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Breaking Articles

Mini-bio and autographed copies of the Saker Book

Dear friends, First, I want to thank you all for your comments and suggestion (well over 500 comments in between the two posts!).  I gave it all a lot of thought and I ended up doing something in between option A and option B.  No big “coming out” but, instead, a small “addendum” to what I consider my real curriculum vitae: the “Submarines in the Desert” article.  From now on,

Week Nine of the Russian Intervention in Syria: the Empire strikes back

This column was written for the Unz Review: Considering the remarkable success of the Russian intervention in Syria, at least so far, it should not have come as a surprise that the AngloZionist Empire would strike back. The only question was how and when. We now know the answer to that question. On November 24th the Turkish Air force did something absolutely unprecedented in recent history: it deliberately shot

The method behind the madness in Syria

by Nauman Sadiq It’s a plausible fact that the US does not directly supports the Syrian jihadists, it only sets the broad policy framework and lets its client states in the region like Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, Kuwait and Turkey do the actual financing, training and arming of the insurgents. For instance, the US strictly forbade the aforementioned clients from providing anti-aircraft weapons (MANPADS) to the militants, because Israel off

The Middle East War SITREP December 5th, 2015 by John Rambo

A quick note: I do apologize for how late this SitRep is. Unfortunately I too must obey the great capitalistic system and submit to their demands (holiday hours) and the CIA is not known for its Christmas bonuses. It seems great events unfold every 2 weeks in Syria. The downing of a Russian Su-24 by a Turkish F-16 fighter has been the highlight. Russian retaliation has been a complete exposure

German Media reaction to Russia, Syria and ISIS by C.

With the very few exceptions, the kneejerk reaction of the Western politicians’ to the Russians fighting ISIS with the Syrian Army, and the Russia’s Ministry of Defense revelations about the Turkey’s officials involvement into the terror financing has been predictable to the “t”: denial, denial, and more denial. In a face of anti-terror operations in Europe, and the loss of the basic democratic liberties by blindsided Europeans, leaders of the

Blog returns to normal work on Monday + reaction to votes

Dear friends, First, I want to thank you for your advice and opinions about how to deal with the privacy issue.  To my surprise, opinions were fairly split between option A and option B.  I think that I will take some time to write up a small addendum to the  “about the Saker” article Submarines in the Desert (which I consider to be the best meaningful introduction to who I

Saker request of advice to the Saker Community: option A or option B?

Dear friends, Yesterday evening I have finally come back from my week long trip to Switzerland where I barely had the time to bury my mother and go clean up her small apartment.  This was probably one of the worst weeks in my life and I wanted to begin by thanking all those of you who have expressed their sympathy for the loss of my mother.  Your outpouring of kindness

Is Turkey Waging War on Russia in Crimea, the Caucasus, and Central Asia? …. Sputnik News Interviews Saker

One of our readers found this today and posted it in our open thread. The full article is now posted here for all to read. link to original on sputnik news… webmaster Sputnik written by Ekaterina Blinova What is taking place today is a battle for global dominance, waged by major Western geopolitical players, and what is at stake here is the future of our planet, an anonymous US analyst

Latin America SITREP December 1st, 2015 by Jack J.

The Shifting Pink Tide [Updated] Kirchnerism is out of the presidency in Argentina but remains a force to be reckoned with, controlling both houses of congress, whilst Kirchner herself is free to stand again in 4 years’ time. Paraguay: Colorado Party lose Mayoralty of Asunción to Revolutionary February Party. Important elections in Venezuela immanent. Latin America Pope a ‘Progressive Leader’. Ecuador: Correa unexpectedly pledges to step down. Brazil: Rouseff beset

Crimea SITREP … by Auslander

SitRep Sevastopol and Krimea 30.11.2015 While citizens in Sevastopol are getting used to the deprivations from the power cut off, the lack of power is still extant. 1. Russia Army is sending a complete field hospital to Krimea. The hospital is complete including a surgical ward and diagnostic center with the most modern diagnostic machines. It is my understanding that this hospital will be used in the more rural areas

Short message from the Saker

Dear friends, I just wanted to let you know that I am sorry for being unable to work on the blog for the past week.  The trip to bury my mother has turned out to be even harder than I feared.  I am leaving tomorrow morning and, God willing, I should be back home on Wednesday.  A huge thank you to Scott and Herb for holding the fort in my


A HYBRID WAR TO BREAK THE BALKANS? By Andrew KORYBKO In the spirit of the New Cold War and following on its success in snuffing out South Stream, the US has prioritized its efforts in obstructing Russia’s Balkan Stream pipeline, and for the most part, they’ve regretfully succeeded for the time being. The first challenge came from the May 2015 Color Revolution attempt in Macedonia, which thankfully was repulsed by

Silk Roads, Night Trains and the Third Industrial Revolution in China … by Pepe Escobar

Silk Roads, Night Trains and the Third Industrial Revolution in China by Pepe Escobar The US is transfixed by its multibillion-dollar electoral circus. The European Union is paralyzed by austerity, fear of refugees, and now all-out jihad in the streets of Paris. So the West might be excused if it’s barely caught the echoes of a Chinese version of Roy Orbison’s “All I Have to Do Is Dream.” And that

Russia reacts to Turkey’s attack SITREP November 29, 2015 by Scott

Historically, Russia’s big wheels turn slowly, almost invisible to the naked eye, but they do turn and grind anything getting between them into fine dust. On November 24th something extraordinary has happened, the big wheels of Russian bureaucracy moved with a pace of an Olympic sprinter banned by IAAF. Keeping fingers crossed, maybe we witness a new age of the Russian statehood, when things that need to be done get

Mini SitRep Krimea and Sevastopol

Mini SitRep Krimea and Sevastopol …. by Auslander Yesterday and today have been difficult days, I will lay the events out by number: 1. We have roughly 60,000 guests in this city, most from Novorossiya but a good number from Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov etc. A not small number of them are getting nervous with the energy system problems which of course permeate just about every aspect of normal life. As

The Western Sanctions on Russia SITREP by the Serbian Girl

The US –led war campaign against Russia, includes financial warfare. USA has complete dominance of the global financial network. Sanctions were put in place in order to financially asphyxiate Russia and “destroy Vladimir Putin” Political and Military Analyses Source: Here’s how Obama’s sanctions will destroy Vladimir Putin The timing was particular painful as it coincided with the fall in oil prices. The sanctions, however, have backfired in at least two

Why is the US Hanging Turkey Out to Dry? …. article by Andrew Korybko

These three additional links support Andrew’s thesis that the US is turning on Turkey: US says Turkey downed Russian jet while Syrian airspace Retired US airforce general says Turkey broke international law The West wants Turkey out. Webmaster Why is the US Hanging Turkey Out to Dry? By Andrew KORYBKO (USA) Turkey’s shooting down of the Russian anti-ISIL aircraft was an unprecedentedly direct aggression against Moscow that trumps even the

Life in Crimea 20 months after reunification with Russia … by Auslander

Auslander provided with the very well received USA SITREP .  He was subsequently asked if he could provide a reciprocal glimpse into life in Sevastopol. He kindly agreed and I received his work this morning. The article was written under the duress of the current power outage and intermittent internet connectivity. Auslander has also just published a book which is available on Amazon.  As a side note Auslander cannot
