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Breaking Articles

Afghan Peace: A Pre-requisite for Prosperity in Eurasia Region

by Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan for The Saker blog Afghanistan is a landlocked country located within South-Central Asia. Afghanistan is bordered by Pakistan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and China. With its population of 35 million approximately, having a GDP (nominal) of 22 billion US dollars in total, and per capita income of 600 Dollars only. Rich with minerals and natural resources, and well-known for its fruits and nuts, still

Debunking the Putin and Netanyahu/Israel work together canard (final installment)

This will not be an analysis or even a commentary.  Neither am I siding with, or expressing support for, the Turkish military operation in norther Syria.  Finally, I am not discussing the legitimacy (or lack thereof) of the Kurdish Independence movement.  All I propose to do here, is to draw your attention to a series of facts and logical imperatives which, in my opinion debunk and falsify the disinformation campaign

Russia’s kidnapping problem

[this article was written for the Unz Review] No, this will not be an article about Russians kidnapped in Chechnia (that was a very long time ago) or somewhere in a combat zone.  I will be talking about the USA and Iran.  First, here are a few links for context: About the FBI’s illegal detention of parliament member Inga Iumasheva “Imagine FSB interrogating a US senator? FBI agent questions Russian

SITREP: Zhongnanhai, 10-8-2019 – The Real Hot War Against the Chinese Peoples Republic

by Larchmonter445 for The Saker Blog What the US just did regarding Human Rights in Xinjiang, blacklisting companies used by the China government and refusing visas for officials is pretty close to a last straw. Combined with financing, training and leading the HK protests, arming Taiwan with high level weapons systems (F-16s), and destroying the global supply chains, restricting export of semi-conductors, attacking Huawei all over the globe, imprisoning CFO

Most interesting video discussion about key historical facts

Dear friends, I am posting a video sent to me by a friend.  Sadly, I don’t know anything about the two gentlemen talking, but I can say that everything they say does fully match with my own understanding of these events. I can’t endorse everything these two gentlemen say, and I sure disagree with their early 20th century views of Socialism (or, by implication what they apparently believe in the

SITREP: Ecuador on the brink of civil war?

by Ruben Bauer Naveira (Brazil) for The Saker Blog This is a very short summary of an article from Adoración Gusmán (Equatorian), published on Friday, Oct 04th (in Spanish): On the evening of Tuesday, Oct 01st, Ecuador’s president Lenin Moreno announced a whole bunch of new legislation, delivering to the people of Ecuador: – Austerity; – Deep cuts on social rights; – Deep cuts on taxes for the wealthiest;

Tracking foreign interference in Hong Kong

By Pepe Escobar : Hong Kong – Posted with permission Lawyer Lawrence Ma claims the US has been supporting the protests via groups such as the NED Lawrence YK Ma is the executive council chairman of the Hong Kong Legal Exchange Foundation and director of the China Law Society, the Chinese Judicial Studies Association and the Hong Kong Legal Exchange Foundation. He also finds time to teach law at Nankai

Medical Mystery: what caused Alexander III to develop nephritis?

by William H. Warrick III for The Saker Blog   Speech of President Putin at the dedication of the new statue: “Dear Friends, Today here in Crimea, at the famous Livadia Palace, we are unveiling a monument to Alexander III, an outstanding statesman and patriot, a man of stamina, courage and unwavering will. He always felt a tremendous personal responsibility for the country’s destiny: he fought for Russia in battlefields,

Trip diary: July in Russia and France

by Alexandra for The Saker Blog My son and I spent three weeks of July in Moscow and St-Petersburg and one week in Paris. We left Montreal in the evening of July 1 and arrived in Moscow in the evening of July 2 after a stop-over in Paris of a few hours. Our initial impression was that of a sprawling, bustling and fast-paced city. When we stepped out of our

Saker rant: the man is truly a narcissistic imbecile (5D chess anybody?)

I just saw this: While I “love” (so to speak) the “in my great and unmatched wisdom” (not similes to indicate a tongue-in-cheek self-deprecating comment), I even much prefer Trump threatening to “devastate” the economy of the country with the 2nd biggest NATO military.  Heck, he also threatened Europe and even the rest of the world. Gooooooooooooooooooooood!!!! As a Russian, I am in heaven, truly.  Trump is destroying the Empire

From Karbala to al-Sham: “I Did not See Except Beauty”

by Mansoureh Tadjik for the Saker Blog We have many well-known and universal concepts that, over times, places, and people, have gone through expansions and contractions in meaning and connotation. One such concept is that of beauty. To return this concept to a level of transparency it requires and afford it a deeper understanding, we must first launder it clear of all that which is not. What is meant here

Orthodox Faith: Yvonne Lorenzo interviews the Saker

C.S. Lewis, in his preface to St Athanasius’ On the Incarnation, urges us to study the classics. He lamented how today (his “today,” but equally if not more importantly our own) people are more interested to read about the great figures of the past rather than the works themselves. He emphasized the need to return to the classic texts of the past, both to expose our own all-too-often hidden presuppositions

The full text of’s interview with Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah

Masseer Especial Journal, which belongs to, has conducted an interview with Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary-General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, which is published for the first time. The following is part one of the interview: I would like to start the interview by asking you how the situation in the region was, at the time when the Islamic Revolution became victorious. How was the situation in the West Asian region?

MBS must shelve his vicious war in Yemen

by Pepe Escobar – Beirut : Posted with permission More attacks on Saudi Arabia appear inevitable unless it agrees to stop war against Houthi rebels Never underestimate the power of blowback. Right now, Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (MBS), the de facto ruler of the House of Saud, is staring at it, an ominous abyss opened by the Houthis in Yemen. This past weekend, Yemeni Armed Forces spokesman Brigadier Yahya

Russian Government Condemn’s European Parliament’s Blaming Stalin as Having Started WW II

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog On October 1st, Russia’s Tass news agency reported that the Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin condemned the European Parliament for having blamed Stalin along with Hitler as having started World War II. He said, “The recent resolution adopted by the European Parliament that assigned the historic blame for the outbreak of the Second World War on the Soviet Union

New weapons and the new tactics which they make possible: three examples

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] There are probably hundreds of books out there about the so-called “Revolution in Military Affairs”, some of them pretty good, most of them very bad, and a few very good ones (especially this one).  For a rather dull and mainstream discussion, you can check the Wikipedia article on the RMA.  Today I don’t really want to talk this or similar buzzwords (like

First in a decade: Yellow Vests end French austerity, finally

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog The Yellow Vests forced the French government to not present an austerity-laden annual budget for the first time in a decade. You should be saying, “Wow, that is a historic achievement.” Please be clear: this is joyous, uplifting, pro-democracy, once-in-a-decade good news! An end to austerity is why France elected Francois Hollande in 2012, whose slogan was, “The change is now” – the

Breaking News: The Ukraine has signed the “Steinmayer formula”! (UPDATED 6x)

The Russian media is reporting from numerous sources that the representatives of the Ukraine have signed the Steinmayer formula. President Zelenskii is making a press conference confirming this. This is, of course, very good news.  It appears that the pressure of Trump and Macron has worked. Now the biggest danger comes from the Ukronazis who are already going hysterical and speaking of a “victory for Putin”. Zelenskii was put in
