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Breaking Articles

War in Syria and the Middle East SITREP December 25th, 2015 by Rambo

The Western hemisphere may be slowing down due to the Christmas season but the wars in the Middle East still rage on. It seems that the wars don’t take into consideration Georgian calendar holidays. Syria, Russia: • A Russian naval submarine operating in the Mediterranean fired Kalibr cruise missiles against ISIL command centers inside Syria. [Source][Source] • The submarine was an improved version of the Kilo-class (Project 636-M) featuring improved

Appeal about the fate of Ana Belen Montes

To  all our American progressive friends: We are writing this note to you from Cuba with a heartfelt desire to let you know about the formation of the Cuba Committee, which presently  manages the campaign for a better treatment and a possible pardon for Ana Belen Montes She is an American citizen who was able to sense a different future between our country of Cuba and the United States. A

Will the air campaign defeat Islamic State?

by Gavin Don The Islamic State is not yet a state (imagine IS at the UN) but I was working yesterday on economic and oil forecasts for Iraq and Syria, and the thought struck me that although IS is not a state, its economy is larger than many actual states. Consider.  IS has sliced  approximately 5 million Iraqis and probably another 5 million Syrians out of the economies of Iraq

Geopolitics made understandable by an expert connecting dots – A Review

by Peter Koenig The Saker – other than a falcon with superb eyesight capturing everything that moves – is also an extraordinary analyst of Russian military and Current Affairs. The thousand-pager opens with an Outstanding Foreword by Pepe Escobar, who in a few paragraphs characterizes The Saker’s writings eloquently from a bird’s view, submarine’s perspective and a Big Picture outlook from the desert. Well done; getting the best out of

Putin and Israel – a complex and multi-layered relationship

The recent murder of Samir Kuntar by Israel has, yet again, inflamed the discussion about Putin’s relation to Israel.  This is an immensely complicated topic and those who like simple, canned, “explanations” should stop reading right now.  The truth is, the relationship between Russia and Israel and, even before that, between Jews and Russians would deserve an entire book.  In fact, Alexander Solzhenitsyn has written exactly such a book, it

Saudi Arabia, the mainspring of Islamic radicalism

by Nauman Sadiq If we look at the evolution of Islamic religion and culture throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, it hasn’t been natural. Some deleterious mutations have occurred somewhere which have negatively impacted the Islamic societies all over the world. Social selection (or social conditioning) plays the same role in the social sciences which the natural selection plays in the biological sciences: that is, it selects the traits, norms

Jeff J. Brown reviews “The Essential Saker”

The Essential Saker: from the trenches of the emerging multipolar world, by The Saker (2015, Nimble Pluribus, 616 pages, ISBN-10: 1608880583, ISBN-13: 978-1608880584) By Jeff J. Brown. Cross-linked with 44 Days. The Saker and I have some key commonalities. We are both older than younger. Until later in life, we both led status quo lives, with socially acceptable jobs. We believed that what our leaders, governments, teachers and bosses were

Russian diplomacy achieved a trio of Security Council Resolutions over the last month which give Russia a decisive advantage

by Alexander Mercouris for Russia Insider At the  beginning of Russia’s intervention in Syria – in an interview for Radio Sputnik – I predicted the Russians would seek legal cover for their actions in the form of a Security Council mandate. In the event, months of intense diplomatic activity have resulted in three separate but complimentary Security Council Resolutions, all passed in just a few weeks. Taken together with reports

The IMF Changes Its Rules to Isolate China and Russia

by Michael Hudson for the Unz Review As Russia and Asia move to circumvent the stranglehold of an aging, U.S. dominated international financial and legal system with its promise of endless austerity and privatization by foreign investors, the IMF and World Bank double-down by making it more difficult for them to transact business and administer credit. A nightmare scenario of U.S. geopolitical strategists is coming true: foreign independence from U.S.-centered

Thinking the Unthinkable: A Lamentation for the State of Israel – Well, Not Exactly

by Roger Tucker The following essay was inspired by a recent article in the Jewish magazine ‘The Tablet’ entitled “Thinking the Unthinkable: A Lamentation for the State of Israel.” A good, well written example of what is fast becoming a genre bemoaning the rapidly disappearing notion held by liberal Zionist Jews that a Jewish State in Palestine could be ‘both Jewish and Democratic.’ Mr. Rosenbaum’s strained but passionate elegy to

Palestine Does Not Belong To Muslims

by Ghassan Kadi The world has heard the Zionist rhetoric about the alleged ownership of Palestine and there is no point in repeating it herein. That said, some argue that God’s promise to Abraham was taken literally and out of context. After all, God is fair and loving, and a fair and loving God would not give unconditional privileges to offspring, regardless of whether they are virtuous or not. In

Week Eleven of the Russian Intervention in Syria: a step back from the brink?

This article was originally written for the Unz Review: This has been an amazing week. While last week I concluded that “The only way to avoid a war is to finally give up, even if that is initially denied publicly, on the “Assad must go” policy”. Now it is true that various US officials, including Kerry, did make statements about the fact that Assad need not go right now,

Vladimir Putin’s annual news conference (full text)

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Friends and colleagues, We regularly meet at the end of the year. Only recently I made my Address [to the Federal Assembly]. Honestly speaking, I do not know what else to add to what I said then. I believe I covered all the key points. Nevertheless, there must be issues, which you want us to clarify. When I say ‘us’, I am referring to my colleagues in the Presidential Executive Office and the Government Cabinet and myself. Therefore, I suggest that we skip any lengthy monologues and get right down to your questions so as not

Blog news for December 2015

Dear friends, I think that it is good time to share with you some news about the future of this blog and what I have been working on behind the scenes.  Much of what I will describe you have already seen, but I wanted to spell out where I think we are and where we are going.  So let’s take it one by one. Guest Posts This is something I

IMF Dithers as Ukraine Defaults on Russia Loan

This article was originally published on Russia Insider: by Alexander Mercouris The issue of the $3 billion loan Ukraine owes Russia is becoming increasingly complicated. The IMF has in recent days made a series of announcements which everyone knows relate to the Russian loan but which appear to contradict each other. One is to say that the loan is indeed “public” (“Paris Club”) debt as opposed to “private” (“London

The New Silk Road Increases the Strategic Importance of Karelia

by Sakari Linden Republic of Karelia and its Head Alexander Hudilainen have targeted their eyes and hopes to China. After its relations with the West have been deteriorated due to the Ukraine crisis, Russia has increasingly directed geopolitically and economically towards Eurasia and China. Russia’s new direction changes position of Karelia, but at the same time it opens totally new opportunities for the region. From the point of view of

US Wants Him So Yatsenyuk Stays

This article was first published on Russia Insider: Altercation in Ukrainian parliament obscures fact of Yatsenyuk’s political survival because of US backing. by Alexander Mercouris Last week’s fight in the Ukrainian parliament between Prime Minister Yatsenyuk and a deputy of Poroshenko’s party has made world headlines. In doing so it has obscured the single most important fact about political developments in Ukraine over the last two weeks. This is that despite

Chess in the Age of ISIS

by Tom Mysiewicz “Iraq is breaking up before our eyes and it would appear that the creation of an independent Kurdish state is a foregone conclusion.” Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman to John Kerry in Paris, 26 June 2014 “The goal is to proclaim a ‘Kurdistan’ straddling the border between Iraq and Syria, and then expel the Syrian populations who live there, followed by the transfer of 10 million Turkish
