat measure, closing the US Consulate in Chengdu, keeping options open for further retaliation. They could have fanned the flames

Interview: Iran’s former ambassador to China, Mehdi Safari on 25-year historic agreement with China.

Interview with the Al-Alam News channel, Iran’s former ambassador to China, Mehdi Safari, revealed his thoughts and important details about the comprehensive 25-year historic agreement currently being finalised between Iran and China. From: Description: In an in-depth interview with the Al-Alam News channel, Iran’s former ambassador to China, Mehdi Safari, revealed his thoughts and important details about the comprehensive 25-year historic agreement currently being finalised between Iran and China.

The Imperial Myth of Canada’s National Policy and It’s Implications for Today

By Matthew Ehret for the Saker Blog The mythology of Canada’s National Policy is a multi-layered fallacy of composition which must be addressed from the standpoint of locating Canada’s struggle for nationhood as locked in the midst of a battle between two conceptions of man and law expressed in the British vs. American systems of political economy. Before entering into any proper analysis of this problem, it must be stated

Wrong Again! But, who? Serbs or the media?

by Višeslav Simić, PhD, for The Saker Blog “Illiterate degenerates, baby killers, butchers, and rapists,” as the then US Senator, and now the US Democratic Party’s Presidential candidate, Joe Biden, described the Serbs, are again in the focus of the global “p(l)andemic” propagators because they have en masse gathered in front of the country’s Parliament to protest “the Covid 19 measures.” Yet, as in most other cases, the Western media got only

Israeli strikes in Syria: Iran reveals extent of losses & warns Tel Aviv

Iran warns Zionists to stop lying Source: Al-Alam, July 17, 2020 Translation: Iranian Armed Forces’ spokesman Brigadier General Abu Al-Fadl Shukarji has warned Zionists against continuing their lies about targeting Iranian sites in Syria. Brigadier Shikarji added that only 8 Iranian advisers have found martyrdom under Israeli strikes during the 9 years of their legal presence in Syria, while stressing that Iranian forces have retaliated to Zionist attacks: he
