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Breaking Articles

The New Master of Ukraine

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with Source: Ukraine received a new master, irrespective of who will take the presidency. The master is named Igor Valeryevich Kolomoisky. It is he who detailed and implemented the scenario of the first round of voting in such a way that Poroshenko – who progressed to the second round, Tymoshenko – who didn’t progress, Boyko – who took fourth place, and

Resistance report: Washington falls deeper into the abyss and what’s holding the Syrian Army’s Idlib offensive up?

By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog Last Monday, after much speculation Trump signed a declaration recognizing the occupied Golan Heights as Israeli territory. Trump recognizing the Golan Heights as Israeli land is a sign that Washington is falling ever deeper into the abyss.The ever so Israel friendly Trump administration is trying to give legitimacy to Israel’s occupation of Syrian territory. Who do they think they are kidding? Make no

A few initial thoughts about the first round of the Ukrainian Presidential election (UPDATED)

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] The first round of the Presidential election in the Ukraine took place on April Fool’s Day and it could be tempting to dismiss it all like a big farce which, of course, it was, but, we should not overlook the fact that some very interesting and important events have just taken place.  I won’t discuss them all right now, there will be

Pentagon Obsession: China, China, China

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with Strategic Culture) by special agreement with the author) Chinese nuclear bombers. Chinese hypersonic missiles. Chinese carrier killer missiles. Chinese cyberattacks. Chinese anti-satellite weaponry. Chinese militarization of the South China Sea. Chinese Huawei spying. So many Chinese “malign intentions”. And we’re not even talking about Russia. Few people around the world are aware that the Pentagon for the moment is led by a mere “acting” Defense

Good-Bye Home Country

by Jimmie Moglia for The Saker Blog On Mar 19, 2019 an “Italian” school-bus driver, dumped several canisters of gasoline inside a school-bus full of students, and set it ablaze. It was a miracle that there were no victims. The inverted quotes around “Italian” require an explanation. In line with the Kalergi Plan for the Western World – more later – Italian and European mainstream newspapers resort to lexical acrobatics

Report: Yellow Vests Act 20 (media heavy – loads slowly!)

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog Act 20 of the Yellow Vests took place on March 30th nationwide in France and happened against the background of last week’s brutal beating of a female protestor in Nice. My reports on Acts 18 and 19 can be read here and here respectively. Paris The demonstration in Paris was focused on housing expulsions, energy cuts, and expensive accommodation. It should be noted

‘Pulp Fiction’, the Mueller Report & empty Generation X politics

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog Turns out the Mueller Report isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. It is certainly a sad day for America. Get wasted on tabloid, sore-loser, unproven accusations and the hangover will be costly. But the damage to the credibility of the Democratic Party and the Mainstream Media? Incalculable. Generation X-ers are role models now, but the past two years sure wasn’t “leadership”. Millennials

How electoral fraud became the cornerstone of Ukraine’s 2019 presidential election

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog Of course, it comes as no surprise that both state and independent media are currently interested in the 2019 Ukrainian presidential election, scheduled to take place on March 31st. But if we are to be honest, this interest isn’t so much caused by an eager anticipation vis-a-vis the result. After all, nothing will change much in Ukraine after the election, or rather –

 Russian Central Election Commission Publicly Roasted Grudinin and the CPRF

Russian Central Election Commission Publicly Roasted Grudinin and the CPRF (Ruslan Ostashko)  Translated by Scott Humor, subtitled by Leo     The Central Election Commission of Russia (CEC) refused all attempts by the Communist Party to bring a former Presidential candidate, Pavel Grudinin, into the Duma. The CEC did this by adhering to the letter of the law they themselves implemented. The Communist Party has long been called the “Commercial

The EU bows to ‘systemic rival’ China

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with Consortium News) by special agreement with the author) Let’s start with the essential background for the meeting in Paris on Tuesday between Chinese President Xi Jinping and three EU heavyweights – French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President of the European Commission (EC) Jean-Claude Juncker. As imperfect as these figures may be, economic growth for the past 10 years after the 2008

Pepe Escobar: Empire of Chaos in Hybrid War Overdrive

The Trump administration’s foreign policy may be easily deconstructed as a crossover between The Sopranos and late-night comedy, writes Pepe Escobar. by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with Consortium News ) by special agreement with the author) Is this the Age of Anxiety? The Age of Stupidity? The Age of Hybrid War? Or all of the above? As right populism learns to use algorithms, artificial intelligence (AI) and media convergence, the Empire

West Bank next on US recognition list, Nasrallah warns

Press TV reports: Hezbollah warns that the United States could next choose to recognize Israel’s “sovereignty” over the Tel Aviv-occupied West Bank unless the Arab world springs to action. The Lebanese resistance movement’s Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah issued the caution during a speech on Tuesday. “When the entire world allows [US President Donald] Trump to declare [Jerusalem] al-Quds as Israel’s eternal capital, and especially the Arab world remains silent, this

Former SBU employee revealed information about secret prisons in Donbass and Kiev’s involvement in downing MH17

Translated by Ollie Richardson & Angelina Siard for The Saker Blog Source: Former employee of the SBU Vasily Prozorov in 2014 assisted the Russian security services A former employee of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) Vasily Prozorov held a press conference in Moscow. He reported that from April 2014 he rendered assistance to the special services of Russia. “From April 2014 I absolutely voluntarily, for ideological reasons, assisted

Ramin Mazaheri announces his new book: I’ll Ruin Everything You Are: Ending Western Propaganda on Red China

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog I’d like to briefly announce that I have a new book for sale, I’ll Ruin Everything You Are: Ending Western Propaganda on Red China. China has soared in the 21st century, while the neoliberal austerity-minded West has slumped – longstanding Western predictions and promises have totally failed. There is no longer any doubt about this. This requires us to accommodate reality and drastically

Yellow Vests: “A Torrent of Hope Cannot Be Stopped by Police Blocks”

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog The following text was written (and translated by me) by the “Cerveaux non disponibles” Yellow Vests group after March 23rd’s protest event, which I reported about here. Of course, in many respects there is a chess game ongoing here. Macron thought that by sealing off the Champs-Elysees he would prevent the Yellow Vests from repeating what they did on March 16th – firing

A necessary revolution in discussing China’s Cultural Revolution: an 8-part series (1/8)

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog Perhaps the most important unresolved dichotomy in the West today is not the male-female divide but the urban-rural divide. The #MeToo Movement is making advances towards better gender equality – a direct result of the election of US President Donald Trump – but city and country remain locked in a most ungratifying combat. In the US this is known as the “red state-blue
