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Breaking Articles

Ukraine SITREP Friday March 20th, 2015

Just like the Titanic, the Ukraine is sinking faster and faster.  By now, I expect that most of you must have heard of the quasi-insurrection in occupied Konstantinovka following the killing of a mother and child by a drunken Ukrainian APC crew.  Accident can happen anywhere, of course, but the quasi-insurrection which took place following this accident is indicative of the rage and hostility of the local population towards their

The Saker interviews Gilad Atzmon

It has been already 6 years since I interviewed Gilad for the first time and when a friend recently suggested that it was time for a new conversation, I immediately agreed, as did Gilad who, in spite of his over-booked and hectic lifestyle took the time to reply to my questions.  Gilad is, in my opinion, not only the most original and talented jazz musician currently composing and playing (make

A MUST SEE interview about the history of the Ukraine

Dear friends, Today I am truly delighted to be able to present you with an amazingly interesting video: an interview of the Ukrainian writer and historian Oles Buzina in which he (in 90 minutes or so) not only covers the key moments of the history of the land which today is called “the Ukraine”, but also explains where the modern Ukraine came from and what it is.  To my knowledge,

The main business scheme of Ukrainian Euro-leaders

By Sergei Glaziev Translated from the Russian by Lenok source: National Bank of Ukraine decided to raise the refinancing rate to 30%. Raising interest rates, the financial authorities followed the same path as the Bank of Russia. The consequences will be the same: compression of already inaccessible credit, worsening recession and high inflation at the same level – about 30%. Monetary policy, reduced to limiting money supply, in times

The Saker Podcast No 6 – Q&A with readers

Dear friends, The Saker Podcast #6 is now available for download and streaming on the following page: As always, the stupid corporate copyright rules prevent me from uploading the podcast with the musical intro and song at the end on YouTube and SoundCloud.  The Internet Archive appears to be free from such corporate abuse, so while you are free to chose your version – I recommend choosing the one

Beyond Left and Right, Beyond Red and White: Framing the Liberation War in Donbass

by Nina Kouprianova (source: “There are no separate Russia or Ukraine, but one Holy Rus” – Elder Iona of Odessa The year 2014 saw an unprecedented surge of patriotism in contemporary Russia, which resulted in popularizing the notion of the Russian World. One reason for increased patriotic sentiment was Crimea’s return to the home port after the overwhelmingly positive vote by its majority-Russian residents in a referendum one year ago. The

A forecast of the development of the main processes that will influence the situation in Russia in 2015

source: Mikhail Khazin Translated from the Russian by Gideon I have not written a forecast for Russia for years. Mainly, because there was not much point – nothing had changed, the basic trends were simply continuing and there were no changes to describe. Today, the situation is changing. This requires a new forecast. There will be no analysis of previous forecasts as too much time has passed. This projection

The Obama’s decree: what’s behind it?

By Franco Vielma Source: Legal issues about Obama’s decree declaring Venezuela an “unusual and extraordinary threat” are expressions of purest imperial colonialism that has characterized the USA foreign policy. Following the usual practice of old (and decaying) empires, Barack Obama has sent for Congressional approval a legal decree – as if this were a matter of domestic policy – declaring Venezuela to be a threat to the internal security

Radio Liberty ended Andrei Babitsky’s struggle for freedom

by Marina Iudenich translated by Tatzhit Mihailovich Andrei Babitsky championed freedom for more than twenty years.Freedom for Shamil Basayev to lord over the Caucasus. Freedom for Salman Raduyev to carry out terrorist operations where he pleases.Freedom for Akhmed Zakayev to hide from justice in London [and for Isa Munaev to hide in Denmark – he subsequently returned to start jihad once again, in Ukraine ].Babitsky fought fiercely and passionately with

Kiev’s every move undermines the position of the United States

Source: Rostislav Ishchenko Translated from the Russian by Robin In an interview with the radio station Russia Today, Rostislav Ishchenko, President of the Center for Systematic Analysis and Forecasting, talks about who is trying to draw Russia into a military conflict, and why, Crimea’s role in the situation, and the splitting of the Ukraine into separate territories. In one of your articles, you wrote that the Ukraine was in

France at war with alternative medias

By Cyrano They were thousands of people marching all over France for Freedom of Speech, chanting JE SUIS CHARLIE, after the killing of Charlie Hebdo cartoonists. No surprise there. Arguing in France is a national sport, the French just love to discuss the pros and cons of such and such ideas and to defend their point of view in discussions that can last forever. However, some had doubts about the

Blog news: Webmaster resignation

Dear friends, It is with great regret that I have to announce to you that my webmaster Gevorg has decided to resign from his position.  He has asked me to inform you that no more donations should be collected for him and that enough has been sent. I am personally very saddened by his departure and I want to express to him my deepest gratitude for the fantastic job he

When The Kiev Army Has No More Tanks

source: by Denis Selesnev Translated by Eugenia The military operation in Donbass resulted for the Ukrainian army in huge losses of weapons – first of all, tanks. It has been estimated that during hostilities of 2014 the Military Forces of Ukraine (MFU) lost up to 200 tanks destroyed or taken by the adversary. The resumption of the active hostilities naturally leads to new losses. From the beginning of 2015

A small potpourri of blog related news

Dear friends, I just wanted to share a couple of things with you today. First, I wanted to mention that the folks are Vox Populi Evo have begun to share more videos subtitled in English with us, such as the two recent ones about Mozgovoi and Givi.  Even better, then have agreed to subtitle in English a full-length interview of the famous Ukrainian author Oles Buzina about the history of

Next podcast – on the go?

Dear friends, I want to try something a little new: record a podcast while driving :-) I got myself a pretty decent mobile microphone (a Zoom H1) and I hope that the sounds of the engine, tires and wind will not be heard too much on the final recording (I will be using a low-cut filter and a windscreen).  Of course, this will not be as convenient as recording in

Seeing through the doublethink: Primary evidence on losses of the combatants at Donbass

(Note by the Saker: Tatzhit Mihailovich submitted this article with *many* embedded photos and videos and I asked him to replace them by links to the media in order not to overload the page and to make the formatting easier.  Make sure to check his YouTube and LiveLeak channels which are chock-full of very good stuff!) Seeing through the doublethink: Primary evidence on losses of the combatants at Donbass by

Ukraine SITREP Thursday March 12th, 2015

The main development in the Ukraine is the sharp increase in the number of visible signs of the economic collapse taking place.  Prices are sky-rocketing, more and more salaries are simply unpaid, shortages are becoming more frequent and as a direct result, so are social protests.  The interesting thing is that these protests are not limited to the eastern Ukraine, but are also taking place in western regions of the

Fundraisers update

Dear friends, I just wanted to update you on the two fundraisers I mentioned yesterday.  First, here is a video about Russia Insider: Then I wanted to remind you all to indicate FOR GEVORG when you donate to my webmaster (if you forgot to do so yesterday, please email me). On behalf of Russia Insider and Gevorg, thanks a lot!! Cheers, The Saker

Very interesting interview of Paul Craig Roberts with Ellen Brown! (UPDATED)

Dear friends, I want to draw your attention to a very interesting interview of Paul Craig Robers with Ellen Brown.  You can listen to it right here: By the way, I would like to get in touch with Paul Craig Roberts.  If you have his email, please send it to me. Enjoy this most interesting interview, kind regards, The Saker UPDATE: got his email, thanks, and I emailed him today. 

The European Union’s military: yet another sign of impotence

You probably have heard of the European attempt to reacquire some relevance: the proposal to create a “European Union Army”.  In part, this is, as an attempt by the Europeans to show that they matter, that they can do something by themselves, that they are not completely US lackeys.  This might also be a reaction to the crazy statements of General Philip Breedlove, the Commander of the U.S. European Command
