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Breaking Articles

Russia Is Preparing for a “Perfect Storm” in the Global Economy

By Aleksandr Rodgers Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: In recent months Russia, as some claim, “strenuously prepared for Putin’s meeting with Trump”. What does this mean? Firstly, in April the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dumped nearly a half of US Treasuries that it had on its balance, having reduced their stock from $96.2 billion to $48.7 billion. In May the

Russia Never Threatened Me

by John Freeman for the Saker Blog I don’t get it. I’ve been watching the hysteric reaction of the news media, the MIC, the Deep State, the Zionist neocons, and politicians on both sides of the aisle to President Trump’s new detente with Russia, and I’m left wondering why the prospect of peaceful coexistence with a nuclear-armed superpower is seen as a bad thing. After listening to the usual drivel

Secrets of Russian hypersonic weapons were leaked to Americans, Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and subtitled by Scott Humor A criminal case under article 275 of the criminal code — “treason” — was initiated by the Federal Security Service against employees of the Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering. Security officers have accused some scientists from the famous TSNIIMASH in transferring secrets of the Russian hypersonic weapons to Americans. Five and a half years have passed since Vladimir Putin famously uttered the “This is not the

“Democracy” Isn’t for Donbass, Right?

By Andrey Babitsky Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: So, it is clear that the mentioning of the topic of a referendum by Vladimir Putin – and the proposal, judging by the fact that Washington already had the time to reject it, was indeed made – is a well thought over trap that Washington fell for, even without assuming that such a thing in

The Deputy Prime Minister of Italy called Maidan the “fake revolution” Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and subtitled by Scott Humor A new pain is brought to the Ukrainian “patriots” by the wind of change in shape of Italian euro-sceptics who support the restoration of normal relations with Russia. Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini called Maidan the “fake revolution.” This zrada or treason was voiced during an interview to the Washington Post, when the PM was asked about legality of the Crimean referendum. “Journalist:

Russia’s Minister of Defence Sergey Shoigu speech at the Defence Ministry Board Session Video in Russian July 24, 2018 Today Moscow hosted the meeting of Defence Ministry Board Session chaired by the General of the Army Sergei Shoigu. The attendees discussed issues associated with the implementation of the decrees of the President of Russia in May 2012 and 2018, and his instructions on the outcome of the meetings in Sochi. In particular, the implementation of the 2016-2020 plans years for land and

‘Tweet of Mass Destruction’ ratchets up tension on Iran

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) The Trump administration’s ultimate goal is regime change in Tehran, but was this just a distraction from the ‘treason’ in Helsinki as US Mid-Term elections loom? Or did he just want to destabilize the Eurasian giants and their New Silk Roads? President Trump’s late-night, all-caps Tweet of Mass Destruction threatening Iran is bound to be enshrined in

Poroshenko’s Dictatorial Laws by Russlan Ostashko

  Translated and captioned by Leo Among the fairy tales of the Kiev Maidan there is this one; striving to be in Europe, Ukrainian citizens couldn’t wait for their march for freedom from the previously accepted Viktor Yanukovych. This talk is in reference to the so-called “dictatorial laws” from January 16, 2014. And here now, pro-European Petro Poroshenko is getting ready to surpass them. But as for a new Maidan,

Trump – the De-Globalizer?

by Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog Looks like Trump is running amok with his “trading policies”. Not only has he upset the European Union – which doesn’t deserve any better, frankly, for having been and still being submissive vassals against the will of by now 90% of Europeans; but he has also managed to get China into a fury. Well, for China it is really not that important, because

Iran’s Basij: Reconstructing society via class warfare

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog In this 11-part series, which began as a response to the World Socialist Web Site’s 3-part series against my views of Iran and also Iranian Islamic Socialism in general, I have included a 4-part sub-series on the Basij: I think that the total ignorance of the Basij demands it amid the crumbling JCPOA pact on Iran’s nuclear energy program and the increased worries

Why Poroshenko Will Escalate the Situation in Ukraine

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: When Petro Poroshenko unexpectedly became the president of Ukraine, he had two paths… The path to the right assumed leaning on the Russophobic nazis inside the country and pursing an anti-Russian policy in the international arena. The path to the left dictated a compromise with the Southeast, even at the price of the informal

Latvians recall better Soviet times, by Ruslan Ostashko

The myth of the” Soviet occupation” began to show cracks at the moment when Euro-integration has depopulated Latvia by half. And it’s not even ethnic Russians who are eager to destroy the myth, but Latvians. Recent debates among Latvians on the Facebook were set off by Inara Ballade’s post in which she blames the Latvian “patriots” for brainwashing the population. “It’s disgusting to read this fictional and strained nonsense of

Two analyses by Paul Craig Roberts

Note by the Saker: As I have mentioned here, I am currently on a road trip and I have very spotty access to the Internet.  The recent Putin-Trump summit has elicited a lot of reactions and I will write an analysis of my own by the time I get back home (somewhere around the 20th-22nd of July).  In the meantime, I am posting two more articles by the special permission

Putin and Trump’s Unagreed Agreement – a Catastrophe for Europe

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: Contradictions between Russia and the US are so substantial and common ground is so small that the vast majority of experts, recognising the importance of the fact of the meeting in Helsinki itself, nevertheless stressed that one shouldn’t expect some breakthrough in bilateral relations or at least reaching an agreement on one minor question…

A walk on the wild side as Trump meets Putin at Finland station

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) US President stirs up a hornet’s nest with his press conference alongside his Russian counterpart, but it seems that no ‘grand bargain’ was struck on Syria, and on Iran they appear to strongly disagree. “The Cold War is a thing of the past.” By the time President Putin said as much during preliminary remarks at his

Russian President Vladimir Putin interview to FOX News Vladimir Putin answered questions from Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace in an interview recorded in Helsinki, Finland, on July 16. Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace: President Putin, thank you for speaking with us. I am going to get to some specifics about the summit in a moment, but let’s begin with the big picture. President Trump said in his news conference that our relationship has never been worse, but that changed a few hours ago. How has the relationship, big picture, between

Is President Trump A Traitor Because He Wants Peace With Russia?

Note by the Saker: I am posting this article today by the special permission of Paul Craig Roberts. It was initially posted here: Is President Trump A Traitor Because He Wants Peace With Russia? The Democrats say he is by Paul Craig Roberts The US Democratic Party is determined to take the world to thermo-nuclear war rather than to admit that Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election fair and

A leftist analysis of Iran’s Basij…likely the first in the West

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog In the World Socialist Web Site’s 3-part response to my critique of their Iran coverage and their accusation that “Islamic socialism is a sham” (not just Iranian Islamic Socialism), one thing surprised me: Why was there not one mention of the Basij? After all, it is 10+ million person (low estimate) organisation mainly drawn from the working class – surely the WSWS would

News conference following talks between the presidents of Russia and the United States

Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump made press statements and answered journalists’ questions. July 16, 2018     President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, The talks with President of the United States Donald Trump were held in a candid and business-like atmosphere. I think they were quite successful and beneficial. We reviewed the current state and prospects of Russia-US relations and key international issues. It is obvious to everyone that our bilateral relations are undergoing a complicated period but there is no objective reason

How the 12th Russian Border Post Heroically Repelled the Mujahideen in 1993

By Andrey Stanovov and Victor Zvantsev Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: “Border post, center! Border post, attention! Line up! The staff of the surviving 12th border post is before you” — the footage of the chronicle with the short report of the contused Lieutenant Andrey Merzlikin flew around the whole world. The handful of bandaged fighters who miraculously escaped in one piece
