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Breaking Articles

How Geopolitical Economy Crossed the Atlantic – West to East

by Francis Lee for the Saker Blog Europe is tending to bring the society and culture of the continent into harmony with those of the United States, exulting the characteristics of the latter into models and objects of an uncritical and overwhelming admiration … There is no longer at present a European project. A North American project … under American command has replaced it … The hegemonism of the United

Paying it forward – Erdogan style

by Ghassan and Intibah Kadi for the Saker Blog With all eyes globally poised at COVID-19 and the impending economic meltdown, Black-Lives-Matter activism, and the protests in the USA and some Western countries, little attention is given to the rise of a potentially more formidable religious fundamentalism base for ISIS-style and orientation than ISIS itself; and indications are pointing to this happening right now, in today’s Turkey. Al-Qaeda and ISIS

Naive Millennials: it’s the man (Trump) & not ‘The Man’ (the US system)

By Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog How many years, or decades, does it take to unlearn national propaganda? In any country it’s not easy because it starts in the cradle, or at least at preschool. Despite the false claims of moral relativists, not all national worldviews are equal – some propaganda is good and furthers modern ideas, while some are as repugnant as yesterday’s bathwater. Firstly: who is “The

Serbian tyrant caught in a pincer, the stage is set for his spectacular fall

by Saker’s Johnny-on-the-spot for The Saker Blog We spoke too soon, it turns out, about the Dr. Vladimir Mentus, the young Serbian sociologist, being released from prison and charges against him being dropped. At one point several days ago the appellate chamber did vacate the of the misdemeanour court judge’s decision sentencing Dr Mentus to thirty days for participation in the protests, specifically for “insulting” the police, and remanded the

Clash of civilizations, revisited

By Pepe Escobar – republished from Asia Times by permission of author Late afternoon in May 29, 1453, Sultan Mehmet, the third son of Murad, born of a slave-girl – probably Christian – in the harem, fluent in Turkish, Arabic, Greek, Latin, Persian and Hebrew, followed by his top ministers, his imams and his bodyguard of Janissaries, rides slowly towards the Great Church of St Sophia in Constantinople. It’s unlikely

Iraqi PMF leader: Operations on US forces to escalate day by day

Original link: Description: Deputy Secretary General of the Al-Nujaba Movement, a faction of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), says that ‘resistance operations against U.S. occupation forces in Iraq will escalate day by day’. In an interview with Al Mayadeen TV, Nasr al-Shimmari added that the country’s ‘resistance forces’ had previously given time for dialogue in order for American forces to leave Iraq, however, it was clear that the ‘US only

Nasrallah: ‘Israel is not a Jewish State and will be destroyed, the settlers will be expelled or decimated’

Extract from an interview with Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on May 26, 2020, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Liberation of southern Lebanon. The interview lasted almost 3 hours. Will Al-Quds (Jerusalem) be ‘liberated’ like the Crusaders in 1099, who put to the swords all the Muslims & Jews, including women and children, or like Saladin in 1187, who allowed the Christian occupiers to leave

The Polarized Pens that Polish Turds Mightily

by Denis A. Conroy for the Saker Blog It took a virus to remind us that we oscillate within the gamut of a micro-macro dynamic, and more significantly, that we can no longer afford the desultory polarizations that separate us from the dual reality that underscores our existence; the balance that exists between give and take that is essential for the emotional and mental well-being of all humans. In the

Day 8 – The tyrant makes a cardinal mistake

by Saker’s Johnny-on-the-spot in Belgrade for The Saker Blog Alexander Vučić’s tyranny demonstrated its hubris today by finally arresting one of its most outspoken and fearless opponents, the Serbian Savonarola, Orthodox monk Anthony. The monk spoke day in and day out at rallies in front of the parliament building, denouncing the tyrant and all his works. The arrest was preceded by a dirty week-long campaign against the cleric in media

(Photos): Russian delegation presents Iraqi PMF’s al-Muhandis with medal of honour

From Middle East Observer Description: During a political analysis show marking three years since the liberation of the Iraqi city of Mosul, a city which Daesh (ISIS) had made the capital of its caliphate, the instrumental role of Iran’s General Qasim Soleimani and Iraq’s Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis were highlighted. More specifically, Al Mayadeen’s Baghdad Bureau Chief, Abdullah al-Badran, presented what he called ‘never-before-seen’ photographs of a Russian military delegation presenting

Book Review : Starikov’s ‘Rouble Nationalization – the Way to Russia’s Freedom’

by Amarynth for the Saker Blog This book was recommended by one of our commenters in the Movable Feast Café. Initially I was going to put it aside to read later but that evening, while transferring it to my tablet, I paged through and … sleep was impossible. Despite the deeply serious and existential nature of the subject matter, it is just simply a fascinating read, almost like an historical

The Future for China

by Eric Zuesse for the Saker Blog On July 14th, the two conjoined gangster-regimes, U.S. & UK, simultaneously started, with deadly seriousness, their aggressive economic war against China. Business Insider headlined “US Navy warship challenges China in South China Sea as US blasts Beijing’s ‘unlawful’ claims and ‘gangster tactics’” and reported that, After the US Department of State declared Beijing’s maritime claims in the South China Sea and efforts to

There is a dark and dangerous forest behind these burning trees…

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] Roughly half-way through the year 2020 it is becoming pretty obvious that there are a number of major developments which almost got our total attention, and for good reason, as these are tectonic shifts which truly qualify as “catastrophe” (under the definition “a violent and sudden change in a feature of the earth“).  These are: The initiation of the global collapse of

The Historical Forces Behind the New U.S-Mexico Pro-Nation State Alliance

By Matthew Ehret for the Saker Blog On July 8, Mexico’s President Lopez Obrador met with President Trump to finalize the death of NAFTA and the signing of the USMCA agreement which has thrown over the apple cart for the neoliberal priests of London and Wall Street. As both Presidents signed a ‘Joint Declaration between the USA and Mexico’, Trump stated: “With this signing, we pledge the close and continued

Is there any possibility of diffusing Sino-US tension?

by Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog Sino-US tension is growing to a dangerous level, what will be the consequences? Who will suffer more? And who will be benefitted? Is there any simple solution? Is anyone willing to rectify things? What will be the role of the UN and International Community, in case of an armed conflict? What will be the future of the World? Etc. Many similar questions are

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to questions during the online session “Russia and the post-COVID World”

10 July 2020 15:55 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to questions during the online session “Russia and the post-COVID World,” held as part of the Primakov Readings international forum, Moscow, July 10, 2020 First of all, I would like to express my gratitude for inviting me to once again speak at the Primakov Readings. This is a young, but also one of the most respected platforms for discussing

The Bad Ending of a Good Idea

by Jimmie Moglia for the Saker Blog Sometimes ideas born out of an apparently sensible necessity evolve into something diabolically inevitable. On the other hand, the history of the formation of ideas is, or could be, what frees the mind from a blind search for explanations. For the alternative is to (dis)-content ourselves with effects without knowing their causes, other than attributing the faults of the system, for example, to

A true intelligence assessment, for once!

by Naresh Jotwani for The Saker Blog On this amazingly beautiful planet, a certain prominent society has been exhibiting rather strange behaviour in recent decades. Surprisingly, it is the ‘high IQ’ people of this society – its presumed ‘thought-leaders’ – who show the strangest patterns of behaviour. The ‘high IQ’ strange patterns of behaviour may be categorized roughly as follows: (1) Many ‘high IQ’ people (HIQP, for short), have decided

Serbia SITREP: Day 6 – Mindless brutality escalates in Serbia

by Saker’s Johnny-on-the-spot in Belgrade for The Saker Blog Yes, Israel Shamir was on to something while showering Serbs with fulsome praise for derailing the globalist project with their anti-lockdown, anti-Vučić tyranny, insurrection. A measure of respect they have indeed earned. But let’s not count chickens before they hatch. This is not yet the Serbs’ March 27 1941 moment, or even a decent replay of the gloriously defiant 1999. What

SITREP: Day 4 in Belgrade – the unravelling of a popular revolt, or of the regime?

by Saker’s Johnny-on-the-spot in Belgrade for the Saker Blog What started a few days ago as a vigorous grass-roots movement is slowly but surely being reconfigured (and not in the good sense) on the streets of Belgrade and other cities in Serbia. Violent regime-infiltrated thugs and agents provocateurs are gradually gaining the upper hand around the parliament building in Belgrade, which is the focal point of the nation-wide protests. Their
