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Breaking Articles

Making Sense of Trump

by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich A month has passed since Donald Trump was declared president-elect soon to be the 45th president of the United States. Since his win, pundits, analysts, and experts continue to debate the victory – a surprise to most. While the reason/s for this victory depend on one’s perspective, most agree on one thing: Trump is unpredictable. But is he really? There is clear indication that US foreign policy

Obama Out Not With a Bang, But a Whimper

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik International This is the way the Obama administration ends; not with a bang, but a pathetic whimper. Queen of War Hillary “We Came, We Saw, He Died” Clinton’s campaign – fully supported by President Obama – spent a whopping $1.2 billion and floundered ignominiously at the US presidential election. So Obama decided that the consolation “prize” is to order the “intelligence community” – a contradiction

The Italian Referendum

by Jimmie Moglia The Italians said “no” in the recent referendum. Its main objective was to reform the Italian Constitution, strengthen the authority of the government and reduce the power of the electorate at large to influence political outcomes. Unskilled in political autopsies, I will not discuss details amply elucidated elsewhere, in the mainstream and alternative media. But ever prone to scour the useless in search for the irrelevant, I

Where have all the flowers (and the Peace Movement) gone?

by Ghassan Kadi Love or hate the Hippie era, it was definitely different, and it heralded the beginning of a new type of awakening in the West, and this time the awakening was not against the Western Church(es), but against the establishment. It is not by accident that this movement climaxed when the Vietnam War reached its zenith, and the more Johnson and later on Nixon intensified the US-led attack

Chubais – The Next Neoliberal Head to Roll in Russia?

By F. William Engdahl for the Saker blog I venture that few outside the Russian Federation will even know the name of Anatoly Chubais, today the CEO of a Russian high-tech company called Rusnano. Following the high-profile November 15 arrest of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s Minister of Economics, Alexei Ulyukaev, on charges of accepting at least $2 million in bribes in a state privatization involving Rosneft and Bashneft energy companies,

The IMF admits that Russia has survived both the drop in oil prices and the sanctions and is on the path of recovery

Press Release No. 16/529 “IMF Staff Concludes Visit to Russian Federation” End-of-Mission press releases include statements of IMF staff teams that convey preliminary findings after a visit to a country. The views expressed in this statement are those of the IMF staff and do not necessarily represent the views of the IMF’s Executive Board. This mission will not result in a Board discussion. Russia’s economy has absorbed the shocks from

Putin sends “Chechen” special operation forces to Syria

This SITREP was written for the Unz Review: Very interesting news today: according to the journal Izvestia, Russia will be sending operators from the so-called “Chechen” special forces battalions “West” and “East” to Syria to “guard the Russian installations” in Khmeimim and Tartus.  According to Russian sources, these two battalions have been converted into a “military police” force which will be fully deployed by the end of December. This

The 2016 “Saker man of the year”: the American “basket of deplorables”

Yeah, once again, I am going to engage in that silly business when I pretend that my blog is a “respectable media outlet” and, as such, to give myself the proper credibility and gravitas I have to copy Time magazine and others and chose a “man of the year”.  This year, however, this truly was a no-brainer.  The 2016 “man of the year” is, of course, the American “basket of

The World SITREP December 7th, 2015 by Baaz

The Middle East The Yemeni army and popular forces continued their advances in Southern Saudi Arabia, inflicting losses on the military hardware of the kingdom’s government troops. “On Monday, the Yemeni army and popular forces took control of a military base in Najran province. “The Yemeni forces captured a military base with all its military equipment near the city of Najran,” Senior Ansarullah Commander Ali al-Hamzani told FNA. He said

Russia SITREP December 06, 2016 by Scott

Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the new Doctrine of Information Security of Russia, according to a decree published on the legal information portal Tuesday. the Information Security of Russia (in Russian) This extremely important for the country’s new doctrine comes on the heels of the US and personally by VP Biden threats of “devastating” cyber attacks against Russia’s strategic infrastructures. After the US department of State threatened Russia with “retaliation”

Wesley Clark Jr apologizes to the Lakota nation (UPDATED 2x)

An incredible moment of healing at Standing Rock: Hundreds of veterans ask Native elders for forgiveness. “We fought you. We took your land. We signed treaties that we broke. We stole minerals from your sacred hills. We blasted the faces of our presidents onto your sacred mountain… We didn’t respect you, we polluted your Earth, we’ve hurt you in so many ways but we’ve come to say that we are

Statements of Sergei Lavrov and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

LIVE: Sergei Lavrov holds joint press conference with Thorbjorn Jagland Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov held a joint press conference with Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjorn Jagland, following their meeting in Moscow on Tuesday, December 6. Lavrov on the bombing of the Russian hospital and Aleppo crisis at [15:00]     Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation #SYRIA Russian Defence Ministry comments on artillery shelling of

The rules of the (Trump) game

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik International Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis, chosen by President-elect Donald Trump to be the new head of the Pentagon, is a model functionary of the Empire of Chaos. His call sign is – what else – “chaos”. The Marine Corps Special Operations Command (MARSOC) even shared his regular accolade; “Saint Mattis of Quantico, Patron Saint of Chaos”. The Saint in his pop incarnation comes fully

Superficiality as a Path to God: On Conflating Modern Violent Groups With Historical Sunnism”

Part II “Who are the Sunnis? A Lamentation” by Anwar Khan As I sit to answer this I am gripped by a state of unexpected indetermination as what I thought to be a painless task has become rather difficult. Painless because I can simply translate a passage from one of the hundreds of manuals on Sunni creed—where defining Sunnism is a run of a mill standard procedure. Additionally, the relative

Hollande was the ultimate patsy

by Ramin Mazaheri The world can say “So long Francois Hollande – we hardly knew ya”. Hollande, after all, was a purely national-level politician when he won office. His big gig had been heading the Socialist party for 11 years, until his ex-partner Segolene Royal lost to Nicolas Sarkozy in 2008. Hollande’s similarities with former US First Lady Hillary Clinton run even deeper than partnering with a president, (almost, in

NAVAL BRIEF NB04 December 02nd, 2016 by LeDahu

NAVAL BRIEF 04 December 02nd, 2016 by LeDahu Naval Briefing 01 November 9th, 2016 Naval Briefing 02 November 14th, 2016 NAVAL BRIEF 03 November 22nd, 2016   In his annual speech to the Federal Assembly, President Putin stated, “the army and Navy proved, that is able to effectively work away from their permanent locations”. Syrian campaign update The Russian MOD finally confirmed the participation of the Admiral Grigorovich frigate and
