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Breaking Articles

Ukraine SITREP Thursday April 2nd, 2015

The general trend in the Ukraine remains unchanged:  full-scale preparations for the next offensive: (Note: the following developments were spotted by my research team whom I plan to soon give direct access to the blog’s homepage to post daily Ukraine SITREPs – The Saker) Kolomoiskii was removed from his position as governor by US Ambassador Geoffrey R. Pyatt and USVP Joe Biden who ordered him to step down which he

Future of the Saker Blog survey – results!

Dear friends, The survey is now closed and I am happy to report that 1’067 of you have replied to the questions.  What I want to do today is to post all the results question by question along with my evaluation of the results.  But first I want to thank you for participating in this survey which is extremely important and interesting for me.  Some of the results have surprised

Speech delivered by Hezbollah Secretary General, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, on Friday, March 27, 2015

I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Most Merciful. Peace be upon the Seal of Prophets, our Master and Prophet- Abi Al Qassem Mohammad; on his chaste and pure Household; on his chosen companions and on all messengers and prophets. Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessings. In fact, days ago, I was preparing for a televised speech

Yemen – yet another example of mind-boggling hypocrisy

The recent events in Yemen are taking on an increasingly dangerous turn.  Rather than to paraphrase what others have written, I will refer you to the following articles: Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya “The Geopolitics behind the War in Yemen” Ron Paul “Yemen Exploding: Is The Stage Set for the Big War?” Waqar Rizvi “In Yemen, old strategy for a new reality” What I propose to do is much more basic: I

Arms to the sadists: US Congress urges Pres. Obama to provide Ukraine with more torture techniques

by Oriental Review source: On Monday March 23, the US House of Representatives adopted H. Res. 162 urging president Obama “to provide Ukraine with military assistance” in dire attempt to reignite conflict in the East of Ukraine, mainly frozen as a result of February 2015 Minsk agreements between Kiev and the outbreak Donetsk and Lugansk provinces with French, German and Russian mediation. The general presumptions of the resolution are

Vladimir Putin addresses the Federal Security Service Board Meeting

Vladimir Putin took part in a Federal Security Service board meeting. Meeting participants summed up the results of the Federal Security Service operations in 2014 and set priority targets for 2015. PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA VLADIMIR PUTIN: Good afternoon, colleagues. We always attach great importance to the work of the key power agencies pertaining to national security. Today, within the framework of this expanded board meeting we will summarise the results

US House Votes 348-48 To Arm Ukraine, Russia Warns Lethal Aid Will “Explode The Whole Situation”

by Tyler Durden for Zero Hedge Yesterday, in a vote that largely slid under the radar, the House of Representatives passed a resolution urging Obama to send lethal aid to Ukraine, providing offensive, not just “defensive” weapons to the Ukraine army – the same insolvent, hyperinflating Ukraine which, with a Caa3/CC credit rating, last week started preparations to issue sovereign debt with a US guarantee, in essence making it a part of

Webmaster, Research Assistants, Survey, Donations

Dear friends, Lots of things to report today. First, we have a new webmaster!  His name is “HSC” and you can write to him directly at: if you have any comments or suggestions. Second, I have selected three outstanding candidates to become by research assistants.  Though we still have to organize it all, and I definitely want their inputs on that, I think that they will work together really

Skull & Bones

Dear friends, I got a very interesting email recently, so I asked it’s author – “Persia” – for the permission to publish it and submit it to you.  Here it is. The Saker SKULL AND BONES by “Persia” I would like to give a couple of thoughts about the secret society called Skull and Bones at Yale University.  Reading the wonderful interview of Saker’s with Paul Craig Roberts and hearing

We live in a state of military alert

Source: Rostislav Ishchenko Translated from the Russian by Robin For the second year in a row, almost uninterrupted military exercises are taking place in Russia. The number of troops involved is comparable to or even greater than the number of participants in the largest exercise held by the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact military alliance – even though the Soviet armed forces totaled 3.5 million in 1991 and

Saker poll: please tell me what *you* think!

Dear friends, I have decided to ask for your opinion about this blog and about its future.  I cannot promise that I will always follow the majority opinion, but I will try to do my best to address the issues raised.  Please take the time to fill this survey and let me know what you think. Many thanks and kind regards, The Saker Click here to take the survey:

The Saker interviews Paul Craig Roberts

I had been wanting to interview Paul Craig Roberts for a long time already. For many years I have been following his writings and interviews and every time I read what he had to say I was hoping that one day I would have the privilege do interview him about the nature of the US deep state and the Empire. Recently, I emailed him and asked for such an interview,

Kolomoisky finishing Ukraine up

Source: By Valentin Katanosov Translated by Claudio About 15 years ago, “natural selection”-based oligarchic capitalism started being developed in Ukraine: oligarchs devoured small and medium businesses, as well as state-owned assets. As resources of primitive accumulation were going to be exhausted, oligarchs began to devour each other by means of administrative pressure, raider attacks, corrupt courts, trumped-up charges and, if necessary, murder. This process was quite similar to a

Is Uncle Sam “tossing” Kolomoiskii?

Events in the Ukraine are taking a very serious turn: Poroshenko has declared that private “pocket” armies of governors will no longer be tolerated and he has now given Kolomoiskii 24 hours to lay down arms.  Poroshenko’s chief henchmen – Arsen Avakov and the CIA’s Valentin Nalivaichenko – have indicated that Poroshenko has their full support and loyalty.  In other words, the full power of the junta is now threatening

A new webmaster for the Saker Community!

Dear friends, I am happy to announce that a new webmaster has been chosen.  This is ‘HCS’ who will now be in charge of webmastering for all the Saker blogs.  HCS is not new to our community as he had already participated in the efforts to salvage a lot of the data which had been lost as the result of the problems which happened this winter, and he has participated

Solzhenitsyn and Sakharov in the USSR – Soral and Dieudonne in France

A minor but oh-so-telling example of the power of the Zionist regime in France: French comedian Dieudonne was sentenced to a two months suspended sentence for “condoning terrorism” because he posted on FB: “I feel like Charlie Coulibaly”. French comedian Nicolas Bedos was cleared from any wrongdoings even though he had called Marine LePen a “Fascist bitch“. In the case of Bedos, the court declared that  it was “perfectly clear

How many armies does Europe need?

Source: by Rostislav Ishchenko, president of the Center of System Analysis and Forecasting Translated by Aleksey Against the backdrop of a decision by the IMF to loan Ukraine 17.5 billion over a span of four years’ time (it is still a trick to receive these funds – the previous bailout, agreed in 2014, has not been fully received) the talk of a creation of a European armed forces has

Western Connection in the Assassination of Serbia’s Prime Minister Djindjic

by Nikola Vrzic Several days ago, on March 12th, Serbia marked another – twelfth – anniversary of the assassination of Serbia’s prime minister Zoran Djindjic. The official narrative of Djindjic, as a reformer who was killed by criminals and Serbian nationalists, this year was confronted with evidence revealing the story as much more complex, with a strong presence of Western, primarily British and US secret services… The official version of
