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Breaking Articles

The War on the People-Silencing The Truth

source: New Eastern Outlook has been subjected to a series of DDOS attacks, denial of service attacks,  for the past week and are attempting to restore their site. They issued a statement today, March 25th, but service is still being interrupted and so people may not be able to see it so I have decided to publish it here. People should be spreading the word on what has happened

“Putin” – the Documentary Sure to Change Everything You Thought You Knew About Russia’s President

A groundbreaking new film by Andrei Kondrashev. “Putin” dives into depth about the man who we all hear so much about, but who we know so little about. From the early tumultuous days of the presidency – dealing with the terrorist situation, the Kursk tragedy and a demoralized Russia – to Putin now, the leader of a reenergized and recovered Russia. A year in the making with personal stories that

West attacks China’s Social Credit System to deflect from its fascist panopticon

by Jeff J. Brown for The Saker blog crosslinked with:   Pictured above: the panopticon Illinois State Prison, in Joliet. For every Westerner out there, just look out your window. It’s even worse. Your every move, every communication and transaction, monetary and otherwise, is being tracked, recorded and stored by a faceless, multilayered, fascist corporate-government octopus. One-hundred-eighty degrees to the east in China, it’s all posted on


Dear friends, I have learned that several anti-Empire websites have been hit by strong and sustained DDoS attacks including Craig Murray ( and, apparently, the the Russian journal New Eastern Outlook which was knocked off line by a big hacking attack and is still down Saturday. They have been attacked multiple times the past 2 months and then a final attack succeeded in shutting them down. They are trying to

“This terrible Russian youth”

“Generation Putin” gives the West a boot Ivan Danilov for RIA NEWS Translation by Scott Humor Leading American, British, and Australian publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, the Australian, and the Daily Telegraph, almost simultaneously published materials with the same message: “A new generation of Russia chooses Putin, not iPhones. This generation is terrible, there is no hope for it.” Similar titles for the articles of three different publications

Full translated transcript of the Russian MFA on the “Skripal” false flag operation

Ladies and gentlemen, colleagues, friends, Good afternoon. We are glad to see you at the Foreign Ministry on this cold wintry day that nevertheless carries a promise of spring. We are grateful to you for responding so quickly to our invitation, which we issued only yesterday. The situation is indeed unusual. There is an urgent need for a non-politicised and highly professional discussion of the Skripals’ poisoning case. We have

A truly historical month for the future of our planet

[This article was written for the Unz Review] March 2018 will go down in history as a truly historical month March 1st, Vladimir Putin makes his historical address to the Russian Federal Assembly. March 4th, Sergei Skripal, a former UK spy, is allegedly poisoned in the UK. March 8th, British officials accuse Russia of using nerve gas to attempt to murder Sergei Skripal. March 12th, Theresa May officially blames Russia

A curious incident PART III

by Sushi for the Saker blog A Curious Incident Part I may be found here: A Curious Incident Part II may be found here: Analysis of the Attack on the Skripals This article lays out a hypothesis in regard to the attack on Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia. The reader is cautioned that this attack is possibly just one element in a larger series of associated events.

Official Statement of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the “Skripal Case”

AIDE-MEMOIRE to clarify the state of affairs as regards the so-called ‘Skripal case’ 1. On 12 March 2018, Prime Minister of Great Britain Theresa May, addressing the House of Commons, said it was “highly likely” that the Russian Federation was responsible for the poisoning of former GRU colonel, double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia Skripal on 4 March 2018 in Salisbury, with a nerve agent identified according to

Russian MFA summons all ambassadors to a meeting on Skripal case (MUST WATCH!!!)

  Briefing by Director of the Foreign Ministry Department for Non-Proliferation and Arms Control Vladimir Yermakov, Moscow, March 21, 2018 Ladies and gentlemen, colleagues, friends, Good afternoon. We are glad to see you at the Foreign Ministry on this cold wintry day that nevertheless carries a promise of spring. We are grateful to you for responding so quickly to our invitation, which we issued only yesterday. The situation is

Dr Kevin Barrett interviews the Saker

The Saker on Anglo-Zionist Empire’s escalating lies & hysteria source: (you can listen to the interview here) download file: tjradio-3-19-18-saker_-_31918_9.10_PM.mp3 (for direct download) Kevin Barrett’s show notes: The Saker is one of the our best geopolitical analysts. In this interview we begin with issues from his recent article “When dealing with a bear hubris is suicidal,” which discusses the increasing absurdity of such obvious Western false flags as the

A curious incident PART II

by Sushi for the Saker blog In the immortal words of USN Rear Admiral Joshua Painter: “Russians don’t take a dump, son, without making a plan” A Curious Incident Part I may be found at this link: One intent of this review is to demonstrate a lack of the degree of planning expected to occur if the Skripal incident were in fact a state sponsored assassination attempt. Part 2

Russia is fighting a lethal enemy

by Petr Akopov for Vzgliad translated by Edvin Buday London’s boorish behaviour has resulted in a fiery reaction within Russia – from indignation to jokes about “Little Britain”. Sadly, such derision is not the best possible answer. For we are dealing with a threat that is far from comical, and the entire history of relations between Russia and Britain is proof of that. Great Britain’s behaviour in the Skripal affair

Why we don’t respect the West anymore (MUST READ!)

by Margarita Simonyan, editor-in-chief of RT TV channel and MIA “Russia today” translated by Scott source: Essentially, the West should be horrified not because 76% of Russians voted for Putin, but because this elections have demonstrated that 95% of Russia’s population supports conservative-patriotic, communist and nationalist ideas. That means that liberal ideas are barely surviving among measly 5% of population. And that’s your fault, my Western friends. It was

Afrin week 8: Kurdish stubbornness spells their doom

By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog It’s been 8 weeks since Turkey together with its jihadist forces launched operation Olive Branch to clear the Afrin region of US-backed Kurdish militias (YPG). During these weeks, YPG forces have been taking a beating, losing well over 70 % their territory, including Afrin city itself. It should hardly come as a surprise to anyone who has been following the situation that the

The British Spy Skripal hoax

by Scott Humor In regards to the British government-staged hoax around the persona of retired British spy Sergey Skripal: If TV police dramas told us anything it’s the principle of Corpus delicti, or “no body, no crime.” It’s the principle that a crime must be proved to have occurred before a person can be convicted of committing that crime. Since February, the British government has been staging a bizarre theater

A Curious Incident

By Sushi for the Saker Blog A famous Sherlock Holmes story contains the following dialog between Holmes and Detective Gregory. Gregory: “Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?” Holmes: “To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.” Gregory: “The dog did nothing in the night-time.” Holmes: “That was the curious incident.” A confrontation is taking place between two states over the

Maria Zakharova debunks British lies (MUST WATCH!)

There is no overstating my gratitude to Eugenia who did an “emergency translation” of this crucial statement on Sunday instead of enjoying a much deserved, and much needed, day of rest. Dedicated people like Eugenia is what make this blog possible and we all owe her an immense dept of gratitude.  Thanks to this translation, you all get to hear what Maria Zakharova had to say in response to the

The outcome of the election in Russia explained in simple, plain, English

Here are the preliminary results explained in simple, plain, English: 1) Putin easily wins by a landslide and is *more* popular than ever 2) The Russian Communists and Zhirinovsky have reached terminal irrelevancy 3) Only 2.6% of Russians are pro-USA and generally pro-West (Sobchak+Yavlinsky) 4) The entire AngloZionist anti-Putin campaign has miserably failed 5) The Empire has two choices left: go to war or fold 6) If the Empire choses
