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Breaking Articles

Trump’s Geopolitical Cruise

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross-posted with source: The president of the United States Donald Trump put an appearance in at the NATO summit, went to Great Britain – which is leaving the EU, and now prepares to meet the president of Russia Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. Nothing unexpected happened in Brussels, is happening in London, and will happen in Helsinki… If to

Trump, NATO and ‘Russian aggression’

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) The US President’s blitzkrieg at the Brussels summit, calling NATO obsolete and for member states to boost spending to defend themselves is correct. Hysteria is at fever pitch. After the NATO summit in Brussels, the definitive Decline of the West has been declared a done deal as President Trump gets ready to meet President Putin in

‘The Death of Stalin’ & ‘sweet’ Hitler? Comparing postwar European cinema

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog The main problem with the recent English movie The Death of Stalin (2017) is that it’s a comedy… but it’s just not funny. And that’s really too bad, because its director, Armando Iannucci, was one of the driving forces behind the most hilarious satire of TV news ever, The Day Today (1994). Those six 30-minute send-ups of journalism have never been topped. The

The other new revolutionary Russian weapons systems: ASATs

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] It would not be an exaggeration to say that the March 1st, 2018, speech of President Putin to the Federal Assembly, had a tectonic effect on the world public opinion. Initially, some tried to dismiss it as “Russian propaganda” and “bad CGI”, but pretty soon the reality hit hard, very hard: the Russians either had already deployed or were about to deploy

The Oil Super Empires

by David Chibo for the Saker Blog The Age of Coal The “age of coal” that powered the steam warship was relatively brief, lasting from 1871 until 1914. During this period the Empire that most dominated, Great Britain, had some of the largest coal deposits in the world, and they had helped fuel the greatest Navy and merchant fleet, on the eve of WW I. The British Royal Navy’s supremacy

The 1943 Volyn Massacre and Ukrainian Nazis Today

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with nazis-today/ source: Today [at the time of writing – ed] is a gloomy anniversary – the 75th anniversary of the Volyn massacre. Its start is counted from July 11th, 1943 rather arbitrarily. Excesses with the mass extermination of Poles happened in February 1943, and even in 1942… It is simply that on July 10th Zygmunt

Russian Defense Minister Army General Sergei Shoigu’s interview with Italy’s Il Giornale full version

Translation by Scott Humor from Russian version found here Original interview   Q.: Mr. Minister, tensions between Russia and the United States are growing and raising concerns: are we on the threshold of a new Cold War? Shoigu: We often hear from the US that the crisis in bilateral relations has been provoked by Russia’s alleged aggressive actions on the international arena. However, we are firmly convinced that tensions in our relations have

Estonians curtsy to their white overlord, Ruslan Ostashko

Translation and subtitles by Scott Humor   After the US Ambassador to Estonia James D. Melville Jr. resigned due to disagreement with the policies of Donald Trump, Tallinn rushed to curtsy. However, not before the US President, but before the Ambassador himself, who was appointed to this post under Barack Obama. The honor of showing Estonian servility to the American diplomat went to the Minister of Internal Affairs Andrés Anvelt.

White people only: Russia’s football team accused of being racist, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translation and subtitles by Scott Humor Edited by Edvin Buday     The ‘alternatively talented’ European media, affected as it is by the Bacillus Tolerantis, has decided to show us some new wonders. Unable to find something to build complaints about the World Cup, they started spinning a myth of racism in the Russian team. “Russia’s World Cup Team Bucks Multiethnicity Seen On Swiss, other Teams,”; so read the captions

Hassan Nasrallah: Resistance victorious in Gaza, Syria & Iraq, Hezbollah Ready to fight Saudi-US Coalition in Yemen

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General, Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, on June 29, 2018. Translation: (RSS) Please support this work and subscribe to Sayed Hasan to get around censorship. Transcript: […] In Gaza, Syria and Iraq, the Resistance will be victorious Regarding the situation in the Middle East, I also have some issues to address, in a quick and synthetical way as well. The first point is the Palestinian

Vladimir Putin’s Basic Disagreement with The West

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog Vladimir Putin’s Basic Disagreement with The West Vladimir Putin’s basic view has been expressed so many times, in so many different contexts, and it’s always the same: that the only people who have a sovereign right to any land, are the people who live on that land — nobody who lives outside that land does. In other words, his basic view is a

Appeal from South Front (PLEASE HELP THEM!!)

Dear friends, Despite an outstanding complexity of the work, and only thanks to your support, SF has released the announced long-awaited documentary on the Houthis and the conflict in Yemen. Let us say thank you and to apologize for all our readers and subscribers for their pations and the delay with the production of the Houthis documentary. Unfortunately, last month, the project found itself in a complicated situation facing unexpected

Zombification and Steering Consciousness

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source:   A human is built in such a way that believing in a miracle is necessary. But at the same time the majority hopes that the miracle is rational. A considerable part of society considers believing in God to be something shameful and backward. Nevertheless, a human believes with pleasure in aliens who during

Iran’s Basij: The reason why land or civil war inside Iran is impossible

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog Allow me to give a summary of my conversations with well-meaning Westerners since at least 9/11. Everyone: “Ramin, I’m so worried about Iran! I expect US troops to land in Tehran every time I turn on the news!” Me: “The Basij.” Everyone: “Ramin, the US invaded Afghanistan and Iraq – Iran is obviously next!” Me: “Yawn…the Basij.”  Everyone:  “Dubya Bush…no, wait – Barry

The Globalization of “Lifelong” Corporate-Technocratic Education

The Globalization of “Lifelong” Corporate-Technocratic Education: “Classrooms without Walls,” Teachers without Degrees by John Klyczek for The Saker Blog Throughout candidate Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, The Donald spewed slogans of “America First” nationalism that were the bedrock of his electioneering rhetoric. But apparently, this was all just con-game carnival barking because Trump’s choice for Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, has announced that the fascistic merger of the United States Department

Six Military Products That the West Has No Answer For

By Oleg Falichev and Yury Petrov Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: Yury Borisov was appointed as the Deputy Prime Minister from the Deputy Minister of Defence position. He is very familiar with the mechanisms of interaction between the military-industrial complex and the Armed Forces, as well as problems with state defence orders and the state arms program. How does the Deputy Prime

Fighting for Survival: Whither Modern Civilization?

By Amir NOUR[1] for The Saker Blog “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones” (Albert Einstein)[2] A red alert in an age of fear, anger and extremes In anticipation of its 2018 edition, the well-regarded Munich Security Conference issued a report which aimed to serve as a useful compilation for an impressive gathering of

Saker on a short road trip

Dear friends, I am going to be on the road for 10 days or so, visiting a sick relative of mine and seeing some good friends.  I should have Internet, at least in the evenings, but please be patient with me if I am slow in answering emails.  I will be updating the blog as best I can, mostly in the evenings.   Hopefully, my short trip will therefore have little,

Future Paths for the Russian Economy?

by Gary Littlejohn for The Saker Blog Part 1: Divergent views on the Russian Economy While there is widespread consensus in the West about the nature of Russian politics and the Russian economy, my own view is that the Western consensus is wide of the mark, being based on a naive acceptance of stereotypes that are at best outdated, originating as they do from either the Yeltsin years or the

Ukrainian Infrastructure Sees Its Last Days, by Ruslan Ostashko

  Translated by Scott Humor, editing and subtitles by Leo With every new day we get news from Ukraine reminiscent of a plot sketched by some drunk Hollywood screenwriter of “disaster movies.” Every day we hear that something else fell, exploded, collapsed and derailed. Where is it all going, given the presence of several nuclear power stations? I don’t even want to think about it. A few years ago, one
