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Breaking Articles

Russian MoD warn: US is preparing a chemical false flag attack in Syria to justify US attack

Today, Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff Colonel General Sergei Rudskoy and spokesman of the Russian Defence Ministry Major General Igor Konashenkov held briefing in the National Centre for State Defence Control. According to Sergei Rudskoy, in late February, situation in the Eastern Ghouta, suburbs of Damascus, has been complicated due to actions of the Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization and other armed formations joined to

Russia’s Reaction to the Insults of the West is Political Suicide

by Peter Koenig for the Saker blog The onslaught of western Russia bashing in the past days, since the alleged poison attack by a Soviet-era nerve agent, Novichok (the inventor of which, by the way, lives in the US), on a Russian double agent, Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia, has been just horrifying. Especially by the UK. Starting with PM May, who outright accused Russia of using chemical weapons

Being bullish about Arctic shipping – the Northern Sea Route (NSR)

Being bullish about Arctic shipping – the Northern Sea Route (NSR) by Nat South for the Saker Blog Part 1 The Northern Sea Route, (Северного морского пути) handled a record 9.7 Mn tons of sea cargo in 2017. President Putin, in his speech to the Federal Assembly at the beginning of March, stated that he would like to see a tenfold increase of cargo transported along the NSR by

Official Russian reply to the British “shut up and go away”

To follow up on the British suggestion to Russia “to shut up and go away”: If the Russian Foreign Ministry reacted in its traditional polite fashion, the Ministry of Defense decided not to mince words and called the British Defense Minister an “uncouth shrew” and “intellectual impotent”. Major General Igor Konashenkov was charged with the duty to deliver the rebuke, thus acting as a bad cop. The rhetoric of

What Results When U.S. Invades a Country

by Eric Zuesse for the Saker blog The U.S. Government certainly leads the world in invasions and coups. In recent years, it has invaded and occupied — either by military assault or by coup, but in either case followed by installing (or trying to install) a new regime there — a number of countries, especially Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, and Yemen. U.S. propaganda says that its invasions and military

History and I: China, China : Then and Now, Here and There

by Anne Teoh for the Saker blog China is a country one wants to repeat when saying its name; much as Trump did when he enunciated, “ China… China… ” in his interview by the press in 2017. If you’re connected to China in any way, you would have an intrinsic understanding what repeating the name ‘China, China ,“ signifies, for that is similar to the way the Chinese repeat

Hold my beer and watch this!

Rattlesnakes have a terrible reputation.  Here were I live, in Florida, we have the biggest rattlesnakes on the planet, the Eastern Diamondback (Crotalus adamanteus).  They are huge and can reach well over 2m (6ft) in length and weigh up to 15kg (30lbs).  The Eastern Diamondback’s venom is not the most potent out there, but they can deliver *a lot* of it.  So, yes, it is a formidable creature.  But it

Trump, May, Merkel and Macron issue joint statement blaming Russia for Sergei Skripal poisoning

Business Insider reports: full statement (emphasis added) We, the leaders of France, Germany, the United States and the United Kingdom, abhor the attack that took place against Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury, UK, on 4 March 2018. A British police officer who was also exposed in the attack remains seriously ill, and the lives of many innocent British citizens have been threatened. We express our sympathies to them all,

Syria the day after Putin’s speech; Who’s Doing What in Syria Part III

by Ghassan Kadi for the Saker blog Much has been said about Putin’s 1st of March 2018 speech; a speech that should well and truly be known in the future as the “Putin Manifesto”, and no analysts have been better able to examine its political and military repercussions, respectively, than The Saker, and Andrei Martynov Those articles examine the implications of the speech from a global perspective. In

The myth of a neo-imperial China

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) The geopolitical focus of the still young 21st century spans the Indian Ocean from the Persian Gulf all the way to the South China Sea alongside the spectrum from Southwest Asia to Central Asia and China. That happens to configure the prime playing ground, overland and maritime, of the New Silk Roads, or the Belt and

When dealing with a bear, hubris is suicidal

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] Assuming mankind finds a way not to destroy itself in the near future and assuming that there will still be historians in the 22nd or 23rd centuries, I bet you that they will look at the AngloZionist Empire and see the four following characteristics as some of its core features: lies, willful ignorance, hypocrisy, and hysterics. To illustrate my point I will

South Africa – The Real Current Event vs Rolling over of The President (a 3 Parts analysis)

by Anon for the Saker Blog Part One: The Real Current Event Part Two: Rolling Over of the President – Musical Chairs Part Three: History for Perspective a) Short notes on before the 1994 freedom election – from 1948 through to the Freedom Election – the apartheid regime b) Deep Background Part One: The Real Current Event At the time of writing, the sitting President, Jacob Zuma had been ‘recalled’

“On Nationalism and Patriotism” by Metropolitan Antoniy (Khrapovitskiy)

by Metropolitan Antoniy (Khrapovitskiy) Translation and notes by Edvin Buday While we conclude our prayer about our comrades who died for their love of the fatherland and begin our hymn to our heavenly patron, the holy Archistrategos Michael [1], let us focus our thoughts on the meaning of this event for the life of our national union [2]. The national spirit, or nationalism, is for the other modern tribes of

Reader mail: ‘I am more dangerous than a Russian!’

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog (and for those, shall we say, cognitively challenged the following is a satire; the Saker) As a daily journalist covering a wide range of fields, I get a lot of unsolicited emails which give me news tips, unique outlooks and recommendations. This email below came with so many threats and oaths against my person that I almost didn’t publish it, but I think

9/11 and the Green Scare: It’s High Time for a Paradigm Shift

By: Amir Nour[1] for The Saker Blog   “War: A massacre of people who don’t know each other for the profit of people who know each other but don’t massacre each other” (Paul Valéry) A nation and a world transformed Until recently, historians have looked at the past essentially through Eurocentric or Western-centric lens. Their worldview has therefore been heavily centered on and biased towards Western civilization, chiefly in the form

Moderators needed (friends in Russia and Australia, please read this!)

Dear friends, The Saker blog needs a moderator for Sat/Sun from 10am-2pm (EST) the current person covering this time slot has a big professional commitment coming on and will be unable to help us in the future. That time slot would be best suited for somebody in Russia, Asia or Australia. If you can help, please email our Head of Moderation, Herb, at Thanks a lot!! Hugs and cheers,

The most important part of Putin’s March 1st speech

by Miles for the Saker Blog If you look at western press and punditry as of late in regards to Russia or Putin (which, for some reason is basically the same in western MSM’s perceptions) or, more specifically, in regards to Putin’s address to Federal Assembly of Russia, you would inevitably get the impression that all he talked about was weapons. Russian media (those that took note of the Address,

Pinning the Trail on the Donkey

by Norman Ball for the Saker Blog By Norman Ball Lamenting Germany’s WW1 defeat at the 1934 Nuremberg Rally, Joseph Goebbels acknowledges a hard lesson learned: “While the enemy states produced unprecedented atrocity propaganda aimed at Germany throughout the whole world, we did nothing and were completely defenseless against it…Just as we were militarily and economically unprepared for the war, so also with propaganda. We lost the war in this

Newly revealed Russian weapons systems: political implications

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] For those interested in the military implications of the recent revelations by Vladimir Putin about new Russian weapon systems I would recommend the excellent article entitled “The Implications of Russia’s New Weapon Systems” by Andrei Martyanov who offers a superb analysis of what these new weapons mean for the USA and, especially, the US Navy. What I want to do here is

Canada’s Envy: Russia and China

by Cameron Pike for the Saker Blog I attended a presentation entitled “Rising China: What Lessons Can We Learn From the 19th Party Congress?”, given by Guy Saint-Jacques, former Canadian ambassador to China under Stephen Harper. Guy was asked a question about China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), after not addressing the BRI in his core presentation. But, being forced to answer the audience member’s question, Guy [say it with
