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Solari Report quarterly interview with The Saker

Dear friends, Here is the latest installment of my quarterly conversations with Catherine Austin Fitts. This one was recorded on July the 28th. You can listen to the interview on the original Solari Report page: or just click here:   Cheers, The Saker

Filling the Vacuum

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: When the Western Roman Empire collapsed, in Europe the so-called dark centuries came there for a long time. Modern historians claim that they were not that dark, and cite as an example the Justinian attempt to restore the empire, the Carolingian renaissance, and say that Levantine trade continued not only before, but also after

‘The Death of Yazdgerd’: The greatest political movie ever explains Iran’s revolution

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog I’d say it’s a pretty low bar to be the greatest political movie off all-time…. Perhaps movies are just too sensationalistic by nature to give politics the seriousness it deserves? Maybe politics are simply too complex to condense into 90 minutes, less the time needed for a compelling love story? What are the greatest political movies of all time? Firstly, let’s exclude the

Sanctions, Sanctions, Sanctions – the Final Demise of the Dollar Hegemony?

by Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog Sanctions left and sanctions right. Financial mostly, taxes, tariffs, visas, travel bans – confiscation of foreign assets, import and export prohibitions and limitations; and also punishing those who do not respect sanctions dished out by Trump, alias the US of A, against friends of their enemies. The absurdity seems endless and escalating – exponentially, as if there was a deadline to collapse the

Iran’s reply: no war and no negotiations

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] We can all thank God for the fact that the AngloZionists did not launch a war on the DPRK, that no Ukronazi attack on the Donbass took place during the World Cup in Russia and that the leaders of the Empire have apparently have given up on their plans to launch a reconquista of Syria.  However, each of these retreats from their

Are the mainstream U.S. ‘news’media evil?

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog William Binney, the U.S. National Security Agency’s former technical director for global analysis, has, for the past year, been globe-trotting to investigate the actual evidence regarding the official Russiagate investigations, and he finds that the Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, who is prosecuting Russia’s Government, can only accuse Russian officials, not convict any of them on at least the important charges, because conclusive evidence

Turkey’s Economic Crisis: Limited Options (UPDATED)

by Gary Littlejohn for The Saker Blog It is said that when Groucho Marx was asked how he went bankrupt, he replied “Slowly at first, and then much more quickly”. The Turkish Lira had started to slide slowly and then last week it went down much more quickly. The context for this was made clear by the Moon of Alabama on 10th August, on the very same day that the

All hands on deck: the Caspian sails towards Eurasia integration

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) The five states surrounding the sea – Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan – have reached difficult compromises on sovereign and exclusive rights as well as freedom of navigation The long-awaited deal on the legal status of the Caspian Sea signed on Sunday in the Kazakh port of Aktau is a defining moment in the ongoing,

What Really Happens to Nicaragua, Venezuela and Ecuador

by Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog Stories about corruption and internally government-generated violence concerning most unaligned countries abound in the MSM. These lies fuel hatred. And the public at large start a malicious rumor circuit. Which, in turn is taken over by the MSM, so that their lies are pushing in open doors. The war drums start beating. The populace wants foreign imposed order, they want blood and ‘regime

Formats of Friendship – Russia vs America

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: The US arbitrarily and contrary to the opinion of the world community not only left the nuclear deal with Iran, but also imposed new sanctions on it, which were declared to be much more extensive and severe than the previous ones… Trump again keeps his word and keeps his election promises. He criticised Obama’s

From 1000 AD to World War 3

by Jimmie Moglia for The Saker Blog If, according to Oscar Wilde, truth is a matter of style, even more so history is a matter of opinion. An obvious and unnecessary remark, were it not for the anger of some when they dissent with the thoughts of others. To them I would recommend, with all the earnestness at my disposal, the recollection of Mark Twain’s topic and soothing ruling that,

What’s Destructive, Constructive, And Necessary In Ukrainian Politics

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: I read an article about why it isn’t necessary to hate Ukrainian nationalists, and I can say that it is difficult to disagree with its general idea. Although I would make some essential specifications that, as a result, can change the concept of the article… However, at first I will say what I agree

Venezuelanalysis: Official Statement on Facebook’s Removal of Our Page

On Thursday morning our Facebook page was arbitrarily “unpublished” by Facebook with no warning or explanation, apart from a standard message informing us that we had allegedly violated the company’s terms and conditions. The timing of such a move is concerning for several reasons. Firstly, there is the international context, in which Facebook appears to be targeting independent or leftwing sites in the wake of Russiagate. However, in terms of

Making sense of a few rumors about Russian aircraft, tanks, and aircraft carriers

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] Russians are typically good at some things, and not so good at others.  One of the things which Russian politicians are still terrible at, is avoiding self-inflicted PR disasters.  Remember how Russian officials mismanaged the entire topic of “S-300s for Syria” (if not, then check out “part six” of this analysis)?  Something similar is happening again, but this time with the procurement

The West Turns A Blind Eye To Actions of Saudi Arabia And The British Court, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated by Scott Humor and captioned by Leo   “Double standards,” practiced by the West towards Russia, once again came out thanks to the sentencing by the British court an eighteen-year-old resident of London, and an expulsion of the Canada’s Ambassador from Saudi Arabia. The “incorruptible” Western media did not brand these two states “totalitarian regimes.” Do you recall squealing of the liberals in Russia and leading Western publications in

‘Martyrdom and Martyrdom’ & martyrdom: understanding Iran

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog “We are the nation of martyrdom, we are the nation of Imam Hossain, you better ask.” – Iranian Major General and Quds Force Commander Qasem Soleimani, July 27, 2018 That injunction for education was in response to US President Donald Trump’s threatening “all-caps tweet” to Iran. The exchange provides a rather timely news peg for this article, and it also confirms its necessity;

Button up yer bungholes boys n’ girls, cuz Baba Beijing is bringing on the badass

by Jeff Brown Crosslinked with: Pictured above: Badass Baba Beijing making America’s bald eagle feel the pain. The United States does not have bamboo forests. China has thousands of square kilometers of them. What’s an American eagle doing there? Uncle Sam, you’re out of range and outclassed in this neck of the woods. Time to dust off your feathers and get the heck out. Go home and

The War of 08.08.08 and Ten Years of Struggle for Russian Sovereignty

By Aleksandr Rodgers Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: In reality, those processes that we now observe didn’t arrive “suddenly”, but developed (and were being prepared) over a long period of time. And although on August 8th, 2018, it is ten years since 08.08.08, we will start the conversation with other events. Because officially it is a completely different date, namely February 10th, 2007
