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News flash: Capitalism has no answer for 50 million jobless people

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog Oh – did you have one? Well… we’re waiting. But we will certainly be waiting in vain because the “best” US economic minds, journalists, professors and pundits got nuthin’. Even God’s gift to American society – CEOs and bankers – are hoping nobody calls on them for an answer. This is an era of not just total economic disaster in the US but

Iran-China pact turbocharges the New Silk Roads

China will invest $400 billion in Iran energy and infrastructure but nothing in strategic pact allows for a Chinese troop presence or island handover By Pepe Escobar – republished from Asia Times by permission of author Two of the US’s top “strategic threats” are getting closer and closer within the scope of the New Silk Roads – the leading 21st century project of economic integration across Eurasia. The Deep State

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s statement and answers to media questions

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s statement and answers to media questions at a news conference following political consultations between the foreign ministers of Russia and three African Union countries (South Africa, Egypt and the Congo) via videoconference, Moscow, July 8, 2020 Colleagues, Today, we held the first political consultation meeting at the foreign minister level between Russia and three members of the African Union. This mechanism was established after the first

America’s Sicilian Expedition

by Francis Lee for the Saker Blog Of all the enemies to public liberty, war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; and from these proceed debt and taxes; and armies, and debts, are taxes of the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few … no nation could reserve

Mass protests shake the throne of Serbia’s insufferable tyrant

by Saker’s Johnny-on-the-spot in Serbia for The Saker Blog The regime of one of Europe’s last two tyrants (guess where the other one is, hint: also in the Balkans) has been convulsed by massive outbursts of popular discontent and disobedience during the last two days. For all his fabled manipulative skills, Alexander Vučić, the tyrant here in question, made the foolish miscalculation by taking himself and his ability to intimidate

US should know ‘Resistance’ now controls all of West Asia: Naqqash

from Middle East Observer Description: Senior Lebanese political analyst Anees Naqqash says that the United States should know that the ‘Resistance Axis’ is the one that now controls the entire West Asia region, and that Washington is in no position to impose conditions on Lebanon (such as closing the Lebanese-Syrian border) in return for easing its economic pressure on the country. Naqqash, who is closely-linked to Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement, is

Hamilton movie: central banker worship & proof the US has no left

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog I wonder if Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda will ever understand the real truth about why his play is so popular…? Miranda probably believes that if he had written a play about Eugene V. Debs (America’s greatest socialist) his talents, approach and techniques would have produced a spectacle of similarly spectacular success, LOL…. The believers of Broadway are nothing if not wilfully naive (i.e.

Iraqi Hezbollah: Iraq’s PM sought to prove US loyalty by raiding our HQ

From Middle East Observer Description: The military spokesman of the Iraqi Kataib Hezbollah (Hezbollah Brigades), Ja’far al-Husseini, said in a recent interview that Iraq’s prime minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi unmasked his real intentions by raiding one of the group’s logistical headquarters in Baghdad. Al-Husseini said that the Iraqi prime minister’s real intention is to confront the Hezbollah Brigades and the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) as a whole, and to protect the presence of

Kazakhstan may hold the secret for Greater Eurasia

Submitted by Pepe Escobar – source Asia Times The no holds barred US-China strategic competition may be leading us to the complete fragmentation of the current “world-system” – as Wallerstein defined it. Yet compared to the South China Sea, the Korean peninsula, the Taiwan Straits, India-China’s Himalayan border, and selected latitudes of the Greater Middle East, Central Asia shines as a portrait of stability. That’s quite intriguing, when we consider

USA – Most Aggressive Military Power in the World. Those Who Have Friends Like That Don’t Need Enemies (Sahra Wagenknecht)

Translated by Dagmar and subtitled by Leo. Original German description in English: Trump had “threatened” for a long time and now actually wants to withdraw 10,000 US soldiers from Germany. German armaments spending is too low, the US president rumbles, the United States is no longer willing to “provide our security”. The German defense minister, Kramp-Karrenbauer, pleads guilty that it would be a lot of effort to upgrade. Unfortunately, that’s

US national media is useless – so tell me the good local news sources?

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog During the recent wave of rebellions in the US I was reminded of just how woefully, woefully inadequate the US nationwide media truly is. I only foresee one solution to ferret out what is truly going on in the United States during the 2020 summer & fall of discontent – going local, nationwide. (However, I do please need help with this solution –

Netherlands ‘Justice’ Is Totally Corrupt: MH17 Case as Example

by Eric Zuesse for the Saker Blog On Friday, July 3rd, the judge in the Netherlands court case against Russia as having fired a Buk missile that brought down the Malaysian Airlines plane that Ukrainian Air Traffic Control had instructed to fly over Ukraine’s civil-war zone on 17 July 2014 ruled out any consideration of evidence from Russia. Judge Hendrik Steenhuis “refused to allow Russian military intelligence to reveal where

With Fire and Sword: Obama’s black crusaders and the war in the Ukraine

By Ken Leslie for the Saker Blog 1. How to be progressive in America As some readers of my previous essays recall, I devoted quite a lot of space to one (possibly principal) agent of imperialism and genocide, namely, Roman Catholicism. Although I made my views clear, I’ll repeat—I am not discussing the RC religious dogma, its theological foundations or the honesty of its followers but its (geo)political dimension which

Does the next Presidential election even matter?

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] Just by asking the question of whether the next Presidential election matters, I am obviously suggesting that it might not.  To explain my reasons for this opinion, I need to reset the upcoming election in the context of the previous one.  So let’s begin here. The 2016 election of Donald Trump The first thing which, I believe, ought to be self-evident to

Germany SITREP: Former German Chancellor Says U.S.-EU Alliance Could Now End

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog A German equivalent to UK’s Financial Times and America’s Wall Street Journal is the Dusseldorf Handelsblatt or “Commerce Sheet,” which headlined on June 30th, “Former Chancellor Schröder: USA Ending Transatlantic Partnership”. They reported: Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder has condemned possible new US sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline as “deliberate termination of the transatlantic partnership.” A draft law currently

Bridging China’s past with humanity’s future – Part 3

by Straight-Bat for the Saker Blog This will be presented in 3 parts and in 3 different blog posts Part 1 Part 2 PART – 3 2008 ONWARDS – PREPARATION FOR FINAL ACT The financial crisis that started in USA in 2007 became global by 2008 which impacted countries and societies across the world. The year 2008 has already been identified as watershed moment for world economy. However, I would

Iranian ships carrying urgent foodstuffs heading to Lebanon: Wiam Wahhab

with permission from Middle East Observer Description: Former Lebanese minister Wiam Wahhab said in a recent television interview that Iranian ships are loading their cargo and heading to Lebanon, despite ongoing US efforts – according to some observers – to financially choke the small Arab country. Wahhab, a prominent Druze ally of Hezbollah, challenged the United States to militarily target these ships if it dared. The former minister was responding

A Canada Day Surprise: How a ‘Synthetic Nationalism’ Was Created to Break the US-Russia Alliance

By Matthew Ehret for the Saker Blog As a Canadian author associated with a Canadian geopolitical magazine and a book series rooted in the thesis that Canada is still under the dominance of the British Empire to this very day, the July 1st holiday known as “Canada Day” is a bit of a strange thing to celebrate. As I have recently written in my articles The Missed Chance of 1867

Putin’s Address to the Nation Ahead of the Vote on Amendments to Russia’s Constitution – 77.92% support!

Putin’s Address to the Nation Ahead of the Vote on Amendments to Russia’s Constitution A quote from Andrey Martyanov:  “A really telling response projected at the facade of US Embassy in Moscow on the eve of July 1 voting for amendments to what amounts effectively new Russia’s Constitution. The text of the projection says, in addressing the US: 1993–it was yours (constitution), 2020–it is now our (constitution). I cannot emphasize

USA SITREP: The Collapse of the United States Is No Longer Avoidable

by Paul Craig Roberts, posted with the author’s authorization source: Within the last few days two commentators I respect—The Saker and Dmitry Orlov—have written that the United States is now undergoing systemic collapse. My view, reflected in my articles published over the years, is that the United States ceased to exist decades ago.  It is only the foundational strength of the country put in place by great men, such
